How to Play Two Truths and a Lie Virtually?

2 truths and a lie mechanics

Remote teams often find it challenging to build connections and have fun together. Many struggle to find engaging online activities that work well in a virtual setting.

Two Truths and a Lie is a simple yet effective game that can solve this problem. This classic icebreaker adapts perfectly to online platforms, helping team members learn about each other in a lighthearted way.

We’ll guide you through playing Two Truths and a Lie virtually, offering practical tips for success. You’ll learn how to set up the game, keep it running smoothly, and add excitement with fresh Two Truths and a Lie ideas.

By the end, you’ll have a go-to activity that brings your team closer, regardless of location. Prepare to turn your next virtual meeting into a fun bonding experience.

How to Play Two Truths and a Lie Virtually?

1. Setup

Select a dependable video conferencing tool like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet to begin your virtual Two Truths and a Lie session.

Ensure all team members have a steady internet connection and can see and hear each other without issues. You might use the platform’s built-in poll feature to vote if available.

2. Rules Explanation

The game’s concept is straightforward. Each team member shares three statements about themselves – factual and fabricated.

The rest of the group then determines which statement is false. This simple format makes it easy for everyone to participate and enjoy.

3. Starting the Game

Starting the Game

Kick off the game by randomly choosing a participant to go first. This person will share their three statements with the group.

To add depth to the experience, allow other team members to ask questions about the statements if they need more information to make their guess.

4. Voting and Reveal

After the statements are shared and any questions are answered, it’s time for everyone to vote on which statement they believe is untrue. This can be done verbally, through chat messages, or using the platform’s poll feature if you’ve set one up. Once everyone has voted, the participant reveals which statement was false and provides some background on the true statements.

5. Rotating Turns

Continue the process by having each team member take a turn sharing their statements, followed by questions, voting, and revelation. This ensures everyone gets a chance to participate actively in the game.

Variations of Two Truths and a Lie Game

Two Truths and a Theme

In this version, choose a specific theme for the statements, such as childhood memories or favorite hobbies. Participants then share two truths and a lie related to this theme.

The group guesses based on how well each statement fits the chosen theme. This variation adds an extra layer of challenge and can lead to more focused discussions.

Two Lies and a Truth

Flip the script by having participants share two false statements and one true statement.

The group then tries to identify the true statement among the lies. This version can be particularly amusing as people get creative with their fictional statements.

Two Achievements and an Embellishment

In this variation, participants share two genuine accomplishments and one exaggerated achievement.

The group then attempts to identify which achievement is embellished. This version entertains and allows team members to celebrate each other’s accomplishments.

Tips for a Successful Session

Tips for a Successful Session

1. Make Statements Intriguing

Encourage participants to craft statements that are compelling and spark curiosity. The more interesting the statements, the more engaged everyone will be in guessing.

2. Use Video Conferencing Features

Take advantage of your chosen platform’s features. Use reactions for quick responses, the chat function for written guesses, or polls for organized voting. These tools can help streamline the game and keep it moving quickly.

3. Maintain Respect and Consideration

Remind everyone to be respectful and considerate when guessing and discussing statements. The goal is to create a positive, fun environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing.

4. Keep the Game Moving

To maintain energy and engagement, set a time limit for each turn. This ensures the game progresses smoothly and everyone stays focused. A good rule of thumb is to allow about 3-5 minutes per person, including statement sharing, questions, and guessing.

5. Icebreaker Questions

If your team is new to this game or each other, start with some simple icebreaker questions. This can help ease initial nervousness and get everyone in a more relaxed, comfortable mood.

For example, before starting the main game, you could ask each person to share their favorite food or dream vacation destination.

6. Post-Game Reflection

After the game concludes, take a few minutes for group reflection. Ask participants what they learned about their colleagues that surprised them or what common interests they discovered.

This reflection period helps reinforce the connections made during the game, transition the group back into a work mindset, and maintain the positive energy generated by the activity.


Let’s wrap up our virtual Two Truths and a Lie guide. This simple game offers a fun way to build connections in remote teams. Following our tips, you can create an engaging session that helps team members learn about each other in a relaxed setting.

Remember to encourage creativity, use your platform’s features wisely, and keep the game moving quickly. The variations we’ve shared can add extra excitement to your sessions.

Most importantly, don’t forget the post-game reflection – it’s a valuable opportunity to reinforce the bonds formed during play.

Ready to try it with your team? Start planning your virtual Two Truths and a Lie session now.

Your team’s next online meeting could be the beginning of stronger relationships and improved communication, no matter where everyone’s located.

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