catch a CHEVY!

There are many ways to get around SXSW but one of the more fun ways is by catching a ride in a “catch a CHEVY” Volt. There are branded cars all around downtown Austin that you can flag down or tweet them for a FREE ride to your next event.

Here’s a video with our friend Otie, explaining a little bit about how it works.

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Otie "looking down" on us through the Volt Sunroof


Lines Starts Here & wait was only a few minutes!


Loving the inside of the Chevy Volt

This is just another way that Chevy is rocking at SXSW! Thank you to Dominion Auto Group for sponsoring our team!


Monica Horsley

Love my husband, my two Boston Terriers - Willy and Annabelle, my family, nights out with my girlfriends, wine, traveling, and social media. Recently came across a new detour on the path of life...after ten years of owning By Invitation Only (a stationery store in Richmond, Virginia) I have sold it and I am trying a new path. Not sure what direction it will take me but I am looking forward to the adventure.

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