202 Animal Group Names You Should Know

Animal Group Names You Should Know

Animal group names can be tricky. A flock of birds is easy, but what about a group of rhinos? If you’ve ever wondered about the correct terms for animal gatherings, you’re not alone.

Many people struggle with these unique collective nouns. I’m here to help! As an animal enthusiast, I’ve compiled a list of over 202 animal group names that will boost your wildlife vocabulary.

In this article, I’ll share these interesting terms, explain their origins, and provide some fun facts.

Get ready to impress your friends with your knowledge of animal group names, from the common to the difficult collections!

List of Mammals Group Names 

List of Mammals Group Names

  1. Lion: Pride

  2. Elephant: Herd

  3. Wolf: Pack

  4. Deer: Herd

  5. Gorilla: Troop

  6. Kangaroo: Mob

  7. Whale: Pod

  8. Bat: Colony

  9. Fox: Skulk

  10. Otter: Romp

  11. Giraffe: Tower

  12. Hippo: Bloat

  13. Squirrel: Dray

  14. Raccoon: Gaze

  15. Rhinoceros: Crash

  16. Cheetah: Coalition

  17. Lemur: Conspiracy

  18. Sloth: Bed

  19. Porcupine: Prickle

  20. Meerkat: Mob

List of Bird Group Names

List of Bird Group Names

  1. Crow: Murder

  2. Goose: Gaggle

  3. Owl: Parliament

  4. Flamingo: Flamboyance

  5. Penguin: Colony

  6. Eagle: Convocation

  7. Peacock: Ostentation

  8. Swan: Bevy

  9. Duck: Raft

  10. Parrot: Pandemonium

  11. Vulture: Wake

  12. Hummingbird: Charm

  13. Finch: Charm

  14. Woodpecker: Descent

  15. Pelican: Squadron

  16. Sparrow: Host

  17. Plover: Wing

  18. Magpie: Tiding

  19. Pheasant: Bouquet

  20. Quail: Covey

List of Reptiles and Amphibians Group Names


  1. Alligator: Congregation

  2. Snake: Nest

  3. Turtle: Bale

  4. Frog: Army

  5. Lizard: Lounge

  6. Crocodile: Bask

  7. Toad: Knot

  8. Iguana: Mess

  9. Chameleon: Starship

  10. Salamander: Congress

List of Fish Group Names


  1. Shark: Shiver

  2. Trout: Hover

  3. Goldfish: Troubling

  4. Salmon: Run

  5. Herring: Army

  6. Bass: Shoal

  7. Tuna: School

  8. Cod: Lap

  9. Catfish: Clowder

  10. Carp: Rough

List of Insects Group Names


  1. Bee: Swarm

  2. Ant: Colony

  3. Butterfly: Kaleidoscope

  4. Fly: Business

  5. Grasshopper: Cloud

  6. Locust: Plague

  7. Wasp: Nest

  8. Dragonfly: Flight

  9. Ladybug: Loveliness

  10. Cockroach: Intrusion

List of Farm Animals Grooup Names


  1. Chicken: Brood

  2. Cow: Herd

  3. Pig: Drift

  4. Sheep: Flock

  5. Goat: Trip

  6. Horse: Team

  7. Donkey: Pace

  8. Turkey: Rafter

  9. Guinea Fowl: Confusion

  10. Rabbit: Colony

List of Marine Life Group Names


  1. Dolphin: Pod

  2. Jellyfish: Smack

  3. Seal: Herd

  4. Sea Lion: Colony

  5. Octopus: Consortium

  6. Crab: Cast

  7. Lobster: Risk

  8. Oyster: Bed

  9. Clam: Bed

  10. Shrimp: Crowd

List of Primates Group Names


  1. Chimpanzee: Community

  2. Baboon: Troop

  3. Orangutan: Company

  4. Macaque: Troop

  5. Marmoset: Tribe

  6. Gibbon: Whoop

  7. Mandrill: Horde

  8. Capuchin: Troop

  9. Langur: Troop

  10. Tarsier: Stare

List of Big Cats Group Names


  1. Tiger: Ambush

  2. Leopard: Leap

  3. Jaguar: Shadow

  4. Lynx: Destruction

  5. Puma: Clowder

  6. Ocelot: Clowder

  7. Serval: Destruction

  8. Caracal: Destruction

  9. Bobcat: Clowder

  10. Clouded Leopard: Leap

List of Small Mammals Group Names


  1. Hedgehog: Array

  2. Ferret: Business

  3. Hamster: Horde

  4. Gerbil: Horde

  5. Chinchilla: Herd

  6. Mole: Labour

  7. Shrew: Drove

  8. Vole: Colony

  9. Guinea Pig: Herd

  10. Chipmunk: Scurry

List of Hoofed Animals Group Names


  1. Zebra: Zeal

  2. Antelope: Herd

  3. Bison: Obstinacy

  4. Wildebeest: Implausibility

  5. Moose: Gang

  6. Caribou: Herd

  7. Gazelle: Herd

  8. Elk: Gang

  9. Impala: Herd

  10. Camel: Caravan

List of Marsupials Group Names


  1. Koala: Colony

  2. Wombat: Wisdom

  3. Tasmanian Devil: Destruction

  4. Possum: Passel

  5. Wallaby: Mob

  6. Quokka: Colony

  7. Bandicoot: Company

  8. Sugar Glider: Colony

  9. Numbat: Colony

  10. Quoll: Destruction

List of Rodents Group Names


  1. Rat: Mischief

  2. Mouse: Harvest

  3. Beaver: Colony

  4. Capybara: Herd

  5. Prairie Dog: Coterie

  6. Gopher: Colony

  7. Agouti: Herd

  8. Degu: Colony

  9. Lemming: Horde

  10. Marmot: Colony

List of Carnivores Group Names


  1. Bear: Sloth

  2. Hyena: Cackle

  3. Weasel: Gang

  4. Badger: Cete

  5. Wolverine: Glutton

  6. Skunk: Stench

  7. Marten: Richness

  8. Mongoose: Mob

  9. Mink: Business

  10. Stoat: Pack

List of Aquatic Mammals Group Names


  1. Manatee: Aggregation

  2. Walrus: Herd

  3. Sea Otter: Raft

  4. Dugong: Herd

  5. Porpoise: Pod

  6. Narwhal: Blessing

  7. Beluga: Pod

  8. Orca: Pod

  9. Harbor Seal: Colony

  10. Fur Seal: Harem

List of Exotic Birds Group Names


  1. Toucan: Durante

  2. Macaw: Flock

  3. Cockatoo: Crackle

  4. Kookaburra: Riot

  5. Hornbill: Phalanx

  6. Cassowary: Quartet

  7. Emu: Mob

  8. Ostrich: Pride

  9. Kiwi: Team

  10. Lorikeet: Flock

List of Nocturnal Animals Group Names


  1. Aardvark: Armory

  2. Armadillo: Roll

  3. Pangolin: Scurry

  4. Kinkajou: Troop

  5. Firefly: Sparkle

  6. Nightjar: Gloaming

  7. Binturong: Troop

  8. Fennec Fox: Leash

  9. Aye-aye: Tribe

  10. Galago: Troop

List of Endangered Species Group Names


  1. Panda: Embarrassment

  2. Axolotl: Army

  3. Vaquita: Pod

  4. Sumatran Rhino: Crash

  5. Amur Leopard: Leap

  6. Saola: Herd

  7. Kakapo: Flock

  8. Philippine Eagle: Convocation

  9. Gharial: Bask

  10. Tapir: Candle

  11. Okapi: Tribe

  12. Proboscis Monkey: Troop


Now you know over 202 animal group names! From a pride of lions to a kaleidoscope of butterflies, these terms add color to our language and deepen our appreciation for the animal kingdom.

Next time you’re out in nature or watching a wildlife documentary, try spotting these group formations. Can you see a tower of giraffes or hear a parliament of owls?

I hope this list has excited your curiosity about the natural world. Why not share your favorite animal group name with friends or family? Or better yet, use this knowledge to start conversations about wildlife conservation.

Remember, language is alive and ever-changing. Who knows? Maybe you’ll join the next popular animal group name!

What’s your favorite animal group name from this list?

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