7 Essential Tips for a Perfect Fake Tan

7 Essential Tips for a Perfect Fake Tan

Achieving a flawless fake tan can be a game-changer for many, providing a sun-kissed glow without the harmful effects of UV exposure. However, applying fake tan can be tricky, and many fear ending up with streaks, uneven colour, or an unnatural orange hue. 

To help you get that perfect, natural-looking tan, here are seven essential tips that cover everything from preparation to maintenance.

1. Choose the Right Product for Your Skin

Choose the Right Product for Your Skin

Understanding Your Skin Type

Before diving into the application process, it’s crucial to choose the right product for your skin type. Self-tanning or fake tan products come in various forms, such as lotions, mousses, sprays, and oils. If you have dry skin, opt for a moisturising lotion. Oily skin types may benefit more from a light mousse or gel.

Consider Your Skin Tone

Selecting a shade that complements your natural skin tone is vital. For fair skin, choose lighter, more gradual tanning products. Medium to dark skin tones can opt for more intense formulas. Bondi Sands, for instance, offers a range of products catering to different skin tones, ensuring that you find the perfect match for your needs.

2. Exfoliate and Moisturize Before Application

The Importance of Exfoliation

Exfoliating your skin before applying fake tan is essential to remove dead skin cells and create a smooth surface. This step prevents patchiness and helps the tan adhere evenly to your skin. Use a gentle exfoliating scrub or mitt, paying extra attention to rough areas like elbows, knees, and ankles.

Hydrate Your Skin

After exfoliating, moisturise your skin thoroughly. Focus on dry areas to prevent the tan from clinging to these spots and creating darker patches. Allow the moisturiser to absorb fully before proceeding to the tanning process.

3. Use a Tanning Mitt for Even Application

Use a Tanning Mitt for Even Application

Benefits of a Tanning Mitt

Using a tanning mitt is crucial for an even application and to avoid staining your hands. A mitt provides a smooth and streak-free finish, ensuring that the product is applied uniformly across your body.

Application Technique

Pour a small amount of the tanning product onto the mitt and apply it in circular motions. Start from your legs and work your way up, ensuring you cover all areas. Use sparingly on joints like elbows and knees to avoid a buildup of colour.

4. Apply in a Cool, Dry Environment

Ideal Application Conditions

Applying fake tan in a cool, dry environment can prevent sweating, which can cause streaks and an uneven finish. Avoid applying in a steamy bathroom immediately after a shower. Instead, choose a well-ventilated room with good lighting to ensure you can see any spots you may have missed.

Patience is Key

Take your time during the application process. Rushing can lead to missed spots or an uneven application. Allow each layer to dry thoroughly before adding another if you desire a deeper tan.

5. Perfecting the Face and Hands

Tanning the Face

Your face requires special attention since it’s more delicate and often exposed to different skincare products. Use a self-tanner specifically designed for the face, or mix a small amount of your regular self-tanner with moisturiser for a more subtle effect. Blend carefully into your hairline and down your neck to ensure a seamless transition.

Tanning the Hands and Feet

Hands and feet can be tricky due to their tendency to absorb more product. Use the leftover product on your mitt to lightly cover these areas, blending well to avoid stark lines. Pay attention to the areas between your fingers and toes to ensure even coverage.

6. Post-Application Care

Allow Time to Dry

After applying your fake tan, allow ample time for it to dry before dressing. Loose, dark clothing is ideal to avoid any transfer of the product. Avoid activities that cause sweating or getting wet for at least six to eight hours after application.

Hydrate Your Skin Regularly

Keeping your skin hydrated is crucial for maintaining your tan and preventing it from fading unevenly. Use a gentle, hydrating moisturiser daily, and avoid products containing alcohol, as they can strip your tan and dry out your skin.

7. Extending the Life of Your Tan

Gentle Cleansing

When showering, use a mild, sulphate-free body wash to extend the life of your tan. Avoid exfoliating products and scrubs, which can cause your tan to fade more quickly.

Top-Up Applications

To keep your tan looking fresh, consider using a gradual tanner or a tan extender product. These products add a subtle boost to your tan, maintaining its intensity without the need for a full reapplication.

Avoid Chlorine and Prolonged Water Exposure

Chlorine in swimming pools can cause your tan to fade faster. If you plan to swim, apply a waterproof sunscreen or a barrier cream to protect your tan. After swimming, rinse off chlorine and pat your skin dry rather than rubbing.


Achieving a perfect fake tan requires preparation, the right products, and proper application techniques. By following these seven essential tips, you can enjoy a natural-looking, sun-kissed glow without the risks of sun exposure.

Remember to exfoliate, moisturise, use a tanning mitt, and take your time for a flawless finish. With regular maintenance and hydration, your fake tan can last longer, keeping you glowing and confident. 

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