Kids Layne Adds Online Sale Through Facebook

Kids Layne has begun selling items on their Facebook page

The sales are held several times a week and most often in the evening so you can get the kids in bed and shop uninterupted.  Images of the items are posted on Kids Layne Facebook Wall along with the price, available sizes and quantities.  Shoppers then post the size and/or quantity they want in the comments below the image with their email address.  You can also include monogramming (as appropriate).

Payment is made through Google Checkout within 24 hours of the sale.  For all the rules and conditions of the Facebook sale you can read them at “How to Shop” on or


Kate Semp

Kate Semp is a SAHM of 5 with a passion for travelling, cooking, technology and living life BIG. After graduating from William & Mary she did a stint in West Africa with the Peace Corps and teaching High School Biology. Trading in her passport for a wedding ring Kate moved to Richmond in 2001.

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