Baby Blankets, Reusable Lunch Bags, Window Treatments and More: Sewinit’ Has It All

Sewinit' Creations

Babies,birthdays, holidays and more are the perfect time to purchase a special gift for someone you know. Richmond moms love finding unique gifts and what’s better than a hand-made gift?

Sewinit‘ is owned by Karen Curcio who specializes in unique, custom-made window treatments, blankets, baby accessories and more. She is passionate about sewing and it shows in her work. She pays meticulous attention to detail and is able to capture her client’s specific desires in one-of-a-kind creations.

From elaborate window treatments, to simple pillows and baby blankets, Karen can do it all.

Karen and I have developed a friendship over the past few months after I initially contacted her to learn more about her business. During that time I have learned so much about what she has to offer. And believe me – it’s plenty!

Custom Creations

One of the most recent creations I purchased from Karen was an embroidered baby blanket. I explained to her that I wanted something a little different for a friend who had just had her 3rd child. I wanted it to be soft, cuddly and unique. Karen said she had the perfect idea.

A little over a week later we met for coffee and she delivered the most adorable embroidered blanket. It was sweet, soft and plush — and the perfect size for a newborn. Her embroidery work is lovely and gives it just the right touch to make it even more special.

She also provided me with some adorable reusable sandwich and snack bags for the grandchildren. They’re the perfect size for lunches or for packing a picnic for the park. She had heard me talk about the kids and what they loved, and the fabric on the reuseable bags reflected their personalities – little monkeys for my grandson, pink ballerinas for my oldest granddaughter, and beautifully colored butterflies for my youngest granddaughter. She hadn’t missed a detail!

If you’re thinking about new window treatments, you just need to invite Karen to your home and tell her what you like. With some discussion, measuring, and observation, she’ll come up with the perfect solution to really make your windows and your rooms “pop”. If you’re searching for that perfect birthday, shower, Christmas, or other gift, she can create that too.

Catherine's new cuddly blanket.

Visit her Website

Check out her website and learn more about what she has to offer. Then give Karen a call and let her know what you’re looking for. Let us know about your experience and your purchase and we’ll highlight them here on

To make it even better, Karen is on our Savvy Saver card and you can get 10% off 2 or more custom window treatments.

Happy shopping!

(Karen Curcio is mom to our own Kate Hall – lucky Kate!)


Rhonda Day is a wife, mother and grandmother. She enjoys a full-time freelance career as a Writer, Editor, and Marketing Consultant. In addition to, she also writes for a variety of local and national websites, and is a ghost-writer for clients.

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