Since giving birth. . . the amazing journey of the last seven years

It struck me, while driving the other day, the incredible journey I’ve been on in the last seven years. To best illustrate the intricacies, difficulties, and exhilarating happiness that motherhood has brought me, a few snapshots and numbers: Two corporate jobs, both flexible and hard-fought. Currently, one entrepeneurial job that feels like two, because I’m [...]

Richmond’s Social Media for Social Good

Attending the sold-out house at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts last night for the Social Media Club of Richmond, listening to Gradon Tripp of Boston speak was a bit like watching a jello mold materialize: I had a feeling I knew what the message/outcome would be, but it was still fun and fascinating to [...]

W.A.H.M. Talk: My life as a work-at-home-Richmond-mom

My daughter is hovering again. She’s bored and wanting my attention. I shouldn’t complain – she’ll only be small for a little while, these are precious times and all too soon, she’ll be in school all day and too busy to want to play Go Fish with her mom. But right now, I really wish [...]

The birth of a enterprise

If someone had told me eight months ago I’d be a mommy-blogger/mompreneur/entrepeneur/work-at-home mom, you could have knocked me over with a feather. In fact I may have even said, “I could never do that full-time. . .” But, here I am post layoff from a 130-year-old financial company who is now no longer in existence, [...]

3/50 Project is realistic step forward!

My friends and I were talking about the small businesses that had recently gone out of business in Richmond–Lane Sanson being one of our favorites–and how we hope the trend doesn’t continue. Many of my clients are small local business owners in Richmond & surrounding area, so I’m taking a keen interest in helping them [...]