Run Like a GRAND Mother!


Mother Runners welcome GRANDmothers to run with them!

I think I can, I think, I think I can……


Rachel Pustilnik KNOWS you can!

Many grandmothers find themselves in less than optimal shape when it comes to fitness. Although they may not necessarily be overweight, they may not be exercising their heart and muscles as they should. Perhaps fitness has taken a backseat as life has moved ahead.

If you talk to 20 grandmothers, you’ll get 20 different reasons for lack of participating in a healthy fitness program, including:

  1. I don’t have time to exercise.
  2. I don’t need to lose weight.
  3. I don’t think I can do it.
  4. I don’t have the willpower to succeed.
  5. I will look silly exercising with younger people at a gym.
  6. I might hurt my knees or hip.
  7. I’m not as young as I used to be.
  8. I will always come in last.

And the excuses go on and on and on.

How do I know?

Because I invented dozens of excuses myself.

But grandchildren give you a whole new perspective on life and you realize that in order to enjoy time with them, you’d better be as healthy and fit as possible. That’s why I’ve upped my own fitness routine and included a lot more walking and activity in my daily schedule by working with Rachel to create a walking and running plan.

Rachel knows more

A recent discussion with Rachel Pustilnik, a Certified Coach through Road Runners Club of America and owner of Mom’s Treehouse, was enlightening and stimulating – to say the least.

“No matter the age, women can always do more than they think they can. Running is 80% mental and 20% physical the way I see it. After all, once the mind is engaged and committed, the body will follow,” explains Rachel.

She should know since she’s trained dozens of Richmond moms as they regained their pre-pregnancy fitness levels, and she’s prepared hundreds of women to run 10K races and marathons. Many of them started out with absolutely no running experience – and timid commitment.

“My job as a trainer is to help individuals reach within themselves to find the motivation to succeed. Sometimes it takes a little push and sometimes it takes a bigger shove. But it can be done and anyone can do it.” Rachel’s enthusiasm is contagious as she explains the secrets of running.

She creates and designs all training programs based on runners’ experience, goals, and physiological needs to build strength and endurance safely and efficiently. She establishes short-term and long-term attainable goals with each person. Her experienced team of trainers support individuals in their quest for better fitness.

“Our Mother Runner program has been in place for more than six years, and we welcome our GRANDmothers to join us too. We have every fitness level imaginable on our team and we are able to accommodate people who have never run and those who are trying to get back into running after a period of time off,” explains Rachel.

Start here

If you’re looking for an incredibly motivational person and an effective program to help you put your first foot forward towards success, then it’s time to contact Rachel at Mother Runner. An informational session is being held on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at Mom’s Treehouse. The location is 2292 John Rolfe Parkway (right around the corner from Martin’s Grocery Store at John Rolfe and Ridgefield Parkway).

Join the Mother Runner team and build the strength, endurance and confidence to create and maintain a love of running for a lifetime. Visit the Mother Runner website to learn more and to register for programs online.

Be a “GRAND” Mother Runner and turn your dream of running and fitness into reality! See just how far you can go and keep up with the grandchildren – or stay ahead of them!

“I KNOW you can!”


Rhonda Day is a wife, mother and grandmother. She enjoys a full-time freelance career as a Writer, Editor, and Marketing Consultant. In addition to, she also writes for a variety of local and national websites, and is a ghost-writer for clients.

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