300+ Fun and Easy Riddles for 4-Year-Olds

Keeping a 4-year-old entertained is no easy task. Their energy never runs out, their questions never end, and their favorite word seems to be Why?
Thankfully, riddles can keep those curious little minds busy while bringing plenty of laughter along the way.
This collection of fun and easy riddles for 4-year-olds is packed with silly animal puzzles, goofy food jokes, and holiday-themed brain teasers—all designed for little ones to enjoy.
The riddles are simple enough to make kids feel like geniuses but funny enough to keep them giggling.
Expect lots of “Ooooh, I get it!” moments, funny guesses, and some seriously creative answers.
Whether it’s playtime, a long car ride, or just a moment of quiet fun, these riddles are the perfect way to spark joy and get those little brains thinking!
What are Riddles and Why are they Important?
Riddles are fun puzzles that help kids think, solve problems, and use their imagination. They encourage children to listen carefully, understand clues, and think outside the box.
By solving riddles, kids practice important skills like memory, focus, and reasoning. Riddles also help develop language skills as children learn new words and meanings.
They are great for building creativity, as kids have to figure out clever answers to tricky questions. Additionally, riddles can improve social skills when shared with others, creating moments of laughter and teamwork.
Overall, riddles are an exciting way for kids to learn while having fun and boosting their brainpower!
Funny Riddles for 4-Year-Old Kids
1. What has hands but can’t clap?
Answer: A clock
2. What has legs but doesn’t walk?
Answer: A chair
3. Why did the banana go to the doctor?
Answer: Because it wasn’t peeling well!
4. What has a face but no eyes, nose, or mouth?
Answer: A clock
5. What goes up but never comes down?
Answer: Your age
6. What is full of holes but still holds water?
Answer: A sponge
7. What has four wheels and flies?
Answer: A garbage truck
8. Why don’t eggs tell jokes?
Answer: Because they might crack up!
9. What has a neck but no head?
Answer: A bottle
10. What has ears but can’t hear?
Answer: A cornfield
11. What is orange and sounds like a parrot?
Answer: A carrot
12. What kind of tree fits in your hand?
Answer: A palm tree
13. Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert?
Answer: Because it was already stuffed!
14. Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
Answer: Because it felt crummy!
15. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?
Answer: Frostbite!
16. Why do fish live in salt water?
Answer: Because pepper makes them sneeze!
17. What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?
Answer: Nacho cheese!
18. What has a bottom at the top?
Answer: A leg
19. What kind of room has no windows or doors?
Answer: A mushroom
20. What has keys but opens no locks?
Answer: A piano
21. Why did the skeleton not go to the party?
Answer: Because he had no body to go with!
22. What is brown, hairy, and wears sunglasses?
Answer: A coconut on vacation!
23. Why was the math book sad?
Answer: Because it had too many problems!
24. What do you call a bear with no teeth?
Answer: A gummy bear!
25. What do you call a cow that plays the guitar?
Answer: A moo-sician!
26. Why don’t skeletons fight each other?
Answer: Because they don’t have the guts!
27. Why did the chicken go to the playground?
Answer: To get to the other slide!
28. What do you get when you cross a pig and a cactus?
Answer: A porky-pine!
29. Why don’t you give Elsa a balloon?
Answer: Because she will let it go!
30. What did one wall say to the other wall?
Answer: “I’ll meet you at the corner!”
31. What has one eye but can’t see?
Answer: A needle
32. Why did the tomato turn red?
Answer: Because it saw the salad dressing!
33. What is a cat’s favorite color?
Answer: Purrr-ple!
34. Why was six afraid of seven?
Answer: Because seven eight (ate) nine!
35. What do you call an alligator in a vest?
Answer: An investi-gator!
36. Why can’t your nose be 12 inches long?
Answer: Because then it would be a foot!
37. What is blue and goes up and down?
Answer: A blueberry on an elevator!
38. Why can’t a bicycle stand up by itself?
Answer: Because it’s two-tired!
39. What do you call a sleeping dinosaur?
Answer: A dino-snore!
40. Why did the music teacher go to jail?
Answer: Because she got caught with the wrong notes!
41. What do you call a funny mountain?
Answer: Hill-arious!
42. Why did the bird sit on the clock?
Answer: Because it wanted to be on time!
43. What kind of shoes do frogs wear?
Answer: Open toad sandals!
44. What did the duck say when it bought lipstick?
Answer: “Put it on my bill!”
45. What do you call a snowman in summer?
Answer: A puddle!
Animal Riddles for 4-Year-Old Kids
46. I have a big fluffy mane, I roar really loud, and I’m the king of the jungle. What am I?
Answer: A lion
47. I have black and white fur, I love to climb trees, and I eat bamboo. What am I?
Answer: A panda
48. I have long ears, I hop around, and I love to eat carrots. What am I?
Answer: A rabbit
49. I am small, my tail is curly, and I love rolling in the mud. What am I?
Answer: A pig
50. I have a long tail, I live in the trees, and I love bananas. What am I?
Answer: A monkey
51. I swim in the water, I have sharp teeth, and I say “Snap!” What am I?
Answer: A crocodile
52. I can fly, I have feathers, and I love to tweet. What am I?
Answer: A bird
53. I have eight long legs and spin a web. What am I?
Answer: A spider
54. I can be tiny or huge, I have a trunk, and I love spraying water. What am I?
Answer: An elephant
55. I am the fastest land animal, I have spots, and I run super fast. What am I?
Answer: A cheetah
56. I have two humps on my back, I live in the desert, and I can go days without water. What am I?
Answer: A camel
57. I waddle when I walk, I have a beak, and I love cold places. What am I?
Answer: A penguin
58. I love to roll in the mud, I have a big horn on my nose, and I am very strong. What am I?
Answer: A rhinoceros
59. I have big, round eyes, I say “Hoot hoot,” and I stay awake at night. What am I?
Answer: An owl
60. I can carry a heavy load, I have big ears, and I love peanuts. What am I?
Answer: An elephant
61. I have whiskers, I purr when I’m happy, and I love to chase mice. What am I?
Answer: A cat
62. I have a long, sticky tongue, I love to eat ants, and I have a funny nose. What am I?
Answer: An anteater
63. I am a big, black and white bear, and I love eating bamboo. What am I?
Answer: A panda
64. I am a big fish with sharp teeth, and I am the king of the ocean. What am I?
Answer: A shark
65. I slither on the ground, I have no legs, and I hiss. What am I?
Answer: A snake
66. I jump from tree to tree, I have a fluffy tail, and I love acorns. What am I?
Answer: A squirrel
67. I have big tusks, I love swimming in icy water, and I look like a big seal. What am I?
Answer: A walrus
68. I gallop really fast, I have a long mane, and people love to ride me. What am I?
Answer: A horse
69. I live in the Arctic, I have thick fur, and I love to slide on ice. What am I?
Answer: A polar bear
70. I have a beautiful tail with bright colors, and I love to show off my feathers. What am I?
Answer: A peacock
71. I am small, I have wings, and I love to drink nectar from flowers. What am I?
Answer: A butterfly
72. I have big claws, I dig tunnels, and I live underground. What am I?
Answer: A mole
73. I have big tusks, a long nose, and I live in Africa. What am I?
Answer: An elephant
74. I am covered in armor, I roll into a ball, and I love eating bugs. What am I?
Answer: An armadillo
75. I have red fur, a bushy tail, and I am very clever. What am I?
Answer: A fox
76. I make honey, I love flowers, and I can sting. What am I?
Answer: A bee
77. I am tiny, I have six legs, and I work very hard. What am I?
Answer: An ant
78. I live in a pond, I have webbed feet, and I love to quack. What am I?
Answer: A duck
79. I have soft wool, I say “Baa,” and I live on a farm. What am I?
Answer: A sheep
80. I am small and green, I can jump very high, and I love to eat flies. What am I?
Answer: A frog
81. I have black and white stripes, and I look like a horse. What am I?
Answer: A zebra
82. I am round, pink, and I curl into a ball when I sleep. What am I?
Answer: A hedgehog
83. I have eight legs, I can change colors, and I live in the ocean. What am I?
Answer: An octopus
84. I have a pouch for my baby, I hop, and I live in Australia. What am I?
Answer: A kangaroo
85. I am a big cat with black stripes, and I love to roar. What am I?
Answer: A tiger
86. I have tiny wings, I glow at night, and I look like a little star. What am I?
Answer: A firefly
87. I have big claws, I live near the sea, and I walk sideways. What am I?
Answer: A crab
88. I have thick fur, I hibernate in winter, and I love honey. What am I?
Answer: A bear
89. I have a long tail, I eat bananas, and I love to swing from trees. What am I?
Answer: A monkey
90. I am big and grey, I live in Africa, and I have one or two big horns. What am I?
Answer: A rhinoceros
Food Riddles for 4-Year-Old Kids
91. I am yellow and curved, and monkeys love to eat me. What am I?
Answer: A banana
92. I’m round and red, and I keep the doctor away. What am I?
Answer: An apple
93. I’m orange and crunchy, and rabbits love to eat me. What am I?
Answer: A carrot
94. I’m green, I grow on a vine, and I’m used to make pickles. What am I?
Answer: A cucumber
95. I’m green and crunchy, and I’m often in salads. What am I?
Answer: Lettuce
96. I’m sweet and juicy, and you can drink me. What am I?
Answer: Orange juice
97. I’m yellow, I have seeds inside, and I grow on a cob. What am I?
Answer: Corn
98. I am small, round, and come in many colors, and you can find me in a salad. What am I?
Answer: A tomato
99. I’m round and orange, and you carve me for Halloween. What am I?
Answer: A pumpkin
100. I’m sweet, I have a peel, and I come in bunches. What am I?
Answer: A banana
101. I’m a fruit, red or green, and I come in a bunch. What am I?
Answer: Grapes
102. I’m a sweet treat that melts in your mouth, and I come in many flavors. What am I?
Answer: Ice cream
103. I’m yellow, I’m creamy, and you spread me on toast. What am I?
Answer: Butter
104. I’m green and a little bumpy on the outside, but sweet and juicy on the inside. What am I?
Answer: A kiwi
105. I’m small, red, and sweet, and I’m used to make jam. What am I?
Answer: A strawberry
106. I’m red and juicy, and you can squish me to make ketchup. What am I?
Answer: A tomato
107. I’m white and creamy, and you put me in coffee. What am I?
Answer: Milk
108. I’m round and yellow, and I’m a popular pizza topping. What am I?
Answer: A pineapple
109. I’m brown and sticky, and I come from a tree. What am I?
Answer: Maple syrup
110. I’m small and sweet, and I come in a little bag. What am I?
Answer: A raisin
111. I’m long and orange, and you can find me in a pie at Thanksgiving. What am I?
Answer: A pumpkin
112. I’m crunchy, salty, and you eat me at the movies. What am I?
Answer: Popcorn
113. I’m a sweet, juicy fruit, and I come in a red, green, or purple color. What am I?
Answer: A grape
114. I’m a green fruit, and I’m often sliced into salads. What am I?
Answer: An avocado
115. I’m orange and round, and I’m a vegetable that can be made into fries. What am I?
Answer: A sweet potato
116. I’m a yellow fruit, and I grow in bunches. What am I?
Answer: A banana
117. I’m a delicious yellow fruit, and you can make a delicious drink out of me. What am I?
Answer: A lemon
118. I’m green on the outside, red on the inside, and very sweet. What am I?
Answer: A watermelon
119. I’m creamy and white, and you use me to make cheese. What am I?
Answer: Milk
120. I’m sweet and sticky, and I come from bees. What am I?
Answer: Honey
121. I’m red and juicy, and you can eat me in a salad or a sandwich. What am I?
Answer: A tomato
122. I’m a green vegetable, and I’m often steamed or boiled. What am I?
Answer: Broccoli
123. I’m a vegetable, I’m green, and I’m long and crunchy. What am I?
Answer: A cucumber
124. I’m a delicious fruit, I’m yellow inside, and I’m often put in fruit salads. What am I?
Answer: A pineapple
125. I’m white and soft, and I come in different shapes for pizza or sandwiches. What am I?
Answer: Bread
126. I’m yellow, and I’m made of corn. What am I?
Answer: Popcorn
127. I’m a small red fruit with a green top, and I’m delicious in pies. What am I?
Answer: A strawberry
128. I’m a food that’s sweet and baked, and I’m often served with ice cream. What am I?
Answer: A brownie
129. I’m crunchy, sweet, and come in a bowl. What am I?
Answer: Cereal
130. I’m a tiny fruit, I come in bunches, and I’m purple or green. What am I?
Answer: A grape
131. I’m a type of bread, round, and covered with cheese. What am I?
Answer: A pizza
132. I’m yellow, sweet, and come on a cob. What am I?
Answer: Corn
133. I’m crunchy, salty, and come in a bag at the movie theater. What am I?
Answer: Popcorn
134. I’m a sweet, red fruit, and I grow on a tree. What am I?
Answer: A cherry
135. I’m made of flour and sugar, and I come in many shapes. What am I?
Answer: A cookie
136. I’m round, green or red, and I’m juicy inside. What am I?
Answer: An apple
Holiday Riddles for 4-Year-Old Kids
137. I come in December and bring lots of cheer. What am I?
Answer: Santa Claus
138. I have lights, balls, and a star on top. What am I?
Answer: A Christmas tree
139. I fly around the world with reindeer. Who am I?
Answer: Santa Claus
140. I’m round, sweet, and decorated with frosting. What am I?
Answer: A Christmas cookie
141. I’m red and green, and I hang on the wall. What am I?
Answer: A stocking
142. I’m used to make a pie, and I grow on a vine. What am I?
Answer: A pumpkin
143. I’m tiny and sparkling, and I decorate your Christmas tree. What am I?
Answer: Tinsel
144. I’m white, and I fall from the sky. What am I?
Answer: Snow
145. I’m a holiday song that gets sung by a choir. What am I?
Answer: A Christmas carol
146. I’m green, and you kiss under me. What am I?
Answer: Mistletoe
147. I come on the 25th of December, bringing gifts and fun. Who am I?
Answer: Santa Claus
148. I’m a sweet treat shaped like a stick and often red. What am I?
Answer: A candy cane
149. I’m a holiday where you eat turkey and pumpkin pie. What am I?
Answer: Thanksgiving
150. I’m a big red suit with a fluffy white beard. Who am I?
Answer: Santa Claus
151. I am made from snow, and I wear a hat and scarf. What am I?
Answer: A snowman
152. I’m warm, soft, and baked in the oven for dessert. What am I?
Answer: A pie
153. I am made of ginger, and I come in the shape of people. What am I?
Answer: A gingerbread man
154. I decorate the tree, and I shine very bright. What am I?
Answer: Christmas lights
155. I am green and smell very nice, and I sit in your living room. What am I?
Answer: A Christmas tree
156. I am cold, and kids love to play with me. What am I?
Answer: Snow
157. I am full of toys, and kids love to sit on me. What am I?
Answer: Santa’s sleigh
158. I am hidden in your yard, and kids search for me. What am I?
Answer: An Easter egg
159. I am colorful and carry candy. What am I?
Answer: A piñata
160. I am made of paper and hang up high. What am I?
Answer: A holiday decoration
161. I make the sound of jingle bells and bring holiday cheer. What am I?
Answer: A sleigh ride
162. I am found on a holiday table and made from mashed potatoes. What am I?
Answer: A Thanksgiving dinner
163. I come in all shapes, and I make sweet treats. What am I?
Answer: A cookie cutter
164. I am something people use to count down to Christmas. What am I?
Answer: An Advent calendar
165. I wear a red suit, and I love giving gifts. Who am I?
Answer: Santa Claus
166. I am something you decorate with on Halloween, and I light up at night. What am I?
Answer: A pumpkin lantern
167. I come at midnight and bring lots of fun. What am I?
Answer: New Year’s Eve
168. I help you find your way to Santa’s house. What am I?
Answer: The North Pole
169. I’m round, and I’m a festive food served on a holiday. What am I?
Answer: A Christmas pudding
170. I am made from marshmallows and float in hot chocolate. What am I?
Answer: A marshmallow
171. I have candy, and people celebrate me in February. What am I?
Answer: Valentine’s Day
172. I come in October, and I love to make spooky decorations. What am I?
Answer: Halloween
173. I am often green and used for decorating at Christmas. What am I?
Answer: Holly
174. I am colorful, and people wear me on Halloween. What am I?
Answer: A costume
175. I am a winter holiday, and people celebrate with fireworks. What am I?
Answer: New Year’s Eve
176. I’m sweet, and you hang me on the tree at Christmas. What am I?
Answer: Candy cane
177. I am used for giving gifts and tied with a bow. What am I?
Answer: A gift box
178. I am a sweet drink made from milk and chocolate. What am I?
Answer: Hot chocolate
179. I am the star on top of the Christmas tree. What am I?
Answer: A star
180. I am eaten with friends and family at Thanksgiving. What am I?
Answer: A turkey
Halloween Riddles for 4 Year Old Kids
181. I’m orange and round, and you carve me with a face. What am I?
Answer: A pumpkin
182. I have a broom, a hat, and a pointy nose. Who am I?
Answer: A witch
183. I fly at night and say “Boo!” What am I?
Answer: A ghost
184. I am full of spiders and cobwebs, and I hang from the ceiling. What am I?
Answer: A spider web
185. I’m black and orange, and you wear me on Halloween. What am I?
Answer: A costume
186. I have a broomstick, and I ride through the sky. Who am I?
Answer: A witch
187. I’m a creature that drinks blood, and I come out at night. What am I?
Answer: A vampire
188. I’m small and have big ears. I fly at night and live in caves. What am I?
Answer: A bat
189. I’m green and have a monster face. What am I?
Answer: Frankenstein
190. I have a tail, whiskers, and love to say “Meow.” What am I?
Answer: A black cat
191. I am round, orange, and you can carve faces on me. What am I?
Answer: A pumpkin
192. I like to eat candy, and I go door-to-door. What am I?
Answer: A trick-or-treater
193. I’m a spooky creature that lives in a haunted house. What am I?
Answer: A ghost
194. I have a cape, and I drink blood. Who am I?
Answer: A vampire
195. I am filled with yummy treats, and I’m carried by kids on Halloween night. What am I?
Answer: A trick-or-treat bag
196. I have sharp teeth, and I howl at the moon. Who am I?
Answer: A werewolf
197. I am full of bones, and I rattle when I walk. What am I?
Answer: A skeleton
198. I come out only at night, and I live in the dark. What am I?
Answer: A bat
199. I’m black and white, and I bring bad luck. What am I?
Answer: A black cat
200. I have a long cloak and drink from a glass. Who am I?
Answer: A vampire
201. I am full of bones, and I rattle when I move. What am I?
Answer: A skeleton
202. I have a tall hat, and I cast spells. Who am I?
Answer: A witch
203. I’m spooky and float around the house. Who am I?
Answer: A ghost
204. I am a big, hairy creature with eight legs. Who am I?
Answer: A spider
205. I wear a costume, knock on doors, and say “Trick or treat!” What am I?
Answer: A trick-or-treater
206. I’m black, I fly at night, and I am a Halloween symbol. What am I?
Answer: A bat
207. I’m covered in a white sheet and say “Boo!” What am I?
Answer: A ghost
208. I have green skin, a long nose, and I ride a broomstick. Who am I?
Answer: A witch
209. I have teeth, claws, and I love to howl at the moon. What am I?
Answer: A werewolf
210. I’m spooky and rattle, and I only have bones. What am I?
Answer: A skeleton
211. I am small, have wings, and I live in the dark. What am I?
Answer: A bat
212. I have a long, crooked nose and a broomstick. What am I?
Answer: A witch
213. I have black fur and jump at you on Halloween. Who am I?
Answer: A black cat
214. I am white and float, and I say “Boo!” What am I?
Answer: A ghost
215. I have a full moon and wear a cloak. What am I?
Answer: A vampire
216. I am small, furry, and I love to play on Halloween. What am I?
Answer: A black cat
217. I am big, round, and orange. I am carved into spooky faces on Halloween. What am I?
Answer: A pumpkin
218. I’m a spooky creature that flies at night and sucks blood. What am I?
Answer: A vampire
219. I have a pointy hat and can fly on a broom. Who am I?
Answer: A witch
220. I am made of bones, have no skin, and walk around on Halloween. What am I?
Answer: A skeleton
221. I have sharp claws and a spooky tail, and I love Halloween. Who am I?
Answer: A black cat
222. I come out only at night and make a “whoo” sound. What am I?
Answer: An owl
223. I am a spooky creature that glows in the dark and says “Boo!” What am I?
Answer: A ghost
224. I have long, sharp teeth and wear a cape. What am I?
Answer: A vampire
225. I have eight long legs, and I spin webs. What am I?
Answer: A spider
Easy Math Riddles for 4-Year-Old Kids
226. I am a number that comes after 1. What am I?
Answer: 2
227. If you have two apples and you get one more, how many apples do you have?
Answer: 3
228. I am a number that comes after 3. What am I?
Answer: 4
229. If you have 5 oranges and you eat one, how many oranges are left?
Answer: 4
230. What number comes before 10?
Answer: 9
231. I am a number that comes after 6. What am I?
Answer: 7
232. How many fingers do you have on one hand?
Answer: 5
233. I am a number that comes after 2. What am I?
Answer: 3
234. If you have one apple and you get one more, how many apples do you have?
Answer: 2
235. What comes after 8?
Answer: 9
236. I am a number that comes before 6. What am I?
Answer: 5
237. I am one less than 10. What am I?
Answer: 9
238. How many legs does a cat have?
Answer: 4
239. If you have 3 bananas and you get 2 more, how many bananas do you have?
Answer: 5
240. I am the number after 7. What am I?
Answer: 8
241. What is the number before 5?
Answer: 4
242. I am the number after 2. What am I?
Answer: 3
243. I have four sides, and I am a shape. What am I?
Answer: A square
244. I am the number after 4. What am I?
Answer: 5
245. How many toes do you have on one foot?
Answer: 5
246. I am a number that comes after 9. What am I?
Answer: 10
247. If you have 7 apples and you eat 2, how many apples are left?
Answer: 5
248. I am one less than 4. What am I?
Answer: 3
249. What number comes after 1?
Answer: 2
250. How many wheels does a bicycle have?
Answer: 2
251. What comes before 3?
Answer: 2
252. If you have 10 cookies and you eat 5, how many are left?
Answer: 5
253. How many eyes do you have?
Answer: 2
254. I am the number before 8. What am I?
Answer: 7
255. How many legs do you have?
Answer: 2
256. I am the number after 6. What am I?
Answer: 7
257. If you have 2 dogs and you get 2 more, how many dogs do you have?
Answer: 4
258. What number comes before 2?
Answer: 1
259. How many corners does a triangle have?
Answer: 3
260. I am the number after 4. What am I?
Answer: 5
261. How many days are in a week?
Answer: 7
262. I am the number after 1. What am I?
Answer: 2
263. What comes before 7?
Answer: 6
264. I am the number after 5. What am I?
Answer: 6
265. How many sides does a square have?
Answer: 4
266. If you have 8 candies and you eat 3, how many are left?
Answer: 5
267. I am a number that comes before 10. What am I?
Answer: 9
268. How many hours are in a day?
Answer: 24
269. I am the number before 3. What am I?
Answer: 2
270. How many months are in a year?
Answer: 12
The Best Simple Riddles for 4-Year-Old Kid
271. What has hands but can’t clap?
Answer: A clock
272. What is full of holes but still holds water?
Answer: A sponge
273. What gets wetter the more it dries?
Answer: A towel
274. What has four legs but doesn’t walk?
Answer: A table
275. What can you catch but not throw?
Answer: A cold
276. What goes up but never comes down?
Answer: Your age
277. What has a face but no mouth?
Answer: A clock
278. What is orange and sounds like a parrot?
Answer: A carrot
279. What do you call a bear with no teeth?
Answer: A gummy bear
280. What kind of room has no doors or windows?
Answer: A mushroom
281. What has keys but can’t open locks?
Answer: A piano
282. What has a neck but no head?
Answer: A bottle
283. What goes up and down but doesn’t move?
Answer: A staircase
284. What has ears but can’t hear?
Answer: A cornfield
285. What has legs but doesn’t walk?
Answer: A chair
286. What can travel around the world while staying in the corner?
Answer: A stamp
287. What is black and white and read all over?
Answer: A newspaper
288. What has a bottom at the top?
Answer: A leg
289. What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?
Answer: Silence
290. What can run but can’t walk?
Answer: Water
291. What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
Answer: The future
292. What has a thumb and four fingers but isn’t alive?
Answer: A glove
293. What comes down but never goes up?
Answer: Rain
294. What is bigger than a mountain but weighs nothing?
Answer: A shadow
295. What has one eye but can’t see?
Answer: A needle
296. What can be cracked, made, told, and played?
Answer: A joke
297. What is black and white and makes a sound?
Answer: A panda
298. What has a bed but never sleeps?
Answer: A river
299. What can you hear but not touch or see?
Answer: Your voice
300. What is always coming but never arrives?
Answer: Tomorrow
301. What is as light as a feather but even the world’s strongest man can’t hold it for much longer?
Answer: Your breath
302. What has a tail but no body?
Answer: A coin
303. What has an eye but can’t see?
Answer: A storm
304. What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it?
Answer: A promise
305. What has a lot of teeth but can’t bite?
Answer: A comb
306. What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?
Answer: A palm tree
307. What goes through cities and fields but never moves?
Answer: A road
308. What starts with a T, ends with a T, and has T in it?
Answer: A teapot
309. What is made of water but if you put it in water it will die?
Answer: An ice cube
310. What has cities, but no houses; forests, but no trees; and rivers, but no water?
Answer: A map
311. What’s black and white and red all over?
Answer: A sunburned zebra
312. What’s at the end of a rainbow?
Answer: The letter W
313. What can fill a room but takes up no space?
Answer: Light
314. What’s hard to keep but easy to lose?
Answer: Your balance
315. What has many keys but can’t open a single door?
Answer: A piano
316. What is tall when it’s young and short when it’s old?
Answer: A candle
317. What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
Answer: The letter M
318. What kind of band never plays music?
Answer: A rubber band
319. What kind of coat is always wet when you put it on?
Answer: A coat of paint
320. What is full of holes but still holds a lot of weight?
Answer: A net
To Sum It Up
Riddles are a great way to spark imagination, and these fun and easy riddles for 4 year olds are perfect for them to enjoy!
From playful pumpkins to giggly ghosts, each riddle brings a smile and a chance to think in a fun way. Whether it’s a rainy day or a break from playing, these riddles can turn any moment into a laugh-filled adventure.
And the best part? They’re not just about the answers they’re about the joy of asking “What’s next?” and sharing giggles with friends and family.
So, keep these riddles handy, and the next time you’re looking for some silly fun, give them a try!
They’ll have your little ones thinking, laughing, and maybe even making up their own riddles too. Time to let the riddle fun begin!