Great Wolf Lodge is a Vacation Destination with 20% Off Room Rates!


Great Wolf Lodge is a vacation destination!

What a great idea!

A recent conversation with a friend  made me realize how fun it can be to take the grandchildren (or children) to Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg, VA. She, her husband, and their two grandchildren, ages 8 and 10, spent 3 days at the lodge. And boy did they make the most of it!

The funny thing was that their intention was to stay at the lodge and visit nearby Water Country. Ironically, they never left the lodge! It became their vacation destination.

Our own Kate Hall often visits the lodge and tells us how much fun it is. And now, it seems like everyone else is enjoying the fun too.

According to Amy, there was no reason to leave since the lodge has five pools and a lot of great slides. But best of all, the lazy river at Great Wolf is a great place for grandparents who are looking for a little more relaxing fun in the water.

The kids were enamored with the Beaver Tail Lake with 3 foot waves and a high tide that whisked them to shore every 10 minutes. It was like surfing without the worry of a rip tide.

But best of all, when the kids got tired of just water, Amy said they quickly slid right over to the climbing wall and incredible treehouse for tons more fun. They all enjoyed a great game or two of mini-golf and the grandchildren enjoyed hours at the Northern Lights Arcade.

Apparently it takes several trips to Great Wolf to see and do everything they have to offer. With today’s gas prices, a short drive is a great way to spend some vacation time together without having to spend all of your money in gas too!

Don’t even get me started on the delicious food they had!

So much fun!

If you haven’t already visited Great Wolf Lodge, you’re in for a treat. If you have, then you know it’s time to go back. Use your saavy saver card to save money too. Did you know you get 20% off the lowest room rate and Scoops Spa with the Savvy Saver card? makes it even more economical to enjoy a great vacation.

My friend and I are planning a trip and we might just take the grandkids along – see you at the lodge!


Rhonda Day is a wife, mother and grandmother. She enjoys a full-time freelance career as a Writer, Editor, and Marketing Consultant. In addition to, she also writes for a variety of local and national websites, and is a ghost-writer for clients.

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