Volunteer to Cheer and Help Special Olympics Put 2,000 Fans in the Stands


"Volunteer to Cheer" for Special Olympics in June.

Calling all Richmondmoms and Grandmoms — “Volunteer to Cheer”!

Special Olympics Virginia needs volunteers for their “Volunteer to Cheer” event during the upcoming Summer Games on June 10-11, 2011. The event is held at the University of Richmond and you can show your enthusiasm for more than 1,200 athletes from across Virginia who will “go for the gold” in six sports.

Join in and let your family be a part of this special day and help Special Olympics Virginia reach their goal of 2,000 fans in the stands. Mark your calendar now and make it a fun day with your family.

For more information, locations, times and more, visit the website.


Rhonda Day is a wife, mother and grandmother. She enjoys a full-time freelance career as a Writer, Editor, and Marketing Consultant. In addition to Richmondmom.com, she also writes for a variety of local and national websites, and is a ghost-writer for clients.

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