113 Animals Starting with Letter C

animals that start with c

Animals that start with C show the wonderful mix of life on Earth.

We see this in both small animals like camel crickets and big ones like caimans.

Some of these animals, like cats and chickens, live with us in our homes.

Others, like the cassowary and caracal, are less known but just as interesting.

Each animal has something special about it – chameleons can change their skin color, while capybaras are great swimmers.

In this list of 113 C animals, we’ll learn what makes each one unique and why they matter in our world.

List of Animals Starting with C

Dogs and Dog Breeds Starting with C


  1. Cairn Terrier
  • Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Description: A small dog with lots of energy, bred to hunt small animals
  • Habitat: Found in homes across the world as a pet
  1. Canaan Dog
  • Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Description: An old breed that helps with guarding and moving herds
  • Habitat: Originally from the Middle East, now kept as pets worldwide
  1. Canadian Eskimo Dog
  • Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Description: A powerful dog that pulls sleds
  • Habitat: Lives in cold Arctic areas of Canada
  1. Caucasian Shepherd
  • Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Description: A very large dog that guards farm animals, known for its power
  • Habitat: Most common in Eastern Europe and Russia
  1. Cheagle
  • Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Description: A combination of Chihuahua and Beagle parents
  • Habitat: Kept as pets worldwide
  1. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  • Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Description: A small dog that makes a good friend and companion
  • Habitat: Kept as pets worldwide
  1. Chihuahua
  • Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Description: The tiniest dog breed, known for its bold character
  • Habitat: Kept as pets worldwide
  1. Chinese Crested Dog
  • Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Description: Special for its bare skin and hair only on its head
  • Habitat: Kept as pets worldwide
  1. Chow Chow
  • Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Description: Known for its thick fur like a lion’s mane and dark blue-black tongue
  • Habitat: Kept as pets worldwide
  1. Cavapoo
  • Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Description: A mix of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Poodle parents
  • Habitat: Kept as pets worldwide
  1. Catahoula Leopard
  • Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Description: A smart, active working dog with special coat patterns
  • Habitat: First bred in Louisiana, USA
  1. Catahoula Bulldog
  • Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Description: A strong mixed breed that likes to guard
  • Habitat: Mainly found in the United States
  1. Catalan Sheepdog
  • Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Description: A long-haired dog that helps with sheep
  • Habitat: Works with farm animals
  1. Cardigan Welsh Corgi
  • Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Description: A short, long-bodied dog that helps with herds
  • Habitat: Kept as pets worldwide
  1. Cesky Terrier
  • Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Description: A hunting dog with short legs
  • Habitat: First came from Czech Republic, now found worldwide
  1. Chesapeake Bay Retriever
  • Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Description: A strong swimming dog with a water-resistant coat
  • Habitat: Popular in the United States
  1. Chiweenie
  • Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Description: A mix of Chihuahua and Dachshund parents
  • Habitat: Kept as pets worldwide
  1. Chorkie
  • Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Description: A mix of Chihuahua and Yorkshire Terrier parents
  • Habitat: Kept as pets worldwide

Small Mammals Starting with C


  1. Campbell’s Dwarf Hamster
  • Scientific Name: Phodopus campbelli
  • Description: A tiny pet rodent active at night
  • Habitat: Lives in steppes and grasslands of Mongolia and China
  1. Cane Rat
  • Scientific Name: Thryonomys
  • Description: A big rodent-like mammal
  • Habitat: Lives in grasslands and wet areas of Africa below the Sahara
  1. Cavy
  • Scientific Name: Caviidae
  • Description: A family of animals that includes guinea pigs
  • Habitat: Found in grasslands and rocky areas of South America
  1. Chevrotain
  • Scientific Name: Tragulidae
  • Description: A small animal that looks like a tiny deer, also called mouse-deer
  • Habitat: Lives in tropical forests of South/Southeast Asia and Africa
  1. Chinchilla
  • Scientific Name: Chinchilla lanigera
  • Description: A small rodent famous for its thick, soft fur
  • Habitat: Lives in rocky mountain areas of South America
  1. Chinese Hamster
  • Scientific Name: Cricetulus griseus
  • Description: A small rodent often used in science studies
  • Habitat: Lives in grasslands and dry areas of Mongolia and China
  1. Chipmunk
  • Scientific Name: Tamias
  • Description: A small rodent with stripes and pouches in its cheeks
  • Habitat: Lives in forests and woods of North America and Asia
  1. Capybara
  • Scientific Name: Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris
  • Description: The biggest rodent in the world
  • Habitat: Lives in wet areas of South America
  1. Cotton Mouse
  • Scientific Name: Peromyscus gossypinus
  • Description: A small native rodent
  • Habitat: Lives in southeastern United States
  1. Cotton Rat
  • Scientific Name: Sigmodon
  • Description: A medium-sized rodent
  • Habitat: Lives in grasslands across the Americas
  1. Common Degu
  • Scientific Name: Octodon degus
  • Description: A small rodent that looks similar to a chinchilla
  • Habitat: Lives in mountain areas of Chile
  1. Common Genet
  • Scientific Name: Genetta genetta
  • Description: A small meat-eating mammal
  • Habitat: Lives in Africa and some parts of Europe
  1. Common Kusimanse
  • Scientific Name: Crossarchus obscurus
  • Description: A small animal similar to a mongoose
  • Habitat: Lives in forests of West Africa
  1. Common Marmoset
  • Scientific Name: Callithrix jacchus
  • Description: A small monkey with tufts of fur on its ears
  • Habitat: Lives in forests of Brazil
  1. Common Palm Civet
  • Scientific Name: Paradoxurus hermaphroditus
  • Description: A small mammal active at night
  • Habitat: Lives in South and Southeast Asia
  1. Common Tenrec
  • Scientific Name: Tenrec ecaudatus
  • Description: Looks like a hedgehog
  • Habitat: Lives in Madagascar
  1. Common Tree Shrew
  • Scientific Name: Tupaia glis
  • Description: A small, quick-moving mammal
  • Habitat: Lives in forests of Southeast Asia
  1. Common Wombat
  • Scientific Name: Vombatus ursinus
  • Description: A strong marsupial that carries babies in a pouch
  • Habitat: Lives in Australian grasslands
  1. Cotton-top Tamarin
  • Scientific Name: Saguinus oedipus
  • Description: A small monkey with white fur on its head
  • Habitat: Lives in forests of Colombia
  1. Common Vampire Bat
  • Scientific Name: Desmodus rotundus
  • Description: A bat that feeds on blood
  • Habitat: Lives in Central and South America
  1. Common Vole
  • Scientific Name: Microtus arvalis
  • Description: A small rodent that eats grass
  • Habitat: Lives in European grasslands
  1. Coywolf
  • Scientific Name: Canis latrans × Canis lupus
  • Description: A mix between a coyote and a wolf
  • Habitat: Lives in North America

Large Mammals Starting with C


  1. Cama
  • Scientific Name: Hybrid (Camelus dromedarius × Lama glama)
  • Description: A mixed animal made by breeding a camel with a llama
  • Habitat: Kept in research facilities
  1. Canadian Horse
  • Scientific Name: Equus ferus caballus
  • Description: A strong horse breed with French roots
  • Habitat: Most commonly found in Canada
  1. Chinese Water Deer
  • Scientific Name: Hydropotes inermis
  • Description: A small deer known for its tusk-like teeth
  • Habitat: Lives in wet areas and grasslands of China and Korea
  1. Canada Lynx
  • Scientific Name: Lynx canadensis
  • Description: A medium-sized wild cat with large paws made for snow
  • Habitat: Lives in northern forests of Canada and the United States
  1. Caracal
  • Scientific Name: Caracal caracal
  • Description: A medium-sized wild cat with long tufts on its ears
  • Habitat: Lives in open areas and woodlands of Africa
  1. Clouded Leopar
  • Scientific Name: Neofelis nebulosa
  • Description: A medium-sized wild cat with spots that look like clouds
  • Habitat: Lives in forests of Southeast Asia

Birds Starting with C


  1. California Condor
  • Scientific Name: Gymnogyps californianus
  • Description: One of the biggest flying birds, very rare and at risk of dying out
  • Habitat: Lives in rocky areas and forests of western United States
  1. Canada Goose
  • Scientific Name: Branta canadensis
  • Description: A large bird with a black head and white marks under its chin
  • Habitat: Lives near lakes, rivers, and grasslands across North America
  1. Canada Warbler
  • Scientific Name: Cardellina canadensis
  • Description: A small yellow songbird with black marks like a necklace
  • Habitat: Lives in leafy forests of North America
  1. Cardinal
  • Scientific Name: Cardinalidae
  • Description: A bright red songbird with a raised crest on its head
  • Habitat: Lives in woods and gardens of North and South America
  1. Cardinal Bird
  • Scientific Name: Cardinalis cardinalis
  • Description: A well-known bright red bird
  • Habitat: Lives in forests, swamps, and town areas of North America
  1. Cassowary
  • Scientific Name: Casuarius
  • Description: A big bird that can’t fly, with a hard crown-like shape on its head
  • Habitat: Lives in rainforests of Australia and New Guinea
  1. Chaffinch
  • Scientific Name: Fringilla coelebs
  • Description: A colorful songbird with a pretty song
  • Habitat: Lives in woods and gardens across Europe and Asia
  1. Chinstrap Penguin
  • Scientific Name: Pygoscelis antarcticus
  • Description: A medium-sized penguin with a black line under its chin
  • Habitat: Lives on Antarctic and nearby islands
  1. Chinese Goose
  • Scientific Name: Anser cygnoides domesticus
  • Description: A farm bird raised for meat and eggs
  • Habitat: Found worldwide on farms
  1. Cape May Warbler
  • Scientific Name: Setophaga tigrina
  • Description: A small songbird with striped patterns
  • Habitat: Lives in North American forests
  1. Cedar Waxwing
  • Scientific Name: Bombycilla cedrorum
  • Description: A smooth-looking brown bird with a raised head feathers
  • Habitat: Lives in North American woods
  1. Common Crane
  • Scientific Name: Grus grus
  • Description: A tall bird that walks in water
  • Habitat: Lives in wet areas of Eurasia
  1. Common Cuckoo
  • Scientific Name: Cuculus canorus
  • Description: A medium-sized bird that lays eggs in other birds’ nests
  • Habitat: Lives in Europe and Asia
  1. Common Poorwill
  • Scientific Name: Phalaenoptilus nuttallii
  • Description: A small bird active at night
  • Habitat: Lives in western North America
  1. Common Potoo
  • Scientific Name: Nyctibius griseus
  • Description: A night bird that blends in with tree branches
  • Habitat: Lives in Central and South America
  1. Common Redpoll
  • Scientific Name: Acanthis flammea
  • Description: A small finch with a red spot on its head
  • Habitat: Lives in Arctic and near-Arctic areas
  1. Common Sandpiper
  • Scientific Name: Actitis hypoleucos
  • Description: A small bird that walks near water
  • Habitat: Lives near water all around the world
  1. Common Snipe
  • Scientific Name: Gallinago gallinago
  • Description: A water bird with a long beak
  • Habitat: Lives in wet areas worldwide
  1. Common Starling
  • Scientific Name: Sturnus vulgaris
  • Description: A small black bird with spots
  • Habitat: Lives in Europe, Asia, and North America
  1. Common Yellowthroat
  • Scientific Name: Geothlypis trichas
  • Description: A small warbler with a mask-like marking
  • Habitat: Lives in wet areas of North America
  1. Corn Crake
  • Scientific Name: Crex crex
  • Description: A bird that stays hidden in grass
  • Habitat: Lives in European meadows
  1. Crowned Eagle
  • Scientific Name: Stephanoaetus coronatus
  • Description: A big eagle from Africa
  • Habitat: Lives in African forests

Reptiles and Amphibians Starting with C


  1. Caiman
  • Scientific Name: Caimaninae
  • Description: A small to medium-sized animal similar to crocodiles
  • Habitat: Lives in fresh water across Central and South America
  1. Caiman Lizard
  • Scientific Name: Dracaena guianensis
  • Description: A big lizard that lives partly in water and eats snails
  • Habitat: Lives in swamps and streams of South America
  1. California Kingsnake
  • Scientific Name: Lampropeltis californiae
  • Description: A non-poisonous snake with clear stripes
  • Habitat: Lives in various places across western United States
  1. Canebrake Rattlesnake
  • Scientific Name: Crotalus horridus
  • Description: A poisonous snake with a rattle on its tail
  • Habitat: Lives in forest areas of southeastern United States
  1. Chesapeake Bay Retriever
  • Scientific Name: Correlophus ciliatus
  • Description: A small lizard with raised scales on its head and tail
  • Habitat: Lives in rainforests of New Caledonia
  1. Cane Toad
  • Scientific Name: Rhinella marina
  • Description: A large toad that makes poison
  • Habitat: Lives in warm areas of Central and South America
  1. Creeping Toad
  • Scientific Name: Bufo bufo
  • Description: A slow-moving toad with bumpy skin
  • Habitat: Lives in wet areas and forests across Europe and Asia
  1. Cobra
  • Scientific Name: Naja
  • Description: A poisonous snake that spreads its neck wide when scared
  • Habitat: Lives in Africa and Asia
  1. Common Basilisk
  • Scientific Name: Basiliscus basiliscus
  • Description: A large lizard known for running on water
  • Habitat: Lives in Central and South America
  1. Cottonmouth
  • Scientific Name: Agkistrodon piscivorus
  • Description: A poisonous snake that likes water
  • Habitat: Lives in southeastern United States
  1. Common Slider
  • Scientific Name: Trachemys scripta
  • Description: A freshwater turtle
  • Habitat: Lives in North and South America
  1. Common Snapping Turtle
  • Scientific Name: Chelydra serpentina
  • Description: A large turtle known to be fierce
  • Habitat: Lives in water across North America
  1. Corn Snake
  • Scientific Name: Pantherophis guttatus
  • Description: A non-poisonous snake that squeezes its food
  • Habitat: Lives in woods of North America
  1. Crocodile Monitor
  • Scientific Name: Varanus salvadorii
  • Description: A large lizard that can climb trees
  • Habitat: Lives in forests of New Guinea

Fish Starting with C


  1. Carp
  • Scientific Name: Cyprinus carpio
  • Description: A common fish found in fresh water
  • Habitat: Lives in lakes, rivers, and ponds worldwide
  1. Cardinalfish
  • Scientific Name: Apogonidae
  • Description: A small fish active at night in coral reefs
  • Habitat: Lives in warm and semi-warm ocean waters
  1. Chinook Salmon
  • Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
  • Description: The biggest type of Pacific salmon
  • Habitat: Lives in the North Pacific Ocean and connected rivers
  1. Clownfish
  • Scientific Name: Amphiprioninae
  • Description: A small fish with orange and white stripes
  • Habitat: Lives in tropical coral reefs
  1. Cookie Cutter Shark
  • Scientific Name: Isistius brasiliensis
  • Description: A small shark that lives in deep water
  • Habitat: Lives in warm and medium-warm oceans
  1. Caribbean Reef Shark
  • Scientific Name: Carcharhinus perezi
  • Description: A large shark that lives near coral reefs
  • Habitat: Lives in warm Caribbean waters
  1. Common Dolphin
  • Scientific Name: Delphinus delphis
  • Description: A small, fast-swimming sea mammal
  • Habitat: Lives in oceans worldwide
  1. Common Seahorse
  • Scientific Name: Hippocampus kuda
  • Description: A medium-sized fish that swims upright
  • Habitat: Lives in Indo-Pacific waters

Insects and Arachnids Starting with C


  1. Cecropia Moth
  • Scientific Name: Hyalophora cecropia
  • Description: The biggest moth native to North America
  • Habitat: Lives in leafy forests of North America
  1. Centipede
  • Scientific Name: Chilopoda
  • Description: A many-legged creature with a poisonous bite
  • Habitat: Found worldwide under rocks and in soil
  1. Cicada
  • Scientific Name: Cicadidae
  • Description: A large insect known for making loud buzzing sounds
  • Habitat: Lives in woods and forests worldwide
  1. Citrus Long-Horned Beetle
  • Scientific Name: Anoplophora chinensis
  • Description: A bug with long feelers that damages citrus trees
  • Habitat: Lives in citrus tree areas and city settings
  1. Citrus Swallowtail Butterfly
  • Scientific Name: Papilio demoleus
  • Description: A large, colorful butterfly from warm areas
  • Habitat: Lives in citrus growing areas in Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean
  1. California Tarantula
  • Scientific Name: Aphonopelma spp.
  • Description: A large spider that lives on the ground
  • Habitat: Lives in dry areas of California
  1. Cane Spider
  • Scientific Name: Heteropoda venatoria
  • Description: A fast-moving spider often found in homes
  • Habitat: Lives in warm areas, mainly Asia and Hawaii
  1. Common Blue Butterfly
  • Scientific Name: Polyommatus icarus
  • Description: A small butterfly with blue wings
  • Habitat: Lives in Europe and Asia
  1. Colorado Potato Beetle
  • Scientific Name: Leptinotarsa decemlineata
  • Description: A striped bug that eats potato plants
  • Habitat: Lives in North America and Europe
  1. Common Cricket
  • Scientific Name: Gryllus
  • Description: A ground-living insect known for making chirping sounds
  • Habitat: Found all over the world
  1. Common Wasp
  • Scientific Name: Vespula vulgaris
  • Description: A social wasp that lives in groups
  • Habitat: Lives in the northern half of Earth
  1. Common Water Strider
  • Scientific Name: Gerris lacustris
  • Description: An insect that can walk on water
  • Habitat: Lives on fresh water worldwide

Extinct Species Starting with C


  1. Caribbean Monk Seal
  • Scientific Name: Neomonachus tropicalis
  • Description: A seal species that no longer exists
  • Former Habitat: Used to live in Caribbean waters and islands
  1. Carolina Parakeet
  • Scientific Name: Conuropsis carolinensis
  • Description: A type of parakeet from the United States that has died out
  • Former Habitat: Used to live in wet areas of the southeastern United States
  1. Caspian Tiger
  • Scientific Name: Panthera tigris virgata
  • Description: A type of tiger that no longer exists
  • Former Habitat: Used to live in forests of Central Asia
  1. Cave Bear
  • Scientific Name: Ursus spelaeus
  • Description: A bear that lived during the Ice Age
  • Former Habitat: Used to live in caves across Europe and Asia
  1. Cave Lion
  • Scientific Name: Panthera spelaea
  • Description: A big cat from the Ice Age that has died out
  • Former Habitat: Used to live in grassy areas of Eurasia
  1. Chinese River Dolphin
  • Scientific Name: Lipotes vexillifer
  • Description: A freshwater dolphin thought to be gone forever
  • Former Habitat: Used to live in China’s Yangtze River

Marine Life Starting with C


  1. Common Thresher
  • Scientific Name: Alopias vulpinus
  • Description: A large shark with an extra-long tail fin
  • Habitat: Lives in warm and medium-warm ocean waters
  1. Cookiecutter Shark
  • Scientific Name: Isistius brasiliensis
  • Description: A small shark that feeds by taking bites from larger animals
  • Habitat: Lives in deep warm ocean waters
  1. Common Seal
  • Scientific Name: Phoca vitulina
  • Description: A seal that lives near shores
  • Habitat: Lives along coasts in the northern half of Earth
  1. Common Stingray
  • Scientific Name: Dasyatis pastinaca
  • Description: A flat, diamond-shaped sea animal
  • Habitat: Lives in the eastern Atlantic Ocean
  1. Common Octopus
  • Scientific Name: Octopus vulgaris
  • Description: A smart sea animal with eight arms
  • Habitat: Lives in warm and medium-warm oceans


These amazing C animals show us how rich and varied life on Earth is.

While some of these animals work with humans, others need their own space in the wild.

It’s sad that we’ve already lost some forever, like the Caribbean Monk Seal.

This reminds us why we need to take care of the animals we still have.

When we learn about these different creatures and how they live, we understand better why each one is important for keeping nature in balance.

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