“Show Your Love” Contest

To celebrate their 3rd Anniversary, is hosting the Show Your Love contest.  Beginning February 1st, Show Your Love and share with the story of how you and your pet fell in love. You can submit your stories by email (, as a comment on this blog post, or on our Facebook page.

The winner will receive a Custom Portrait Session with Wolfgang Jasper/Howldog Photography (located in Stony Point Fashion Park) for their pet (humans can also be included in the session if you’d like – after all it is a love story!). This prize, valued at $725, includes:

  • A Planning and Design Appointment about a week before the session
  • A full Custom Portrait Session
  • A “View and Choose” appointment to pick your favorite image
  • A 11×14 custom print, mounted and lacquered for optimal presentation
  • 25% discount on custom framing

The winner will be announced on February 28th, so all entries need to be submitted by midnight on February 21st.

Kate Semp

Kate Semp is a SAHM of 5 with a passion for travelling, cooking, technology and living life BIG. After graduating from William & Mary she did a stint in West Africa with the Peace Corps and teaching High School Biology. Trading in her passport for a wedding ring Kate moved to Richmond in 2001.

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