300 Baby Girls Names Starting with H

Girls names start with H

Ever notice how names that start with H bring warmth to a room? There’s something about this letter that carries both strength and heart—perfect for a little girl who’ll grow into her own story.

When parents pick a name, they’re giving their child the first words the world will know them by. It’s both a big job and a joyful one.

This list of girls’ names starting with H is split by cultural roots, making it simple to find names tied to your family history or background.

This list offers names for every taste, with picks ranging from the well-loved Hannah to the rare and pretty Harlow.

Let’s find the H name meant for your little girl!

English/American Girl’s Names Start with H


1. Harper

Meaning: “Harp player”

Pronunciation: HAR-pur

2. Hazel

Meaning: “The hazel tree”

Pronunciation: HAY-zul

3. Hannah

Meaning: “Grace”

Pronunciation: HAN-uh

4. Harmony

Meaning: “Musical sound”

Pronunciation: HAR-muh-nee

5. Hadley

Meaning: “Heather field”

Pronunciation: HAD-lee

6. Hailey

Meaning: “Hay’s meadow”

Pronunciation: HAY-lee

7. Harlow

Meaning: “Army hill”

Pronunciation: HAR-loh

8. Helena

Meaning: “Bright, shining light”

Pronunciation: heh-LAY-nuh

9. Haven

Meaning: “Safe place”

Pronunciation: HAY-vuhn

10. Hallie

Meaning: “Dweller at the hall meadow”

Pronunciation: HAL-ee

11. Hattie

Meaning: “Home ruler”

Pronunciation: HAT-ee

12. Heidi

Meaning: “Noble one”

Pronunciation: HY-dee

13. Hester

Meaning: “Star”

Pronunciation: HES-tur

14. Hope

Meaning: “Desire of fulfillment”

Pronunciation: HOHP

15. Harlene

Meaning: “Army of the land”

Pronunciation: HAR-leen

16. Halle

Meaning: “Heroine”

Pronunciation: HAL-ee

17. Henrietta

Meaning: “Ruler of the home”

Pronunciation: hen-ree-ET-uh

18. Hilary

Meaning: “Cheerful”

Pronunciation: HIL-uh-ree

19. Havenly

Meaning: “Heavenly”

Pronunciation: HAY-vuhn-lee

20. Hayley

Meaning: “Hay’s meadow”

Pronunciation: HAY-lee

21. Hilda

Meaning: “Battle woman”

Pronunciation: HIL-duh

22. Hollis

Meaning: “Near the holly trees”

Pronunciation: HAH-lis

23. Honey

Meaning: “Sweet substance”

Pronunciation: HUN-ee

24. Honor

Meaning: “Dignity and respect”

Pronunciation: AWN-ur

25. Harmony

Meaning: “Agreement”

Pronunciation: HAR-muh-nee

26. Haven

Meaning: “Safe place”

Pronunciation: HAY-vuhn

27. Harlow

Meaning: “Army hill”

Pronunciation: HAR-loh

28. Heather

Meaning: “Flowering plant”

Pronunciation: HEH-thur

29. Hollie

Meaning: “Holly tree”

Pronunciation: HOL-ee

30. Harper

Meaning: “Harp player”

Pronunciation: HAR-pur

African Girl’s Names Start with H


31. Hadiza

Meaning: “Respected”

Pronunciation: hah-DEE-zah

32. Halima

Meaning: “Patient, gentle”

Pronunciation: hah-LEE-mah

33. Habiba

Meaning: “Beloved, sweetheart”

Pronunciation: hah-BEE-bah

34. Hafsa

Meaning: “Gathering, young lioness”

Pronunciation: HAF-sah

35. Hawwa

Meaning: “Life”

Pronunciation: hah-WAH

36. Hawa

Meaning: “Eve”

Pronunciation: HAH-wah

37. Hasina

Meaning: “Beautiful”

Pronunciation: hah-SEE-nah

38. Hadiya

Meaning: “Guide to righteousness”

Pronunciation: hah-DEE-yah

39. Hadiya

Meaning: “Gift”

Pronunciation: hah-DEE-yah

40. Hasnaa

Meaning: “Beautiful, fair”

Pronunciation: HASS-nah

41. Halimatou

Meaning: “Gentle, patient”

Pronunciation: hah-LEE-mah-too

42. Hassana

Meaning: “Beautiful, good”

Pronunciation: HAH-sah-nah

43. Haweeya

Meaning: “Identity”

Pronunciation: hah-WEE-yah

44. Hamida

Meaning: “Praiseworthy”

Pronunciation: hah-MEE-dah

45. Halimah

Meaning: “Patient, mild”

Pronunciation: hah-LEE-mah

46. Hassina

Meaning: “Virtuous, pious”

Pronunciation: hah-SEE-nah

47. Hafiza

Meaning: “Guardian, protector”

Pronunciation: hah-FEE-zah

48. Hawa

Meaning: “Air, breeze”

Pronunciation: HAH-wah

49. Hasanat

Meaning: “Good deeds”

Pronunciation: HAH-sah-nat

50. Husseina

Meaning: “Beautiful, good”

Pronunciation: hoo-SAY-nah

51. Hadara

Meaning: “Civilization, culture”

Pronunciation: hah-DAH-rah

52. Hiba

Meaning: “Gift”

Pronunciation: HEE-bah

53. Hoda

Meaning: “Guidance”

Pronunciation: HOH-dah

54. Habibah

Meaning: “Beloved”

Pronunciation: hah-BEE-bah

55. Hamisi

Meaning: “Born on Thursday”

Pronunciation: hah-MEE-see

56. Hamila

Meaning: “Carrying, pregnant”

Pronunciation: hah-MEE-lah

57. Hasnaa

Meaning: “Beautiful”

Pronunciation: HASS-nah

58. Hakima

Meaning: “Wise”

Pronunciation: hah-KEE-mah

59. Huriye

Meaning: “Of beautiful eyes”

Pronunciation: hoo-REE-yah

60. Hawa

Meaning: “Air”

Pronunciation: HAH-wah

Arabic Girl’s Names Start with H


61. Hala

Meaning: “Halo around the moon”

Pronunciation: HAH-lah

62. Hanan

Meaning: “Compassion, tenderness”

Pronunciation: hah-NAHN

63. Hana

Meaning: “Happiness, flower”

Pronunciation: HAH-nah

64. Halima

Meaning: “Gentle, patient”

Pronunciation: hah-LEE-mah

65. Hiba

Meaning: “Gift”

Pronunciation: HEE-bah

66. Huda

Meaning: “Guidance”

Pronunciation: HOO-dah

67. Hananah

Meaning: “Merciful, affectionate”

Pronunciation: hah-NAH-nah

68. Haseena

Meaning: “Beautiful”

Pronunciation: hah-SEE-nah

69. Hidaya

Meaning: “Guidance”

Pronunciation: hee-DIE-yah

70. Hajar

Meaning: “Rock, stone”

Pronunciation: hah-JAHR

71. Hamida

Meaning: “Praiseworthy”

Pronunciation: hah-MEE-dah

72. Hibah

Meaning: “Gift, donation”

Pronunciation: HEE-bah

73. Hadiya

Meaning: “Guide”

Pronunciation: hah-DEE-yah

74. Hiyam

Meaning: “Love”

Pronunciation: HEE-yam

75. Hajarah

Meaning: “Immigrant”

Pronunciation: hah-JAH-rah

76. Habiba

Meaning: “Beloved, sweetheart”

Pronunciation: hah-BEE-bah

77. Haifa

Meaning: “Slender, delicate”

Pronunciation: HAI-fah

78. Hawra

Meaning: “Having eyes with black pupils and white sclera”

Pronunciation: HOW-rah

79. Houri

Meaning: “Nymph of paradise”

Pronunciation: HOO-ree

80. Haniya

Meaning: “Happy, delighted”

Pronunciation: hah-NEE-yah

81. Halwa

Meaning: “Sweet”

Pronunciation: HAL-wah

82. Hibatullah

Meaning: “Gift of God”

Pronunciation: HEE-bah-too-lah

83. Hadiqa

Meaning: “Garden, park”

Pronunciation: hah-DEE-kah

84. Hooriya

Meaning: “Fairy, nymph”

Pronunciation: hoo-REE-yah

85. Hasiba

Meaning: “Respected, noble”

Pronunciation: hah-SEE-bah

86. Hafsah

Meaning: “Young lioness”

Pronunciation: HAF-sah

87. Hajira

Meaning: “Immigrant”

Pronunciation: hah-JEE-rah

88. Halah

Meaning: “Sweetness”

Pronunciation: HAH-lah

89. Hura

Meaning: “Free, independent”

Pronunciation: HOO-rah

90. Haima

Meaning: “Praise, commend”

Pronunciation: HAI-mah

Chinese Girl’s Names Start with H


91. Hua

Meaning: “Flower, blossom”

Pronunciation: HWAH

92. Hui

Meaning: “Intelligent, wise”

Pronunciation: HWAY

93. Huan

Meaning: “Joyous, happy”

Pronunciation: HWAN

94. Hai

Meaning: “Sea, ocean”

Pronunciation: HAI

95. He

Meaning: “Lotus”

Pronunciation: HUH

96. Hong

Meaning: “Red, vast”

Pronunciation: HONG

97. Huiling

Meaning: “Wise and delicate”

Pronunciation: HWAY-ling

98. Huifen

Meaning: “Wise and fragrant”

Pronunciation: HWAY-fen

99. Haoyue

Meaning: “Bright moon”

Pronunciation: HOW-yweh

100. Huijun

Meaning: “Wise and talented”

Pronunciation: HWAY-jun

101. Haizhen

Meaning: “Treasure of the sea”

Pronunciation: HAI-jun

102. Huiying

Meaning: “Intelligent and brave”

Pronunciation: HWAY-ying

103. Hongmei

Meaning: “Red plum”

Pronunciation: HONG-may

104. Huimin

Meaning: “Wise and compassionate”

Pronunciation: HWAY-min

105. Huanjing

Meaning: “Joyous and tranquil”

Pronunciation: HWAN-jing

106. Haixia

Meaning: “Rosy clouds”

Pronunciation: HAI-shyah

107. Huixin

Meaning: “Kind and thoughtful”

Pronunciation: HWAY-sheen

108. Hongxia

Meaning: “Red cloud”

Pronunciation: HONG-shyah

109. Huilan

Meaning: “Wise orchid”

Pronunciation: HWAY-lahn

110. Huanru

Meaning: “Joyous and gentle”

Pronunciation: HWAN-roo

111. Haoyu

Meaning: “Vast universe”

Pronunciation: HOW-yoo

112. Huijuan

Meaning: “Wise and graceful”

Pronunciation: HWAY-jwahn

113. Hongyi

Meaning: “Red intention, ambitious”

Pronunciation: HONG-ee

114. Huajing

Meaning: “Flower scenery”

Pronunciation: HWAH-jing

115. Haiyan

Meaning: “Sea swallow”

Pronunciation: HAI-yahn

116. Huili

Meaning: “Wise and beautiful”

Pronunciation: HWAY-lee

117. Hongyun

Meaning: “Red cloud, good luck”

Pronunciation: HONG-yoon

118. Huayan

Meaning: “Elegant flower”

Pronunciation: HWAH-yahn

119. Huijun

Meaning: “Wise and graceful”

Pronunciation: HWAY-jun

120. Huiling

Meaning: “Wise and exquisite”

Pronunciation: HWAY-ling

French Girl’s Names Start with H


121. Hélène

Meaning: “Bright, shining light”

Pronunciation: eh-LEN

122. Henriette

Meaning: “Ruler of the home”

Pronunciation: ahn-ree-ET

123. Hélène-Marie

Meaning: “Combination of Hélène and Marie”

Pronunciation: eh-LEN mah-REE

124. Hortense

Meaning: “Gardener”

Pronunciation: or-TAHNS

125. Hermine

Meaning: “Army man”

Pronunciation: er-MEEN

126. Héloïse

Meaning: “Healthy, wide”

Pronunciation: EH-loh-eez

127. Honorine

Meaning: “Honorable”

Pronunciation: oh-no-REEN

128. Hyacinthe

Meaning: “Hyacinth flower”

Pronunciation: ee-ah-SANT

129. Huguette

Meaning: “Bright in mind and spirit”

Pronunciation: oo-GET

130. Hélianne

Meaning: “Sunshine”

Pronunciation: eh-lee-ANN

131. Héva

Meaning: “Life, living one”

Pronunciation: eh-VAH

132. Hilaire

Meaning: “Cheerful, happy”

Pronunciation: ee-LER

133. Hermance

Meaning: “Army man”

Pronunciation: er-MAHNS

134. Hélodie

Meaning: “Marsh flower”

Pronunciation: eh-LOH-dee

135. Harlène

Meaning: “Army ruler”

Pronunciation: ar-LEN

136. Héléna

Meaning: “Bright, shining light”

Pronunciation: eh-LAY-nah

137. Huguette-Marie

Meaning: “Combination of Huguette and Marie”

Pronunciation: oo-GET mah-REE

138. Herminette

Meaning: “Little army man”

Pronunciation: er-MEEN-et

139. Honorée

Meaning: “Honored, esteemed”

Pronunciation: oh-no-RAY

140. Hermine-Marie

Meaning: “Combination of Hermine and Marie”

Pronunciation: er-MEEN mah-REE

141. Hélisende

Meaning: “Health, salvation”

Pronunciation: eh-lee-SEND

142. Henriette-Anne

Meaning: “Combination of Henriette and Anne”

Pronunciation: ahn-ree-ET ANN

143. Héva-Marie

Meaning: “Combination of Héva and Marie”

Pronunciation: eh-VAH mah-REE

144. Honorée-Marie

Meaning: “Combination of Honorée and Marie”

Pronunciation: oh-no-RAY mah-REE

145. Hélène-Louise

Meaning: “Combination of Hélène and Louise”

Pronunciation: eh-LEN loo-EEZ

146. Hélène-Claire

Meaning: “Combination of Hélène and Claire”

Pronunciation: eh-LEN KLAIR

147. Hortense-Marie

Meaning: “Combination of Hortense and Marie”

Pronunciation: or-TAHNS mah-REE

148. Hyacinthine

Meaning: “Of the hyacinth flower”

Pronunciation: ee-ah-SAN-theen

149. Hélina

Meaning: “Shining light”

Pronunciation: eh-LEE-nah

150. Henriette-Louise

Meaning: “Combination of Henriette and Louise”

Pronunciation: ahn-ree-ET loo-EEZ

Indian Girl’s Names Start with H


151. Harini

Meaning: “Deer-like”

Pronunciation: hah-REE-nee

152. Himani

Meaning: “Goddess Parvati”

Pronunciation: hee-MAH-nee

153. Hema

Meaning: “Golden”

Pronunciation: HEH-mah

154. Harsha

Meaning: “Happiness, joy”

Pronunciation: HAR-shah

155. Hiral

Meaning: “Lustrous”

Pronunciation: HEE-ral

156. Harita

Meaning: “Green, nature”

Pronunciation: hah-REE-tah

157. Hamsa

Meaning: “Swan, soul”

Pronunciation: HUM-sah

158. Hema Malini

Meaning: “Golden garland”

Pronunciation: HEH-mah MAH-lee-nee

159. Hita

Meaning: “Lovable”

Pronunciation: HEE-tah

160. Hiranmayi

Meaning: “Golden girl”

Pronunciation: hee-rahn-MAH-yee

161. Hridaya

Meaning: “Heart”

Pronunciation: hree-DYE-yah

162. Harita

Meaning: “Green, nature”

Pronunciation: hah-REE-tah

163. Hemalatha

Meaning: “Golden creeper plant”

Pronunciation: HEH-mah-LAH-thah

164. Hiran

Meaning: “Gold”

Pronunciation: HEE-rahn

165. Hamsini

Meaning: “Goddess Saraswati, one who rides a swan”

Pronunciation: HUM-see-nee

166. Harshita

Meaning: “Full of happiness”

Pronunciation: HAR-shih-tah

167. Hema Latha

Meaning: “Golden creeper plant”

Pronunciation: HEH-mah LAH-thah

168. Hiranmayi

Meaning: “Golden girl”

Pronunciation: hee-rahn-MAH-yee

169. Hemavathi

Meaning: “Golden girl”

Pronunciation: HEH-mah-vah-thee

170. Harshini

Meaning: “Cheerful, happy”

Pronunciation: HAR-shee-nee

171. Hemisha

Meaning: “One with a golden body”

Pronunciation: HEH-mee-shah

172. Harita

Meaning: “Green, nature”

Pronunciation: hah-REE-tah

173. Hemavati

Meaning: “Golden girl”

Pronunciation: HEH-mah-vah-tee

174. Harinee

Meaning: “Deer-like”

Pronunciation: hah-REE-nee

175. Hamsika

Meaning: “Goddess Saraswati”

Pronunciation: HUM-see-kah

176. Heli

Meaning: “Sun”

Pronunciation: HEH-lee

177. Harshini

Meaning: “Happy, joyful”

Pronunciation: HAR-shee-nee

178. Himanshi

Meaning: “Part of snow”

Pronunciation: hee-MAHN-shee

179. Hema

Meaning: “Golden”

Pronunciation: HEH-mah

180. Harini

Meaning: “Deer-like”

Pronunciation: hah-REE-nee

Italian Girl’s Names Start with H


181. Helena

Meaning: “Bright, shining light”

Pronunciation: eh-LEH-nah

182. Helga

Meaning: “Holy, blessed”

Pronunciation: HEL-gah

183. Hortensia

Meaning: “Garden, gardener”

Pronunciation: or-TEN-see-ah

184. Honoria

Meaning: “Honor”

Pronunciation: oh-NOH-ree-ah

185. Hilaria

Meaning: “Cheerful, happy”

Pronunciation: ee-LAH-ree-ah

186. Helina

Meaning: “Torch”

Pronunciation: heh-LEE-nah

187. Hesperia

Meaning: “Evening star”

Pronunciation: hes-PEH-ree-ah

188. Herminia

Meaning: “Army man”

Pronunciation: her-MEE-nyah

189. Honorata

Meaning: “Honored”

Pronunciation: oh-no-RAH-tah

190. Hermione

Meaning: “Earthly”

Pronunciation: ehr-MYOH-nee

191. Henrietta

Meaning: “Ruler of the home”

Pronunciation: en-ree-ET-tah

192. Hyacintha

Meaning: “Hyacinth flower”

Pronunciation: yah-SEEN-tah

193. Hilaria

Meaning: “Joyful, happy”

Pronunciation: ee-LAH-ree-ah

194. Hildegarda

Meaning: “Battle enclosure”

Pronunciation: eel-deh-GAR-dah

195. Hippolyta

Meaning: “Freer of horses”

Pronunciation: ee-POH-lee-tah

196. Hadria

Meaning: “From Hadria”

Pronunciation: ah-DREE-ah

197. Helvia

Meaning: “Blond, fair”

Pronunciation: HEL-vyah

198. Hecuba

Meaning: “Far off”

Pronunciation: heh-KYOO-bah

199. Hilaria

Meaning: “Cheerful, merry”

Pronunciation: ee-LAH-ree-ah

200. Honesta

Meaning: “Honest”

Pronunciation: oh-NES-tah

201. Hyacinthe

Meaning: “Hyacinth flower”

Pronunciation: yah-SEEN-tay

202. Hermelinda

Meaning: “Protector”

Pronunciation: ehr-meh-LEEN-dah

203. Hildegarde

Meaning: “Battle stronghold”

Pronunciation: eel-deh-GAR-deh

204. Honora

Meaning: “Honor”

Pronunciation: oh-NOH-rah

205. Hilaria

Meaning: “Mirthful, joyful”

Pronunciation: ee-LAH-ree-ah

206. Helene

Meaning: “Shining light”

Pronunciation: eh-LEH-neh

207. Hylda

Meaning: “Battle”

Pronunciation: EEL-dah

208. Henrietta

Meaning: “Ruler of the home”

Pronunciation: en-ree-ET-tah

209. Hadrienne

Meaning: “From Hadria”

Pronunciation: ah-dree-EN-neh

210. Helga

Meaning: “Holy, blessed”

Pronunciation: HEL-gah

Japanese Girl’s Names Start with H


211. Hana

Meaning: “Flower”

Pronunciation: HAH-nah

212. Haruka

Meaning: “Distant, far away”

Pronunciation: HA-roo-kah

213. Hikari

Meaning: “Light, radiance”

Pronunciation: HEE-kah-ree

214. Himari

Meaning: “Sunshine”

Pronunciation: HEE-mah-ree

215. Harumi

Meaning: “Spring beauty”

Pronunciation: HA-roo-mee

216. Hina

Meaning: “Sun, sunlight”

Pronunciation: HEE-nah

217. Hitomi

Meaning: “Pupil of the eye”

Pronunciation: HEE-toh-mee

218. Honoka

Meaning: “Harmony, flower”

Pronunciation: HOH-noh-kah

219. Hazuki

Meaning: “Leaf month”

Pronunciation: HAH-zoo-kee

220. Hiroko

Meaning: “Generous child”

Pronunciation: HEE-roh-koh

221. Hanako

Meaning: “Flower child”

Pronunciation: HAH-nah-koh

222. Hikaru

Meaning: “Shining, sparkling”

Pronunciation: HEE-kah-roo

223. Hoshiko

Meaning: “Star child”

Pronunciation: HOH-shee-koh

224. Haruno

Meaning: “Spring field”

Pronunciation: HA-roo-noh

225. Hotaru

Meaning: “Firefly”

Pronunciation: HOH-tah-roo

226. Hayami

Meaning: “Rare beauty”

Pronunciation: HAH-yah-mee

227. Hozumi

Meaning: “Abundant beauty”

Pronunciation: HOH-zoo-mee

228. Hinae

Meaning: “Sunlight, picture”

Pronunciation: HEE-nah-eh

229. Harue

Meaning: “Spring bough”

Pronunciation: HA-roo-eh

230. Hibiki

Meaning: “Echo, sound”

Pronunciation: HEE-bee-kee

231. Hikaru

Meaning: “Radiance, light”

Pronunciation: HEE-kah-roo

232. Hiyori

Meaning: “Weather”

Pronunciation: HEE-yoh-ree

233. Homare

Meaning: “Honor”

Pronunciation: HOH-mah-reh

234. Haruhi

Meaning: “Spring day”

Pronunciation: HA-roo-hee

235. Hanami

Meaning: “Flower viewing”

Pronunciation: HAH-nah-mee

236. Hisae

Meaning: “Long life, blessing”

Pronunciation: HEE-sah-eh

237. Himeka

Meaning: “Princess flower”

Pronunciation: HEE-meh-kah

238. Haruko

Meaning: “Spring child”

Pronunciation: HA-roo-koh

239. Hiyori

Meaning: “Weather, atmosphere”

Pronunciation: HEE-yoh-ree

240. Hitomi

Meaning: “Pupil of the eye”

Pronunciation: HEE-toh-mee

Nordic Names Girl’s Names Start with H


241. Helga

Meaning: “Holy, blessed”

Pronunciation: HEL-gah

242. Hilda

Meaning: “Battle woman”

Pronunciation: HIL-dah

243. Hedda

Meaning: “Battle, war”

Pronunciation: HED-dah

244. Hanne

Meaning: “Grace”

Pronunciation: HAHN-neh

245. Helle

Meaning: “Holy”

Pronunciation: HEL-leh

246. Hallie

Meaning: “Heroine”

Pronunciation: HAL-ee

247. Helmi

Meaning: “Pearl”

Pronunciation: HEL-mee

248. Hildur

Meaning: “Battle”

Pronunciation: HIL-dur

249. Hjördis

Meaning: “Sword goddess”

Pronunciation: HYOR-dis

250. Herdis

Meaning: “Warrior woman”

Pronunciation: HER-dis

251. Halla

Meaning: “Rock, stone”

Pronunciation: HAH-lah

252. Helene

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: HEH-leh-neh

253. Hild

Meaning: “Battle”

Pronunciation: HILD

254. Halldora

Meaning: “Thor’s rock”

Pronunciation: HALL-doh-rah

255. Hertha

Meaning: “Earth”

Pronunciation: HER-tah

256. Hallfrid

Meaning: “Rock of peace”

Pronunciation: HALL-frid

257. Hildegard

Meaning: “Battle enclosure”

Pronunciation: HIL-deh-gard

258. Hjordis

Meaning: “Sword goddess”

Pronunciation: HYOR-dis

259. Hillevi

Meaning: “Safe in battle”

Pronunciation: HIL-leh-vee

260. Halldis

Meaning: “Rock goddess”

Pronunciation: HALL-dis

261. Hulda

Meaning: “Sweet, lovable”

Pronunciation: HUL-dah

262. Hege

Meaning: “Holy”

Pronunciation: HEH-geh

263. Halla

Meaning: “Rock, stone”

Pronunciation: HAH-lah

264. Halina

Meaning: “Calm, tranquil”

Pronunciation: HAH-lee-nah

265. Huld

Meaning: “Secret”

Pronunciation: HULD

266. Hildrun

Meaning: “Battle secret”

Pronunciation: HILD-roon

267. Hallgerd

Meaning: “Rock protection”

Pronunciation: HALL-gerd

268. Herleif

Meaning: “Warrior descendant”

Pronunciation: HER-layf

269. Hervor

Meaning: “Army guard”

Pronunciation: HER-vor

270. Hallkatla

Meaning: “Rock cauldron”

Pronunciation: HALL-kah-tlah

Slavic Names Girl’s Names Start with H


271. Hana

Meaning: “Grace”

Pronunciation: HAH-nah

272. Halina

Meaning: “Calm, tranquil”

Pronunciation: hah-LEE-nah

273. Hanka

Meaning: “Grace”

Pronunciation: HAHN-kah

274. Hedvika

Meaning: “Fighter”

Pronunciation: HED-vee-kah

275. Hripsime

Meaning: “Holy”

Pronunciation: HREEP-see-meh

276. Hristina

Meaning: “Follower of Christ”

Pronunciation: HREE-stee-nah

277. Helka

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: HEL-kah

278. Hilaria

Meaning: “Cheerful, merry”

Pronunciation: hee-LAH-ree-ah

279. Helya

Meaning: “Bright, shining”

Pronunciation: HEL-yah

280. Hilda

Meaning: “Battle woman”

Pronunciation: HIL-dah

281. Hrvoje

Meaning: “Croatian warrior”

Pronunciation: HROH-voy-eh

282. Hanička

Meaning: “Little grace”

Pronunciation: HAHN-eech-kah

283. Hrana

Meaning: “Protection”

Pronunciation: HRAH-nah

284. Hrvoje

Meaning: “Croatian warrior”

Pronunciation: HROH-voy-eh

285. Halyna

Meaning: “Calm, peaceful”

Pronunciation: hah-LEE-nah

286. Hristinka

Meaning: “Little follower of Christ”

Pronunciation: HREE-steen-kah

287. Hrvoje

Meaning: “Croatian warrior”

Pronunciation: HROH-voy-eh

288. Haniša

Meaning: “Graceful”

Pronunciation: hah-NEE-shah

289. Helka

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: HEL-kah

290. Hrista

Meaning: “Follower of Christ”

Pronunciation: HREE-stah

291. Hrana

Meaning: “Protection”

Pronunciation: HRAH-nah

292. Hripsime

Meaning: “Holy”

Pronunciation: HREEP-see-meh

293. Hristina

Meaning: “Follower of Christ”

Pronunciation: HREE-stee-nah

294. Halya

Meaning: “Bright, shining”

Pronunciation: HAL-yah

295. Hilda

Meaning: “Battle woman”

Pronunciation: HIL-dah

296. Hanka

Meaning: “Grace”

Pronunciation: HAHN-kah

297. Halina

Meaning: “Calm, tranquil”

Pronunciation: hah-LEE-nah

298. Helya

Meaning: “Bright, shining”

Pronunciation: HEL-yah

299. Hrvoje

Meaning: “Croatian warrior”

Pronunciation: HROH-voy-eh

300. Hanka

Meaning: “Grace”

Pronunciation: HAHN-kah

Wrapping Up

Searching through these H names is like opening a book of possibilities for your daughter’s future. Each name carries its own melody and meaning—some soft as whispers, others bold as sunrise.

Which names made you pause and smile? Often, that quick feeling tells you something important about what might fit your little girl.

Say your top choices out loud with your last name. Will they sound right for a tiny baby, a school-age child, and later, a grown woman?

What H names spoke to you today? Keep your top picks close as you wait to meet the little one who’ll wear this name.

Need more ideas? Our other name lists by letter and origin are ready when you are—your daughter’s perfect name is waiting!

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