A Parent’s Guide to Dealing with Drunk Driving Accidents

Injuries sustained in a car accident can range from excruciating to downright horrible. Getting hurt in an accident caused by an intoxicated driver makes things ten times worse. In addition to the physical and emotional pain from the accident, you will also need to schedule appointments with medical professionals and others to aid in your financial and physical recovery.
To safeguard your rights and get the compensation you require following a vehicle accident caused by a drunk driver, there are critical steps to take.
Stay Safe and Get Medical Help
Prioritizing your own and other people’s safety after an accident caused by drunk driving should always be your top concern. Be sure to check yourself and your passengers for any injuries, if possible. The initial shock of an accident can obscure more significant injuries, no matter how little they appear. So, get in touch with an ambulance or go to the closest emergency room right away if you need medical help.
To prevent additional accidents, pull over to the side of the road if you are physically able to do so safely. Continuing to drive in the same direction after an accident increases the danger to other motorists. The situation can be kept under control by turning on your hazard lights, which alert oncoming traffic.
Call 911
Immediately call 911 in the event of an accident involving a drunk driver. Even if the other driver doesn’t seem drunk, you must still report the incident to the police. Your personal injury claim will benefit from the police officers’ documentation of the scene, administration of sobriety tests (if required), and creation of a police report.
Inform Your Insurance Company
Get in touch with your insurer right away to report the accident. You must inform them of the incident to start the claims process. Just make sure you stick to the facts when you speak to them. Your words have the power to influence insurance companies’ payout amounts.
Your insurance company lays out the steps for you. You must cooperate because they may require additional information or documents. Keep in mind that the most important thing is to have your records and proof.
Gather as Much Evidence as Possible
Because the drunk driver may be disoriented, forgetful, or even unconscious, sober drivers confront a significant challenge when they are involved in a DUI accident.
Talking to a drunk driver about the accident might be challenging, if not impossible.
Because of this, it’s wise to mentally and physically record the accident scene. Document your experiences as much as possible with photographs, videos, and notes in case you ever need to present them in court.
Furthermore, you must preserve all official documents related to the incident, such as reports from law enforcement and records of medical care.
Avoid Drunk Driver Confrontation
Avoid getting involved with the intoxicated motorist if they start acting aggressively. Otherwise, things might get worse. Staying away from intoxicated drivers is a beneficial idea, in addition to making sure they’re okay and exchanging information. Remain at a safe distance until the authorities show up.
Contact a Personal Injury Attorney
After suffering injuries at the hands of an intoxicated motorist, you must seek the advice of a personal injury lawyer who focuses on such cases. The complex legal process can be better understood with the assistance of an experienced attorney who can also advocate on your behalf and explain your rights and options. If you need legal representation, they can also help you gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and more. Gaining the compensation you rightfully deserve is much more likely when you have an experienced attorney on your side.
Find a personal injury lawyer with a track record of successfully resolving cases involving clients injured due to drunk driving. Schedule a consultation to discuss your case in detail and get their opinion on the matter, including their methodology, success rates, and knowledge of laws like ARS-28-1382. If you hire a competent attorney who will thoroughly explain the legal process and your options, you can be confident that you will be well-informed and prepared to pursue your claim.
Get and Keep Medical, Repair, and Lost Wage Bills
You or your lawyer will need to compile all relevant financial documents to prove monetary losses, such as those for medical expenses, repairs to damaged property, and missed income.
Include transportation to and from doctor’s appointments, prescription medications, orthopedic devices, medical supplies, and any other costs incurred as a result of the accident.
It is more convenient to gather documentation while you are receiving medical treatment or otherwise incurring costs and missed work time than to try to gather these records afterward. Keeping a journal detailing your treatment and associated costs is the most efficient way to keep track of everything as it happens.
Know Your Legal Options
Knowing your rights and options after an accident caused by a drunk driver is crucial. The driver who was visibly intoxicated may face criminal charges for driving while under the influence. But these criminal charges won’t pay for your medical bills or other losses. A civil claim against the intoxicated motorist may be necessary to recover financial losses, damages, and other losses, such as medical expenses, missed income, and pain and suffering.
Follow Your Doctor’s Advice
Some people choose to disregard their doctors’ recommendations, even though they may appear unnecessary. Doing so puts you at risk of having your injury claim denied by the insurance company that is supposed to compensate you—typically, the insurance company of the driver who was at fault.
It is critical to be prepared to safeguard yourself, assert your rights, and get the compensation you need if you are involved in an accident caused by a drunk driver. You can make it through the difficult aftermath of such an incident with more ease if you act quickly at the scene, record evidence, get medical and legal help, and seek appropriate compensation. Keep in mind that you should put your health and safety first and let the experts deal with the insurance and legal issues.