8 New Mom Hacks for Staying on Top of the Mess

8 New Mom Hacks for Staying on Top of the Mess

Welcoming a newborn into the family brings immense joy and introduces the challenge of maintaining an organized home amidst the whirlwind of baby essentials, overflowing laundry, and multiplying toys. 

While some chaos is inevitable, allowing it to spiral can negatively impact a new mother’s well-being by amplifying stress, diminishing productivity, and contributing to overwhelm during this already demanding time. 

Conversely, cultivating a sense of order provides control, peace of mind, and a nurturing sanctuary to recharge. 

This comprehensive guide unveils innovative, practical hacks empowering new moms to reclaim control over clutter, streamline routines, and create a tranquil oasis amidst the delightful chaos of early parenthood.

Hack #1: Embrace the One-Touch Rule

The one-touch rule is a simple yet powerful concept that can revolutionize how new mothers approach household organization. It’s a straightforward principle: whenever you interact with an item, make a conscious decision about its placement or purpose. 

Rather than setting it aside for later consideration, address it immediately, minimizing the accumulation of clutter and disarray.

Implementing the one-touch rule can yield numerous benefits for new mothers navigating the challenges of maintaining a tidy home. By addressing items promptly, you eliminate the need for time-consuming decluttering sessions, which can be a luxury in the demanding schedule of a new parent. 

Additionally, this approach fosters a sense of control and accomplishment as you proactively manage your surroundings rather than feeling overwhelmed by an ever-growing pile of tasks.

To fully harness the power of the one-touch rule, consider these practical tips:

  1. Embrace the habit of putting things back in their designated places immediately after use, whether it’s toys, books, or household items.
  2. In the kitchen, adopt a routine of washing dishes or loading the dishwasher promptly after meals to prevent the accumulation of unsightly piles.
  3. When sorting through mail or paperwork, immediately file essential documents, recycle junk mail, and address any urgent matters without delay.
  4. As you move through different rooms, be mindful of misplaced items and return them to their proper locations, maintaining a sense of order.

Hack #2: Establish a Clutter-Free Zone

Amid the delightful chaos accompanying a new baby, carving out a designated clutter-free zone within your home is essential. This dedicated space serves as a sanctuary, a tranquil oasis where you can retreat to recharge and find solace amidst the whirlwind of parenthood. 

By maintaining a clutter-free environment, even if it’s a small nook or corner, you create a visual and psychological respite from the surrounding disarray.

When selecting the ideal location for your clutter-free zone, consider the following factors:

  1. Accessibility: Choose a space that is easily accessible, allowing you to retreat without navigating through cluttered areas.
  2. Noise level: Opt for a quieter area of the home, where the sounds of household activity are minimized, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.
  3. Natural light: Select a space with ample natural light, as it can contribute to a sense of serenity and uplift your mood.

Once you’ve established your designated clutter-free zone, implementing these tips can help you preserve its tranquility:

  1. Set clear boundaries: Communicate with family members the importance of respecting and keeping this space free from clutter.
  2. Conduct regular decluttering sweeps: Periodically scan the area for any items that may have found their way into the clutter-free zone and promptly remove them.
  3. Embrace minimalism: Keep the decor and furnishings in this space simple and streamlined, minimizing visual distractions and potential clutter traps.

Hack #3: Streamline Baby’s Essentials

Babies come with various essentials, from clothing and diapers to toys and grooming items. Keeping these necessities organized can be a game-changer for new mothers, saving valuable time and reducing stress. 

Start by dedicating a designated area or storage solution for baby’s items, ensuring everything is within easy reach and plain sight.

To create a convenient and accessible system for baby’s essentials, consider the following strategies:

  1. Implement drawer dividers or baskets to separate and categorize items, such as onesies, socks, and bibs.
  2. Utilize hanging organizers or shelving units to keep frequently used items at eye level and within easy reach.
  3. Employ clear storage containers or bins to quickly identify contents, minimizing the need for rummaging through multiple containers.

By maintaining a well-organized baby station, new mothers can reap numerous benefits:

  1. Time-saving: With everything in its designated place, you can quickly locate and access the items you need, minimizing frustration and wasted time.
  2. Reduced stress: An organized system eliminates the need to search for misplaced essentials, contributing to a calmer and more relaxed environment.
  3. Efficient use of space: Proper organization maximizes the available storage space, preventing cluttered and overcrowded areas.

Hack #4: Laundry Hacks for New Moms

One of the most daunting tasks for new mothers is the never-ending cycle of baby laundry. From spit-up stains to diaper blowouts, keeping up with the constant influx of soiled clothing and linens can feel like an uphill battle. 

However, with the right strategies, you can streamline the laundry process and regain control over the ever-growing piles.

Tips for Simplifying the Laundry Process

  1. Pre-sorting Baby’s Clothes: Implement a system for pre-sorting baby’s clothes as soon as they are removed. Designate separate hampers or bins for whites, colors, and heavily soiled items, making the laundering process more efficient and reducing the risk of stain setting.
  2. Using Mesh Bags for Small Items: Invest in mesh laundry bags to corral small items like socks, bibs, and washcloths. These bags prevent these tiny essentials from getting lost in the wash or tangled with more oversized items, saving you valuable time during the sorting and folding process.
  3. Investing in a Good Stain Remover: As a new parent, stains are inevitable. Equip yourself with a high-quality, eco-friendly stain remover formulated explicitly for tackling stubborn baby messes. Look for gentle products on delicate fabrics while removing tough stains like formula, baby food, and diaper blowouts. Consider using baby detergent sheets for added convenience. They pre-measure detergent and dissolve quickly, eliminating the risk of spills and mess when adding detergent to the wash.
  4. Establishing a Laundry Schedule: Implement a consistent laundry schedule to prevent the accumulation of dirty clothes and linens. Whether it’s tackling a load every day or dedicating specific days to this task, having a routine can help you stay on top of the laundry pile before it becomes unmanageable.

In addition to the tips mentioned above, consider these strategies to maintain control over the laundry situation:

  1. Involve partners or older children: Enlist the help of your partner or older children in the laundry process. Assign age-appropriate tasks, such as sorting, folding, or putting away clean clothes, to lighten the load and foster a sense of teamwork.
  2. Utilize laundry baskets strategically: Place them in convenient locations throughout the home, making collecting and transporting dirty items to the laundry area easier. This can prevent the accumulation of clothing piles in various rooms.
  3. Embrace batch processing: Instead of constantly running small loads, consider accumulating a full load before washing. This approach saves time and conserves water and energy, making it an eco-friendly and cost-effective option.
  4. Streamline the folding process: Invest in a folding station or designated area to tackle the folding and sorting of clean laundry efficiently. Utilizing baskets or bins to separate items by a family member or category simplifies the putting-away process.

Hack #5: Maximize Storage Solutions

Maximizing every available inch of storage space in a home with a new baby is crucial. One often overlooked opportunity is the vertical space on walls and the back of doors. 

Utilizing these areas allows you to create additional storage solutions without encroaching on valuable floor space.

If your living quarters are smaller, get creative with your storage solutions. Consider the following ideas:

  1. Over-the-door organizers: These versatile organizers can store everything from baby clothes and toys to cleaning supplies and linens.
  2. Wall-mounted shelves: Install floating shelves or cubby-style wall units to create additional storage for books, toys, and decorative items.
  3. Hanging organizers: Utilize hanging organizers in closets or on the back of doors to store small items like socks, bibs, and grooming accessories.
  4. Multi-purpose furniture: Invest in furniture that serves dual purposes, such as ottomans or benches with built-in storage compartments.

As you implement new storage solutions, remember the importance of labeling and categorizing items for easy access. Labeled bins, baskets, or shelves can save you valuable time and frustration when searching for specific items. 

Additionally, keeping items together in designated areas can streamline your organizational efforts and reduce the likelihood of clutter accumulating.

Hack #6: Embrace the Power of Baskets and Bins

Baskets and bins are versatile and practical tools that can transform your organizational approach. These humble containers offer numerous benefits:

  1. Portability: Baskets and bins are easy to move from one location to another, allowing you to contain clutter or transport items between rooms temporarily.
  2. Versatility: With a wide range of sizes, shapes, and materials available, you can find baskets and bins to suit any organizational need, from toy storage to bathroom essentials.
  3. Visual appeal: Well-chosen baskets and bins can serve a functional purpose and contribute to the aesthetic appeal of your living spaces.

To maximize the effectiveness of baskets and bins, consider the following options for different organizational needs:

  1. Woven baskets: These natural and stylish options are ideal for storing and displaying items like blankets, toys, or magazines in living areas.
  2. Plastic bins: Durable and easy to clean, plastic containers are perfect for organizing items in utility spaces, such as the laundry room or garage.
  3. Fabric bins: Soft-sided fabric bins are versatile for containing clutter or storing items like stuffed animals or loose toys.
  4. Wire baskets: These open-weave baskets are perfect for storing and accessing frequently used items, such as toiletries or cleaning supplies.

To create a cohesive and visually appealing organizational system, consider these tips for decorative and functional basket/bin placement:

  1. Group like items together in coordinating baskets or bins for a visually cohesive display.
  2. You can incorporate baskets or bins into shelving units or strategically place them in living spaces to make them part of your decor.
  3. Label baskets or bins to clearly identify their contents. This will make it easier to maintain organization and quickly locate items.

Hack #7: Develop a Cleaning Routine

As a new mom, establishing a consistent cleaning routine can be a game-changer in maintaining a tidy and organized home. With a newborn demanding constant attention, it’s easy for household chores to fall by the wayside, leading to a rapid accumulation of clutter and mess.

By developing a structured cleaning routine, you can break down tasks into manageable chunks, ensuring that your home remains a haven of cleanliness and order.

To make your cleaning routine more manageable, consider these strategies for breaking down tasks:

  1. Create a cleaning schedule: Allocate specific days or times for tackling different areas of the home, such as deep cleaning the bathroom on Mondays or vacuuming the living room on Wednesdays.
  2. Implement a “10-minute tidy”: Set a timer for 10 minutes and focus on quickly decluttering and straightening up a specific area or room.
  3. Divide and conquer: Assign different cleaning tasks to family members or enlist the help of a partner or older children, distributing the workload and fostering a sense of teamwork.

Involving partners or family members in the cleaning routine can lighten the load and instill a sense of shared responsibility and teamwork. Consider these tips:

  1. Assign age-appropriate tasks: For older children, allocate simple tasks like making their bed or picking up toys in their room.
  2. Lead by example: Demonstrate the importance of maintaining a clean and organized home by actively participating in the cleaning routine.
  3. Offer positive reinforcement: Celebrate accomplishments and express gratitude for the contributions of family members, fostering a supportive and encouraging environment.

Hack #8: Let Go of Perfection

While striving for an organized and tidy home is admirable, embracing the reality that a certain level of messiness is inevitable when caring for a newborn is crucial. 

Babies require constant attention, leaving little time for extensive cleaning and organizing. Accepting this reality can help alleviate unnecessary stress and guilt associated with perceived imperfections.

Rather than fixating on maintaining an immaculate home, focus on embracing the chaos and prioritizing self-care. Remember that this phase of life is fleeting, and the memories of cherished moments with your little one will far outlast the temporary disarray. 

Carve out time for activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul, whether taking a relaxing bath, enjoying a cup of tea, or engaging in a favorite hobby.

Cultivating a positive mindset and setting realistic expectations can go a long way in maintaining a sense of balance and well-being during this transitional period. Remind yourself that perfection is an unrealistic standard, and embrace the imperfections that come with the joys of new parenthood. 

Celebrate small victories, such as completing a load of laundry or maintaining a clutter-free zone, and recognize that progress, however incremental, is still progress.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored a myriad of practical hacks designed to empower new mothers in their quest to maintain an organized and tranquil home environment. 

From embracing the one-touch rule and establishing clutter-free zones to streamlining baby’s essentials and implementing laundry hacks, these strategies offer a roadmap to reclaiming control over the clutter and cultivating a sense of order amidst the delightful chaos of early parenthood.

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