Kids Will Love this Pi Day Celebration

We just love Pi! Nope – that’s not the ooegy, gooey sweet stuff – it’s the endless chain of numbers.

Celebrate Pi Day at the Science Museum of Virginia on Wednesday, March 14, from 10 am-3 pm. Celebrate the first three digits of pi, 3.14, on March 14 – also known as 3/14 – with a day filled with a pi video and some pie science.

Check out the flat screens in the rotunda for a fun video on pi – 3.14159.

It’s an irrational number that keeps going and going and going…making it an irrational, infinite number. In recognition of Pi Day, experiment with pies. Discover what happens to a shaving cream pie in a vacuum, what happens to a variety of pies when dropped several stories and what happens to a shaving cream pie when it is frozen with liquid nitrogen.

Pi Day is included with Museum admission. Below please find the Pi Day schedule.

3.14 Celebrating Pi Science!

Level One

Live Science Stage

10:30 am and 1:30 pm Pies Under Pressure

What happens to a shaving cream pie

when it’s in a vacuum?

12:30 pm Freezing Pies

Will a shaving cream pie freeze when it’s

subjected to liquid nitrogen?

Noon, 1 pm, 2 pm and 3 pm Virginia Sky Stories

3:30 pm Static Electricity

Science on a Sphere®

1 pm and 3 pm Sphere Presentations

Level Two

East (Red) Stairwell

11 am and 2 pm Dropping Pies

What happens when you drop pies from a height

that is several stories high? Find out as we test cherry pie,

shepherd’s pie, pumpkin pie and chicken pot pie

in this exhilarating experiment!

Live Animals

Open from 10 am – Noon and 1 – 4 pm


Open from 2 – 4 pm

Level Three

Eureka! Theater

11:30 am and 2:30 pm Rat Basketball

Track Level

Beach Science

Noon Critter Touch


11 am Born to be Wild

Noon Lewis and Clark

1 pm Coral Reef Adventure

2 pm Hubble

3 pm Born to be Wild

4 pm Born to be Wild

* Ticket required for IMAX films

* Schedule subject to change

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Rhonda Day is a wife, mother and grandmother. She enjoys a full-time freelance career as a Writer, Editor, and Marketing Consultant. In addition to, she also writes for a variety of local and national websites, and is a ghost-writer for clients.

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