In memory of Charlotte Reynolds: the butterfly

imageIn 2009 I had the good fortune of meeting the Reynolds family. They seemed to come out of nowhere and then they were everywhere in my world Literally. Roger Reynolds first swept–and I mean SWEPT–the Great Dads Promotion where tons of dads were nominated, and he was the grand prize winner enjoying a bunch of cool prizes including a stay at Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg. When we met to share their prizes at the VA Center Commons Chick-fil-A, Roger brought his family: his wife, Rachel, and daughter, Charlotte.

Charlotte had been diagnosed with cancer earlier in the year and had been responding very well to treatment, and when we met her that night she was cheerful in her little pink baseball cap, scar peeking out from beneath. They let me know about their blog on which I learned more about Charlotte’s diagnosis and story.

The Reynolds family seems to know everyone. I’m not sure if it’s because they are such good people, because of Charlotte’s condition and the outpouring of love the community has shown them, or because they own a local Romp n Roll center at VA Center Commons–perhaps it’s all three. Either way, they swung back into my world when, during our Mommy Makeover contest, Rachel Reynolds was voted as one of the finalists, then on the night of “big reveal” Rachel was announced as the grand prize winner.image Rachel is pictured here, beaming as her family and friends cheered her on. (Photo graciously provided by Sarah Doerfler of Blue in the Stream Photography.)

It was so rewarding for me to see this amazing, doting mom, who clearly hadn’t had time out for herself in the last year, to get treated to a wonderful afternoon at Salon del Sol, clothes from Fiero Bella! and a grand evening at the Shops at 5807. Roger stood close-by with Charlotte on his shoulders as they beamed when Rachel’s name was announced as the winner.

Later, I joked with them that they could not win ANY more of my contests; their quota was up. As always with a quick response, Roger promised that the Reynold’s wouldn’t enter any more contests. Until 2010.

The Reynolds family had grown on me; their love for each other was infectious and their sense of humor during a horrible situation was beyond my belief. I kept tabs on them and often and hoped for the best.

A few weeks ago, Rachel had emailed to say that Charlotte’s condition had worsened, that they were on their way to Charlotte’s Make-a-Wish trip, and they weren’t sure how much longer they had with her. I read the words in my email, but it didn’t quite register.

No, not that little girl. She was always smiling and beaming. She had told her mom the names of all the medical procedures as they were being done to her, she was a bright and lovely child who was clearly the sun around which her parents revolved.

Charlotte passed away today. I sit, typing, with tears rolling down my eyes for the loss of that little sweetheart and the hole that must be left in her parents’ hearts and everyone who knew her. They called her their “butterfly” as seen on their blog. Please keep this Richmond mom and her entire family in your thoughts and prayers. Remembrance service information may be found here.imageimageimage

Kate Hall

Kate Hall is the Founder & CEO of and author of Richmond Rocks ,a history book for kids. She has three children and a cup that overfloweth. She is truly appreciative of the 100,000 + visitors who visit the blog every year, and for the amazing team of writers who create unique, valuable content. Kate is thrilled to fulfill her dream of having a cool place for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share while supporting local charities.

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