Have you been kind lately?

As many of you already know, our Chevy RVA Epic Tales team performed many random acts of kindness throughout our trip and we wanted to share some of them with you. We hope you can get some inspiration from some of our ideas and maybe you have some good ones to share with us!

1. We gave away iTunes and Toys R Us gift cards (we saw the biggest smiles from the little kids!)

2. We paid for lunch for three lovely ladies working hard at one of our pit stops

3. Gave away awesome “Just Bee Generous” t-shirts (donated by babystuff & kids 2) to our waitress and several other lucky people along the way

4. Bought doughnuts and coffee for the lady behind us at the drive thru

5. Gave away $5-$20 cash to several lucky people

6. Gave away gift cards to people who took the time to let us interview them

7. Gave the cutest guy in Shreveport candy to go along with a movie he was renting from RedBox

8. And of course we gave away our koozies to every one we met along the way :)


We took so much of her time we gave her a gift and bought doughnuts for the lady behind us!

Just Bee Generous Shirts from babystuff & kids2

He was thrilled with his iTunes gift card!

Our famous koozies!

These are just a few of the things we did along the way, please share with us random acts of kindness you have experienced.

Monica Horsley

Love my husband, my two Boston Terriers - Willy and Annabelle, my family, nights out with my girlfriends, wine, traveling, and social media. Recently came across a new detour on the path of life...after ten years of owning By Invitation Only (a stationery store in Richmond, Virginia) I have sold it and I am trying a new path. Not sure what direction it will take me but I am looking forward to the adventure.

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