Watching daughters raising daughters is awe-inspiring

Emma at Flip Fest in Tennessee.

Watching grandchildren experience life and grow in many different directions is one of the most rewarding experiences for a grandparent. After all, grandchildren are just like having more  children of your own – except you don’t have to worry about all of the things you don’t like to do when raising children!

The latest adventure in the life of my oldest granddaughter has been an incredible experience for all of us. Emma is 8 years old and embarked on her first year of competitive gymnastics this year. Her first gymnastics meet was held on January 9, 2011 and she did a fantastic job. She received three medals for her performance, including bars, beam and overall performance.

Flip Fest rocks

But boy did she rock at the Flip Fest Invitational Meet in Knoxville, Tennessee this past weekend!

Her commitment, determination and focus led her to a 1st place overall on the balance beam – woo hooFIRST PLACE. She competed against  lots of other young girls in her age category from many other gyms.

She also received medals for 6th place overall in her age division for the vault, 4th place overall on the floor routine, and 3rd place overall on the bars. And that’s after taking a nasty fall on the bars during warm-ups just prior to her performance.

She’s a tough little gem!

River City rocks too

Emma is a member of the River City Youth Fitness team located in Manakin-Sabot, where she has trained in gymnastics for several years. The River City team placed 8th out of 26 gyms participating at the Tennessee invitational meet. They have an incredibly talented and dedicated team of young girls and coaches. All of the girls did a great job at the meet and they continue to work hard and improve with every performance.

Awe-inspiring moments

As a grandmother, I am in awe of what she has accomplished. But I am also in awe of what her parents have done to encourage, support and stand behind her all of the way. Gymnastics training does not go without lots of hard work, financial support, time commitment, and family involvement. Attending practices three days weekly from 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. after a full day at school can be grueling at times.

But Emma’s parents have been there every step of the way cheering her on.

As a mother, I am proud of what my daughter is teaching her own children. Watching our children as parents can be an awe-inspiring experience.

It makes me realize just how much the lessons we learn as children will carry through our lives for many years to come. Watching Emma grow and become such a talented young gymnast is just one more way that I see the love and support from her loving parents.

Today, I think I’ll just relish the precious memories of watching Emma grow and follow her dreams. I’ll savor the moment of knowing that not only is she following her dream, but she is doing it with commitment and tenacity that will lead her to success in many other areas of her life.

And I’ll cherish the thoughts of my own daughter — as I watch her raise her own daughters and son in such loving and caring ways.


Rhonda Day is a wife, mother and grandmother. She enjoys a full-time freelance career as a Writer, Editor, and Marketing Consultant. In addition to, she also writes for a variety of local and national websites, and is a ghost-writer for clients.

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