Creative Play Ideas for Kids with Enchantimals Dolls: Fostering Imagination and Storytelling

Enchantimals dolls serve a dual role as toys and storytelling devices that create imagination, adventure, and magic for your child. With animal-inspired characters and captivating personalities, Enchantimals dolls inspire kids to craft stories, employ their imaginations, and impart tales within a world of friendship and fun. Here are other ways to engage children in imaginative play using Enchantimals dolls.
Set the Scene with DIY Environments
Nothing sparks the art of storytelling like creating a world for your child’s Enchantimals dolls to explore. Outfit the dolls with their universe, using everyday items such as cardboard boxes, fabric remnants, and small plants to identify with the doll characters. Use potted plants, leaves, and rocks to build a forest scene that echoes the persona of dolls such as Felicity Fox and Bree Bunny.
Take the creative play experience one step further by incorporating tangible features to represent trails like sticks or pebbles or a small pond made of a blue paper-lined dish. Children will have a fun and interactive task at hand, while their imaginary fun is deepened, emulating the adventures encountered in the forest by their dolls.
Create Character Backstories and Adventures
Encourage your child to think of each Enchantimals doll as a character with their own story. Who are their best friends? Do they have any special powers or favorite activities? When children assign these details, they can connect with their dolls on an emotional level, which will make playtime more enjoyable and engaging.
Once they’ve decided on characters, prompt some open-ended play ideas. Perhaps Sage Skunk is throwing a surprise party in the woods, or Patter Peacock is off searching for a secret waterfall. When children assign their dolls a “job” or a quest, they’ll need to get creative and flex those imagination muscles as they narrate the story.
Host an Enchantimals Picnic Party
Transform your playtime into a picnic party for the Enchantimals dolls! Lay down a small blanket and gather plates, cups, and a few tiny snacks for the dolls to “eat.” In addition to the imaginative aspects, this activity could also cross over into real life if your child decides to prepare bite-sized snacks like fruit slices or cheese and crackers to enjoy right along with their Enchantimals friends.
A picnic can bridge the sharing, teamwork, and friendship themes central to the Enchantimals spirit. Plus, it offers a unique opportunity to practice some of the table manners and socialization that so many kids have missed during this unusual year, all in a fun, relaxed environment.
Encourage Storytelling Through Arts and Crafts
Get in some arts and crafts with your Enchantimals play and you’ll add a whole layer of creativity. Hand over paper, crayons, markers, stickers, and glue, and have your kid assemble an Enchantimals adventure book. Include drawings, inserts, and written text placing the Enchantimals dolls in their own story. Your child can also create storylines in writing as a practice for later play.
Instead of simply writing scenes, have your child create a book such as a “forest fun” adventure book. Each page depicts a part of the forest adventure. This option encourages storytelling, as your child’s descriptions will need to mirror the actions and dialogue of the Enchantimals characters.
Put on a Mini Theatre Show
Create a small theater with the Enchantimals as the stars of the show. Use a cardboard box as the stage. Have your child act out different scenes or make it a multi-plot play.
Include small-scale props and set pieces. Changing the background stage and more can help to enhance the act and keep the kid’s interest. Performing a script builds confidence, language skills and strengthens memory.
Making the Most of Enchantimals Playtime
Creating lots of layered moments during a play session, Enchantimals dolls give kids countless ways to get into play, make memories, and promote learning through play. So gather those dolls and your craft supplies and let the adventures begin!