A 22-year old never envisioned living on her own. . .

imageTwo years ago, Anna never envisioned herself living away from her parents, let alone venturing into completely un-chartered territory. But thanks to her experiences with a brain training program, this now 22-year old young woman is moving hours away to start a career. Anna, whose energy and positive attitude radiates from her voice, struggled her whole lifetime to keep up with her classmates.

“I was in special classes all through elementary, middle and high school, she explains. I had to take speech classes, and I had a very hard time with reading. School was very, very hard and depressing for me.”
Anna’s father, who also struggled his whole life with learning disabilities, heard an advertisement for LearningRx on the radio, and thought it might help his daughter where other programs had failed.

“When I went there, I was all about it,” Anna explains. “I realize we were finding something a little late in life—I had already graduated—but I thought it could help me in my future, especially with jobs. When I first went there, I was nervous, but they made me feel super comfortable. I never felt stupid.”

Unlike tutoring, LearningRx’s unique program consists of a variety of brain training, cognitive challenges that help children and adults learn faster and easier. Rather than teaching WHAT students learn, this six-month training system improves HOW learning happens by building on existing strengths and helping circumvent weaknesses.

The unique exercises that Anna tackled were often difficult and very frustrating, but she notes that the training program pushes kids at that pace because you get a chance to amaze yourself!

“And after that work you realize, ‘my gosh, that wasn’t even all that hard.’ They push you, but you realize that you really can do it.”
Like many students who progress through LearningRx, Anna’s spelling and reading improved markedly, but it’s her changed attitude that has been most noticeable.

“Before this program I was shy and didn’t want to take chances; I even used to be a mean person—really! she says, to our disbelief. But now I’m more positive. My family tells me all the time now that I’m fun to be around.”

Anna’s changed attitude has also helped her take chances she never thought possible. Last summer, she spent three months in Japan, acting as a nanny for her sister’s children. This fall, she’ll move into her own apartment and into her first career.

“My spelling and reading is SO much better now. But I think if I didn’t take this program, I wouldn’t be as confident as I am, and I wouldn’t have this positive outlook. What I’ve noticed in myself is that I’m willing to take changes. LearningRx has totally changed my life.”

22 years old

For more information about Learning Rx, please contact Richmond Learning Rx owner Ed Lawrence.

Kate Hall

Kate Hall is the Founder & CEO of RichmondMom.com and author of Richmond Rocks ,a history book for kids. She has three children and a cup that overfloweth. She is truly appreciative of the 100,000 + visitors who visit the blog every year, and for the amazing team of writers who create unique, valuable content. Kate is thrilled to fulfill her dream of having a cool place for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share while supporting local charities.

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