6 Ways of Managing Pain in Children: Insights from Pain Management Doctors

6 Ways of Managing Pain in Children: Insights from Pain Management Doctors

Children experience pain just like adults. However, pain can be quite overwhelming and emotionally taxing for children. The reason is that they lack the cognitive maturity to manage pain. Pain in children often remains unidentified and undertreated. In this blog post, we will share some ways to identify pain and six tips for managing pain in children under 12 years.

Identifying Pain in Children Under 12 Years

Children of different age groups show different symptoms of pain. Look for these pain indicators in your child:

Pain Assessment in Babies

Crying is not seen as an obvious symptom of pain in babies. The reason is that babies use crying to express all their needs. Here are some symptoms which show your baby might be in pain.

Changed Crying Patterns:

Notice the change in your baby’s crying patterns. Sounds different than normal crying indicate your baby might be in pain. Moreover, crying that continues even after feeding, diaper change, or a hug might also be associated with pain.


If your baby is usually calm but has been fussy for some days, consider visiting your pediatrician for a pain assessment.

  • Crying While Nursing

A baby crying while nursing might be suffering from an ear infection.

  • Prolonged Crying

Intense and prolonged crying at the same time of the day in babies aged 2-6 weeks shows you have a colic baby.

Crying with Legs Drawn towards Tummy

Babies crying and drawing legs towards the abdomen can either have colic or some serious health problem.


Baby showing symptoms of withdrawal, such as becoming still and quiet or avoiding eye contact.

Pain Assessment in Toddlers

Toddlers in pain can give verbal cues about pain or clutch the part of the body that is in pain. Toddlers tugging or rubbing their ears might have otitis media; however, sometimes they just do it habitually. Pain management doctors suspect your child might have an ear infection if they:

  • Pull their ear
  • Have fever
  • Are you suffering from a soar throat

Moreover, loss of appetite is associated with digestive issues or respiratory infections.

Pain Assessment in Adolescents

Adolescents can easily communicate about pain. Apart from looking for verbal cues, you can notice physical symptoms, behavioral changes, and disturbed emotional patterns associated with chronic or acute pain in your child.

If the pain persists, you should immediately get your child assessed by a healthcare practitioner near you.

6 Tips to Manage Pain in Children

Identifying pain is one step, and properly treating the child to eradicate pain is the second step. We are sharing six important tips for managing pain in children.

Know the Source of Pain

Figuring out the underlying cause is the first step toward effective pain management. Therefore, understand the source of your child’s pain. Children can suffer from pain due to several reasons, such as:

  • Injury
  • Surgery
  • Chronic conditions
  • Infections
  • Growth spurts

Consult a Pain Management Doctor

Seek professional assistance for a comprehensive check-up. Healthcare practitioners use diagnostic tools and machinery to thoroughly examine your child and pinpoint the real cause of pain. There are numerous benefits of consulting pain management physicians, for instance:

  • From taking medical history to accurate diagnosis, they take care of everything
  • They can provide a customized treatment plan for your child
  • They have access to the latest pain management techniques for addressing complex pain conditions

Strictly Follow Doctor’s Prescription

Parents should strictly follow the medication prescribed by the doctor while dealing with children in pain. Some over-the-counter (OTC) medicines work well for immediate pain relief, such as:

  • Paracetamol
  • Ibuprofen
  • Acetaminophen

However, frequent usage without a doctor’s prescription can lead to serious side effects and ineffective pain management. Follow the underlying tips in this regard.

  • Measure dosage before giving the medicine

To ensure accurate dosing, instead of using kitchen spoons, consider using droppers and measuring cups provided with the medicines.

  • Don’t give different medicines at the same time

Avoid giving multiple medicines simultaneously without a doctor’s advice. That’s because some ingredients can overlap and cause an overdose.

  • Use Age-Specific Medicines

The pain relief medication should be according to your child’s weight and age.

Engage Your Child in Exercise

Engage your child in exercise or therapy recommended by physiotherapists. Pediatric physiotherapy has numerous advantages:

  • Improved Movement

It helps children deal with:

  • Dancing and sports-related injuries
  • Post-surgical movement
  • Fracture management
  • Reduced Pain

It helps in alleviating pain by addressing the potential cause.

  • Reduced Dependence on Medicines

It reduces dependence on pain relief medication like ibuprofen and paracetamol.

Provide a Balanced Diet to Your Child

Give your child a healthy diet comprising all essential nutrients, such as the following:

  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Lean proteins
  • Healthy fats

Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and fish are rich in these products. Opt for foods that have anti-inflammatory properties. Such foods help reduce pain and inflammation. Moreover, they are the immunity boosters. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Does your child stay hydrated?
  • Is your child getting all the essential nutrients?
  • Does your child avoid junk food?
  • Does their diet include fiber-rich foods?

If the answer to all these questions is yes, your child’s diet contains all components that can be helpful in pain management.

Use Heat and Cold Treatment

Manage your child’s pain with heat and cold treatments:

Heat Therapy

Heat therapy improves blood circulation by increasing temperature. It is ideal for:

  • Muscular spasms
  • Stiffness
  • Chronic pain

Heat therapy can be moist or dry. For dry heat treatment, use a heating pad. For moist heat, apply a steamed towel to the affected body part or give your child a hot bath.

Note: Heat treatment is not suitable for people with diabetes or multiple sclerosis patients.

Cold Therapy

Cold therapy effectively reduces inflammation by lowering blood pressure. The decrease in blood pressure numbs the targeted area. Apply an ice pack to the affected area to relieve pain.

Duration of Cold Therapy: 15-20 minutes.


There are different ways of identifying pain in children of different age groups. However, parents should consult a pediatrician to determine the precise reason for the pain. After diagnosis, you must ensure your children follow the medication suggested by the doctor. Moreover, six effective pain management tips shared in this blog can help you comfort and support your child in pain.

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