400 Boy Names Beginning with D – Meanings and Pronunciations

Thinking about a name for your baby boy can be both exciting and overwhelming. With so many options out there, where do you even begin?
If the letter ‘D’ holds a special place in your heart, we’ve got you covered. Maybe it’s a family tradition, a favorite letter, or just the sound of ‘D’ names that draws you in.
We’re here to help make your decision a little easier. In this post, you’ll find a comprehensive list of 300 boys’ names that start with ‘D’, complete with their meanings and pronunciations.
So grab a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and let’s explore these wonderful names together.
List of 400 Boy’s Names That Start With D
English Names for Boys That Start with D
1. Daniel
Meaning: “God is my judge”
Pronunciation: DAN-yuhl
2. David
Meaning: “Beloved”
Pronunciation: DAY-vid
3. Dylan
Meaning: “Son of the sea”
Pronunciation: DIL-uhn
4. Dean
Meaning: “Valley”
Pronunciation: DEEN
5. Derek
Meaning: “The people’s ruler”
Pronunciation: DER-ik
6. Dominic
Meaning: “Belonging to the Lord”
Pronunciation: DOM-i-nik
7. Damien
Meaning: “To tame, subdue”
Pronunciation: DAY-mee-uhn
8. Dawson
Meaning: “Son of David”
Pronunciation: DAW-suhn
9. Darius
Meaning: “To possess good”
Pronunciation: DAR-ee-us
10. Dexter
Meaning: “Right-handed, skillful”
Pronunciation: DEKS-tur
11. Donovan
Meaning: “Dark”
Pronunciation: DON-uh-vun
12. Douglas
Meaning: “Dark stream”
Pronunciation: DUG-ləs
13. Drake
Meaning: “Dragon”
Pronunciation: DRAKE
14. Drew
Meaning: “Wise”
Pronunciation: DROO
15. Dwayne
Meaning: “Dark, black”
Pronunciation: DWAYN
16. Dalton
Meaning: “From the valley town”
Pronunciation: DAWL-tuhn
17. Dante
Meaning: “Enduring”
Pronunciation: DAN-tay
18. Darren
Meaning: “Great”
Pronunciation: DAR-ren
19. Daryl
Meaning: “From Airelle”
Pronunciation: DARE-uhl
20. Declan
Meaning: “Full of goodness”
Pronunciation: DEK-lan
21. Denver
Meaning: “Green valley”
Pronunciation: DEN-vur
22. Desmond
Meaning: “One from South Munster”
Pronunciation: DEZ-mund
23. Devin
Meaning: “Poet”
Pronunciation: DEV-in
24. Diego
Meaning: “Supplanter”
Pronunciation: dee-AY-go
25. Dorian
Meaning: “Of the Dorian tribe”
Pronunciation: DOR-ee-uhn
26. Duncan
Meaning: “Dark warrior”
Pronunciation: DUN-kan
27. Dustin
Meaning: “Thor’s stone”
Pronunciation: DUS-tin
28. Dwight
Meaning: “White or fair”
Pronunciation: DWIGHT
29. Dax
Meaning: “Leader”
Pronunciation: DAKS
30. Dexter
Meaning: “Dyer of cloth”
Pronunciation: DEX-ter
31. Dilan
Meaning: “Love”
Pronunciation: DIL-an
32. Dimitri
Meaning: “Follower of Demeter”
Pronunciation: dih-MEE-tree
33. Dirk
Meaning: “Ruler of the people”
Pronunciation: DIRK
34. Donte
Meaning: “Enduring”
Pronunciation: DON-tay
35. Doug
Meaning: “Short for Douglas, dark stream”
Pronunciation: DUG
36. Draven
Meaning: “A modern name”
Pronunciation: DRAY-ven
37. Duke
Meaning: “Leader”
Pronunciation: DUKE
38. Darian
Meaning: “Upholder of the good”
Pronunciation: DAR-ee-uhn
39. Darnell
Meaning: “Hidden nook”
Pronunciation: dar-NELL
40. Darrell
Meaning: “Dear one”
Pronunciation: DAR-ell
Biblical Names for Boys That Start with D
41. Daniel
Meaning: “God is my judge”
Pronunciation: DAN-yuhl
42. David
Meaning: “Beloved”
Pronunciation: DAY-vid
43. Dan
Meaning: “To judge”
Pronunciation: DAN
44. Darius
Meaning: “He who upholds the good”
Pronunciation: duh-RYE-us
45. Demetrius
Meaning: “Follower of Demeter”
Pronunciation: deh-MEE-tree-us
46. Dion
Meaning: “Child of heaven and earth”
Pronunciation: DIE-on
47. Derek
Meaning: “Ruler of the people”
Pronunciation: DER-ik
48. Damon
Meaning: “To tame, subdue”
Pronunciation: DAY-mon
49. Dathan
Meaning: “Fountain; spring”
Pronunciation: DAY-thun
50. Darius
Meaning: “He who upholds the good”
Pronunciation: DAH-ree-us
51. Deacon
Meaning: “Servant, messenger”
Pronunciation: DEE-kun
52. Dean
Meaning: “Church official”
Pronunciation: DEEN
53. Dexter
Meaning: “Right-handed, skilled”
Pronunciation: DEKS-ter
54. Dick
Meaning: “Strong ruler”
Pronunciation: DIK
55. Dominic
Meaning: “Of the Lord”
Pronunciation: DOM-in-ik
56. Don
Meaning: “World ruler”
Pronunciation: DON
57. Donald
Meaning: “World ruler”
Pronunciation: DAHN-uld
58. Douglas
Meaning: “Dark water”
Pronunciation: DUG-las
59. Doyle
Meaning: “Dark stranger”
Pronunciation: DOY-l
60. Drake
Meaning: “Dragon”
Pronunciation: DRAKE
61. Drew
Meaning: “Wise”
Pronunciation: DROO
62. Drogo
Meaning: “Bearer of the sword”
Pronunciation: DROH-go
63. Dudley
Meaning: “People’s field”
Pronunciation: DUD-lee
64. Duncan
Meaning: “Dark warrior”
Pronunciation: DUN-kan
65. Dunstan
Meaning: “Dark stone”
Pronunciation: DUN-stan
66. Dustin
Meaning: “Valiant fighter”
Pronunciation: DUS-tin
67. Dylan
Meaning: “Son of the sea”
Pronunciation: DIL-an
68. Dael
Meaning: “Knowledge of God”
Pronunciation: DAY-ul
69. Dalan
Meaning: “Valley”
Pronunciation: DAY-lan
70. Damascus
Meaning: “A well-watered land”
Pronunciation: duh-MAS-kus
71. Daran
Meaning: “Great”
Pronunciation: DARE-an
72. Darnell
Meaning: “Hidden place”
Pronunciation: dar-NELL
73. Daven
Meaning: “Beloved”
Pronunciation: DAV-en
74. Delmar
Meaning: “Of the sea”
Pronunciation: DEL-mar
75. Delvin
Meaning: “Godly friend”
Pronunciation: DEL-vin
76. Demas
Meaning: “Popular”
Pronunciation: DEE-mas
77. Deron
Meaning: “Belongs to God”
Pronunciation: DARE-on
78. Devor
Meaning: “Bee”
Pronunciation: DEE-vor
79. Dionysius
Meaning: “God of wine and revelry”
Pronunciation: die-oh-NI-see-us
80. Dob
Meaning: “Beloved”
Pronunciation: DOB
Greek Names for Boys That Start with D
81. Damianos
Meaning: “To tame, subdue”
Pronunciation: dah-mee-AH-nos
82. Demetrios
Meaning: “Lover of the earth”
Pronunciation: deh-MEE-tree-os
83. Dionysios
Meaning: “Child of heaven and earth”
Pronunciation: dee-o-NEE-see-os
84. Dimitris
Meaning: “Devoted to Demeter”
Pronunciation: dee-MEE-trees
85. Dinos
Meaning: “Short for Constantine”
Pronunciation: DEE-nos
86. Dorian
Meaning: “Of the Dorian tribe”
Pronunciation: DOH-ree-an
87. Doros
Meaning: “Gift”
Pronunciation: DOH-ros
88. Doukas
Meaning: “Leader”
Pronunciation: DOO-kas
89. Dragos
Meaning: “Precious and beloved”
Pronunciation: DRAH-gos
90. Dimitrios
Meaning: “Follower of Demeter”
Pronunciation: dee-MEE-tree-os
91. Diogenes
Meaning: “Born of Zeus”
Pronunciation: dye-OH-jeh-nees
92. Dionisio
Meaning: “God of wine and festivity”
Pronunciation: dee-o-NEE-see-o
93. Daskalos
Meaning: “Teacher”
Pronunciation: das-KAH-los
94. Demos
Meaning: “The people, the district”
Pronunciation: DEH-mos
95. Danaios
Meaning: “From Danae”
Pronunciation: da-NAH-yos
96. Daphnis
Meaning: “Laurel”
Pronunciation: DAF-nis
97. Deucalion
Meaning: “New wine sailor”
Pronunciation: deu-KA-li-on
98. Dimosthenis
Meaning: “Strength of the people”
Pronunciation: dee-mos-THEE-nis
99. Dionyssos
Meaning: “God of wine and revelry, alternate form of Dionysios”
Pronunciation: dee-o-NIS-sos
100. Dike
Meaning: “Justice”
Pronunciation: DEE-keh
101. Diokles
Meaning: “Glory of Zeus”
Pronunciation: DEE-ok-lees
102. Diomedes
Meaning: “Thought of Zeus”
Pronunciation: dye-o-MEE-dees
103. Dion
Meaning: “Short form of Dionysios”
Pronunciation: DYE-on
104. Diodoros
Meaning: “Gift of Zeus”
Pronunciation: dee-o-DOH-ros
105. Dokimos
Meaning: “Accepted, approved”
Pronunciation: doh-KEE-mos
106. Dolios
Meaning: “Deceitful”
Pronunciation: DOH-lee-os
107. Domninos
Meaning: “Belonging to the Lord”
Pronunciation: dom-NEE-nos
108. Dorotheos
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: doh-roh-THEE-os
109. Dosithios
Meaning: “God’s gift”
Pronunciation: doh-SEE-thee-os
110. Dracon
Meaning: “Dragon, sharp-eyed”
Pronunciation: DRA-kon
111. Dryops
Meaning: “Oak face”
Pronunciation: DRY-ops
112. Dymas
Meaning: “Sunset”
Pronunciation: DY-mas
113. Dynastes
Meaning: “Ruler, potentate”
Pronunciation: dy-NAS-tees
114. Dysmas
Meaning: “Sunset, western”
Pronunciation: DIS-mas
115. Dysis
Meaning: “Sunset”
Pronunciation: DY-sis
116. Daedalus
Meaning: “Cunningly wrought”
Pronunciation: DED-a-lus
117. Damon
Meaning: “To tame”
Pronunciation: DAY-mon
118. Danilos
Meaning: “God is my judge”
Pronunciation: dan-EE-los
119. Dares
Meaning: “Bold”
Pronunciation: DARE-es
120. Daskalakis
Meaning: “Son of a teacher”
Pronunciation: das-ka-LA-kis
Latin Names for Boys That Start with D
121. Damianus
Meaning: “To tame, subdue”
Pronunciation: dah-MEE-ah-nus
122. Decimus
Meaning: “Tenth”
Pronunciation: DEH-kih-mus
123. Dacius
Meaning: “From Dacia (near Rome)”
Pronunciation: DAY-see-us
124. Dominicus
Meaning: “Belonging to the Lord”
Pronunciation: doh-MIN-ih-kus
125. Donatus
Meaning: “Given (by God)”
Pronunciation: doh-NAH-tus
126. Drusus
Meaning: “Strong, vigorous”
Pronunciation: DRU-sus
127. Darius
Meaning: “To possess good”
Pronunciation: DAH-ree-us
128. Dexter
Meaning: “Right-handed, skilled”
Pronunciation: DEKS-ter
129. Didacus
Meaning: “Taught, instructed”
Pronunciation: dih-DAY-kus
130. Dionysius
Meaning: “Of Dionysus (god of wine and festivity)”
Pronunciation: dye-oh-NIS-ee-us
131. Dolphus
Meaning: “Noble wolf”
Pronunciation: DOL-fus
132. Donatello
Meaning: “Gift from God”
Pronunciation: doh-nah-TEL-lo
133. Dracon
Meaning: “Dragon”
Pronunciation: DRAY-con
134. Durandus
Meaning: “Enduring, firm”
Pronunciation: doo-RAN-dus
135. Dalmatius
Meaning: “From Dalmatia (a region in ancient Rome)”
Pronunciation: dal-MAH-tee-us
136. Desiderius
Meaning: “Desired, longed for”
Pronunciation: deh-sih-DEH-ree-us
137. Deodatus
Meaning: “Given by God”
Pronunciation: deh-oh-DAH-tus
138. Diogenes
Meaning: “Born of Zeus”
Pronunciation: dye-OH-geh-nees
139. Dion
Meaning: “Child of heaven and earth”
Pronunciation: DIE-on
140. Dominator
Meaning: “Lord, master”
Pronunciation: doh-MIN-ah-tor
141. Donatianus
Meaning: “Given (by God)”
Pronunciation: doh-nah-ti-AH-nus
142. Dorotheus
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: doh-roh-THEE-us
143. Dosithaeus
Meaning: “Giving to God”
Pronunciation: doh-sih-THAY-us
144. Dubitatus
Meaning: “He who doubts”
Pronunciation: doo-bih-TAH-tus
145. Dulcidius
Meaning: “Sweet, pleasant”
Pronunciation: dul-SID-ee-us
146. Dardanus
Meaning: “Founder of Dardania”
Pronunciation: DAR-da-nus
147. Decentius
Meaning: “Proper, becoming”
Pronunciation: deh-CEN-tee-us
148. Delphinus
Meaning: “Dolphin”
Pronunciation: del-FIN-us
149. Demetrius
Meaning: “Follower of Demeter (goddess of agriculture)”
Pronunciation: deh-MEE-tree-us
150. Diadumenianus
Meaning: “Adorned with a diadem”
Pronunciation: dye-a-doo-MEN-ee-an-us
151. Dignus
Meaning: “Worthy”
Pronunciation: DIG-nus
152. Dinocrates
Meaning: “Power of Zeus”
Pronunciation: die-NO-cra-tees
153. Dioscorus
Meaning: “Bearer of Zeus”
Pronunciation: dye-OS-co-rus
154. Disertus
Meaning: “Eloquent”
Pronunciation: di-SER-tus
155. Docilus
Meaning: “Teachable, docile”
Pronunciation: DOH-sil-us
156. Dominianus
Meaning: “Of the lord, belonging to God”
Pronunciation: doh-MIN-ee-ah-nus
157. Donativus
Meaning: “Given as a gift”
Pronunciation: doh-NA-tiv-us
158. Dorianus
Meaning: “From Doris (a district in ancient Greece)”
Pronunciation: doh-RI-ah-nus
159. Dracilianus
Meaning: “Little dragon”
Pronunciation: dra-sil-ee-AH-nus
160. Dulcinius
Meaning: “Sweetness”
Pronunciation: dul-SIN-ee-us
Irish Names for Boys That Start with D
161. Darragh
Meaning: “Oak tree”
Pronunciation: DAH-rah
162. Declan
Meaning: “Man of prayer” or “full of goodness”
Pronunciation: DEK-lan
163. Dermot
Meaning: “Free from envy”
Pronunciation: DERM-it
164. Diarmuid
Meaning: “Without enemy”
Pronunciation: DEER-mwid
165. Dáithí
Meaning: “Swiftness” or “nimbleness”
Pronunciation: DAH-hee
166. Donal
Meaning: “World ruler”
Pronunciation: DOH-nal
167. Donovan
Meaning: “Dark” or “brown-haired chieftain”
Pronunciation: DON-uh-van
168. Dougal
Meaning: “Dark stranger”
Pronunciation: DOO-gal
169. Daire
Meaning: “Fertile” or “fruitful”
Pronunciation: DAH-reh
170. Donnacha
Meaning: “Brown-haired warrior”
Pronunciation: DONN-uh-ka
171. Doyle
Meaning: “Dark stranger”
Pronunciation: DOYL
172. Darran
Meaning: “Great”
Pronunciation: DAR-ran
173. Darren
Meaning: “Great”
Pronunciation: DAR-ren
174. Darryl
Meaning: “Darling” or “beloved”
Pronunciation: DAR-uhl
175. Dillon
Meaning: “Like a lion”
Pronunciation: DIL-un
176. Dominick
Meaning: “Belonging to the Lord”
Pronunciation: DOM-in-ick
177. Donagh
Meaning: “Brown warrior”
Pronunciation: DON-ah
178. Donn
Meaning: “Brown”
Pronunciation: DON
179. Dughlas
Meaning: “Dark stream”
Pronunciation: DOO-glas
180. Dwayne
Meaning: “Dark” or “swarthy”
Pronunciation: DWAYN
181. Dylan
Meaning: “Son of the sea”
Pronunciation: DIL-an
182. Daire
Meaning: “Fruitful” or “fertile”
Pronunciation: DAH-reh
183. Devlin
Meaning: “Unlucky” or “brave”
Pronunciation: DEV-lin
184. Darcy
Meaning: “Dark one”
Pronunciation: DAR-see
185. Dempsey
Meaning: “Proud”
Pronunciation: DEM-see
186. Denny
Meaning: “Follower of Dionysius”
Pronunciation: DEN-ee
187. Des
Meaning: “Short for names beginning with Des-“
Pronunciation: DEZ
188. Desmond
Meaning: “One from South Munster”
Pronunciation: DES-mond
189. Devan
Meaning: “Poet”
Pronunciation: DEV-an
190. Deaglán
Meaning: “Full of goodness”
Pronunciation: DEG-lawn
191. Dara
Meaning: “Oak tree”
Pronunciation: DAR-ah
192. Darby
Meaning: “Free from envy”
Pronunciation: DAR-bee
193. Deasún
Meaning: “Desmond’s grandson or descendant”
Pronunciation: DES-oon
194. Declan
Meaning: “Man of prayer” or “full of goodness”
Pronunciation: DEK-lan
195. Dallan
Meaning: “Blind”
Pronunciation: DAL-lan
196. Delaney
Meaning: “Descendant of the challenger”
Pronunciation: deh-LAY-nee
197. Dempsey
Meaning: “Proud”
Pronunciation: DEM-see
198. Denzel
Meaning: “From a high stronghold”
Pronunciation: DEN-zel
199. Dermot
Meaning: “Free from envy”
Pronunciation: DERM-it
200. Derry
Meaning: “Red-haired”
Pronunciation: DER-ee
Scottish Names for Boys That Start with D
French Names for Boys That Start with D
241. Damien
Meaning: “To tame”
Pronunciation: DAH-myen
242. Denis
Meaning: “God of Nysa”
Pronunciation: də-NEE
243. Didier
Meaning: “Desired, beloved”
Pronunciation: dee-DYAY
244. Dorian
Meaning: “Of Doris”
Pronunciation: DOHR-ee-ən
245. Dimitri
Meaning: “Follower of Demeter”
Pronunciation: dee-MEE-tree
246. Dominique
Meaning: “Of the Lord”
Pronunciation: doh-mee-NEEK
247. Donald
Meaning: “World ruler”
Pronunciation: DAHN-əld
248. Dylan
Meaning: “Son of the sea”
Pronunciation: DIL-ən
249. Darius
Meaning: “To possess good”
Pronunciation: DAHR-ee-əs
250. David
Meaning: “Beloved”
Pronunciation: DAH-veed
251. Daryl
Meaning: “From Airelle”
Pronunciation: DAHR-əl
252. Dean
Meaning: “From the valley”
Pronunciation: DEEN
253. Delmar
Meaning: “Of the sea”
Pronunciation: DEL-mar
254. Derek
Meaning: “Ruler of the people”
Pronunciation: DER-ik
255. Desmond
Meaning: “Man from South Munster”
Pronunciation: DEZ-mənd
256. Diego
Meaning: “Supplanter”
Pronunciation: dee-AY-go
257. Dino
Meaning: “Little sword”
Pronunciation: DEE-no
258. Dion
Meaning: “Child of heaven and earth”
Pronunciation: DIE-on
259. Donovan
Meaning: “Dark warrior”
Pronunciation: DAH-nə-van
260. Douglas
Meaning: “Dark river”
Pronunciation: DUHG-ləs
261. Drake
Meaning: “Dragon”
Pronunciation: DRAKE
262. Drew
Meaning: “Wise”
Pronunciation: DROO
263. Duncan
Meaning: “Dark warrior”
Pronunciation: DUN-kan
264. Durant
Meaning: “Enduring”
Pronunciation: du-RANT
265. Dustin
Meaning: “Valiant fighter”
Pronunciation: DUS-tin
266. Duval
Meaning: “Of the valley”
Pronunciation: du-VAL
267. Damien
Meaning: “To tame”
Pronunciation: DAY-mee-ən
268. Daniel
Meaning: “God is my judge”
Pronunciation: dan-YEL
269. Darnell
Meaning: “Hidden nook”
Pronunciation: dar-NEL
270. Darrell
Meaning: “Darling, beloved”
Pronunciation: DA-rəl
271. Dax
Meaning: “Leader”
Pronunciation: DAKS
272. Deandre
Meaning: “Manly, strong”
Pronunciation: dee-AN-dray
273. Dean
Meaning: “From the valley”
Pronunciation: DEEN
274. Deion
Meaning: “Valley”
Pronunciation: DEE-on
275. Delaney
Meaning: “Descendant of the challenger”
Pronunciation: de-LAY-nee
276. Demetrius
Meaning: “Lover of the earth”
Pronunciation: de-MEE-tree-us
277. Denis
Meaning: “God of wine”
Pronunciation: də-NEE
278. Dermot
Meaning: “Free from envy”
Pronunciation: DUR-mət
279. Derron
Meaning: “Great”
Pronunciation: DER-ən
280. Dexter
Meaning: “Right-handed, skilled”
Pronunciation: DEKS-tər
281. Dietrich
Meaning: “Ruler of the people”
Pronunciation: DEE-trik
282. Dirk
Meaning: “Famous ruler”
Pronunciation: DIRK
283. Dominik
Meaning: “Of the Lord”
Pronunciation: DOH-mee-nik
284. Detlef
Meaning: “Heritage of the people”
Pronunciation: DET-lef
285. Dieter
Meaning: “Army of the people”
Pronunciation: DEE-ter
286. Dierk
Meaning: A variant of Dirk, “Famous ruler”
Pronunciation: DEERK
287. Dankwart
Meaning: “Guardian of thought”
Pronunciation: DANK-vart
288. Dittmar
Meaning: “Famous for thought”
Pronunciation: DIT-mar
289. Dankrad
Meaning: “Adviser of thought”
Pronunciation: DANK-rad
290. Detmar
Meaning: “Famous for thought”
Pronunciation: DET-mar
291. Dolf
Meaning: Short for Adolf, meaning “noble wolf”
Pronunciation: DOLF
292. Detlef
Meaning: “Son of the people”
Pronunciation: DET-lef
293. Dagobert
Meaning: “Bright day, shining day”
Pronunciation: DA-go-bert
294. Diethelm
Meaning: “People’s helmet”
Pronunciation: DEE-thelm
295. Dietmar
Meaning: “Famous people”
Pronunciation: DEET-mar
296. Diedrich
Meaning: A variation of Dietrich, “Ruler of the people”
Pronunciation: DEE-drik
297. Dierk
Meaning: A variation of Dirk, “Famous ruler”
Pronunciation: DEERK
298. Donatus
Meaning: “Given”
Pronunciation: doh-NAH-tus
299. Dorian
Meaning: “Gift”
Pronunciation: DOR-ee-an
300. Dragomir
Meaning: “Precious and peaceful”
Pronunciation: DRA-go-meer
German Names for Boys That Start with D
301. Dankfried
Meaning: “Peaceful thought”
Pronunciation: DANK-freed
302. Dankmar
Meaning: “Famous for thought”
Pronunciation: DANK-mar
303. Degenhard
Meaning: “Brave warrior”
Pronunciation: DEG-en-hard
304. Dietwald
Meaning: “People’s ruler”
Pronunciation: DEET-vald
305. Dittmer
Meaning: A variation of Dittmar, “Famous for thought”
Pronunciation: DIT-mer
306. Dobromil
Meaning: “Good and gracious”
Pronunciation: DO-bro-meel
307. Dolph
Meaning: A shorter form of Adolph, “Noble wolf”
Pronunciation: DOLF
308. Dankbert
Meaning: “Bright like the day”
Pronunciation: DANK-bert
309. Degenbert
Meaning: “Bright warrior”
Pronunciation: DEG-en-bert
310. Detlev
Meaning: A variation of Detlef, “Heritage of the people”
Pronunciation: DET-lev
311. Donar
Meaning: “Thunder”
Pronunciation: DO-nar
312. Diedrich
Meaning: Another form of Dietrich, “Ruler of the people”
Pronunciation: DEE-drik
313. Degenhard
Meaning: “Brave warrior”
Pronunciation: DEG-en-hard
314. Dietbald
Meaning: “Bold people”
Pronunciation: DEET-bald
315. Dietfried
Meaning: “Peace of the people”
Pronunciation: DEET-freed
316. Dietger
Meaning: “Spear of the people”
Pronunciation: DEET-ger
317. Dietward
Meaning: “Guardian of the people”
Pronunciation: DEET-vard
318. Dietwin
Meaning: “Friend of the people”
Pronunciation: DEET-win
319. Dittmar
Meaning: “Famous for thought”
Pronunciation: DIT-mar
320. Dolf
Meaning: Another shorter form of Adolf, “Noble wolf”
Pronunciation: DOLF
321. Daniel
Meaning: “God is my judge”
Pronunciation: dan-YELL
322. David
Meaning: “Beloved”
Pronunciation: DAH-veed
323. Diego
Meaning: “Supplanter”
Pronunciation: DEE-ay-go
324. Dario
Meaning: “Possess well”
Pronunciation: DAH-rio
325. Dante
Meaning: “Enduring”
Pronunciation: DAN-te
326. Damián
Meaning: “To tame, subdue”
Pronunciation: dah-MEE-ahn
327. Darío
Meaning: “Rich, kingly”
Pronunciation: DAH-rio
328. Demetrio
Meaning: “Lover of the earth”
Pronunciation: deh-MEH-tree-o
329. Dionisio
Meaning: “God of wine and festivity”
Pronunciation: dee-o-NEE-see-o
330. Dámaso
Meaning: “To tame”
Pronunciation: DAH-mah-so
331. Domingo
Meaning: “Lord’s child”
Pronunciation: doh-MEEN-go
332. Donato
Meaning: “Given by God”
Pronunciation: doh-NAH-to
333. Doroteo
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: doh-roh-TEH-o
334. Delfín
Meaning: “Dolphin”
Pronunciation: del-FEEN
335. Desiderio
Meaning: “Desired”
Pronunciation: deh-see-DEH-rio
336. Didier
Meaning: “Desired”
Pronunciation: dee-DYAY
337. Dionis
Meaning: “God of wine”
Pronunciation: dee-O-nees
338. Donatello
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: doh-nah-TEL-lo
339. Duarte
Meaning: “Prosperous guardian”
Pronunciation: dwahr-TE
340. Dustin
Meaning: “Valiant fighter”
Pronunciation: DUS-tin
Spanish Names for Boys That Start with D
341. Dalmacio
Meaning: “From Dalmatia”
Pronunciation: dal-MA-see-o
342. Deifilia
Meaning: “Daughter of God”
Pronunciation: day-fee-LEE-ah
343. Delmiro
Meaning: “Noble protector”
Pronunciation: del-MEE-ro
344. Demarco
Meaning: “Of Marco”
Pronunciation: deh-MAR-co
345. Denis
Meaning: “Follower of Dionysius”
Pronunciation: deh-NEES
346. Derian
Meaning: “To prevent”
Pronunciation: DEH-ree-an
347. Desi
Meaning: “Yearning”
Pronunciation: DEH-see
348. Devlin
Meaning: “Unlucky”
Pronunciation: DEV-lin
349. Dex
Meaning: “Right-handed, dexterous”
Pronunciation: dex
350. Diago
Meaning: “Supplanter”
Pronunciation: DEE-ah-go
351. Dilan
Meaning: “Like a lion”
Pronunciation: DEE-lan
352. Dimitri
Meaning: “Earth-lover”
Pronunciation: dee-MEE-tree
353. Dionicio
Meaning: “God of wine and festivity”
Pronunciation: dee-o-NEE-see-o
354. Drago
Meaning: “Dragon”
Pronunciation: DRA-go
355. Duardo
Meaning: “Wealthy guardian”
Pronunciation: dwahr-DO
356. Dulcidio
Meaning: “Sweet”
Pronunciation: dul-SEE-dee-o
357. Danilo
Meaning: “God is my judge”
Pronunciation: dah-NEE-lo
358. Decimo
Meaning: “Tenth”
Pronunciation: DEH-see-mo
359. Demian
Meaning: “To tame, subdue”
Pronunciation: DEH-mee-an
360. Dino
Meaning: “Little sword”
Pronunciation: DEE-no
Italian Names for Boys That Start with D
361. Damiano
Meaning: “To tame” or “subdue”
Pronunciation: dah-MYAH-no
362. Dario
Meaning: “Possessor of goodness”
Pronunciation: DAHR-ee-oh
363. Dante
Meaning: “Enduring”
Pronunciation: DAHN-tey
364. Davide
Meaning: “Beloved”
Pronunciation: dah-VEE-deh
365. Domenico
Meaning: “Belonging to the Lord”
Pronunciation: doh-MEN-ee-ko
366. Donato
Meaning: “Given by God”
Pronunciation: doh-NAH-toh
367. Delfino
Meaning: “Dolphin”
Pronunciation: del-FEE-no
368. Demetrio
Meaning: “Lover of the earth”
Pronunciation: deh-MEH-tree-o
369. Dionisio
Meaning: “God of wine and festivity”
Pronunciation: dee-oh-NEE-see-o
370. Daniele
Meaning: “God is my judge”
Pronunciation: dah-nee-EH-leh
371. Duccio
Meaning: “Leader”
Pronunciation: DOO-cho
372. Duilio
Meaning: “War”
Pronunciation: DOO-ee-lio
373. Danilo
Meaning: “God is my judge”
Pronunciation: DAH-nee-lo
374. Delfo
Meaning: “Dolphin”
Pronunciation: DEL-fo
375. Demis
Meaning: “Half, part of”
Pronunciation: DEH-mis
376. Desiderio
Meaning: “Desired, longed for”
Pronunciation: deh-see-DEH-ree-oh
377. Dino
Meaning: “Little sword”
Pronunciation: DEE-no
378. Dionigi
Meaning: “Dedicated to Dionysus”
Pronunciation: dee-o-NEE-jee
379. Domenico
Meaning: “Belonging to the Lord”
Pronunciation: doh-MEN-ee-ko
380. Donatello
Meaning: “Gift from God”
Pronunciation: doh-nah-TEL-lo
381. Doriano
Meaning: “Of Dorian race”
Pronunciation: doh-REE-ah-no
382. Drago
Meaning: “Dragon”
Pronunciation: DRAH-go
383. Duilio
Meaning: “War”
Pronunciation: DOO-ee-lio
384. Danio
Meaning: “God is my judge”
Pronunciation: DA-nee-o
385. Dante
Meaning: “Enduring”
Pronunciation: DAHN-tey
386. Davino
Meaning: “Beloved or divine”
Pronunciation: dah-VEE-no
387. Demetrio
Meaning: “Lover of the earth”
Pronunciation: deh-MEH-tree-o
388. Dioniso
Meaning: “God of wine and festivity”
Pronunciation: dee-o-NEE-so
389. Damaso
Meaning: “To tame”
Pronunciation: dah-MAH-so
390. Dardo
Meaning: “Spear”
Pronunciation: DAR-do
391. Decimo
Meaning: “Tenth”
Pronunciation: DEH-chee-mo
392. Delfino
Meaning: “Dolphin”
Pronunciation: del-FEE-no
393. Demis
Meaning: “Half, part of”
Pronunciation: DEH-mis
394. Diego
Meaning: “Supplanter”
Pronunciation: DEE-eh-go
395. Dino
Meaning: “Little sword”
Pronunciation: DEE-no
396. Dionigi
Meaning: “Dedicated to Dionysus”
Pronunciation: dee-o-NEE-jee
397. Domenico
Meaning: “Belonging to the Lord”
Pronunciation: doh-MEN-ee-ko
398. Donato
Meaning: “Given by God”
Pronunciation: doh-NAH-toh
399. Doriano
Meaning: “Of Dorian race”
Pronunciation: doh-REE-ah-no
400. Drago
Meaning: “Dragon”
Pronunciation: DRAH-go
Wrapping Up
Choosing a name is a special step in welcoming your new baby into the world.
We hope this extensive list of ‘D’ names has offered you inspiration and perhaps even helped you find that perfect fit.
Remember, the best name for your son is one that resonates with you and feels right when you say it out loud.
Trust your instincts—they’ll guide you to the perfect choice.
If any of these names stood out to you, or if you have a favorite ‘D’ name that’s not on our list, we’d love to hear from you!
Share your thoughts in the comments below, and join the conversation with other parents on this incredible journey.