Study Proves Diet Sodas are Expanding American’s Waistlines

Are diet sodas expanding your waistline?

Summer is here and many of us are thinking about how to trim our waistlines, as bathing suits and summer attire expose more of what we want to cover up! Now a new study regarding diet soda may shed new light on how to keep the waistline trimmer.

According to the study presented at the American Diabetes Association in San Diego, data indicates that diet sodas as a  potential healthy alternative may not be all that healthy or helpful when it comes to weight control. They result in unwanted consequences – including weight GAIN!

What? Weight gain from diet sodas?

That’s exactly what the study shows. Apparently diet sodas trigger appetite, and unlike regular sugars, they do not deliver something to extinguish appetite temporarily. That makes them hazardous if you’re trying to eat healthy. Also, an obesity expert from UT Health Science Center at San Diego says that “sweeteners could inhibit brain cells that make you feel full.”

Hmmmmm…….is this good news or bad news? Look at it this way.  Now, you don’t have to feel obligated to drink “diet” when it comes to sodas. Diet sodas don’t offer any health benefits and they may even trigger appetite causing you to  eat more. But regular sodas are filled with sugar, so they’re not the best option for fluids either.

“A ten-year study of almost 500 men and women linked low-calorie soft drinks with bulging waistlines – even when taken in small quantities.”

The bottom line? Drink plenty of fresh cold water for best results when it comes to health and taking better care of yourself. And if you do want that occasional soda, then opt for the regular kind and allow for the added calories and sugar in your daily diet.

Then, enjoy the summer!


Note: Diabetics should always follow doctor’s recommendations when it comes to consuming any type of food containing sugar!


Rhonda Day is a wife, mother and grandmother. She enjoys a full-time freelance career as a Writer, Editor, and Marketing Consultant. In addition to, she also writes for a variety of local and national websites, and is a ghost-writer for clients.

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