Helping Hands Make a World of Difference


Can you talk and listen? Do you feel passionate about helping others? Are you resourceful and positive? You may be just who HandsOn Greater Richmond is looking for! Have you ever thought about volunteering but weren’t sure how to go about doing it? Maybe you’d love to manage a service project and team up with [...]

Step Up for Down Syndrome 5K Family Festival at Short Pump Town Center

Mark your calendars for the Step Up for Down Syndrome 5k & Family Festival with lots of FREE entertainment.

Richmondmoms are known for stepping up when help is needed – and now the DSAGR Step Up for Down Syndrome 5K and Family Festival is asking for your support. This year’s festival has a new logo and name that allows 100% of the funds raised to stay in the Greater Richmond area. That offers even [...]

2011 City Wide Bake Sale on September 10 to Benefit Kids

Support kids with cancer by buying cookies on September 10.

“Cookies for Kids’ Cancer Richmond – 2011 City-wide Bake Sale” is gearing up for a great sale in 2011. They are proud of their 2010 accomplishments and hope to exceed that fund-raising total this year. After raising more than $35,000 in just 20 days in 2010 to become the highest-grossing bake sale in the history [...]

Making a Difference – One Visit at a Time

Mrs. Nelson and John Thomas enjoy a special gift basket together.

Can a simple, short visit just to say “hello” make your day brighter? It definitely can if you’re an older adult who has little opportunity to interact with others, get out and about alone, or frailties of aging that keep you closed up in your home much of the time. With the increasing rate of [...]

Rikki Dodson Knows About Sacrifice and Rewards

Rikki Dodson.

  How do busy Richmond moms do it all? We wondered about that too and so we went out to talk to some busy moms to find out. One of our interviews left us inspired and motivated to get more involved in the community – even when we already have a busy schedule filled with [...]

Japanese Red Cross Needs Your Help

Japan is living a nightmare.

Hear the word “Japan” and our hearts go out to all who live there, or who know someone who lives there. The massive 8.9/9.0 magnitude earthquake that hit Japan on March 11, 2011 was devastating and still resounds in our minds. In the wake of this violent earthquake, they have also experienced and endured blackouts, [...]