20 Essential Aircraft Parts and Their Uses You Should Know

Aircraft Parts

Are you curious about how planes stay in the air? You’re not alone.

Many people find aircraft parts confusing, but they’re key to flight. I’ve spent years studying planes and am here to help you understand them better.

In this post, I’ll explain 20 essential aircraft parts in simple terms. You’ll learn what each part does and why it’s important. By the end, you’ll have a solid grasp of how planes work.

Let’s start our journey through the world of aircraft. I’ll guide you through each part, from the wings to the landing gear.

Ready for takeoff? Let’s go!

List of Aircraft Parts Explained

List of Aircraft Parts Explained

1. Fuselage

The fuselage is the central body of an aircraft that holds the cockpit, passengers, and cargo. It connects all major components, including the wings, tail, and landing gear.

Modern fuselages are designed to withstand high-pressure conditions and protect passengers from external forces.

Size: Depending on the aircraft model, it typically ranges from 30 to over 70 meters long.


  • Houses the crew, passengers, and cargo.
  • It acts as the structural backbone that connects the wings and tail.
  • Provides space for equipment like avionics and fuel systems.
  • Contains the pressurization and temperature control systems for passenger comfort.

2. Wings

Wings are large horizontal structures extending from the fuselage’s sides. They are designed to generate lift during flight. Air flows faster over the top of the wing than the bottom, creating an upward force that allows the aircraft to ascend.

Wings are integral to fuel storage and often house control surfaces that assist in plane maneuvering.

Size: Wingspans vary from 10 meters for smaller aircraft to over 80 meters for large commercial planes.


  • Generate lift, which is essential for flight.
  • House the aircraft’s fuel tanks for longer flights.
  • Contain control surfaces like flaps and ailerons for adjusting speed and direction.
  • Provide stability during flight, especially in windy conditions.

3. Tail (Empennage)

The empennage, commonly known as the tail section, consists of the horizontal stabilizer, vertical stabilizer, rudder, and elevators. It is crucial in controlling the aircraft’s stability and maneuverability and ensuring smooth flight operations.

It helps maintain balance and keeps the aircraft from swaying or dipping uncontrollably.

Size: Usually proportional to the size of the aircraft, with heights ranging from 5 to 10 meters.


  • Provides stability during flight, preventing unwanted side-to-side (yaw) and up-and-down (pitch) movements.
  • Houses the rudder, which controls the aircraft’s yaw (left or right movement).
  • Houses the elevators, which control the pitch (nose-up or nose-down movements).
  • Ensures that the aircraft remains steady and balanced in flight.

4. Landing Gear

The landing gear is the structure that supports the aircraft when it is not in the air, allowing it to take off, land, and taxi on the ground.

It typically consists of wheels, struts, and hydraulic systems that absorb shock during landing. The landing gear can be retractable to reduce drag while flying.

Size: Depending on the aircraft’s weight and design, with heights ranging from 2 to 5 meters for commercial airplanes.


  • Provides support for the aircraft during takeoff and landing.
  • Absorbs the shock and impact during landing, ensuring a smooth touchdown.
  • Allows the aircraft to taxi on the ground between terminals and runways.
  • In some models, it retracts into the fuselage or wings to reduce drag during flight.

5. Engines

The engines are an aircraft’s primary source of power, producing thrust to propel the aircraft forward. Depending on the size and purpose of the aircraft, aircraft engines come in various types, such as turbofans, turboprops, or jet engines.

Modern engines are highly efficient designed to maximize performance while minimizing fuel consumption.

Size: Engine sizes vary depending on the aircraft type, ranging from 1.5 meters to over 4 meters in diameter.


  • Produces thrust, enabling the aircraft to move forward.
  • Powers onboard systems, including electrical and hydraulic systems.
  • Provides air conditioning and pressurization for the cabin during flight.
  • Propels the plane at high speeds, enabling efficient long-distance travel

6. Cockpit

The cockpit, also known as the flight deck, is the control center of the aircraft where the pilot and co-pilot operate the plane. It houses all the necessary instruments, controls, and navigation systems required to fly the aircraft safely.

Modern cockpits have advanced technology, including autopilot systems and digital displays, to enhance flight precision and safety.

Size: Depending on the aircraft type, size typically measures 2 to 5 meters long.


  • Houses flight controls like the yoke, throttle, and rudder pedals.
  • It contains navigation and communication instruments for pilots to interact with air traffic control.
  • Provides advanced monitoring systems to keep track of aircraft performance, weather conditions, and fuel levels.
  • It acts as a secure and isolated environment, ensuring pilots can focus solely on flying the aircraft.

7. Propeller

The propeller is a rotating blade located on the engine of a propeller-driven aircraft. It creates thrust as it spins, pushing air backward, which propels the aircraft forward.

The blades are aerodynamically shaped to maximize efficiency, ensuring smooth airflow and minimizing drag during flight.

Size: Depending on the size of the aircraft, propeller diameters can range from 1 to 4 meters.


  • Generates thrust by moving air backward, propelling the aircraft forward.
  • Allows for better control of speed, particularly in small aircraft.
  • Provides efficient performance at lower altitudes and speeds compared to jet engines.
  • Allows aircraft to take off from shorter runways, especially in remote or smaller airports.

8. Flaps

Flaps are hinged surfaces located on the trailing edge of the wings. They can be extended to change the shape of the wing during takeoff or landing.

By increasing the surface area and curvature of the wing, flaps enhance lift and drag, allowing the aircraft to fly at slower speeds safely.

Size: The length of flaps varies, typically extending across 15-50% of the wing’s trailing edge.


  • Increase lift during takeoff, helping the aircraft ascend more easily.
  • Enhance drag during landing, reducing speed for a smoother touchdown.
  • Enable the aircraft to fly at slower speeds without stalling, improving control during takeoff and landing.
  • Improve fuel efficiency during ascent by optimizing wing performance.

9. Ailerons

Ailerons are movable control surfaces located on the outer edge of each wing. They work in tandem—when one aileron moves up, the other moves down—to control the aircraft’s roll, allowing it to turn left or right.

The pilot uses the yoke or control stick to operate the ailerons, giving the aircraft lateral stability and control.

Size: Ailerons typically occupy the outer 10-20% of the wing’s trailing edge.


  • Control the roll of the aircraft, helping it turn left or right.
  • Provide lateral stability by adjusting the angle of each wing.
  • Assist with maintaining smooth and balanced flight during turns.
  • Help the aircraft recover from turbulence or wind-induced disturbances by correcting the roll.

10. Rudder

The rudder is a movable vertical surface attached to the tail stabilizer. It controls the aircraft’s yaw, which is the side-to-side movement of the nose.

The rudder is operated by pedals in the cockpit, allowing the pilot to make minor adjustments to the aircraft’s direction without needing to roll or bank the plane.

Size: The size of the rudder is proportional to the size of the vertical stabilizer, usually about 2 to 5 meters in height.


  • Controls yaw, allowing the aircraft to turn left or right without rolling.
  • Assists in maintaining coordinated turns when used alongside the ailerons.
  • Helps stabilize the aircraft during crosswind takeoffs and landings.
  • Corrects unwanted side-to-side motion, ensuring smooth and controlled flight.

11. Elevators

Elevators are horizontal control surfaces located on the rear edge of the tail’s horizontal stabilizer. They control the aircraft’s pitch, determining whether the nose moves up or down.

By adjusting the elevators, the pilot can control the aircraft’s ascent or descent.

Size: Elevators typically span the entire width of the horizontal stabilizer, ranging from 3 to 10 meters, depending on the aircraft.


  • Control the aircraft’s pitch, determining whether the nose rises or falls.
  • Assist with ascent and descent, allowing the aircraft to climb or descend at controlled angles.
  • Help maintain level flight by adjusting the nose’s angle relative to the horizon.
  • Work in conjunction with other control surfaces for smooth, balanced turns.

12. Spoilers

Spoilers are flat, hinged plates located on the top surface of the wings. When deployed, they disrupt the airflow over the wing, reducing lift and increasing drag.

Spoilers are primarily used during landing to slow the aircraft down and ensure a smooth touchdown, but they can also be used during flight to assist with descent.

Size: Spoilers typically cover 10-20% of the upper wing surface area.


  • Reduce lift and increase drag, allowing the aircraft to slow down during landing.
  • Help maintain a controlled descent by reducing lift at a gradual rate.
  • It can assist in turning by reducing lift on one side of the aircraft.
  • Aid in braking after touchdown by ensuring the aircraft slows down quickly.

13. Airbrakes

Airbrakes, also known as speed brakes, are devices mounted on the wings or fuselage designed to increase drag and reduce speed during flight.

Unlike spoilers, which affect lift and drag, airbrakes increase drag without impacting lift. They are primarily used to slow down the aircraft during descent or when approaching for landing.

Size: Airbrakes vary but are typically 1-2 meters long and wide, depending on the aircraft.


  • Slow down the aircraft in-flight, particularly during descent.
  • Allow for controlled speed reduction without affecting lift.
  • Assist in making rapid descents without compromising flight stability.
  • Help reduce speed quickly before landing on short runways.

14. Slats

Slats are small, movable surfaces located on the leading edge of the wings. When extended, they allow air to flow more smoothly over the wings at lower speeds, increasing lift.

Slats are typically used during takeoff and landing to enable the aircraft to fly safely at slower speeds without stalling.

Size: Slats typically extend across 30-50% of the leading edge of the wings.


  • Increase lift during takeoff and landing, allowing the aircraft to fly at slower speeds.
  • Prevent stalling by maintaining smooth airflow over the wings at low speeds.
  • Enable the aircraft to take off and land on shorter runways by reducing the required takeoff and landing speeds.
  • Improve maneuverability during low-speed flight.

15. Turbofan (Jet Engine)

Turbofan engines are a type of jet engine used in most modern commercial aircraft. They work by drawing in air with a large fan at the front, compressing it, mixing it with fuel, and igniting it to produce thrust.

The turbofan design is highly efficient, balancing high-speed performance and fuel efficiency.

Size: Depending on the aircraft, Turbofan engines can range from 1.5 to over 4 meters in diameter.


  • Produces the necessary thrust to propel the aircraft forward at high speeds.
  • Powers auxiliary systems, including electrical, hydraulic, and air conditioning systems.
  • Enables the aircraft to fly at high altitudes and long distances with optimal fuel efficiency.
  • Reduces noise and emissions compared to older jet engine designs.

16. Fuel Tanks

Fuel tanks are storage containers located within an aircraft’s wings or fuselage. They hold the fuel needed for the engines to operate throughout the flight.

Modern aircraft have multiple fuel tanks, which are connected by a network of pipes and pumps to ensure a steady fuel supply to the engines during all phases of flight.

Size: Varies depending on the aircraft, typically with a capacity ranging from 20,000 to over 300,000 liters for commercial airliners.


  • Store the fuel required for the flight.
  • Ensure a steady fuel flow to the engines during takeoff, cruising, and landing.
  • Maintain balance by distributing fuel evenly between tanks during the flight.
  • Allow for extended range by holding large volumes of fuel for long-haul flights.

17. Pylons

Pylons attach engines, landing gear, or external equipment to the aircraft’s wings or fuselage. Engine towers, for example, are designed to withstand the enormous forces generated by the engine during flight.

Pylons also mount auxiliary tanks or other external equipment in military and cargo aircraft.

Size: Engine pylons typically range from 1 to 3 meters in length, depending on the size of the aircraft.


  • Securely attach engines to the wings or fuselage.
  • Reduce vibrations and absorb shocks generated by the engine during operation.
  • Provide aerodynamic support by minimizing drag around attached components.
  • Support installing additional equipment such as external fuel tanks or cargo pods.

18. Avionics

Avionics refers to the electronic systems used in aircraft for communication, navigation, monitoring, and control. These systems are essential for modern flight, enabling pilots to communicate with air traffic control, navigate safely, and monitor critical flight data.

Avionics also include safety systems like weather radar, collision avoidance systems, and flight management computers.

Size: Avionics systems are compact, typically housed in small modules within the cockpit and throughout the fuselage.


  • Enable communication between the aircraft and ground control through radios and satellite systems.
  • Provide navigation tools such as GPS and autopilot systems for accurate flight paths.
  • Monitor the aircraft’s performance, including engine health, fuel levels, and flight speed.
  • Ensure safety through collision avoidance systems, weather radar, and onboard alarms.

19. Pitot Tube

A pitot tube is a small, narrow tube mounted on the exterior of an aircraft, usually on the fuselage or wing. It measures the air pressure difference between the outside air and the aircraft’s internal pressure, calculating its airspeed.

This simple device ensures safe and accurate airspeed readings during flight.

Size: Typically 10-30 cm in length.


  • Measures airspeed by comparing air pressure differences.
  • Provides crucial data to the aircraft’s avionics systems for accurate speed monitoring.
  • It helps prevent issues like stalls by providing accurate airspeed information.
  • Ensures safe flight operation in varying weather conditions by detecting changes in airspeed.

20. Black Box (Flight Data Recorder)

The black box, or flight data recorder (FDR), is a device that records all the operational data from an aircraft, including flight speed, altitude, engine performance, and cockpit communications.

This information is critical for accident investigations and safety analysis. Despite the name, black boxes are typically bright orange to make them easier to locate after a crash.

Size: Typically measures 30-50 cm in length and width.


  • Records flight data, including speed, altitude, and engine parameters.
  • Stores cockpit voice recordings to capture pilot communications.
  • Assists in post-accident investigations by providing detailed flight information.
  • Enhances flight safety by allowing for analysis and identification of potential failures.

21. Hydraulic System

The hydraulic system in an aircraft controls various mechanical components, such as landing gear, flaps, and brakes. Hydraulic systems use fluid pressure to generate the force needed to move heavy components with precision and minimal effort.

They are designed to be reliable and fail-safe, ensuring the aircraft can operate smoothly.

Size: Varies depending on the aircraft, with hydraulic lines running throughout the fuselage, wings, and tail.


  • Controls the movement of critical components such as landing gear, flaps, and ailerons.
  • Powers the aircraft’s braking system, ensuring smooth deceleration during landing.
  • Provides precise control for mechanical components during takeoff, flight, and landing.
  • Ensures redundancy with backup hydraulic systems in case of failure.

22. Electrical System

The electrical system in an aircraft powers all electronic devices, from the cockpit instruments to the cabin lighting. It includes generators, batteries, wiring, and power distribution panels.

Aircraft typically use a combination of engine-driven generators and batteries to ensure a steady supply of electrical power throughout the flight.

Size: Electrical systems are composed of various components that run throughout the aircraft, with generators typically located in the engine compartment.


  • Powers avionics, navigation, and communication systems.
  • Provides electricity for cabin lighting, entertainment, and air conditioning.
  • Ensures the continuous operation of critical systems such as autopilot and flight management computers.
  • Offers backup power through batteries in case of generator failure.

23. Thrust Reversers

Thrust reversers are mechanical devices installed in jet engines that redirect the thrust forward, rather than backward, to help slow down the aircraft after landing.

They are crucial for reducing speed quickly, especially on shorter runways. Thrust reversers are deployed immediately after touchdown and work in conjunction with the brakes to bring the aircraft to a stop.

Size: Depending on the engine, typically 1-2 meters long.


  • Redirect thrust forward to slow down the aircraft during landing.
  • Assist the braking system in decelerating the aircraft on short runways.
  • Enhance safety by allowing for controlled, rapid deceleration after touchdown.
  • Reduce wear on the aircraft’s braking system by sharing the workload.

24. Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)

The Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) is a small engine located at the rear of the aircraft. It is designed to provide power to the electrical and pneumatic systems while the aircraft is on the ground.

The APU is essential for starting the main engines and running systems like air conditioning and lighting when the engines are not running.

Size: Typically 1 to 1.5 meters in length, housed within the aircraft’s tail section.


  • Provides electrical power to the aircraft systems while on the ground.
  • Powers the air conditioning and lighting systems when the main engines are off.
  • Assists in starting the main engines by providing compressed air.
  • Ensures passenger comfort by maintaining power to essential systems during boarding and maintenance.


Now you know the key parts that make planes fly. From wings to engines, each piece plays a crucial role. I hope this guide has made aircraft less of a mystery for you.

Understanding these parts isn’t just for experts. It can make your next flight more interesting. You’ll know what’s happening when you hear different noises or feel the plane move.

Want to learn more? Try spotting these parts next time you’re at an airport. Or, if you’re interested, consider visiting an aviation museum. They often have great displays that show how planes work up close.

Thanks for joining me on this flight through aircraft anatomy.

Safe travels!

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