337 Fun & Educational Jeopardy Questions for Kids

jeopardy questions for kids

Jeopardy has entertained television audiences for decades, but did you know it can be a fantastic learning tool for kids too?

This classic quiz show format transforms ordinary study sessions into exciting challenges that children actually look forward to!

When adapted for younger players, Jeopardy creates the perfect balance of fun and education.

Kids get so caught up in the competitive spirit that they don’t even realize they’re building knowledge across multiple subjects. Parents love it because children willingly engage with educational content without complaint.

The beauty of Jeopardy for kids lies in its flexibility – you can modify categories and questions to match your child’s age, interests, and learning goals.

Whether played at home, in classrooms, or at parties, it turns learning into a game that everyone wants to join. Ready to help your kids build knowledge while having a blast?

Why Jeopardy is Great for Kids


Jeopardy offers numerous benefits for children’s intellectual growth.

When kids participate in this question-and-answer format, they develop critical analysis capabilities as they must think carefully about clues and formulate responses.

The game strengthens memory function since participants need to recall information quickly. For group versions, children learn to work together, combining their knowledge to succeed.

From an entertainment perspective, Jeopardy presents educational content in an attractive format.

Children absorb facts about various subjects like history, science, and language arts while having fun.

The quiz show structure appeals particularly to children who enjoy friendly competition, making learning feel like play rather than work.

The format rewards knowledge acquisition and quick thinking in ways traditional study methods often cannot match.

How to Play Jeopardy with Kids

Creating a home version of Jeopardy is simple and requires minimal materials.

Setting Up the Game

  • Create a simple game board with 4-5 categories and point values (100-500)
  • Select age-appropriate categories like Animals, Science, and Geography
  • Adjust question difficulty based on age – simple facts for younger kids, more complex for older ones
  • Use index cards or sticky notes to display questions and point values

Scoring and Gameplay Rules

  • Select a host to read questions (typically an adult)
  • Players take turns picking categories and point values
  • Players must phrase responses as questions (“What is…?”)
  • Award points for correct answers; subtract for incorrect ones
  • For team play, allow brief team discussions before answering
  • The winner is the player or team with the most points at the game end

With consistent practice, children will improve both their knowledge base and quick-thinking abilities.

Brainstorming Jeopardy Questions for Kids



  1. This large black and white bear native to China loves to eat bamboo.
    What is a giant panda?

  2. These flying mammals use echolocation to navigate in the dark.
    What are bats?

  3. The king of the jungle with a big, fluffy mane.
    What is a lion?

  4. This orange and black striped big cat is the largest cat species in the world.
    What is a tiger?

  5. These marine mammals are known for their intelligence and clicking sounds.
    What are dolphins?

  6. This reptile changes color to blend in with its surroundings.
    What is a chameleon?

  7. Known for their long necks, these African animals can reach leaves high in trees.
    What are giraffes?

  8. This Australian marsupial carries its baby in a pouch and hops around.
    What is a kangaroo?

  9. These black and yellow insects live in large colonies and make honey.
    What are bees?

  10. This flightless bird lives in Antarctica and is an excellent swimmer.
    What is a penguin?


  1. The force that pulls things down to the ground.
    What is gravity?

  2. The planet we live on.
    What is Earth?

  3. This state of matter has a definite shape and volume.
    What is a solid?

  4. The process by which plants make their own food using sunlight.
    What is photosynthesis?

  5. This is the closest star to Earth.
    What is the Sun?

  6. A scientist who studies living organisms.
    What is a biologist?

  7. The process of water changing from liquid to gas.
    What is evaporation?

  8. These small particles are the building blocks of all matter.
    What are atoms?

  9. The natural satellite that orbits Earth.
    What is the Moon?

  10. This part of the human body helps us think and store memories.
    What is the brain?


  1. The largest continent on Earth.
    What is Asia?

  2. This country is shaped like a boot.
    What is Italy?

  3. The longest river in the world.
    What is the Nile River?

  4. This famous landmark is located in Paris, France.
    What is the Eiffel Tower?

  5. The coldest continent on Earth.
    What is Antarctica?

  6. This U.S. state is known as the Sunshine State.
    What is Florida?

  7. The capital of the United States.
    What is Washington, D.C.?

  8. This ocean is the largest in the world.
    What is the Pacific Ocean?

  9. The highest mountain on Earth.
    What is Mount Everest?

  10. This famous wall is located in China.
    What is the Great Wall of China?


  1. The first President of the United States.
    Who is George Washington?

  2. This ancient civilization built the pyramids.
    Who are the Egyptians?

  3. The year the United States declared independence.
    What is 1776?

  4. This famous civil rights leader gave the “I Have a Dream” speech.
    Who is Martin Luther King Jr.?

  5. The period when dinosaurs roamed the Earth.
    What is the Prehistoric Era?

General Knowledge

  1. What is Olympia?
    What is the site of the ancient Olympic Games?

  2. This Native American woman helped the Lewis and Clark expedition.
    Who is Sacagawea?

  3. The year the Internet was invented.
    What is 1969?


  1. The author of “Harry Potter”.
    Who is J.K. Rowling?

  2. A book with pictures that tells a story.
    What is a picture book?

  3. The fairytale character who had very long hair.
    Who is Rapunzel?

  4. This famous children’s book character is a very hungry insect.
    Who is the Very Hungry Caterpillar?

  5. A story that is not true.
    What is fiction?

  6. The author of “Charlotte’s Web”.
    Who is E.B. White?

  7. This classic fairytale features three bears and a little girl.
    What is Goldilocks and the Three Bears?

  8. A book with no pictures.
    What is a chapter book?

  9. This famous detective was created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
    Who is Sherlock Holmes?

  10. The act of reading a book out loud.
    What is storytelling?


  1. The number after 9.
    What is 10?

  2. Half of 10.
    What is 5?

  3. The shape with 3 sides.
    What is a triangle?

  4. The result of 2 + 2.
    What is 4?

  5. The number of sides in a square.
    What is 4?

  6. The mathematical symbol for multiplication.
    What is ×?

  7. Counting by groups of 10.
    What is skip counting?

  8. The first single-digit prime number.
    What is 2?

  9. A number that can be divided evenly by 2.
    What is an even number?

  10. The process of finding the total amount.
    What is addition?


  1. A sport played with a round ball and two goals.
    What is soccer?

  2. The game Michael Jordan was famous for playing.
    What is basketball?

  3. A sport played on ice with sticks and a puck.
    What is hockey?

  4. The number of players on a typical soccer team on the field.
    What is 11?

  5. A sport where you hit a ball over a net.
    What is tennis?

  6. This Olympic sport involves swimming, cycling, and running.
    What is a triathlon?

  7. The act of throwing a ball in baseball.
    What is pitching?

  8. A sport played with a bat and ball.
    What is baseball?

  9. The longest race in the Olympics.
    What is the marathon?

  10. A sport where you score points by throwing a ball through a hoop.
    What is basketball?


  1. A device used to make phone calls and send messages.
    What is a smartphone?

  2. The company that created the iPhone.
    What is Apple?

  3. A computer input device you move with your hand.
    What is a mouse?

  4. The global system of connected computer networks.
    What is the Internet?

  5. A screen you can touch to interact with.
    What is a touchscreen?

  6. The first letter you type when starting a computer.
    What is P (for power)?

  7. A small device used to store digital information.
    What is a USB drive?

  8. The process of sending messages electronically.
    What is email?

  9. A device that plays music and videos.
    What is a tablet?

  10. The activity of writing code for computers.
    What is programming?



  1. The planet known for its beautiful rings.
    What is Saturn?

  2. The first human to walk on the moon.
    Who is Neil Armstrong?

  3. A group of stars forming a recognizable pattern.
    What is a constellation?

  4. The closest planet to the Sun.
    What is Mercury?

  5. The study of space and celestial objects.
    What is astronomy?

  6. A rocky object that orbits the Sun.
    What is an asteroid?

  7. The name of NASA’s space exploration program that first landed humans on the moon.
    What is Apollo?

  8. A device used to look at distant objects in space.
    What is a telescope?

  9. The galaxy that contains our solar system.
    What is the Milky Way?

  10. The force that keeps planets in orbit.
    What is gravity?


  1. An instrument with black and white keys.
    What is a piano?

  2. The act of creating music.
    What is composing?

  3. A person who leads an orchestra.
    Who is a conductor?

  4. An instrument you blow into to make sound.
    What is a flute?

  5. The musical symbol that indicates silence.
    What is a rest?

  6. A stringed instrument often used in classical music.
    What is a violin?

  7. The top of a musical scale.
    What is do or C?

  8. An electronic device used to create music.
    What is a synthesizer?

  9. A group of musicians playing together.
    What is a band?

  1. The rhythmic part of a musical piece.
    What is the beat?


  1. The primary colors.
    What are red, blue, and yellow?

  2. A tool used to apply paint.
    What is a paintbrush?

  3. The act of creating art.
    What is drawing?

  4. A famous artist known for painting the Mona Lisa.
    Who is Leonardo da Vinci?

  5. A type of art made by putting different materials together.
    What is a collage?

  6. The device used to create sculptures.
    What is a chisel?

  7. A color made by mixing red and blue.
    What is purple?

  8. An artist who creates sculptures.
    What is a sculptor?

  9. A famous painter known for Starry Night.
    Who is Vincent van Gogh?

  10. The art of folding paper into shapes.
    What is origami?


  1. A fruit that is yellow and curved.
    What is a banana?

  2. A dairy product made from milk.
    What is cheese?

  3. A sweet treat made from cocoa.
    What is chocolate?

  4. A round fruit that is red or green.
    What is an apple?

  5. A grain used to make bread.
    What is wheat?

  6. A vegetable that makes you cry when you cut it.
    What is an onion?

  7. A breakfast food often served with maple syrup.
    What are pancakes?

  8. A drink made from crushed apples.
    What is apple juice?

  9. A round bread used for sandwiches.
    What is a bagel?

  10. A green vegetable that looks like a small tree.
    What is broccoli?

Human Body

  1. The largest organ in the human body.
    What is the skin?

  2. The muscle that pumps blood through your body.
    What is the heart?

  3. The part of the body used for thinking.
    What is the brain?

  4. The system that helps you breathe.
    What is the respiratory system?

  5. The hard parts that protect your body.
    What are bones?

  6. The liquid that moves through your veins.
    What is blood?

  7. The part of the body used for seeing.
    What are eyes?

  8. The system that helps you move.
    What is the muscular system?

  9. The part of the body that helps you hear.
    What are ears?

  10. The place where two bones meet.
    What is a joint?


  1. A place with many trees.
    What is a forest?
  1. The process of water moving through the environment.
    What is the water cycle?

  2. A large body of salt water.
    What is an ocean?

  3. The study of living things and their environment.
    What is ecology?

  4. A place where plants and animals live together.
    What is an ecosystem?

  5. The green gas that plants breathe in.
    What is carbon dioxide?

  6. The green gas that plants breathe out.
    What is oxygen?

  7. A place with very little rainfall.
    What is a desert?

  8. The process of planting and growing trees.
    What is reforestation?

  9. A natural disaster involving a lot of wind and rain.
    What is a hurricane?


  1. A vehicle that travels on tracks.
    What is a train?

  2. A vehicle that can fly.
    What is an airplane?

  3. A two-wheeled vehicle you pedal.
    What is a bicycle?

  4. A vehicle used to travel on water.
    What is a boat?

  5. The person who drives a car.
    Who is a driver?

  6. A vehicle with a large hook used to move heavy things.
    What is a truck?

  7. A vehicle that travels underground in cities.
    What is a subway?

  8. A vehicle that carries many people.
    What is a bus?

  9. A small vehicle with two wheels.
    What is a motorcycle?

  10. The act of moving from one place to another.
    What is transportation?



  1. The Greek god of the sea.
    Who is Poseidon?

  2. A magical horse with a single horn.
    What is a unicorn?

  3. A large, fire-breathing reptile.
    What is a dragon?

  4. The messenger of the gods in Greek mythology.
    Who is Hermes?

  5. A half-human, half-horse creature.
    What is a centaur?

  6. The Greek goddess of wisdom.
    Who is Athena?

  7. A magical bird that rises from its own ashes.
    What is a phoenix?

  8. The king of the Greek gods.
    Who is Zeus?

  9. A creature that can turn people to stone with its gaze.
    What is a Medusa?

  10. A group of legendary warriors from Greek mythology.
    Who are the Amazons?


  1. Water falling from the sky.
    What is rain?

  2. Frozen water that falls from the sky.
    What is snow?

  3. A loud sound that comes with lightning.
    What is thunder?

  4. A spinning column of wind.
    What is a tornado?

  5. The measure of how hot or cold something is.
    What is temperature?

  6. Small balls of ice that fall during a storm.
    What is hail?

  7. Water droplets that form in the sky.
    What are clouds?

  8. A flash of light in the sky during a storm.
    What is lightning?

  9. The study of weather.
    What is meteorology?

  10. A very large and powerful storm.
    What is a hurricane?


  1. A magical world created by Disney.
    What is Disneyland?

  2. An animated movie about a lion cub.
    What is The Lion King?

  3. A toy that comes to life when humans aren’t around.
    What is Toy Story?

  4. A fish with a small fin on his back.
    Who is Nemo?

  5. A superhero who can shoot webs.
    Who is Spider-Man?

  6. An animated movie about a rat who loves to cook.
    What is Ratatouille?

  7. A green ogre who lives in a swamp.
    Who is Shrek?

  8. A movie about toys that talk and play.
    What is Toy Story?

  9. A princess who can freeze things.
    Who is Elsa?

  1. A magical school for young wizards.
    What is Hogwarts?


  1. A device that tells time.
    What is a clock?

  2. A machine that helps you see things far away.
    What is a telescope?

  3. A device that helps you talk to people far away.
    What is a telephone?

  4. A machine that can calculate things quickly.
    What is a computer?

  5. A tool that helps you see tiny things.
    What is a microscope?

  6. A vehicle that flies through the air.
    What is an airplane?

  7. A device that captures images.
    What is a camera?

  8. A device that records and plays sounds.
    What is a record player?

  9. A tool that helps you measure things.
    What is a ruler?

  10. A machine that helps keep food cold.
    What is a refrigerator?


  1. The continent with the most countries.
    What is Africa?

  2. The smallest continent.
    What is Australia?

  3. A continent covered in ice.
    What is Antarctica?

  4. The continent that includes the United States.
    What is North America?

  5. The continent where pandas are native to.
    What is Asia?

  6. A continent known for the Amazon rainforest.
    What is South America?

  7. The continent with the Great Pyramid of Giza.
    What is Africa?

  8. The westernmost continent.
    What is North America?

  9. The continent with the most population.
    What is Asia?

  10. A continent that crosses the equator.
    What is Africa?

Famous People

  1. The first African American President of the United States.
    Who is Barack Obama?

  2. A famous scientist known for the theory of relativity.
    Who is Albert Einstein?

  3. A civil rights leader who refused to give up her bus seat.
    Who is Rosa Parks?

  4. A famous basketball player known as “Air Jordan”.
    Who is Michael Jordan?

  5. The first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean.
    Who is Amelia Earhart?

  6. A famous inventor who created the light bulb.
    Who is Thomas Edison?

  7. A famous children’s book author who created the BFG.
    Who is Roald Dahl?

  8. A famous artist who painted the Mona Lisa.
    Who is Leonardo da Vinci?

  9. A famous soccer player from Argentina.
    Who is Lionel Messi?

  10. The first person to walk on the moon.
    Who is Neil Armstrong?


  1. The letter that comes after A.
    What is B?

  2. A word that means the opposite of “big”.
    What is small?

  3. The punctuation mark used at the end of a question.
    What is a question mark?

  4. A word that describes an action.
    What is a verb?

  5. The first letter of the alphabet.
    What is A?

  6. A word that describes a person, place, or thing.
    What is a noun?

  7. A word that describes a noun.
    What is an adjective?

  8. The language spoken in Brazil.
    What is Portuguese?

  9. A word that connects words or phrases.
    What is a conjunction?

  10. The study of words and their meanings.
    What is vocabulary?

Natural Wonders


  1. A large wall of ice in the Arctic.
    What is a glacier?

  2. A deep crack in the Earth’s surface.
    What is a canyon?

  3. A mountain that can erupt with hot lava.
    What is a volcano?

  4. A large area of trees and plants.
    What is a forest?

  5. A large body of water surrounded by land.
    What is a lake?

  6. A place where a river meets the ocean.
    What is a delta?

  7. A large area of sand.
    What is a desert?

  8. A waterfall that drops from a high cliff.
    What is a waterfall?

  9. A deep valley carved by a river.
    What is a canyon?

  10. A flat, treeless area in cold regions.
    What is a tundra?


  1. A large meat-eating dinosaur with sharp teeth.
    What is a Tyrannosaurus Rex (T-Rex)?

  2. A plant-eating dinosaur with a long neck.
    What is a Brachiosaurus?

  3. The era when dinosaurs lived.
    What is the Mesozoic Era?

  4. A flying reptile from prehistoric times.
    What is a Pterodactyl?

  5. A large woolly mammal from the Ice Age.
    What is a Woolly Mammoth?

  6. A dinosaur with a hard shield-like head.
    What is a Triceratops?

  7. The study of dinosaurs and prehistoric life.
    What is paleontology?

  8. A swimming prehistoric reptile.
    What is an Ichthyosaurus?

  9. A small, feathered dinosaur.
    What is a Velociraptor?

  10. The time before written history.
    What is prehistory?

World Cultures

  1. The traditional clothing worn in Japan.
    What is a kimono?

  2. The traditional dance of Hawaii.
    What is the hula?

  3. The language spoken in Mexico.
    What is Spanish?

  4. The traditional headwear in the Middle East.
    What is a turban?

  5. The traditional greeting in Hawaii.
    What is “Aloha”?

  6. The national sport of Japan.
    What is sumo wrestling?

  7. The traditional music instrument of Scotland.
    What is bagpipes?

  8. The traditional celebration in Mexico.
    What is Cinco de Mayo?

  9. The type of housing used by Native Americans.
    What is a teepee?

  10. The traditional bread from India.
    What is naan?


  1. The largest ocean on Earth.
    What is the Pacific Ocean?

  2. A large marine mammal with a blowhole.
    What is a whale?

  3. A colorful underwater ecosystem.
    What is a coral reef?

  4. A small sea creature with eight arms.
    What is an octopus?

  5. The process of ocean water becoming fresh water.
    What is desalination?

  6. A fish known for its sharp teeth.
    What is a piranha?

  7. A large sea predator.
    What is a shark?

  8. The deepest part of the ocean.
    What is the Mariana Trench?

  9. A small sea creature that can glow.
    What is a jellyfish?

  10. The study of ocean life.
    What is marine biology?


  1. A type of energy from the sun.
    What is solar energy?

  2. A type of energy from moving water.
    What is hydroelectric energy?

  3. A type of energy from wind.
    What is wind energy?

  4. The ability to do work.
    What is energy?

  5. A type of energy from the Earth’s heat.
    What is geothermal energy?

  6. A substance that can produce electricity.
    What is a battery?

  7. The process of making electricity.
    What is generation?

  8. A type of energy from burning fuel.
    What is fossil fuel energy?

  9. The unit used to measure electricity.
    What is a watt?

  10. The study of energy and its transformations.
    What is physics?


  1. A bird that can’t fly but can swim.
    What is a penguin?

  2. A bird known for its ability to talk.
    What is a parrot?

  3. The largest bird in the world.
    What is an ostrich?

  4. A bird of prey with a hooked beak.
    What is an eagle?

  5. A bird known for its beautiful tail feathers.
    What is a peacock?

  6. A bird that hunts at night.
    What is an owl?

  7. A small, fast-flying bird that can hover.
    What is a hummingbird?

  8. A bird known for its long neck.
    What is a flamingo?

  9. A bird that builds nests in trees.
    What is a robin?

  10. The study of birds.
    What is ornithology?


  1. An insect that makes honey.
    What is a bee?

  2. An insect that can walk on water.
    What is a water strider?

  3. An insect that glows at night.
    What is a firefly?

  4. An insect that builds large mounds.
    What is a termite?

  5. An insect that can lift many times its own weight.
    What is an ant?

  6. An insect with wings that goes through metamorphosis.
    What is a butterfly?

  7. An insect known for spinning webs.
    What is a spider?

  8. A flying insect that can sting.
    What is a wasp?

  9. An insect that makes loud sounds in summer.
    What is a cicada?

  10. The study of insects.
    What is entomology?

Plant Kingdom

  1. A plant that makes its own food.
    What is a green plant?

  2. A plant that can survive in dry areas.
    What is a cactus?

  3. A plant that grows from a seed.
    What is a flowering plant?

  4. A plant that doesn’t have flowers.
    What is a fern?

  5. A plant that can grow very tall.
    What is a tree?

  6. A plant that climbs on other surfaces.
    What is a vine?

  7. A small plant that grows in water.
    What is algae?

  8. A plant that produces food we can eat.
    What is a crop?

  9. A plant that grows without soil.
    What is an air plant?

  10. The study of plants.
    What is botany?


  1. A tool used to measure temperature.
    What is a thermometer?

  2. A unit used to measure weight.
    What is a pound?

  3. A unit used to measure length.
    What is a meter?

  4. A tool used to measure wind speed.
    What is an anemometer?

  5. A unit used to measure time.
    What is a second?

  6. A tool used to measure pressure.
    What is a barometer?

  7. A unit used to measure volume.
    What is a liter?

  8. A tool used to measure electricity.
    What is a voltmeter?

  9. A unit used to measure distance.
    What is a kilometer?

  10. The study of measurement.
    What is metrology?

Chemical Elements


  1. A gas that we breathe.
    What is oxygen?

  2. A metal used in aluminum cans.
    What is aluminum?

  3. A gas that makes up most of our atmosphere.
    What is nitrogen?

  4. A metal used in batteries.
    What is lithium?

  5. A gas that can make your voice sound funny.
    What is helium?

  6. A metal used to make coins.
    What is copper?

  7. A gas that can make a balloon float.
    What is hydrogen?

  8. A metal used in jewelry.
    What is gold?

  9. A metal that is liquid at room temperature.
    What is mercury?

  10. The study of chemical elements.
    What is chemistry?


  1. A person who explores space.
    What is an astronaut?

  2. A person who explores underwater.
    What is a marine explorer?

  3. A person who explores new lands.
    What is an explorer?

  4. A tool used for navigation.
    What is a compass?

  5. A vehicle used to explore space.
    What is a spacecraft?

  6. A device used to explore underwater.
    What is a submarine?

  7. A person who explores caves.
    What is a spelunker?

  8. A tool used to see far away places.
    What is a telescope?

  9. A vehicle used to explore the moon.
    What is a lunar rover?

  10. The study of exploring and discovering.
    What is exploration?

Prehistoric Life

  1. A small, furry mammal that lived with dinosaurs.
    What is a mammal?

  2. A time when large animals roamed the Earth.
    What is the Ice Age?

  3. A prehistoric horse-like animal.
    What is a horse ancestor?

  4. A large mammal with long, curved tusks.
    What is a woolly mammoth?

  5. A small, early mammal.
    What is a rodent?

  6. A prehistoric bird.
    What is an archaeopteryx?

  7. A time before humans existed.
    What is prehistory?

  8. A large prehistoric crocodile.
    What is a crocodilian?

  9. The study of prehistoric life.
    What is paleontology?

Bringing Fun and Learning Together

Setting up a Jeopardy game for your kids or students brings education and entertainment together in a wonderful way.

As children play, they build confidence in their knowledge and develop quick-thinking skills that help them in school and beyond.

What makes this format so valuable is its adaptability. You can create simple questions for preschoolers about colors and animals, or challenge teenagers with complex questions about science and literature.

The format stays engaging regardless of the content level.

Parents often notice that children who resist traditional study methods eagerly participate in Jeopardy games. The competitive element motivates them to learn more so they can perform better next time.

So gather some index cards, create a simple scoring system, and invite the kids to play. You’ll be surprised at how much they learn while simply having fun with friends and family!

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