How Big Does a Toy Aussie Get?

Toy Australian shepherds are a little smaller than your typical Aussie. These dogs stand shorter than the standard Australian shepherd and weigh less, making them an ideal companion for those who want to get an Aussie but find them too big.
Our article will guide you through the size of the toy Australian shepherd, giving you an answer to how big a toy Aussie gets. We’ll also explore other breed characteristics, from temperament to health.
A Brief History of the Toy Aussie
According to this full guide to the breed, Toy Aussies haven’t been around for as long as the standard Australian shepherd. Although it’s unknown when breeders began downsizing the Australian shepherd, toy Aussies became popular around the 90s.
However, the toy Australian shepherd doesn’t fit the breed standard. They are much smaller than the original Australian shepherd bred to herd sheep. Therefore, the AKC doesn’t recognize toy Aussies, unlike other breeds with smaller varieties, such as the poodle and dachshund.
Toy Aussie Size Information
The standard Australian shepherd is a medium-sized dog breed. Males weigh 50 to 65 pounds and are 20 to 23 inches tall. Females, on the other hand, are slightly shorter at 18 to 21 inches and weigh between 40 and 55 pounds.
The toy Aussie, however, is much smaller than their larger siblings. They are shorter than 14 inches and weigh only 12 to 17 pounds. If you find the standard Australian shepherd too big but dream about adopting one, you will find the toy Aussie to be the perfect dog.
Other Traits of the Toy Aussie
The smaller frame of the toy Aussie makes them a great choice for many, but getting a dog just because of their size wouldn’t be wise. You should consider other traits of the toy Aussie to know if this breed is the right choice for you and your family.
Below, you’ll find extra points about the toy Aussie’s characteristics to help you decide.
Toy Aussies may not get too big, but they still have the working dog instincts of their larger siblings. They are determined dogs with a desire to please their owners. Naturally, they are affectionate pups that love receiving kisses and cuddles.
However, herding instincts can make toy Aussies headstrong at times, making them want to handle things independently. Due to this, basic obedience training is essential to ensure they become well-behaved dogs.
Intelligence and Training
Toy Aussies are intelligent dogs. They understand social cues well and feel their owner’s emotions. As you can expect, they absorb training like a sponge, too. Toy Aussies can learn basic commands quickly and master complicated tricks like off-leash walking and coming to heel faster than the average dog.
Energy and Exercise
Toy Aussies are high-energy dogs. They need to be walked for at least an hour daily to benefit their health. In addition to this, incorporating mentally stimulating activities like scent work or puzzles is essential to ensure a toy Aussie isn’t bored.
Although small, grooming a toy Australian shepherd takes time and effort. These dogs shed moderately throughout the year and enter an intense shedding period during seasonal changes. Toy Aussies don’t need much trimming, but brushing them a few times a week to maintain shedding is necessary.
Health and Feeding
Toy Aussies are healthy dogs but are prone to several health problems. Epilepsy, multidrug sensitivity, and eye problems are the most common conditions that affect toy Aussies. Despite these, toy Aussies can live long, typically between 12 and 15 years.
Toy Aussies can thrive on various diets. High-quality commercial dog food is mostly enough to ensure they get all their nutrients, but you can consult your vet to know the best diet for your toy Aussie. As for how much to feed, these dogs should eat about one cup of dog food per day.
Should You Adopt a Toy Aussie?
We’ve answered how big a toy Aussie gets, but size shouldn’t be the only factor in your criteria. Make sure to keep in mind all the care needs of toy Aussies before adopting. For example, toy Aussies are small dogs but shed quite a lot and require plenty of exercise.
By going through the points we’ve discussed above, you can make an informed decision and find out if the toy Aussie is the right breed for you.