80 Animals That Start With Letter M

The animal kingdom shows us an amazing variety of life forms whose names begin with the letter “M.”
Our list of 80 “M” animals includes both common species you might see in your backyard and rare ones found only in specific parts of the world.
You’ll see all types of animals: land mammals, flying birds, desert reptiles, water-and-land amphibians, ocean fish, and insects found everywhere.
Each animal has special features that help it survive and thrive in its environment.
Mammals That Start with M
- Manatee
- Known as: Sea cows
- Diet: Herbivores found in warm coastal waters
- Origin: Found in the warm coastal waters of the Americas
- Smell: Earthy, subtle
- Scientific Name: Trichechus
- Moose
- Known as: Largest member of the deer family
- Origin: North America, Eurasia
- Smell: Musky
- Scientific Name: Alces alces
- Muskox
- Known as: Thick-furred animal adapted to Arctic climates
- Origin: Arctic regions of North America and Greenland
- Smell: Musky
- Scientific Name: Ovibos moschatus
- Malayan Tiger
- Known as: A rare tiger subspecies
- Origin: Malaysia
- Smell: Pungent, characteristic of tigers
- Scientific Name: Panthera tigris jacksoni
- Mountain Lion (Cougar)
- Known as: Large wild cat found in the Americas
- Origin: Americas
- Smell: Musky
- Scientific Name: Puma concolor
- Markhor
- Known as: A wild goat with twisted horns
- Origin: Central and South Asia
- Smell: Mild, earthy
- Scientific Name: Capra falconeri
- Mandrill
- Known as: The largest monkey species
- Origin: Central West Africa
- Smell: Musky
- Scientific Name: Mandrillus sphinx
- Mule Deer
- Known as: Found in North America
- Origin: North America
- Smell: Earthy, faint
- Scientific Name: Odocoileus hemionus
- Maned Wolf
- Known as: Tallest wild canid
- Origin: South America
- Smell: Strong, musky
- Scientific Name: Chrysocyon brachyurus
- Marsican Brown Bear
- Known as: Endangered bear species from Italy
- Origin: Italy
- Smell: Musky, strong
- Scientific Name: Ursus arctos marsicanus
- Mouse
- Known as: Small rodent found worldwide
- Origin: Worldwide
- Smell: Slightly musky
- Scientific Name: Mus musculus
- Mole
- Known as: Lives underground and uses its large paws for digging
- Origin: Worldwide
- Smell: Earthy
- Scientific Name: Talpidae
- Marmot
- Known as: A large ground squirrel
- Origin: North America, Europe, Asia
- Smell: Earthy
- Scientific Name: Marmota
- Mongoose
- Known as: Agile predator known for its ability to fight snakes
- Origin: Asia, Africa
- Smell: Musky
- Scientific Name: Herpestidae
- Malayan Civet
- Known as: A nocturnal mammal with a cat-like body
- Origin: Southeast Asia
- Smell: Musky, strong
- Scientific Name: Viverra tangalunga
- Marmoset
- Known as: Small primate with sharp claws
- Origin: South America
- Smell: Faint, musky
- Scientific Name: Callithrix
- Musk Deer
- Known as: Small deer with long canine teeth
- Origin: Asia
- Smell: Musky
- Scientific Name: Moschus
- Manchester Terrier
- Known as: A small, sleek dog breed
- Origin: England
- Smell: Mild
- Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
- Maine Coon
- Known as: One of the largest domestic cat breeds
- Origin: North America
- Smell: Faint, musky
- Scientific Name: Felis catus
- Mexican Free-Tailed Bat
- Known as: Fastest flying mammal
- Origin: North and South America
- Smell: Slightly musty
- Scientific Name: Tadarida brasiliensis
Birds That Start with M
- Macaw
- Known as: Large, colorful parrot
- Origin: South American forests
- Smell: Slightly musky
- Scientific Name: Ara
- Magpie
- Known as: Highly intelligent bird
- Origin: Found worldwide
- Smell: Faint
- Scientific Name: Pica pica
- Mallard
- Known as: A common duck species
- Origin: North America, Europe, and Asia
- Smell: Mild
- Scientific Name: Anas platyrhynchos
- Marabou Stork
- Known as: Large scavenger bird
- Origin: Africa
- Smell: Strong, musky
- Scientific Name: Leptoptilos crumeniferus
- Masked Booby
- Known as: Large seabird with a black facial mask
- Origin: Tropical waters
- Smell: Faint
- Scientific Name: Sula dactylatra
- Mourning Dove
- Known as: Recognized by its soft cooing sound
- Origin: North America
- Smell: Mild
- Scientific Name: Zenaida macroura
- Mynah Bird
- Known as: Excellent at mimicking human speech
- Origin: Asia
- Smell: Faint
- Scientific Name: Acridotheres
- Mississippi Kite
- Known as: A graceful bird of prey
- Origin: North America
- Smell: Slightly musky
- Scientific Name: Ictinia mississippiensis
- Mountain Bluebird
- Known as: Bright blue songbird
- Origin: North America
- Smell: Faint
- Scientific Name: Sialia currucoides
- Masked Owl
- Known as: Nocturnal bird with a distinctive heart-shaped face
- Origin: Australia
- Smell: Faint, musky
- Scientific Name: Tyto novaehollandiae
- Magellanic Penguin
- Known as: Found in South America
- Origin: South America
- Smell: Fishy
- Scientific Name: Spheniscus magellanicus
- Madagascar Jacana
- Known as: A wading bird that walks on lily pads
- Origin: Madagascar
- Smell: Earthy
- Scientific Name: Actophilornis albinucha
- Monte Iberia Eleuth
- Known as: One of the world’s smallest birds
- Origin: Cuba
- Smell: Faint
- Scientific Name: Eleutherodactylus iberia
- Mottled Duck
- Known as: Resembles a mallard but lacks the green head
- Origin: North America
- Smell: Earthy
- Scientific Name: Anas fulvigula
- Magnolia Warbler
- Known as: Migratory songbird
- Origin: North America
- Smell: Earthy
- Scientific Name: Setophaga magnolia
- Masked Trogon
- Known as: Tropical bird with bright plumage
- Origin: Central and South America
- Smell: Faint
- Scientific Name: Trogon personatus
- Marsh Harrier
- Known as: Large bird of prey
- Origin: Wetlands
- Smell: Slightly musky
- Scientific Name: Circus aeruginosus
- Mountain Quail
- Known as: A ground-dwelling bird
- Origin: Western North America
- Smell: Earthy
- Scientific Name: Oreortyx pictus
- Muscovy Duck
- Known as: Domesticated breed with a red face
- Origin: Central and South America
- Smell: Mild
- Scientific Name: Cairina moschata
- Malachite Kingfisher
- Known as: Small but brightly colored kingfisher
- Origin: Africa
- Smell: Faint
- Scientific Name: Corythornis cristatus
- Masked Shrike
- Known as: A songbird with a distinctive black mask
- Origin: Parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa
- Smell: Mild
- Scientific Name: Lanius nubicus
- Malagasy Coucal
- Known as: A bird with a long tail
- Origin: Madagascar
- Smell: Earthy
- Scientific Name: Centropus toulou
- Mexican Jay
- Known as: A social bird with blue feathers
- Origin: Mexico and the U.S.
- Smell: Mild
- Scientific Name: Aphelocoma ultramarina
- Mountain Caracara
- Known as: A bird of prey often scavenges for food
- Origin: South America
- Smell: Earthy
- Scientific Name: Caracara plancus
- Magpie Goose
- Known as: A waterfowl species with black and white feathers
- Origin: Australia and New Guinea
- Smell: Mild
- Scientific Name: Anseranas semipalmata
Reptiles, Amphibians & Fish Starts With M
- Mamba (Black & Green)
- Known as: Highly venomous snake
- Origin: Africa
- Smell: Faint, musky
- Scientific Name: Dendroaspis
- Marine Iguana
- Known as: The only sea-dwelling lizard
- Origin: Galápagos Islands
- Smell: Faint
- Scientific Name: Amblyrhynchus cristatus
- Mangrove Snake
- Known as: Semi-aquatic, venomous snake
- Origin: Asia
- Smell: Musky
- Scientific Name: Boiga dendrophila
- Mossy Frog
- Known as: Camouflaged to look like moss
- Origin: Vietnam
- Smell: Earthy
- Scientific Name: Theloderma corticale
- Marbled Salamander
- Known as: Has black and white patterns
- Origin: North America
- Smell: Earthy
- Scientific Name: Ambystoma opacum
- Malayan Krait
- Known as: A highly venomous snake
- Origin: Southeast Asia
- Smell: Faint
- Scientific Name: Bungarus caeruleus
- Marbled Newt
- Known as: A beautifully patterned amphibian
- Origin: Parts of Europe
- Smell: Earthy
- Scientific Name: Triturus marmoratus
- Mexican Beaded Lizard
- Known as: One of the few venomous lizards
- Origin: Mexico
- Smell: Earthy
- Scientific Name: Heloderma horridum
- Mozambique Tilapia
- Known as: A freshwater fish used in aquaculture
- Origin: Africa and Asia
- Smell: Slightly fishy
- Scientific Name: Oreochromis mossambicus
- Marbled Electric Ray
- Known as: Uses electric shocks to stun prey
- Origin: Coastal waters
- Smell: Salty, fishy
- Scientific Name: Torpedo marmorata
- Mahi Mahi (Dolphin Fish)
- Known as: Popular game fish
- Origin: Warm ocean waters
- Smell: Fishy
- Scientific Name: Coryphaena hippurus
- Milkfish
- Known as: One of the oldest farmed fish
- Origin: Indo-Pacific waters
- Smell: Fishy
- Scientific Name: Chanos chanos
- Moray Eel
- Known as: Has sharp teeth and a snake-like body
- Origin: Coral reefs
- Smell: Musky, oceanic
- Scientific Name: Muraenidae
- Mekong Giant Catfish
- Known as: One of the largest freshwater fish
- Origin: Southeast Asia
- Smell: Earthy, fresh
- Scientific Name: Pangasianodon gigas
- Moon Jellyfish
- Known as: Bioluminescent and drifts with ocean currents
- Origin: All major oceans
- Smell: Oceanic
- Scientific Name: Aurelia aurita
Insects and Other Animals That Start with M
- Maggot
- Known as: Larval stage of flies
- Origin: Found worldwide
- Smell: Foul
- Scientific Name: Various species of Diptera
- May Beetle
- Known as: June bugs
- Origin: North America
- Smell: Faint, earthy
- Scientific Name: Phyllophaga
- Millipede
- Known as: Has numerous tiny legs
- Origin: Moist environments worldwide
- Smell: Earthy
- Scientific Name: Diplopoda
- Madagascar Hissing Cockroach
- Known as: Large cockroach species that makes a hissing sound
- Origin: Madagascar
- Smell: Musty
- Scientific Name: Gromphadorhina portentosa
- Mason Bee
- Known as: A solitary bee species that builds nests in wood
- Origin: Worldwide
- Smell: Faint
- Scientific Name: Osmia
- Mexican Red Knee Tarantula
- Known as: Popular in the pet trade
- Origin: Dry regions of Mexico
- Smell: Earthy
- Scientific Name: Brachypelma smithi
- Millipede Assassin Bug
- Known as: A predatory insect that hunts millipedes
- Origin: Tropical forests
- Smell: Faint
- Scientific Name: Zelus longipes
- Malaysian Giant Ant
- Known as: One of the largest ant species
- Origin: Malaysia
- Smell: Faint
- Scientific Name: Camponotus gigas
- Mole Cricket
- Known as: A burrowing insect with strong front legs
- Origin: Worldwide
- Smell: Earthy
- Scientific Name: Gryllotalpidae
- Midge
- Known as: Small flying insect often mistaken for mosquitoes
- Origin: Worldwide
- Smell: Faint
- Scientific Name: Chironomidae
- Mud Dauber Wasp
- Known as: Builds nests out of mud
- Origin: Found worldwide
- Smell: Faint
- Scientific Name: Sphecidae
- Malaysian Jungle Nymph
- Known as: One of the largest stick insects in the world
- Origin: Malaysia
- Smell: Earthy
- Scientific Name: Haaniella spp.
- Metallic Wood-Boring Beetle
- Known as: Has an iridescent, shiny exoskeleton
- Origin: Found worldwide
- Smell: Slightly musty
- Scientific Name: Buprestidae
- Masked Hunter Bug
- Known as: A predatory insect that feeds on bed bugs
- Origin: Worldwide
- Smell: Faint
- Scientific Name: Reduviidae
- Mango Fruit Fly
- Known as: A pest that attacks mango crops
- Origin: Tropical regions worldwide
- Smell: Slightly fruity
- Scientific Name: Bactrocera dorsalis
- Madagascar Moon Moth
- Known as: A large, vibrant yellow-green moth
- Origin: Madagascar
- Smell: Sweet
- Scientific Name: Argema mittrei
- Mountain Pine Beetle
- Known as: A small beetle that infests and kills pine trees
- Origin: North America
- Smell: Woody
- Scientific Name: Dendroctonus ponderosae
- Masked Bee
- Known as: A solitary bee with a sleek black body
- Origin: Worldwide
- Smell: Faint
- Scientific Name: Hylaeus
- Manduca Sexta (Tobacco Hornworm Moth)
- Known as: A moth species whose larvae are pests of tobacco plants
- Origin: North America
- Smell: Earthy
- Scientific Name: Manduca sexta
- Mediterranean Flour Moth
- Known as: A common pest in stored grain products
- Origin: Mediterranean region
- Smell: Musty
- Scientific Name: Ephestia kuehniella
Our list of 80 creatures shows the rich variety of life across different habitats.
Each animal has developed special traits that make it successful in its environment.
Some are common neighbors in our backyards, while others live in far-off places.
By learning about these animals, we gain a better understanding of how different species adapt and survive.
Their stories remind us of the importance of protecting all habitats to keep these amazing creatures safe for future generations.