Michele Young-Stone, local author of The Handbook for Lightening Survivors, Upcoming Events

Michele Young-Stone, local author of The Handbook for Lightening Survivors, has a number of exciting events on the horizon.

In the Spring look for the paperback publication of The Handbook for Lightening Survivors.

The Handbook for Lightning Strike Survivors was nominated in the fiction category for the 14th Annual Library of Virginia Literary Awards.

Heidi Durrow, author of The Girl Who Fell from the Sky, nominated Michele for a Bread Loaf Fellowship.

And, Michele will be a part of the Virginia Festival of the Book, in Charlotesville, VA March 16 – 20, 2011. Alden BigelowSusan Gregg GilmoreDeborah Prum (moderator), Michele Young-Stone will be at Barnes and Noble (1305A Emmet St.) March 17, 2011 at 2:00pm talking about Fiction: Parallel Lives.

Keep up with Michele Young-Stone on Facebook and Twitter!

Kate Semp

Kate Semp is a SAHM of 5 with a passion for travelling, cooking, technology and living life BIG. After graduating from William & Mary she did a stint in West Africa with the Peace Corps and teaching High School Biology. Trading in her passport for a wedding ring Kate moved to Richmond in 2001.

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