Discover 400 Boy Names Beginning with E

Have you ever noticed how names that start with ‘E’ have a special kind of appeal? Maybe it’s the elegant sound they carry or the rich meanings behind them that catch your attention.
If you’re on the lookout for the perfect name for your baby boy, you’re in the right place. We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of 400 boys’ names beginning with ‘E,’ complete with their meanings and pronunciations.
Whether you’re drawn to traditional names or something a bit more unique, there’s an ‘E’ name here that’s bound to feel just right. Let’s explore these wonderful options together and see which one stands out to you.
List of 400 Boy’s Names That Start With E
English Names for Boys That Start with E
1. Ethan
Meaning: “Strong” or “firm”
Pronunciation: EE-thuhn
2. Edward
Meaning: “Wealthy guardian”
Pronunciation: ED-wuhrd
3. Elijah
Meaning: “My God is Yahweh”
Pronunciation: ih-LY-juh
4. Ezra
Meaning: “Help” or “helper”
Pronunciation: EZ-ruh
5. Evan
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: EV-uhn
6. Emmett
Meaning: “Universal” or “truth”
Pronunciation: EM-it
7. Eric
Meaning: “Eternal ruler” or “ever powerful”
Pronunciation: ER-ik
8. Eli
Meaning: “Ascended” or “uplifted”
Pronunciation: EE-ly
9. Elias
Meaning: “Yahweh is God”
Pronunciation: ih-LY-uhs
10. Elliott
Meaning: “The Lord is my God”
Pronunciation: EL-ee-uht
11. Ezekiel
Meaning: “God strengthens”
Pronunciation: ih-ZEE-kee-uhl
12. Everett
Meaning: “Brave as a wild boar”
Pronunciation: EV-uh-rit
13. Easton
Meaning: “East-facing place”
Pronunciation: EES-tuhn
14. Elias
Meaning: “Yahweh is God”
Pronunciation: ih-LY-uhs
15. Emerson
Meaning: “Son of Emery” or “brave”
Pronunciation: EM-er-suhn
16. Ezequiel
Meaning: “God strengthens”
Pronunciation: eh-zeh-kee-EL
17. Edison
Meaning: “Son of Edward”
Pronunciation: ED-i-suhn
18. Emilio
Meaning: “Rival”
Pronunciation: eh-MEE-lee-oh
19. Emanuel
Meaning: “God is with us”
Pronunciation: ih-MAN-yoo-uhl
20. Everest
Meaning: “Dweller on the Eure River”
Pronunciation: EV-er-ist
21. Enzo
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: EN-zoh
22. Ellis
Meaning: “Benevolent”
Pronunciation: EL-is
23. Ezequiel
Meaning: “God strengthens”
Pronunciation: eh-zeh-kee-EL
24. Emery
Meaning: “Industrious leader”
Pronunciation: EM-uh-ree
25. Eugene
Meaning: “Well-born” or “noble”
Pronunciation: yoo-JEEN
26. Enoch
Meaning: “Dedicated”
Pronunciation: EE-nuhk
27. Elian
Meaning: “The Lord is my God”
Pronunciation: EL-ee-uhn
28. Ernest
Meaning: “Serious” or “resolute”
Pronunciation: UR-nist
29. Edgar
Meaning: “Wealthy spearman”
Pronunciation: ED-gahr
30. Emiliano
Meaning: “Rival”
Pronunciation: eh-mee-lee-AH-noh
31. Esteban
Meaning: “Crown”
Pronunciation: es-TEH-bahn
32. Eden
Meaning: “Place of pleasure” or “delight”
Pronunciation: EE-duhn
33. Edwin
Meaning: “Rich friend”
Pronunciation: ED-win
34. Erick
Meaning: “Eternal ruler”
Pronunciation: ER-ik
35. Elton
Meaning: “From the old town”
Pronunciation: EL-tuhn
36. Emmanuel
Meaning: “God is with us”
Pronunciation: ih-MAN-yoo-uhl
37. Ezekiel
Meaning: “God strengthens”
Pronunciation: ih-ZEE-kee-uhl
38. Elvin
Meaning: “Friend of the elves”
Pronunciation: EL-vin
39. Elmer
Meaning: “Noble” or “famous”
Pronunciation: EL-mer
40. Elliot
Meaning: “The Lord is my God”
Pronunciation: EL-ee-uht
Biblical Names for Boys That Start with E
41. Ebenezer
Meaning: “Stone of help”
Pronunciation: eb-uh-NEE-zer
42. Eber
Meaning: “One that passes” or “anger”
Pronunciation: EE-ber
43. Eden
Meaning: “Delight” or “paradise”
Pronunciation: EE-den
44. Eder
Meaning: “Flock”
Pronunciation: EE-der
45. Edom
Meaning: “Red”
Pronunciation: EE-duhm
46. Efraim
Meaning: “Fruitful” or “fertile”
Pronunciation: EE-fray-im
47. Ehud
Meaning: “United” or “strong”
Pronunciation: EE-hud
48. Eker
Meaning: “Transplanted”
Pronunciation: EE-ker
49. Elad
Meaning: “God is eternal”
Pronunciation: EL-ad
50. Elah
Meaning: “Oak tree” or “terebinth”
Pronunciation: EE-luh
51. Elam
Meaning: “Hidden” or “distant”
Pronunciation: EE-luhm
52. Eldad
Meaning: “Beloved of God”
Pronunciation: EL-dad
53. Eleazar
Meaning: “God has helped”
Pronunciation: el-ee-AY-zer
54. Elihu
Meaning: “He is my God”
Pronunciation: el-EE-hyoo
55. Elijah
Meaning: “Yahweh is my God”
Pronunciation: ih-LY-juh
56. Elim
Meaning: “Strong trees” or “oaks”
Pronunciation: EE-lim
57. Elimelech
Meaning: “My God is king”
Pronunciation: ih-LIM-uh-lek
58. Eliphaz
Meaning: “God is fine gold”
Pronunciation: el-EE-faz
59. Elisha
Meaning: “God is salvation”
Pronunciation: ih-LY-shuh
60. Elishah
Meaning: “God is salvation”
Pronunciation: ih-LY-shuh
61. Elkanah
Meaning: “God has possessed” or “God has created”
Pronunciation: el-KAY-nuh
62. Elnathan
Meaning: “God has given”
Pronunciation: el-NAY-thuhn
63. Elon
Meaning: “Oak tree” or “strong”
Pronunciation: EE-lon
64. Elpalet
Meaning: “God is deliverance”
Pronunciation: el-PAY-let
65. Eltolad
Meaning: “God’s kindred”
Pronunciation: el-TOH-lad
66. Elzabad
Meaning: “God has bestowed”
Pronunciation: el-ZAY-bad
67. Enoch
Meaning: “Dedicated” or “trained”
Pronunciation: EE-nuhk
68. Enos
Meaning: “Mortal man”
Pronunciation: EE-nohs
69. Enosh
Meaning: “Human being”
Pronunciation: EE-nosh
70. Epher
Meaning: “Calf” or “young deer”
Pronunciation: EE-fer
71. Ephraim
Meaning: “Fruitful” or “fertile”
Pronunciation: EE-free-uhm
72. Eran
Meaning: “Watchful” or “vigilant”
Pronunciation: EE-ran
73. Erastus
Meaning: “Beloved”
Pronunciation: ih-RAS-tuhs
74. Eri
Meaning: “My watcher”
Pronunciation: EE-ry
75. Esau
Meaning: “Hairy”
Pronunciation: EE-saw
76. Esek
Meaning: “Contention”
Pronunciation: EE-sek
77. Eshban
Meaning: “Fire of discernment”
Pronunciation: ESH-ban
78. Eshek
Meaning: “Oppression”
Pronunciation: EE-shek
79. Ethan
Meaning: “Enduring” or “strong”
Pronunciation: EE-thuhn
80. Ethbaal
Meaning: “With Baal”
Pronunciation: ETH-bay-uhl
Greek Names for Boys That Start with E
81. Elias
Meaning: “The Lord is my God”
Pronunciation: ee-LIE-us
82. Evangelos
Meaning: “Bringer of good news”
Pronunciation: ev-AN-ge-los
83. Efstathios
Meaning: “Stable, steady”
Pronunciation: ef-STA-thee-os
84. Eleftherios
Meaning: “The free one”
Pronunciation: e-lef-THEE-ree-os
85. Evripidis
Meaning: “Good judgment”
Pronunciation: ev-ree-PEE-dees
86. Emmanouil
Meaning: “God is with us”
Pronunciation: e-ma-no-EEL
87. Epaminondas
Meaning: “Man of good deeds”
Pronunciation: e-pa-mee-NON-das
88. Evgenios
Meaning: “Well-born, noble”
Pronunciation: ev-YEN-yos
89. Ermis
Meaning: “Messenger of the gods”
Pronunciation: ER-mis
90. Elissaios
Meaning: “God is my salvation”
Pronunciation: e-li-SAY-os
91. Evaggelos
Meaning: “Bearer of good news”
Pronunciation: e-van-GE-los
92. Eftychios
Meaning: “Fortunate”
Pronunciation: ef-TEE-khee-os
93. Ezekiel
Meaning: “God strengthens”
Pronunciation: e-ZEE-kee-el
94. Erotokritos
Meaning: “Judge of love”
Pronunciation: e-ro-TO-kree-tos
95. Eustathios
Meaning: “Well-built, stable”
Pronunciation: ef-STA-thee-os
96. Elefterios
Meaning: “Liberator”
Pronunciation: e-lef-TE-ree-os
97. Euphemios
Meaning: “Well-spoken”
Pronunciation: yoo-FEE-mee-os
98. Euripides
Meaning: “Good of speech”
Pronunciation: yoo-RIP-i-deez
99. Evdokimos
Meaning: “Well-reputed”
Pronunciation: ev-DO-kee-mos
100. Epaphroditus
Meaning: “Lovely, charming”
Pronunciation: e-paf-ro-DEE-tus
101. Eratos
Meaning: “Beloved”
Pronunciation: e-RA-tos
102. Evlogios
Meaning: “Blessed”
Pronunciation: ev-LO-yee-os
103. Efrosynos
Meaning: “Joy, mirth”
Pronunciation: e-fro-SEE-nos
104. Evandros
Meaning: “Good man”
Pronunciation: e-VAN-dros
105. Eteokles
Meaning: “True glory”
Pronunciation: e-te-O-klees
106. Eudoxos
Meaning: “Of good repute”
Pronunciation: yoo-DOK-sos
107. Emilios
Meaning: “Rival”
Pronunciation: e-MEE-lee-os
108. Evagoras
Meaning: “Good speaker”
Pronunciation: e-VA-go-ras
109. Elpenor
Meaning: “Hope”
Pronunciation: el-PE-nor
110. Eumenes
Meaning: “Benevolent”
Pronunciation: yoo-ME-nees
111. Eusebios
Meaning: “Pious”
Pronunciation: yoo-SE-bee-os
112. Eleutheros
Meaning: “Free”
Pronunciation: e-LEF-the-ros
113. Evstratios
Meaning: “Good soldier”
Pronunciation: ev-STRA-tee-os
114. Evodios
Meaning: “Prosperous journey”
Pronunciation: e-VO-dee-os
115. Eutyches
Meaning: “Lucky”
Pronunciation: YOO-tee-kees
116. Empedokles
Meaning: “Very glorious”
Pronunciation: em-pe-DO-klees
117. Evlogitos
Meaning: “Blessed”
Pronunciation: ev-lo-YEE-tos
118. Epimenides
Meaning: “Staying behind, lasting”
Pronunciation: e-pi-me-NEE-dees
119. Efthymios
Meaning: “In good spirits”
Pronunciation: ef-THEE-mee-os
120. Eratosthenes
Meaning: “Beloved of the nation”
Pronunciation: e-ra-TOS-the-nees
Latin Names for Boys That Start with E
121. Eadmund
Meaning: “Prosperous protection”
Pronunciation: EED-muhnd
122. Ealdred
Meaning: “Old counsel”
Pronunciation: EEL-dred
123. Eanmund
Meaning: “Prosperity protection”
Pronunciation: EEN-muhnd
124. Ebenezer
Meaning: “Stone of help”
Pronunciation: eh-buh-NEE-zer
125. Eberhard
Meaning: “Brave as a wild boar”
Pronunciation: EB-er-hard
126. Edan
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: EE-dan
127. Edgard
Meaning: “Wealthy guard”
Pronunciation: ED-gard
128. Edilberto
Meaning: “Noble bright”
Pronunciation: eh-deel-BER-toh
129. Edmund
Meaning: “Prosperous protection”
Pronunciation: ED-muhnd
130. Edsel
Meaning: “Noble”
Pronunciation: ED-suhl
131. Edward
Meaning: “Wealthy guardian”
Pronunciation: ED-werd
132. Edwin
Meaning: “Wealthy friend”
Pronunciation: ED-win
133. Efrain
Meaning: “Fruitful”
Pronunciation: eh-FRAH-een
134. Egbert
Meaning: “Bright edge”
Pronunciation: EG-burt
135. Egidio
Meaning: “Shield”
Pronunciation: eh-JEE-dee-oh
136. Elbert
Meaning: “Noble bright”
Pronunciation: EL-burt
137. Eldred
Meaning: “Old counsel”
Pronunciation: EL-dred
138. Eleazar
Meaning: “God has helped”
Pronunciation: el-ee-AY-zar
139. Elfred
Meaning: “Elf counsel”
Pronunciation: EL-fred
140. Elgar
Meaning: “Elf spear”
Pronunciation: EL-gar
141. Elias
Meaning: “Yahweh is God”
Pronunciation: ih-LY-us
142. Eligius
Meaning: “Chosen”
Pronunciation: ih-LIJ-ee-us
143. Elijah
Meaning: “My God is Yahweh”
Pronunciation: ih-LY-juh
144. Eliseo
Meaning: “God is my salvation”
Pronunciation: eh-lee-SEH-oh
145. Elmer
Meaning: “Noble famous”
Pronunciation: EL-mer
146. Elmo
Meaning: “Worthy to be loved”
Pronunciation: EL-moh
147. Elroy
Meaning: “The king”
Pronunciation: EL-roy
148. Elvin
Meaning: “Elf friend”
Pronunciation: EL-vin
149. Elvis
Meaning: “All wise”
Pronunciation: EL-vis
150. Emanuel
Meaning: “God is with us”
Pronunciation: ih-MAN-yoo-el
151. Emerson
Meaning: “Son of Emery”
Pronunciation: EM-er-sun
152. Emiliano
Meaning: “Rival”
Pronunciation: eh-mee-lee-AH-noh
153. Emilio
Meaning: “Rival”
Pronunciation: eh-MEE-lee-oh
154. Emmanuel
Meaning: “God is with us”
Pronunciation: ih-MAN-yoo-el
155. Emmett
Meaning: “Universal”
Pronunciation: EM-it
156. Enrique
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: en-REE-kay
157. Erasmus
Meaning: “Beloved”
Pronunciation: ih-RAZ-mus
158. Eriberto
Meaning: “Bright honor”
Pronunciation: eh-ree-BER-toh
159. Ernest
Meaning: “Serious”
Pronunciation: UR-nist
160. Ernesto
Meaning: “Serious”
Pronunciation: er-NES-toh
Irish Names for Boys That Start with E
161. Eamon
Meaning: “Wealthy protector”
Pronunciation: AY-mun
162. Egan
Meaning: “Little fire”
Pronunciation: EE-gan
163. Einar
Meaning: “One warrior”
Pronunciation: AY-nar
164. Eirnan
Meaning: “Iron”
Pronunciation: EER-nan
165. Emmet
Meaning: “Universal”
Pronunciation: EM-it
166. Enda
Meaning: “Like a bird”
Pronunciation: EN-da
167. Ennis
Meaning: “From the island”
Pronunciation: EN-is
168. Eoghan
Meaning: “Born of the yew tree”
Pronunciation: OH-in
169. Eoin
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: OH-in
170. Erskine
Meaning: “Projecting height”
Pronunciation: ER-skin
171. Esmond
Meaning: “Grace protection”
Pronunciation: EZ-mund
172. Eustace
Meaning: “Fruitful”
Pronunciation: YOO-stis
173. Evan
Meaning: “Young warrior”
Pronunciation: EV-an
174. Ewan
Meaning: “Born of the yew tree”
Pronunciation: YOO-an
175. Eamon
Meaning: “Wealthy protector”
Pronunciation: AY-mun
176. Earnan
Meaning: “Iron”
Pronunciation: ER-nan
177. Edan
Meaning: “Little fire”
Pronunciation: EE-dan
178. Edmund
Meaning: “Wealthy protector”
Pronunciation: ED-mund
179. Einar
Meaning: “One warrior”
Pronunciation: AY-nar
180. Eoghan
Meaning: “Born of the yew tree”
Pronunciation: OH-in
181. Eolande
Meaning: “Violet flower”
Pronunciation: YO-lan-duh
182. Erc
Meaning: “Speckled”
Pronunciation: ERK
183. Ercan
Meaning: “Brave man”
Pronunciation: ER-jan
184. Eremon
Meaning: “Noble”
Pronunciation: ER-uh-mon
185. Ergus
Meaning: “Choice”
Pronunciation: ER-gus
186. Erix
Meaning: “Ever powerful”
Pronunciation: ER-iks
187. Ethan
Meaning: “Enduring”
Pronunciation: EE-thun
188. Evin
Meaning: “Swift”
Pronunciation: EV-in
189. Ewen
Meaning: “Born of the yew tree”
Pronunciation: YOO-in
190. Eirnin
Meaning: “Iron”
Pronunciation: ER-nin
191. Eithne
Meaning: “Kernel”
Pronunciation: ETH-nuh
192. Emmett
Meaning: “Universal”
Pronunciation: EM-it
193. Ennio
Meaning: “Praiseworthy”
Pronunciation: EN-ee-oh
194. Eóin
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: OH-in
195. Erc
Meaning: “Dark”
Pronunciation: ERK
196. Errol
Meaning: “Wanderer”
Pronunciation: ER-ul
197. Erskine
Meaning: “Projecting height”
Pronunciation: ER-skin
198. Euan
Meaning: “Born of the yew tree”
Pronunciation: YOO-an
199. Eunan
Meaning: “Little bird”
Pronunciation: YOO-nan
200. Evin
Meaning: “Pleasant”
Pronunciation: EV-in
Scottish Names for Boys That Start with E
201. Eachan
Meaning: “Little horse”
Pronunciation: EE-kuhn
202. Eadan
Meaning: “Little fire”
Pronunciation: EE-duhn
203. Eamon
Meaning: “Wealthy protector”
Pronunciation: AY-muhn
204. Eanraig
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: EN-rik
205. Eardley
Meaning: “From the meadow of hares”
Pronunciation: ERD-lee
206. Earnan
Meaning: “Iron”
Pronunciation: ER-nuhn
207. Easan
Meaning: “Little waterfall”
Pronunciation: EE-suhn
208. Edan
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: EE-duhn
209. Eddie
Meaning: “Wealthy guardian”
Pronunciation: ED-ee
210. Edmond
Meaning: “Wealthy protector”
Pronunciation: ED-muhnd
211. Egan
Meaning: “Little fire”
Pronunciation: EE-guhn
212. Eideard
Meaning: “Wealthy guardian”
Pronunciation: EE-dyahrd
213. Eilidh
Meaning: “Light”
Pronunciation: AY-lee
214. Einar
Meaning: “One warrior”
Pronunciation: AY-nahr
215. Eion
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: EE-uhn
216. Ellar
Meaning: “Elder tree”
Pronunciation: EL-ahr
217. Ellington
Meaning: “Ellis’s town”
Pronunciation: EL-ing-tuhn
218. Elrick
Meaning: “Ruler of all”
Pronunciation: EL-rik
219. Elspeth
Meaning: “Pledged to God”
Pronunciation: ELS-peth
220. Emmet
Meaning: “Universal”
Pronunciation: EM-uht
221. Enzie
Meaning: “From Enzie” (place name)
Pronunciation: EN-zee
222. Eoin
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: OH-in
223. Eoghann
Meaning: “Born of the yew tree”
Pronunciation: YOH-uhn
224. Eran
Meaning: “Vigilant”
Pronunciation: ER-uhn
225. Errol
Meaning: “Wanderer”
Pronunciation: ER-uhl
226. Erskine
Meaning: “Projecting height”
Pronunciation: ER-skin
227. Ervin
Meaning: “Friend of the sea”
Pronunciation: ER-vin
228. Esmond
Meaning: “Grace protection”
Pronunciation: EZ-muhnd
229. Euan
Meaning: “Born of the yew tree”
Pronunciation: YOO-uhn
230. Evan
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: EV-uhn
231. Evander
Meaning: “Good man”
Pronunciation: ee-VAN-der
232. Ewan
Meaning: “Born of the yew tree”
Pronunciation: YOO-uhn
233. Ewen
Meaning: “Born of the yew tree”
Pronunciation: YOO-uhn
234. Ewing
Meaning: “Son of Ewen”
Pronunciation: YOO-ing
235. Eyre
Meaning: “Heir to the throne”
Pronunciation: AIR
236. Ezra
Meaning: “Help”
Pronunciation: EZ-ruh
237. Edan
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: EE-duhn
238. Edric
Meaning: “Wealthy ruler”
Pronunciation: ED-rik
239. Einar
Meaning: “One warrior”
Pronunciation: AY-nahr
240. Erskine
Meaning: “Projecting height”
Pronunciation: ER-skin
French Names for Boys That Start with E
241. Édouard
Meaning: “Wealthy guardian”
Pronunciation: ay-doo-AR
242. Émile
Meaning: “Rival” or “emulating”
Pronunciation: ay-MEEL
243. Étienne
Meaning: “Crown” or “garland”
Pronunciation: ay-TYEN
244. Éric
Meaning: “Eternal ruler” or “ever powerful”
Pronunciation: ay-REEK
245. Emmanuel
Meaning: “God is with us”
Pronunciation: eh-ma-noo-EL
246. Elias
Meaning: “Yahweh is God”
Pronunciation: ay-lee-AS
247. Eliott
Meaning: “The Lord is my God”
Pronunciation: ay-lee-OH
248. Enzo
Meaning: “Ruler of the household”
Pronunciation: EN-zoh
249. Esteban
Meaning: “Crown”
Pronunciation: es-teh-BAN
250. Emerick
Meaning: “Work ruler”
Pronunciation: eh-meh-REEK
251. Elie
Meaning: “My God is Yahweh”
Pronunciation: ay-LEE
252. Eugène
Meaning: “Well-born” or “noble”
Pronunciation: uh-ZHEN
253. Ezra
Meaning: “Help” or “helper”
Pronunciation: EZ-ruh
254. Ernest
Meaning: “Serious” or “resolute”
Pronunciation: er-NEST
255. Edmond
Meaning: “Wealthy protector”
Pronunciation: ed-MON
256. Eloi
Meaning: “Chosen”
Pronunciation: ay-LWAH
257. Emilien
Meaning: “Rival”
Pronunciation: ay-mee-LYEN
258. Edgar
Meaning: “Wealthy spearman”
Pronunciation: ed-GAR
259. Ewan
Meaning: “Young warrior”
Pronunciation: YOO-uhn
260. Erwan
Meaning: “Fair”
Pronunciation: er-WAN
261. Evrard
Meaning: “Strong as a wild boar”
Pronunciation: ev-RAR
262. Enguerrand
Meaning: “Angel of peace”
Pronunciation: on-geh-RON
263. Ephraim
Meaning: “Fruitful”
Pronunciation: ef-RA-yim
264. Ewen
Meaning: “Yew tree”
Pronunciation: YOO-en
265. Eden
Meaning: “Delight” or “paradise”
Pronunciation: ay-DEN
266. Emerson
Meaning: “Son of Emery”
Pronunciation: EM-er-son
267. Elio
Meaning: “Sun”
Pronunciation: ay-LEE-oh
268. Esdras
Meaning: “Help” or “assistance”
Pronunciation: ez-DRAHS
269. Edan
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: AY-dan
270. Évariste
Meaning: “Well-pleasing”
Pronunciation: ay-va-REEST
271. Éloi
Meaning: “Chosen”
Pronunciation: ay-LWAH
272. Edern
Meaning: “Iron”
Pronunciation: eh-DERN
273. Évan
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: ay-VAN
274. Eloan
Meaning: “Light”
Pronunciation: ay-LO-an
275. Elouan
Meaning: “Light”
Pronunciation: ay-loo-AN
276. Enoch
Meaning: “Dedicated”
Pronunciation: EE-nok
277. Ezéchiel
Meaning: “God strengthens”
Pronunciation: ay-zay-kee-EL
278. Ewenn
Meaning: “Young warrior”
Pronunciation: eh-WEN
279. Eloïc
Meaning: “Famous warrior”
Pronunciation: ay-lo-EEK
280. Ézékiel
Meaning: “God strengthens”
Pronunciation: ay-zay-kee-EL
German Names for Boys That Start with E
281. Eberhard
Meaning: “Strong as a boar”
Pronunciation: EH-ber-hart
282. Eckhart
Meaning: “Strong edge”
Pronunciation: EK-hart
283. Edgar
Meaning: “Wealthy spear”
Pronunciation: ED-gahr
284. Edmund
Meaning: “Rich protection”
Pronunciation: ED-muhnd
285. Eduard
Meaning: “Wealthy guardian”
Pronunciation: EH-doo-art
286. Edwin
Meaning: “Rich friend”
Pronunciation: ED-win
287. Egbert
Meaning: “Bright edge”
Pronunciation: EG-bert
288. Egon
Meaning: “Edge of a sword”
Pronunciation: EH-gon
289. Ehrenfried
Meaning: “Honorable peace”
Pronunciation: EH-ren-freed
290. Eike
Meaning: “Edge of a sword”
Pronunciation: AY-kuh
291. Einar
Meaning: “One warrior”
Pronunciation: AY-nahr
292. Ekkehard
Meaning: “Edge strength”
Pronunciation: EK-keh-hart
293. Elias
Meaning: “Yahweh is God”
Pronunciation: eh-LEE-as
294. Elmar
Meaning: “Noble famous”
Pronunciation: EL-mahr
295. Elmo
Meaning: “Noble protector”
Pronunciation: EL-moh
296. Emanuel
Meaning: “God is with us”
Pronunciation: ih-MAN-yoo-el
297. Emmerich
Meaning: “Whole ruler”
Pronunciation: EM-meh-rikh
298. Engelbert
Meaning: “Bright angel”
Pronunciation: EN-gel-bert
299. Enno
Meaning: “The brave one”
Pronunciation: EN-noh
300. Enzo
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: EN-zoh
301. Erastus
Meaning: “Beloved”
Pronunciation: ih-RAS-tuhs
302. Erdmann
Meaning: “Earth man”
Pronunciation: ERDT-mahn
303. Erich
Meaning: “Ever ruler”
Pronunciation: EH-rikh
304. Erik
Meaning: “Eternal ruler”
Pronunciation: EH-rik
305. Ernest
Meaning: “Serious”
Pronunciation: UR-nest
306. Ernst
Meaning: “Earnest”
Pronunciation: ERNST
307. Erwin
Meaning: “Friend of the boar”
Pronunciation: ER-vin
308. Eugen
Meaning: “Well-born”
Pronunciation: OY-gen
309. Ewald
Meaning: “Law of the forest”
Pronunciation: EH-valt
310. Eike
Meaning: “Oak tree”
Pronunciation: AY-kuh
311. Ekhard
Meaning: “Strong edge”
Pronunciation: EK-hart
312. Elgar
Meaning: “Elf spear”
Pronunciation: EL-gahr
313. Elvin
Meaning: “Friend of the elves”
Pronunciation: EL-vin
314. Emilian
Meaning: “Rival”
Pronunciation: eh-MIL-yahn
315. Emmett
Meaning: “Universal”
Pronunciation: EM-it
316. Engelhard
Meaning: “Angel strength”
Pronunciation: EN-gel-hart
317. Ephraim
Meaning: “Fruitful”
Pronunciation: EF-ray-im
318. Erasmus
Meaning: “Beloved”
Pronunciation: ih-RAZ-muhs
319. Eberhardt
Meaning: “Strong as a boar”
Pronunciation: EH-ber-hart
320. Eckart
Meaning: “Edge strength”
Pronunciation: EK-art
Spanish Names for Boys That Start with E
321. Eduardo
Meaning: “Wealthy guardian”
Pronunciation: eh-DWAHR-doh
322. Emilio
Meaning: “Rival”
Pronunciation: eh-MEE-lyoh
323. Enrique
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: en-REE-keh
324. Esteban
Meaning: “Crown”
Pronunciation: es-TEH-bahn
325. Ernesto
Meaning: “Serious”
Pronunciation: er-NES-toh
326. Elías
Meaning: “Yahweh is God”
Pronunciation: eh-LEE-ahs
327. Ezequiel
Meaning: “God strengthens”
Pronunciation: eh-seh-KYEL
328. Emanuel
Meaning: “God is with us”
Pronunciation: eh-mah-NWEL
329. Enzo
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: EN-zoh
330. Eugenio
Meaning: “Well-born”
Pronunciation: eh-oo-HEH-nyoh
331. Eleazar
Meaning: “God has helped”
Pronunciation: eh-leh-ah-SAR
332. Eliseo
Meaning: “God is my salvation”
Pronunciation: eh-lee-SEH-oh
333. Elian
Meaning: “The Lord is my God”
Pronunciation: eh-lee-AHN
334. Efraín
Meaning: “Fruitful”
Pronunciation: eh-frah-EEN
335. Eladio
Meaning: “Olive tree”
Pronunciation: eh-LAH-dyoh
336. Emiliano
Meaning: “Rival”
Pronunciation: eh-mee-lyah-NOH
337. Eder
Meaning: “Flock”
Pronunciation: EH-der
338. Edmundo
Meaning: “Wealthy protector”
Pronunciation: ed-MOON-doh
339. Elio
Meaning: “Sun”
Pronunciation: EH-lyoh
340. Eloy
Meaning: “Chosen”
Pronunciation: eh-LOY
341. Evelio
Meaning: “Little bird”
Pronunciation: eh-VEH-lyoh
342. Emerson
Meaning: “Brave”
Pronunciation: EM-er-son
343. Elvin
Meaning: “Friend of elves”
Pronunciation: EL-vin
344. Ezra
Meaning: “Help”
Pronunciation: EZ-rah
345. Elvis
Meaning: “All-wise”
Pronunciation: EL-vis
346. Eusebio
Meaning: “Pious”
Pronunciation: eh-oo-SEH-byoh
347. Elian
Meaning: “The Lord is my God”
Pronunciation: eh-lee-AHN
348. Estanislao
Meaning: “Camp glory”
Pronunciation: es-tah-nees-LAH-oh
349. Everardo
Meaning: “Brave boar”
Pronunciation: eh-veh-RAR-doh
350. Eliezer
Meaning: “God is my help”
Pronunciation: eh-lee-EH-ser
351. Erick
Meaning: “Eternal ruler”
Pronunciation: EH-rick
352. Emery
Meaning: “Industrious”
Pronunciation: EM-uh-ree
353. Eliel
Meaning: “My God is God”
Pronunciation: eh-lee-EL
354. Esau
Meaning: “Hairy”
Pronunciation: EE-saw
355. Eutimio
Meaning: “Good honor”
Pronunciation: eh-oo-TEE-myoh
356. Edgardo
Meaning: “Wealthy guardian”
Pronunciation: ed-GAR-doh
357. Eleuterio
Meaning: “Free”
Pronunciation: eh-leh-oo-TEH-ryoh
358. Elpidio
Meaning: “Hope”
Pronunciation: el-PEE-dyoh
359. Evaristo
Meaning: “Well-pleasing”
Pronunciation: eh-vah-REES-toh
360. Emigdio
Meaning: “Emigrant”
Pronunciation: eh-MEEG-dyoh
Italian Names for Boys That Start with E
361. Elio
Meaning: “Sun”
Pronunciation: EH-lee-oh
362. Ennio
Meaning: “Praiseworthy”
Pronunciation: EN-nee-oh
363. Enzo
Meaning: “Ruler of the household”
Pronunciation: EN-zoh
364. Emilio
Meaning: “Rival”
Pronunciation: eh-MEE-lee-oh
365. Ettore
Meaning: “To hold” or “to possess”
Pronunciation: et-TOR-eh
366. Ernesto
Meaning: “Serious” or “earnest”
Pronunciation: er-NES-toh
367. Ezio
Meaning: “Eagle”
Pronunciation: ET-see-oh
368. Enrico
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: en-REE-koh
369. Edoardo
Meaning: “Wealthy guardian”
Pronunciation: eh-doh-AR-doh
370. Emanuele
Meaning: “God is with us”
Pronunciation: eh-mah-noo-EH-leh
371. Eugenio
Meaning: “Well-born” or “noble”
Pronunciation: eh-oo-JEH-nee-oh
372. Eligio
Meaning: “To choose”
Pronunciation: eh-LEE-jee-oh
373. Egidio
Meaning: “Shield”
Pronunciation: eh-JEE-dee-oh
374. Edmondo
Meaning: “Wealthy protector”
Pronunciation: ed-MON-doh
375. Emiliano
Meaning: “Rival” or “eager”
Pronunciation: eh-mee-lee-AH-noh
376. Eriberto
Meaning: “Bright army”
Pronunciation: eh-ree-BER-toh
377. Ercole
Meaning: “Hercules”
Pronunciation: ER-koh-leh
378. Elvio
Meaning: “Blond” or “fair”
Pronunciation: EL-vee-oh
379. Eliseo
Meaning: “God is my salvation”
Pronunciation: eh-lee-ZEH-oh
380. Erasmo
Meaning: “Beloved”
Pronunciation: eh-RAZ-moh
381. Evangelista
Meaning: “Bringer of good news”
Pronunciation: eh-van-jeh-LEE-stah
382. Evandro
Meaning: “Good man”
Pronunciation: eh-VAN-droh
383. Eusebio
Meaning: “Pious” or “devout”
Pronunciation: eh-oo-ZEH-bee-oh
384. Ezechiele
Meaning: “God strengthens”
Pronunciation: eh-zeh-kee-EH-leh
385. Ermanno
Meaning: “Soldier” or “warrior”
Pronunciation: er-MAN-noh
386. Everardo
Meaning: “Brave boar”
Pronunciation: eh-veh-RAR-doh
387. Eros
Meaning: “Love”
Pronunciation: EH-ros
388. Emidio
Meaning: “Rival”
Pronunciation: eh-MEE-dee-oh
389. Evaristo
Meaning: “Well-pleasing”
Pronunciation: eh-vah-REE-stoh
390. Erminio
Meaning: “Entire” or “whole”
Pronunciation: er-MEE-nee-oh
391. Enea
Meaning: “Praiseworthy”
Pronunciation: eh-NEH-ah
392. Eraldo
Meaning: “Army ruler”
Pronunciation: eh-RAL-doh
393. Emerico
Meaning: “Work ruler”
Pronunciation: eh-meh-REE-koh
394. Ennrico
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: en-REE-koh
395. Elifio
Meaning: “Sun”
Pronunciation: eh-LEE-fee-oh
396. Edmiro
Meaning: “Noble protector”
Pronunciation: ed-MEE-roh
397. Edelio
Meaning: “Noble”
Pronunciation: eh-DEH-lee-oh
398. Elvezio
Meaning: “From Helvetia (Switzerland)”
Pronunciation: el-VEH-tsee-oh
399. Elettro
Meaning: “Amber” or “electric”
Pronunciation: eh-LET-troh
400. Eros
Meaning: “Love”
Pronunciation: EH-ros
Wrapping Up
Choosing a name is more than just a decision—it’s crafting a part of your son’s identity. We hope this extensive list of ‘E’ names has sparked inspiration and made your search a little easier.
Take your time to consider each name, say them out loud, and see how they feel. The perfect name is out there waiting, and it just might begin with the letter ‘E’.