May 2011 Rockstar, Melanie Frank

Melanie Frank is our May 2011 Rockstar!

As if raising 3 kids is not enough, Richmondmom’s May 2011 Rockstar — Melanie Frank – also has a full-time “outside” job, volunteers for multiple organizations, and gives back to the community every day. Children ages 7, 4 and 2 keep her and her husband, Stephen, quite busy.

But she is never too busy to help others. She doesn’t just wait for life to happen – Melanie makes life happen!

Melanie is a full time Senior Director of IT at Capital One where she works with the technology team that helps keep the business running. But in her “spare time”, she’s volunteering for community and civic organizations. She serves as the Board Chair for Full Circle Grief Center, putting in countless hours and supporting families who have lost children, parents and loved ones. She helps support, market and prepare for fundraising events throughout the year. She often reminds us all of how honored she is to have the privilege of working with an organization like Full Circle that helps families deal with unimaginable loss every day — that’s the kind of compassionate and caring person she is!

Melanie is also a member of the Westhampton Woman’s Club where she helps support a wide range of charities. She finds at least one charity each month where she can do something to help and make a difference.

Oh, and let’s not forget that Melanie is a passionate “Hoo” as an avid supporter of the University of Virginia.

Congratulations on touching lives every day through your generosity and compassion, and for being Richmondmom’s May 2011 Rockstar Melanie! You ROCK!

Melanie and her family.



Rhonda Day is a wife, mother and grandmother. She enjoys a full-time freelance career as a Writer, Editor, and Marketing Consultant. In addition to, she also writes for a variety of local and national websites, and is a ghost-writer for clients.

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