Confessions of a Messy Richmond Mom

A few weeks ago, I stared wistfully at the woman ahead of me in the preschool drop-off line. She had on tailored jeans, high heeled boots and a lovely top. Her hair was combed and she had tastefully applied makeup. She had on earrings. And a belt. She was a put-together mom. If she had [...]

Sometimes being a loser is a good thing.

This weekend, I experienced a humiliating event. After trekking six hours to my beloved Penn State University, my alma mater, for one of the biggest games of the year, after the painful process of obtaining tickets, hotel room, and gathering the troops to make the trip happen: our team forgot to show up. No, seriously. [...]

Today marks the one-year anniversary of a death, and a birth.

One year ago today, my boss, and ironically one of my best friends (still!), asked me to meet him at Starbucks at Gaskins at 7:30. I normally worked from home on Mondays, and was about to go to the gym, so I donned my running shoes and met him there. When his car pulled up [...]

Personal myths, dispelled. aka: things aren’t always what they seem.

Twitter has brought me together with two amazing Richmond women—both happen to be moms—from two different perspectives, backgrounds, and family situations, in the last week. Both of these women are smart, savvy, and are working while raising two children. Both of these women had preconceived notions about me, as I did about them. For example, [...]

Why every Richmond mom should own a Snuggie

First of all, I am not being paid by the makers of Snuggie for this endorsement. Really. (Special note to Snuggie execs: if you feel compelled to hire me as your spokesperson, let’s talk. I’m available.) I’m simply compelled to share with you, my friends, how much comfort and relaxation my fashion Snuggie has brought [...]

Our brush with fame: The Martha Stewart Social Media Show!

OK, this photo’s a bit fuzzy, but hey, it’s a self-portrait taken with a blackberry, what can we say?? And, our hands were shaking from excitement, we were in New York City on the set of Martha Stewart waiting to see Twitter Founder Biz Stone! How cool is that? Let’s start from the beginning. My [...]

Local author and mom-of-three Nicole Unice talks about her mom bone

Yes, you heard right. And all the details are here, on is a great local speaker and writer, and she’s contributed plenty to love her! Check out the recent article she wrote on Richmond mom resources, just in time for fall. Kate HallKate Hall is the Founder & CEO of and author [...]

Richmond VA business and website launch: Virginia News and Events

A dear friend of mine just began working on a seriously cool Richmond business: it’s a site that will list all business events, press releases, gatherings—everything in one place, and it’s called Virginia News and Events. The neat thing about this site is that it brings all types of opportunities–from training to new businesses opening [...]

A double-hurler kind of day

Richmond parents: be forewarned. Some turn-your-stomach language is involved in this article. Ever seen the movie Stand By Me? There’s part of the movie where they have a pie eating contest, and one kid barfs, then the rest of the kids in the contest and everyone around them start barfing: it’s a barf-o-rama. I experienced [...]

They say the baby stage goes by so fast. . .

Note to all new Richmond moms: it’s true. It’s all true. What those old ladies in the mall tell you. I promise, my friend. If I had a nickel for every time someone said, “Honey, don’t wish this baby stage away!” Well. . . .I’d probably have a few bucks now and could buy a [...]