Fenugreek for Breast Growth

Fenugreek is a plant that originates in the Mediterranean, with white flowers and aromatic seeds. The seeds of this plant are typically ground and utilized in cooking, with many curry spices utilizing fenugreek as a key ingredient.
According to the experts at Wholesale Botanics, fenugreek has an interesting set of active ingredients, and this plant is commonly used in traditional medicines. Some believe that fenugreek can encourage the growth of breasts, though it is most commonly used to stimulate breast milk production.
Our article gives you more details on fenugreek for breast growth, whether or not it is possible to use fenugreek to increase your breast size, and other interesting facts about this unique plant.
Can Fenugreek Increase Breast Size?
While it is commonly believed that fenugreek can increase breast size, according to traditional uses of this plant, there are no studies or solid proof that backs up this claim today. Fenugreek may increase the feeling of fullness in the breasts, and it may contribute minimally to growth, but you should not take fenugreek and expect your breast size to double.
In many cases, fenugreek is much more commonly used to stimulate breast milk production for those who are nursing.
What Are the Active Properties in Fenugreek?
The active property in fenugreek is diosgenin, which is a compound known as a phytosteroid. This compound can be used by the body to create or process other hormones, such as estrogen. Estrogen is one of the main hormones that contribute to a growth in breast size, which is where the belief that fenugreek may be able to encourage breast growth originates.
Are There Scientific Studies About Fenugreek for Breast Growth?
There is very limited scientific research about whether or not fenugreek contributes to breast growth. One study from 1992 indicated that diosgenin, the active compound in fenugreek, increased breast tissue growth in mice, though no follow-up on this study has yet to be done.
Other studies indicate that fenugreek helps encourage breast milk supply, something that is important for nursing mothers. This categorizes fenugreek as a galactagogue, and more research has been conducted to confirm this use of the plant.
How Do I Use Fenugreek Essential Oil?
In most cases, when using fenugreek for breast growth, you will need to take a supplement or add this plant to your diet. However, using fenugreek essential oil topically can be part of a relaxing skincare routine, and it may contribute to breast growth, though there has not been a solid scientific study on this yet.
To use fenugreek essential oil in your routine, combine several drops of this essential oil with your favorite carrier oil, such as coconut oil. Make sure the two oils are blended and then gently massage this essential oil into your skin. It helps to do a patch test before applying the skin all over your body to ensure that no irritation or reaction will occur.
Is Fenugreek Essential Oil Safe to Eat?
Fenugreek essential oil is not safe to eat, and you should not be consuming any kind of essential oil that is not food grade or specifically intended for consumption. If you wish to incorporate fenugreek into your diet, you will need to utilize the seed of this Mediterranean plant. Fortunately, fenugreek works well as a seasoning in many dishes, and you can add this to your routine fairly easily.
Incorporating Fenugreek into Your Routine
Whether or not fenugreek actually can increase breast growth size is still to be determined, so many traditional recipes swear by the use of fenugreek to encourage breast growth and breast milk production.
We recommend adding fenugreek essential oil into your skincare routine or adding fenugreek seeds into your diet to see if you can gain any of the benefits from this interesting plant. Make sure that you consult with a medical professional before making any serious changes to your diet or daily activities.