Vote for Richmond’s Top Teacher 2011 Here & are teaming up again to recognize Richmond VA teachers!

Behind every great mom & dad is a pack of awesome teachers.

We bet you love your teacher as much as everyone loved Mr. Kotter.

Here’s how it works, kids:

1) Vote for your favorite teacher (once per person) on Top Notch Richmond or from 6/1/11-6/12/11. The winner will be announced no later than 6/13/11. Ask your friends, colleagues, and the mailman to vote, too. Spread the word and help your favorite teacher win.

2) Teacher with most unique votes receives $1700+ in prizes (below), and the 2nd and 3rd place teachers will receive a $50 dinner gift certificate from Firebirds Wood Fired Grill in Short Pump!


Simply click next to the teacher’s name (listed in ALPHA order by FIRST name) you’d like to vote for and remember that you can only vote one time during the entire contest. Although we ask for your email address, we will not email you in the future unless you opt into our email list; this information is collected only to keep voters honest since they are only allowed to vote once during the contest.

Allison Koontz                               VOTE HERE

Allison’s personal dedication to the teaching profession and her students is unparalleled!

Amanda N. Corson                                  VOTE HERE

Ms. Corson strives to make learning Spanish fun!  She is always seeking new ideas and ways to introduce the language through cultural events, spelling games (just ask about the fly swatter game), art, history, and anything that helps the students easily relate to a new language.  She may seem eccentric to some, but the students love and respect her as their teacher!  Ms. Corson is ready to blast forward into the 21st century utilizing modern learning techniques through the computer, specialized assignments, homework bulletin boards online, etc.  She is an asset to Henrico County and Godwin High School!

Amy Adkins                                           VOTE HERE

Amy Adkins has been teaching for 30 years and still has the same spunk and enthusiasm as the day she started.   As an elementary school science teacher, she gets her students excited about the field and encourages them to learn through exploration.  Ms. Adkins is also well known for leading her students in a “Stir the Soup” dance to the song “I Will Survive” before each test, which helps each student relax and actually look forward to test day! In addition to her work as a teacher, Ms. Adkins uses her spare time helping homeless dogs find new adoptive families.  She is a truly giving person and shares her love for animals with her students, who participate in an annual “Lend a Helping Paw” week where they donate supplies (such as dog food) and money to help homeless animals.  I cannot imagine another teacher who deserves to be Richmond’s Top Teacher more than Amy Adkins.  Her enthusiasm for teaching and her giving spirit are truly inspirational.

Amy Bristow                                                    VOTE HERE

Ms. Amy Bristow is an extraordinary elementary level art teacher! She teaches each child that they have creative potential and pulls that potential out of them. She consistently uses famous artists and art history to inspire her students and teaches them the techniques to replicate each artist’s style. She not only instills a love of art in all students, but she also brightens Skipwith’s halls with their unique projects.  For Art Appreciation Night, she went above and beyond to make sure every one of her over 400 students had at least one piece of art on display. After a slideshow showcasing their works, the curtain was drawn to reveal a sculpture they had created! The students felt pride seeing their individual efforts transform into a masterpiece! She is known for her energy, enthusiasm and the many incredible art displays she has created. She dedicates so much of her time and herself to making us all appreciate art.  She is truly inspiring and deserves to be Richmond’s Top Teacher!

Ann Noack                                                   VOTE HERE

Ann Noack has been an inspiring teacher for many years.  She understands the importance of teaching different cultures and languages at a young age to make an impact on her students’ future.  Mrs. Noack teaches French to Robious Elementary School students, grades K-5.  Not only do her classes learn basic French vocabulary, but they also learn about the French culture–cooking, art, history, and geography.  Mrs. Noack has even developed several exchange programs to bring students from France here to Richmond to enrich her students, but has also brought elementary students to France so they can completely immerse in the French culture.  Mrs. Noack truly believes exposing children to a foreign language at a young age, will resonate in both their future schoolwork but also will broaden their cultural understanding.  Mrs. Noack is truly an outstanding teacher!

Ashley George                                                        VOTE HERE

Mrs. George is such a wonderful and inspiring teacher.   My son is a handful, to say the least, but she knows what to say and do to get his attention.  I appreciate and respect her patience and attentiveness.  She makes all of her students feel special and you can see it every time she interacts with them.  Being a teacher is a tough job and Mrs. George makes it look easy.  Thanks for being a great inspiration to Moms and teachers everywhere.

Carolyn Alley                                                  VOTE HERE

I nominate Mrs. Carolyn Alley for Richmond’s Top Teacher 2011 Award is based on her wonderful empathy and emotionally connecting with students at Holman Middle School.  Mrs. Alley provides an environment of emotional exploration and fosters students’ compassion for those with special needs or worthy causes.  She has a genuine concern for her student’s well-being.  In Western Henrico County schools, the emphasis on academic achievement is important but the element of the inner self and reflection of these children as human beings developing into individuals is also critical at this stage of childhood.  Mrs. Alley seems to recognize the importance of this and the struggles that students may have during this milestone period.  We need more teachers who recognize the importance of fostering social-emotional development in the classroom.

Carter Lyons                                                            VOTE HERE

Mrs. Carter Lyons is a 4th grade teacher at Laurel Meadow Elementary School. I nominated her for many reasons, among just being kind and caring, I can speak from personal experience how she actually takes the time with each child.  My son started Laurel Meadows this year as a 4th grader coming from another school.  He was nervous and dreaded going because he was afraid he wouldn’t know anyone or fit it.  Carter made sure he never felt left out and she learned to “read” how he was feeling and would help him cope better. She went above and beyond what her job entailed and I will be forever grateful. There is nothing more upsetting to a mom then knowing her “baby” is sad, it broke my heart everyday to send him to school because of how he was feeling. Then one day he came home and said that Mrs. Lyons’ made him feel like he was going to be okay there. For a teacher that is amazing that she was able to do what I couldn’t! She will forever be my number 1 teacher!

Christine Herbert                                                       VOTE HERE

I can’t say enough positive comments about Mrs. Herbert at Gayton Elementary and deeply feel like she overwhelmingly deserves to be a Top Teacher. This year, we were lucky enough to have Mrs. Herbert loop up with our daughter’s Kindergarten class to first grade. Mrs. Herbert possesses the perfect blend of caring, enthusiasm, humor, and challenges her students everyday to reach their potential. Reading is high on Mrs. Herbert’s priority list and her class can be seen reading in the lunchroom. Mrs. Herbert makes learning fun and enjoyable for the whole class. Mrs. Herbert is from England and had a fun day recently celebrating the Royal Wedding with the class wearing their Sunday best dress, tea, biscuits, sandwiches and English flags. What a great way to learn about other countries! She takes extra time and attention to help when students need it. She brings a sense of warmth and her class gets along so well with each other, she is like the mother hen taking care of everyone.

Cindy Harwood                                                          VOTE HERE

Cindy Harwood is an exemplary Kindergarten teacher. When you walk in the door to her classroom  you can feel the warmth – not only the warmth of the classroom but Mrs. Harwood’s warmth. She is very observant and makes a point to say something to each child, setting the tone for a great, positive day.  The children know the routine and know that there are high expectations of them because her classroom is so well run.  Mrs. Harwood provides many visual and auditory supports so that the children succeed in her room.  Whenever a new concept or skill is presented a rhyme, saying or song accompanies it so that the children will remember. This also helps the parents so that we know what they are talking about! My child has been happy and successful this year. Her teacher appreciates her energy, her wild hair, her suggestions for alternate activities, everything and she doesn’t squash any of the enthusiasm she has for learning.  Cindy Harwood is definitely a top teacher in my book!

Debbie Miller                                                    VOTE HERE

Ms. Miller has been the very best early childhood teacher. She encourages and promotes an environment where learning can flourish. Her classroom is deigned to facilitate the development of knowledge. Ms. Miller’s open door policy has allowed me first hand to observe my daughter enjoy and move freely around to the various specific learning environments in order to read or complete a literacy activity in one center or transition to the math center where her imagination allows her to design or build anything she wishes all the while continuously stimulating her senses and promoting optimal development.Children are encouraged and motivated to be themselves. My daughter often comes home and through her descriptive reports and vivid retelling of her school day events I can tell she feels even more validated and celebrated for who she is. Mrs. Miller, who has a very diverse, racially mixed class seems to encourage and promote cultural and ethnic sensitivity and promotes tolerance for others.

Donna Brock                                     VOTE HERE

I am very blessed and honored to have had my children grow under the care of Ms.Donna as a preschool teacher. Year after year, Ms.Donna has been teaching 4 year olds at The Child Development Center of Wyndham. This Jungle Room  has been her home away from home where she cares, nurtures, teaches and helps children grow into pre-k ready individuals. Ms.Donna is extremely patient and has a sense of humor that makes for a entertaining classroom and a great learning environment. This year Ms.Donna broke her ankle yet found a way to get back to her class that missed her so badly.  Her drive to continue to teach from a wheel chair would make anyone proud to have a child in her class.  (Plus the kids thought it was pretty cool!) Ms. Donna continues to touch the hearts of students and parents. I want to recognize her for all she does and continues to do for our children. She should definitely be commended for her dedication and commitment to our children and the school.  Thanks Ms.Donna!

Donna Kirk                                                            VOTE HERE

I’ve been blessed to have had both of my children have Ms.Donna Kirk in kindergarten.  She is a phenomenal teacher, one who has an exceptional level of patience with children as well as pizazz to keep our little ones motivated and attentive.   Her artistic abilities are off the charts!  She uses her creativity to make the most awesome books that are sent home for review. Both of my children have thoroughly enjoyed bringing their books home to read with my husband and I.  Ms. Kirk has the natural ability to create a foundation of love for learning through her energy and passion for working with children.  She is truly my savior for planting seeds that my children will use for the rest of their academic lives.  There is a quote I read that said something like “it’s easy to be a mediocre teacher and hard work to be an excellent one”. Ms. Kirk must go home exhausted at night from her days of hard work.  She makes a difference by “reaching and teaching” every possible child.

Erin Vasconcellos                                                        VOTE HERE

Mrs.V, as her students call her,  is a very special person and gifted teacher. She teaches first grade at Henry Clay Elementary in Ashland. Mrs. V motivates her students to learn by teaching with compassion, understanding, patience and consideration for the different needs and learning styles of each of her students. Not only does her manner of teaching make for an enjoyable educational day for her students but also for the parents of her students. Sending my son off for his day of school with Mrs. V allows me to go to my job without the concern for I know that he, and his impulsivity, will come home as happy as he was when his day began!

Evelyn Boatwright                                                    VOTE HERE

Mrs. Boatwright is a phenomenal teacher who herself never stops learning.  For over 30 years she has instilled honor, love, and achievement into her students.  A friend of mine told me a story of how in 3rd grade she had wet her pants. Mrs. Boatwright never made her feel embarrassed, but pulled the sobbing student up on her lap (wet pants and all) and explained to her how things were going to be just fine.  This student remembers the incident vividly after 10 years, remarking how Mrs. Boatwright didn’t even let wet pants get in the way of making her feel better.  She herself continues to learn. She moved from 3rd grade teacher, to middle school science teacher, even completed a master’s degree at an age when many would retire.  To Mrs. Boatwright, teaching is more than a job. She takes the education of her students seriously, allowing them to be creative, while encouraging diversity and academic achievement.  As a mother, I could not imagine a better teacher for my children.

Jane Butler                                                                VOTE HERE

There are educators, and then there are teachers.  As a physician for children and a lifelong child advocate, I have come to appreciate the difference and the profound value of a true teacher.  Educators never win awards like this one.  They have mastered the list of required knowledge and they pour those facts into our children so that schools have accreditation and kids have passing SOL scores.  Then, there are TEACHERS.  Jane Butler is a summa cum laude graduate of the school of true teachers.  She sees each and every child in her sphere of influence, not as a “bucket to be filled, but a fire to be lit.”  And I have sent more than a few on fire learners through her classroom!  They could all read and do math at the end of her second grade experience…but they could do that before her class, too.  Now, they read with gusto and “beyond where we’re supposed to pick from in the library.”  This year’s class is writing its own book!

Jennifer Berdux                                                    VOTE HERE

Mrs. Berdux (Mrs. B. as we call her) is the best teacher not only in Richmond, but the entire world!   She is my 4th grade teacher at Gayton Elementary.  When my mom told me about this contest, I knew I had to nominate her.  I go to Gayton, so I know a thing or two about great teachers – but Mrs. B really stands out – and I mean really!!!  I always liked school for the friends, but not so much for the learning.  I did ok, but not great and was never really all that interested in learning.  This year is different.  Mrs. B teaches things in a way that makes me “get it.”  She switches things around and teaches things differently so the different kids can learn it in different ways.  She connects with all of us as individual students and not just as one class.  When I come home, I think about what I have learned and what I want to learn tomorrow…That is what makes her a great teacher. Vote 4 Mrs. B she rocks!!

Jessica Blumberg                                      VOTE HERE

Loves the kids and is there for them!

Jillian E Bower                                                    VOTE HERE

Ms. Jillian is an amazing teacher! She engages the children in fun and exciting yet educational activities. My daughter adores her and is sad if she is out for a day or two. Just this morning she didn’t want to stay because she thought Jillian is out. We appreciate all the long hours she puts in with all the kids.   Her cheerful attitude and willingness to answer all off my questions! She also goes above and beyond and helps with the other children that aren’t in her class.  We wish we could have her every year!

Julie Willoughby                                                          VOTE HERE

She is one of the sweetest people I know, and my son still talks about how much he adores her, and he hasn’t been in her class in over a year. All her children love her, and that is a gift. I’m not saying she’s easy, she’s tough on the too. She’s a gifted teacher, who happens to love what she does. It shows. Also, she has a unique way of getting her students attention if they happen to be getting a little noisy or out of control. She starts playing her flute. The whole class quiets down and is mesmerized. I LOVE her!!!!

Kate Euting                                                            VOTE HERE

Kate Euting is absolutely deserving of being recognized as the Richmond Top Teacher 2011. Kate teaches Kindergarten at Linwood Holton Elementary School in the city’s Northside. In her class, Kate has students from a wide range of backgrounds, students of every race, students from all kinds of families, students with every advantage & some with none. What each one of these children finds in her is a warm, loving, capable teacher who comes to class every day prepared to teach not only the academic lessons that will equip them, but the life lessons that will do so as well.  Kate understands that helping her students become kind, thoughtful people is an important part of their journey just as teaching them to read, work with fractions, and write in a journal is.  Kate Euting is an outstanding educator.  The 20+ students who have been in her class this year have been blessed to begin their school years with such an outstanding teacher whose love & caring are communicated to them daily.

Kristen Coleman                                                  VOTE HERE

I would like to nominate Richmond’s Top Teacher 2011 Award to Mrs. Kristen Coleman. Mrs. Coleman is my son’s Auston kindergarten teacher. Mrs. Coleman brings creativity and uniqueness to her classroom. At the beginning of the school year, my son’s classroom consists of nineteen children. Since that time, her class has migrated to twenty-one students. I am sure that the Principal and Henrico County School board felt that she could handle that many students. I have observed her on numerous occasions and I must say that I am proud that my son is one of her students. She is patient and gives each student the attention they deserve and needs. She uses various tools and tactics to hold the students attention which is extremely hard to do. She has  alot of energy and carries out that energy until the students departure. Then she heads home to a baby and a husband. Maybe some readers feel that this nomination is a part of a teacher’s job, however, I say kudos to Mrs. Coleman and WHEW!

Laura Dugger                                                             VOTE HERE

Mrs.Dugger is a 5th grade teacher at SGES and is extremely deserving of the Richmond’s Top Teacher Award. At the beginning of the school year. Mrs.Dugger stated to parents that a primary goal was to make learning fun and to instill in her class a love of learning.  At the time, I didn’t realize how significant those words were,but now as these 5th graders are preparing to move onto middle school,it all begins to hit home. Mrs.Dugger teaches in a way that leaves kids feeling good about themselves.  She teaches academics and character.She has a “can do” attitude that transfers onto her students.  She has clear expectations.  Throughout the year she has taken EVERY opportunity to do exactly what she set out to do and as a result has a group of pre-teens that are heading off to middle school with a sense of accomplishment, a “can do’ attitude and a positive mindset about school. Because of Mrs. Dugger,there is a group of kids that are better prepared for the fun and challenges of what lies ahead.

Lauren Brown                                                          VOTE HERE

Lauren is one of the most enthusiastic, understanding,nurturing and caring teachers, ever! She understands that not all children learn the same way and/or at the same rate yet manages to enrich, encourage, and help all students enjoy learning.

Lynne Ellis                                                                   VOTE HERE

Mrs. Ellis is in her first year of full-time teaching. She teaches our son in the first grade and is doing such a wonderful job! She is patient and caring with each of her students. Any time I’ve ever had any concerns, she has addressed them promptly. She has worked wonderfully with our son in trying to help him catch up this year with various subjects. If I ask for additional materials to help him where he is having trouble, she never fails me. I couldn’t have asked for a better first grade teacher for him than he has in Mrs. Ellis.

Matt Togna                                                                 VOTE HERE

Mr. Togna is by far the best teacher i have experienced in my 11 years in Henrico county.  He teaches Chemistry at Tucker High School.  I have never met someone more dedicated to what they do for a living, especially teaching.  He absolutely has a passion for his job, and he will argue head on that there needs to be more teachers in this world: then I would say that there needs to be more like him!  He arrives at approximately 7am: a time when most students, principals, and other teachers are still snuggled away in bed.  He doesn’t leave until almost 6pm.  The dedication to being a life long learner is profound.  In the classroom, he is funny and energetic, which gets the students excited about Chemistry or AP Chem.  he is always available for help.   His idiosyncrasies are also very funny which makes learning with him fun. He has changed my perspective on career choice. I relate well with him because he plays trumpet, and is a UVA alum!!I think Matt Togna is quite deserving of this award.

Melinda Steele                                                               VOTE HERE

Ms. Steele is a wonderful fourth grade teacher.  She has worked with my son and myself to prepare him for success for fifth grade and life in general.  My son is on medication and she is more than willing to fill out the appropriate evaluation forms that accompany taking this medication as well as offer additional feedback to me as well.  In a classroom party, I noticed that Ms. Steele preferring to hang out and play games with the children rather than catch up and “gossip” with the parents!!  She loves her students and the are very well aware of that.  Overall, she has a very open door policy for students and parents.  She emails the parents to let us know of upcoming events in class and in the school and she makes sure the students are all on task as well.  Ms. Steele, fourth grade teacher at Gates Elementary is a most definite candidate of the 2011 Top Teacher Award!

Mesa Hinkle                                                  VOTE HERE

Mrs. Hinkle holds high, yet realistic expectations for her students. Expectations are clearly understood, giving her students the confidence they need to succeed. She provides differentiated instruction to meet the needs of every child using flexible grouping & leveled materials. She continually assesses students, using results to guide instruction. She frequently pulls small groups of children for either enrichment or reinforcement. She is creative in using a variety of instructional methods to address different learning styles, keeping her students actively engaged. She continually strives to build positive relationships with each child & with each child’s parent(s). This emphasis on healthy and productive interpersonal skills is reinforced in student interactions with one another. Children in her class feel valued and loved because she takes the time to actively listen & truly get to know them, both inside the walls of her classroom & in the community. It is a rare occurrence for her to miss a school Spirit Night. The children always enjoy seeing her whether it’s for dinner, ice cream, or for a game of laser tag. She shares weekly electronic reports with parents that include a comprehensive description of material covered in class. She offers suggestions of how parents can support their child’s learning, and provides references books and/or websites that can be used at home.  She nurtures her students with guidance & love, motivates, inspires, and challenges children.  Mesa Hinkle is most deserving of this award.

Mindy Guyer                                                                         VOTE HERE

The lovely Mrs. Mindy Guyer, a mother of three, is one of the hardest working mom’s we know. She takes pride in her work and works tierlessley to help her students succeed.It’s clear that she loves her students as much as she loves what she teaches. (: Mindy Guyer Mrs.Guyer is my french 2 teacher. I hated french until I got into Mrs. Guyers class, I have learned so much and had a lot of fun with it. I was considering dropping out and just getting my GED but Mrs. Guyer convinced me that if i continue to work hard the payoff will be extraordinary. This year I have also learned how busy teachers are and how hard they work. She is the best teacher in Richmond and I am sure is the best mother. Mindy Guyer Mrs. Guyer is my favorite teacher this year. I love walking into my 4th period everyday because I know that I will have a great time. If I need help or advice, she is always there to give it to me. She talks to me like an equal, rather than a student, which allows my learning experience to be amazing! This year I have seen how busy my teachers can get. Mrs. Guyer manages to juggle her busy life, be a great mom and an amazing  teacher everyday. Mrs. Guyer is truly an amazing teacher and I believe that she deserves this award from the bottom of my heart.

Mrs. Duckworth                                           VOTE HERE

I am nominating Mrs. Duckworth because she is very loving, patient with my son, and really cares about her students. She is a speech pathologist and has been working with my son for a few months and he loves her. My son only had a vocabulary of about 5 words, but after working with her he has now over 15 words. I don’t know of anybody else who is more deserving so please take the time to consider her. Thank you.

Nancy Pierpont                                                    VOTE HERE

She works hard and challenges her students on a daily basis.  She keeps parents updated on their students progress and is available to help. She’s a leader at the school as department chair.

Rebecca Meade Wood                                       VOTE HERE

Rebecca gives out of her heart.  She is always thinking about the kids and their future. They show her respect as she shows them respect also. You can’t find a better teacher.  Rebecca Wood has been an exceptional education teacher at Varina High School for the last 9 years.  Her focus is mainly on at-risk students.  She does everything she can to empower these young men and women to overcome their disabilities.  In doing so she teaches a COWEP class where students have the ability to work both on and off campus learning important job skills.  This year her students worked with Rescue Dogs at Battlefield Park Kennel.  Her students love and respect her and she has made amazing strides in finding them employment and helping them get into college.  Over the last nine years Mrs. Wood has made a huge impact on the Varina Community.  She has truly made a difference in the lives of her students and their parents. rebecca wood Rebecca Wood is my English teacher and she is the best ever I could ever ask for. I’ve known her for a very long time! She is a super great teacher and she has two kids named Tommy and Elayna that she loves very much.

Ryan Stein                                                       VOTE HERE

Ryan Stein is a top teacher. His innovative way of teaching has encouraged his students to achieve at levels above the standard lesson.  He teaches by example, giving up his free time to tutor students, help out colleagues,attend students activities and organzing weekend fieldtrips to enhance a history lesson.  He is a humble teacher, you can thank him for a child achieving a goal and he will say, “It was all them, they worked hard.”  This may be true, but it is the person in the classroom nurturing their zest for learning that helped them achieve that goal. He makes learning fun, they are learning even when they don’t realize it. He encourages his class to not only work hard and be good students but also good citizens. Anyone can be a teacher but only certain people can be the educator you remember for a lifetime.  Mr. Stein is that teacher that my daughter will remember for a lifetime.  He has encouraged her and her classmates to go forth and become anything they want to be in life.

Terri Kilmer (2 nominations)                                   VOTE HERE

I am the school nurse here at Tucker High School. This year, the county implemented an online program called e2020 that is designed to help kids that learn better in an alternative setting. Being the nurse, I know many of the students that were placed in the e2020 classroom. Ms. Kilmer, the teacher for this class has gone above and beyond the call of duty to encourage the children and help them find their strengths and pass the classes taken online. Since this program is “new”, many unknowns were overcome and successfully implemented by Ms. Kilmer. She has had the highest success rate of any other school in the county and takes time on the evenings and weekends to help the students succeed. She is more than deserving of this award. Any student, parent, co-worker or friend knows how much she loves her job and loves to see the kids succeed.

Terri Kilmer is a “top notch” teacher.  She motivates her students to far exceed even their own expectations.  She is an encourager and helps her students reach their full potential.  She enjoys her students and enjoys teaching.  She has made great strives with the Credit Recovery Program she is working with this year, and her students at J.R. Tucker High School  are on the road to graduation with the extra push Miss Kilmer and this program have offered.  Terri is willing to pitch in to get the job done, no matter how small or how large.  Terri Kilmer is most deserving to be recognized as Richmond’s Top Teacher, 2011

Victoria Ferris        VOTE HERE         (please note that in the voting section you’ll need to vote for “Mrs. Ferris”)

Mrs. Ferris is most helpful in all matters!

Here’s a list of the amazing prizes the winner will receive from these incredible sponsors:

10 Signed Richmond Rocks books, because Richmond Teachers Rock! $129.95

CoolSculpting non-invasive procedure from Virginia Institute of Plastic Surgery $700 (not that you need it, but who has ample time to excercise? Not busy teachers, that’s for sure.)

4-hour limo ride from Richmond’s fabulous James Limousine, $350 (we recommend not using this to/from school)

Gift certificate for maid service from Hand-I-Maids (no time for cleaning, dealing with feisty parents!) $100

Gift certificate for carpet cleaning from CitruSolution $100 (no time for carpet cleaning while grading papers!)

A family four-pack to a Richmond Flying Squirrels game (because your students make you a little Nutzy) $75

Sonicare Electric Toothbrush from Atkins, Maestrello, Miller & Associates Pediatric Dentistry, $50 (with all that grinning at students through bared teeth, you’re gonna need it)

Admission prize package from The Science Museum of Virginia (because you’re all about learning, all the time), $50

Gift certificate to Firebirds Wood Grill in Short Pump (and we hope none of your students are there so you can really relax) $50

Free card, for taking kids out buy-one-get-one free at all kinds of area restaurants (because teachers are not paid enough. Not even close. And need to save every penny.) $19.95


Kate Hall

Kate Hall is the Founder & CEO of and author of Richmond Rocks ,a history book for kids. She has three children and a cup that overfloweth. She is truly appreciative of the 100,000 + visitors who visit the blog every year, and for the amazing team of writers who create unique, valuable content. Kate is thrilled to fulfill her dream of having a cool place for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share while supporting local charities.

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