240 Charming Middle Names for Mateo

240 Charming Middle Names for Mateo

Looking for the perfect middle name for Mateo? You’re about to solve one of parenting’s most fun puzzles!

“Mateo Alexander?” “Mateo James?” Which one sounds right when you say it out loud?

When you pick a middle name, you’re adding another piece to your child’s identity. This might be a chance to honor someone special in your family or add a name that carries meaning from your culture.

The right middle name creates a rhythm with Mateo. Some parents love how short, one-syllable names balance Mateo’s three syllables, while others prefer longer names that create a flowing sound.

We’ve collected names from classic choices that never go out of style to unique options that help your Mateo stand out. Each comes with its meaning and origin to help you make the best choice.

Ready to find that perfect match for Mateo? Let’s look at some great options!

Classic & Timeless Middle Names for Mateo


  1. Mateo Alexander
    Origin: Greek
    Meaning: Defender of the people
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh al-ig-ZAN-der

  2. Mateo Benjamin
    Origin: Hebrew
    Meaning: Son of the right hand
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh BEN-juh-min

  3. Mateo Charles
    Origin: Germanic
    Meaning: Free man
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh CHARLZ

  4. Mateo Daniel
    Origin: Hebrew
    Meaning: God is my judge
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh DAN-yuhl

  5. Mateo Edward
    Origin: Old English
    Meaning: Wealthy guardian
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh ED-werd

  6. Mateo Francis
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Free man
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh FRAN-sis

  7. Mateo George
    Origin: Greek
    Meaning: Farmer, earthworker
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh JORJ

  8. Mateo Henry
    Origin: Germanic
    Meaning: Ruler of the home
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh HEN-ree

  9. Mateo Isaac
    Origin: Hebrew
    Meaning: He will laugh
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh EYE-zik

  10. Mateo James
    Origin: Hebrew
    Meaning: Supplanter
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh JAYMZ

  11. Mateo John
    Origin: Hebrew
    Meaning: God is gracious
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh JON

  12. Mateo Kenneth
    Origin: Scottish
    Meaning: Handsome, born of fire
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh KEN-eth

  13. Mateo Louis
    Origin: Germanic
    Meaning: Renowned warrior
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh LOO-ee (or LOO-iss)

  14. Mateo Michael
    Origin: Hebrew
    Meaning: Who is like God?
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh MY-kul

  15. Mateo Nathaniel
    Origin: Hebrew
    Meaning: Gift of God
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh nuh-THAN-yuhl

  16. Mateo Oliver
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Olive tree
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh OL-ih-ver

  17. Mateo Patrick
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Nobleman
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh PAT-rik

  18. Mateo Quentin
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Fifth-born
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh KWEN-tin

  19. Mateo Richard
    Origin: Germanic
    Meaning: Brave ruler
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh RICH-erd

  20. Mateo Samuel
    Origin: Hebrew
    Meaning: God has heard
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh SAM-yoo-uhl

  21. Mateo Thomas
    Origin: Aramaic
    Meaning: Twin
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh TAH-muhs

  22. Mateo Victor
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Conqueror
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh VIK-ter

  23. Mateo William
    Origin: Germanic
    Meaning: Resolute protector
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh WIL-yum

  24. Mateo Vincent
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: To conquer
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh VIN-sent

  25. Mateo Robert
    Origin: Germanic
    Meaning: Bright fame
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh RAH-bert

  26. Mateo David
    Origin: Hebrew
    Meaning: Beloved
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh DAY-vid

  27. Mateo Theodore
    Origin: Greek
    Meaning: Gift of God
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh THEE-uh-dor

  28. Mateo Christopher
    Origin: Greek
    Meaning: Christ-bearer
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh KRIS-toh-fer

  29. Mateo Philip
    Origin: Greek
    Meaning: Lover of horses
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh FIL-ip

  30. Mateo Raymond
    Origin: Germanic
    Meaning: Wise protector
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh RAY-mund

  31. Mateo Joseph
    Origin: Hebrew
    Meaning: God will add
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh JO-zef

  32. Mateo Ernest
    Origin: Germanic
    Meaning: Serious, determined
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh ER-nist

  33. Mateo Leonard
    Origin: Germanic
    Meaning: Brave lion
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh LEN-ard

  34. Mateo Frederick
    Origin: Germanic
    Meaning: Peaceful ruler
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh FRED-er-ik

  35. Mateo Lawrence
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: From Laurentum
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh LOR-ens

  36. Mateo Stephen
    Origin: Greek
    Meaning: Crown
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh STEE-ven

  37. Mateo Peter
    Origin: Greek
    Meaning: Rock
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh PEE-ter

  38. Mateo Ronald
    Origin: Norse
    Meaning: Ruler’s advisor
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh RAH-nuhld

  39. Mateo Gerald
    Origin: Germanic
    Meaning: Spear ruler
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh JER-uhld

  40. Mateo Hugh
    Origin: Germanic
    Meaning: Mind, intellect
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh HYOO

  41. Mateo Walter
    Origin: Germanic
    Meaning: Ruler of the army
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh WAL-ter

  42. Mateo Albert
    Origin: Germanic
    Meaning: Noble, bright
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh AL-bert

  43. Mateo Arthur
    Origin: Celtic
    Meaning: Bear king
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh AR-thur

  44. Mateo Paul
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Small, humble
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh PAWL

  45. Mateo Clarence
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Bright, clear
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh KLAIR-ens

  46. Mateo Bruce
    Origin: French/Scottish
    Meaning: From the brushwood thicket
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh BROOS

  47. Mateo Eugene
    Origin: Greek
    Meaning: Well-born, noble
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh YOO-jeen

  48. Mateo Harvey
    Origin: French
    Meaning: Battle worthy
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh HAR-vee

  49. Mateo Stanley
    Origin: Old English
    Meaning: Stony meadow
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh STAN-lee

  50. Mateo Douglas
    Origin: Scottish Gaelic
    Meaning: Dark stream
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh DUG-luss

Spanish & Latin-Inspired Middle Names for Mateo


  1. Mateo Alejandro
    Origin: Spanish, Greek
    Meaning: Defender of the people
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh ah-le-HAHN-dro

  2. Mateo Andrés
    Origin: Spanish, Greek
    Meaning: Manly, courageous
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh ahn-DREHS

  3. Mateo Antonio
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Priceless, flourishing
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh an-TO-nee-oh

  4. Mateo Armando
    Origin: Spanish, Germanic
    Meaning: Soldier, strong army
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh ar-MAN-do

  5. Mateo Carlos
    Origin: Spanish, Germanic
    Meaning: Free man
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh KAR-los

  6. Mateo Diego
    Origin: Spanish, Hebrew
    Meaning: Supplanter, teaching
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh DEE-eh-go

  7. Mateo Emiliano
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Rival, eager
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh eh-mee-lee-AH-no

  8. Mateo Enrique
    Origin: Spanish, Germanic
    Meaning: Ruler of the home
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh en-REE-keh

  9. Mateo Esteban
    Origin: Spanish, Greek
    Meaning: Crown, garland
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh es-TEH-bahn

  10. Mateo Fernando
    Origin: Spanish, Germanic
    Meaning: Bold voyager
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh fer-NAN-do

  11. Mateo Francisco
    Origin: Spanish, Latin
    Meaning: Free man
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh fran-SEES-ko

  12. Mateo Gabriel
    Origin: Hebrew, Spanish
    Meaning: God is my strength
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh gah-bree-EL

  13. Mateo Gael
    Origin: Spanish, Breton
    Meaning: Generous, lively
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh gah-EL

  14. Mateo Gustavo
    Origin: Spanish, Old Norse
    Meaning: Staff of the gods
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh goos-TAH-vo

  15. Mateo Hernán
    Origin: Spanish, Germanic
    Meaning: Bold journey
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh er-NAN

  16. Mateo Ignacio
    Origin: Spanish, Latin
    Meaning: Fiery, burning
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh eeg-NAH-syo

  17. Mateo Javier
    Origin: Spanish, Basque
    Meaning: New house
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh ha-VYER

  18. Mateo Joaquin
    Origin: Spanish, Hebrew
    Meaning: God will establish
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh wa-KEEN

  19. Mateo Jorge
    Origin: Spanish, Greek
    Meaning: Farmer, earthworker
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh HOR-heh

  20. Mateo José
    Origin: Spanish, Hebrew
    Meaning: God will increase
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh ho-SEH

  21. Mateo Juan
    Origin: Spanish, Hebrew
    Meaning: God is gracious
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh HWAHN

  22. Mateo Leonardo
    Origin: Spanish, Germanic
    Meaning: Brave lion
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh leh-oh-NAR-do

  23. Mateo Lorenzo
    Origin: Spanish, Latin
    Meaning: From Laurentum
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh lo-REN-so

  24. Mateo Luis
    Origin: Spanish, Germanic
    Meaning: Renowned warrior
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh LOO-ees

  25. Mateo Manuel
    Origin: Spanish, Hebrew
    Meaning: God is with us
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh man-WEL

  26. Mateo Marco
    Origin: Spanish, Latin
    Meaning: Warlike
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh MAR-ko

  27. Mateo Miguel
    Origin: Spanish, Hebrew
    Meaning: Who is like God?
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh mee-GEL

  28. Mateo Nicolás
    Origin: Spanish, Greek
    Meaning: Victory of the people
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh nee-ko-LAS

  29. Mateo Octavio
    Origin: Spanish, Latin
    Meaning: Eighth-born
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh ok-TAH-vyo

  30. Mateo Pablo
    Origin: Spanish, Latin
    Meaning: Small, humble
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh PAH-blo

  31. Mateo Pedro
    Origin: Spanish, Greek
    Meaning: Rock, stone
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh PEH-dro

  32. Mateo Rafael
    Origin: Spanish, Hebrew
    Meaning: God has healed
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh rah-fah-EL

  33. Mateo Ricardo
    Origin: Spanish, Germanic
    Meaning: Brave ruler
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh ree-KAR-do

  34. Mateo Rodrigo
    Origin: Spanish, Germanic
    Meaning: Famous ruler
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh ro-DREE-go

  35. Mateo Salvador
    Origin: Spanish, Latin
    Meaning: Savior
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh sal-vah-DOR

  36. Mateo Santiago
    Origin: Spanish, Hebrew
    Meaning: Saint James
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh san-TYAH-go

  37. Mateo Sergio
    Origin: Spanish, Latin
    Meaning: Attendant, guardian
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh SER-hyo

  38. Mateo Tomás
    Origin: Spanish, Aramaic
    Meaning: Twin
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh to-MAS

  39. Mateo Valentín
    Origin: Spanish, Latin
    Meaning: Strong, healthy
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh vah-len-TEEN

  40. Mateo Vicente
    Origin: Spanish, Latin
    Meaning: To conquer
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh vee-SEN-teh

  41. Mateo Álvaro
    Origin: Spanish, Germanic
    Meaning: Elf warrior
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh AL-vah-ro

  42. Mateo Cristóbal
    Origin: Spanish, Greek
    Meaning: Christ-bearer
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh kris-TO-bahl

  43. Mateo Damián
    Origin: Spanish, Greek
    Meaning: To tame, subdue
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh dah-MYAN

  44. Mateo Hugo
    Origin: Spanish, Germanic
    Meaning: Mind, intellect
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh OO-go

  45. Mateo Mauricio
    Origin: Spanish, Latin
    Meaning: Dark-skinned
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh mow-REE-syo

  46. Mateo Simón
    Origin: Spanish, Hebrew
    Meaning: He has heard
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh see-MON

  47. Mateo Ramiro
    Origin: Spanish, Germanic
    Meaning: Wise and famous
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh rah-MEE-ro

  48. Mateo Ángel
    Origin: Spanish, Greek
    Meaning: Messenger
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh AHN-hel

  49. Mateo Adrián
    Origin: Spanish, Latin
    Meaning: From Hadria
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh ah-DREE-ahn

  50. Mateo Raúl
    Origin: Spanish, Germanic
    Meaning: Wise wolf
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh rah-OOL

Unique & Modern Middle Names for Mateo


  1. Mateo Asher
    Origin: Hebrew
    Meaning: Happy, blessed
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh ASH-er

  2. Mateo Beckett
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Beehive or little brook
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh BEK-it

  3. Mateo Blaise
    Origin: Latin, French
    Meaning: Lisping, stammering
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh BLAZE

  4. Mateo Bodhi
    Origin: Sanskrit
    Meaning: Awakening, enlightenment
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh BO-dee

  5. Mateo Brooks
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Near a brook or stream
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh BROOKS

  6. Mateo Cade
    Origin: English, Welsh
    Meaning: Round, barrel
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh KAYD

  7. Mateo Callum
    Origin: Scottish, Latin
    Meaning: Dove, peace
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh KAL-um

  8. Mateo Carter
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Cart driver
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh KAR-ter

  9. Mateo Caspian
    Origin: Latin, Persian
    Meaning: White, from the Caspian Sea
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh KAS-pee-an

  10. Mateo Cillian
    Origin: Irish
    Meaning: Bright-headed
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh KILL-ee-an

  11. Mateo Colton
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Coal town
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh KOL-ton

  12. Mateo Crew
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Group, team
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh KROO

  13. Mateo Daxton
    Origin: American
    Meaning: Warrior’s town
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh DAKS-ton

  14. Mateo Dexter
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Skilled, right-handed
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh DEX-ter

  15. Mateo Easton
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Eastern town
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh EES-ton

  16. Mateo Elias
    Origin: Hebrew
    Meaning: The Lord is my God
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh eh-LYE-us

  17. Mateo Everest
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Dweller on the Eure River
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh EV-er-est

  18. Mateo Ezra
    Origin: Hebrew
    Meaning: Help, helper
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh EZ-rah

  19. Mateo Finn
    Origin: Irish, Norse
    Meaning: Fair, white
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh FIN

  20. Mateo Flynn
    Origin: Irish
    Meaning: Son of a red-haired man
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh FLIN

  21. Mateo Grayson
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Son of a steward
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh GRAY-son

  22. Mateo Griffin
    Origin: Welsh, Latin
    Meaning: Strong lord
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh GRIFF-in

  23. Mateo Hudson
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Son of Hugh
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh HUD-son

  24. Mateo Jace
    Origin: Hebrew
    Meaning: The Lord is salvation
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh JAYS

  25. Mateo Jett
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Jet black
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh JET

  26. Mateo Kade
    Origin: English, Scottish
    Meaning: Stout, sturdy
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh KAYD

  27. Mateo Kai
    Origin: Hawaiian, Japanese
    Meaning: Sea, ocean
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh KYE

  28. Mateo Kingston
    Origin: English
    Meaning: King’s town
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh KING-stun

  29. Mateo Knox
    Origin: Scottish
    Meaning: Round hill
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh NOKS

  30. Mateo Lachlan
    Origin: Scottish, Irish
    Meaning: Land of the lochs
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh LOK-lun

  31. Mateo Landon
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Long hill
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh LAN-dun

  32. Mateo Levi
    Origin: Hebrew
    Meaning: Joined, attached
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh LEE-vye

  33. Mateo Lincoln
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Town by the pool
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh LIN-kun

  34. Mateo Madden
    Origin: Irish
    Meaning: Little dog
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh MAD-en

  35. Mateo Maverick
    Origin: American
    Meaning: Independent, nonconformist
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh MAV-rick

  36. Mateo Nash
    Origin: English
    Meaning: By the ash tree
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh NASH

  37. Mateo Orion
    Origin: Greek
    Meaning: Hunter
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh oh-RYE-un

  38. Mateo Paxton
    Origin: Latin, English
    Meaning: Peace town
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh PAX-ton

  39. Mateo Phoenix
    Origin: Greek
    Meaning: Dark red, rebirth
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh FEE-niks

  40. Mateo Remy
    Origin: French, Latin
    Meaning: Oarsman
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh REM-ee

  41. Mateo Rylan
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Land where rye is grown
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh RYE-lan

  42. Mateo Ryder
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Horseman, knight
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh RYE-der

  43. Mateo Silas
    Origin: Latin, Greek
    Meaning: Man of the forest
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh SYE-lus

  44. Mateo Sterling
    Origin: English
    Meaning: High quality, pure
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh STER-ling

  45. Mateo Tobias
    Origin: Hebrew
    Meaning: God is good
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh toe-BYE-us

  46. Mateo Wilder
    Origin: English, Germanic
    Meaning: Untamed, free
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh WYL-der

  47. Mateo Zane
    Origin: Hebrew
    Meaning: God’s gift
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh ZAYN

  48. Mateo Zayden
    Origin: American
    Meaning: Growth, abundance
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh ZAY-den

  49. Mateo Zion
    Origin: Hebrew
    Meaning: Highest point, heaven
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh ZYE-on

  50. Mateo Kieran
    Origin: Irish
    Meaning: Dark-haired
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh KEER-an

Nature & Word-Inspired Middle Names for Mateo


  1. Mateo Ash
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Ash Tree
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Ash

  2. Mateo August
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Majestic, Revered
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Aw-Gust

  3. Mateo Basil
    Origin: Greek, Latin
    Meaning: Royal, Kingly, Also an Herb
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Baz-Il

  4. Mateo Birch
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Birch Tree
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Birch

  5. Mateo Blaze
    Origin: Latin, English
    Meaning: Fire, Flame
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Blaze

  6. Mateo Canyon
    Origin: Spanish
    Meaning: Deep Valley with Steep Sides
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Kan-Yun

  7. Mateo Cedar
    Origin: English, Latin
    Meaning: Cedar Tree
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh See-Der

  8. Mateo Clay
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Earth, Soft Soil
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Clay

  9. Mateo Cloud
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Vapor in The Sky
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Klowd

  10. Mateo Cove
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Small Coastal Inlet
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Kohv

  11. Mateo Cypress
    Origin: Greek
    Meaning: Cypress Tree
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Sigh-Press

  12. Mateo Falcon
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Bird of Prey
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Fal-Kun

  13. Mateo Fern
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Green Leafy Plant
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Furn

  14. Mateo Flint
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Hard Stone, Spark
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Flint

  15. Mateo Fox
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Sly, Clever Animal
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Foks

  16. Mateo Hawk
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Powerful Bird of Prey
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Hawk

  17. Mateo Indigo
    Origin: Greek, Latin
    Meaning: Deep Blue Color
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh In-Di-Go

  18. Mateo Jasper
    Origin: Persian
    Meaning: Precious Stone, Bringer of Treasure
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Jas-Per

  19. Mateo Lake
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Large Body of Water
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Lake

  20. Mateo Leaf
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Green Part of A Tree
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Leef

  21. Mateo Lark
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Cheerful Songbird
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Lark

  22. Mateo Maple
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Maple Tree
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh May-Pul

  23. Mateo Mars
    Origin: Roman, Latin
    Meaning: God of War, Red Planet
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Marz

  24. Mateo Moon
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Celestial Body Orbiting Earth
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Moon

  25. Mateo Ocean
    Origin: Greek, Latin
    Meaning: Vast Body of Water
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Oh-Shun

  26. Mateo Onyx
    Origin: Greek
    Meaning: Black Gemstone
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh On-Iks

  27. Mateo Rain
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Water Falling from The Sky
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Rayn

  28. Mateo Reed
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Tall, Slender Grass
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Reed

  29. Mateo River
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Flowing Watercourse
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Riv-Er

  30. Mateo Rocky
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Full of Rocks, Rugged
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Rok-Ee

  31. Mateo Rowan
    Origin: Irish, Scottish
    Meaning: Rowan Tree, Little Redhead
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Ro-An

  32. Mateo Sage
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Wise, Healing Herb
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Sayj

  33. Mateo Sky
    Origin: English
    Meaning: The Heavens Above
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Sky

  34. Mateo Sol
    Origin: Spanish, Latin
    Meaning: Sun
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Sol

  35. Mateo Sparrow
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Small Songbird
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Spare-Oh

  36. Mateo Star
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Celestial Body in Space
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Star

  37. Mateo Stone
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Solid Mineral, Rock
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Stone

  38. Mateo Storm
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Tempest, Strong Weather
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Storm

  39. Mateo Summit
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Highest Point of A Mountain
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Sum-It

  40. Mateo Thorn
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Sharp Plant Prickle
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Thorn

  41. Mateo Timber
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Wood, Forest
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Tim-Ber

  42. Mateo Valley
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Low Area Between Hills
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Val-Lee

  43. Mateo West
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Direction, Sunset
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh West

  44. Mateo Willow
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Graceful, Flexible Tree
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Will-Oh

  45. Mateo Wolf
    Origin: German, Norse
    Meaning: Fierce, Wild Animal
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Wolf

  46. Mateo Zenith
    Origin: Arabic, English
    Meaning: Highest Point, Peak
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Zee-Nith

Strong & Virtue-Based Middle Names for Mateo


  1. Mateo Ace
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: One, Excellence
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Ace

  2. Mateo Archer
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Bowman, Skilled Marksman
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Ar-Cher

  3. Mateo Atlas
    Origin: Greek
    Meaning: Bearer of The Heavens
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh At-Las

  4. Mateo Axel
    Origin: Scandinavian
    Meaning: Father of Peace
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Ax-El

  5. Mateo Brave
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Courageous, Fearless
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Brayv

  6. Mateo Chase
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Hunter, to Pursue
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Chayss

  7. Mateo Champion
    Origin: French, Latin
    Meaning: Victor, Winner
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Cham-Pee-Un

  8. Mateo Creed
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Belief, Guiding Principle
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Kreed

  9. Mateo Dash
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Quick Movement, Energetic
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Dash

  10. Mateo Destiny
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Fate, Predetermined Path
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Des-Tuh-Nee

  11. Mateo Duke
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Leader, Noble Title
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Dook

  12. Mateo Fortitude
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Strength, Resilience
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh For-Ti-Tood

  13. Mateo Grit
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Perseverance, Determination
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Grit

  14. Mateo Haven
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Safe Place, Refuge
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Hay-Vin

  15. Mateo Hero
    Origin: Greek
    Meaning: Brave, Protector
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Heer-Oh

  16. Mateo Honor
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Integrity, Respect
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh On-Er

  17. Mateo Justice
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Fairness, Righteousness
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Jus-Tiss

  18. Mateo King
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Ruler, Royal Leader
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh King

  19. Mateo Knight
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Protector, Warrior
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Night

  20. Mateo Legend
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: One of the Great Fame
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Led-Jend

  21. Mateo Loyal
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Faithful, Devoted
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Loy-Uhl

  22. Mateo Maximus
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Greatest, Strongest
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Max-I-Mus

  23. Mateo Noble
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: High-Born, Honorable
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Noh-Bul

  24. Mateo Patriot
    Origin: Greek, English
    Meaning: Devoted to One’s Country
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Pay-Tree-Uht

  25. Mateo Power
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Strength, Influence
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Pow-Er

  26. Mateo Quest
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Adventure, Pursuit
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Kwest

  27. Mateo Ransom
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Redeemed, Rescue
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Ran-Sum

  28. Mateo Rebel
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Defiant, Independent
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Reb-Ul

  29. Mateo Reign
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Rule, Sovereignty
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Rayn

  30. Mateo Rex
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: King, Ruler
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Rex

  31. Mateo Roman
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Citizen of Rome, Strong
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Roh-Mun

  32. Mateo Rune
    Origin: Old Norse
    Meaning: Secret, Mystery
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Roon

  33. Mateo Sincere
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Honest, Genuine
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Sin-Seer

  34. Mateo Steel
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Hard, Unbreakable
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Steel

  35. Mateo Titan
    Origin: Greek
    Meaning: Giant, Powerful
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Tie-Tan

  36. Mateo Triumph
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Great Victory, Success
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Try-Umf

  37. Mateo True
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Honest, Authentic
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Troo

  38. Mateo Valor
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Bravery, Courage
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Val-Or

  39. Mateo Valiant
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Strong, Brave
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Val-Yunt

  40. Mateo Victory
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Conquering, Success
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Vik-Tuh-Ree

  41. Mateo Warrior
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Fighter, Protector
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh War-Ree-Yer

  42. Mateo Wisdom
    Origin: English
    Meaning: Intelligence, Insight
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Wiz-Dum

  43. Mateo Zephyr
    Origin: Greek
    Meaning: Gentle Wind, West Wind
    Pronunciation: muh-Tay-Oh Zeh-Fur

  44. Mateo Lucian
    Origin: Latin
    Meaning: Light, Illumination
    Pronunciation: muh-TAY-oh LOO-shun

Wrapping it Up

Now that you’ve explored these middle name options for Mateo, which one feels right for your little boy?

Remember, the best choice flows naturally with Mateo and your last name while carrying meaning that matters to your family.

Try saying your top choices out loud several times. Write them down. See how they look as initials.

Many parents find a clear winner emerges after living with their top options for a few days.

Share your favorite Mateo combinations in the comments below! Other parents would love to know what you’ve chosen.

Need more naming help? Browse our other baby name guides on our website!

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