How Bitcoin Can Help Your Financial Empowerment

How Bitcoin Can Help Your Financial Empowerment

So, your days are jam-packed with a never-ending list of responsibilities, you’re dealing with professional duties, a full-on family life and, if you’re a member of the PTA, cupcakes every other week.

The one thing you don’t need to be worrying about is financial freedom, or rather the hassle of dealing with traditional banks and their really unfriendly banking times and processes.

Surprisingly, moms across the country (and around the world) are using Bitcoin in a number of incredible ways to gain more freedom and empowerment in their finances.

If you don’t know much about it yet, that’s not an issue. We’ll go through the details. Soon, you’ll know doubt be looking into the interesting background to this versatile asset, finding out the best ways to turn your btc to usd, or how to boost your staked crypto.

In this article we’ll look into all this and more – at how dipping your toes into the Bitcoin pool can present extra income sources, fresh chances for wealth building, along with a spectrum of other options that suit the demands of all contemporary working women.

Gain More Power

First and foremost, it’s important to understand exactly what Bitcoin is capable of when it comes to your finances. Over the last 5 years, Bitcoin has given an annual, yearly return of 155%. This is really quite amazing. And with its current price of around $59,000 (as of Sept 24) it’s very fair to say that this digital investment has enough potential and stability to expand greately.

This hasn’t gone unnoticed by the shrewd eyes of moms. Since 2023, where the proportion of women owning cryptocurrencies was 18%, there has been a notible uptick in interest – with 24% of women now owning crypto. These are positive steps in the right direction.

Firstly, that it is becoming better known and understood, and also that women are finding more resourceful ways to better their finances with Bitcoin.

We are also seeing a considerable step from larger organisations and brand names towards taking Bitcoin on board, allowing for in store or online purchases using this as currency. For busy parents, this could mean a real difference in how you use your money – especially if you are in the position to diversify and add credibility to your portfolio.

Primarily , the main benefit of Bitcoin lies in its decentralised existence. That’s to say that it is not governed by a regimented system or overlooked by a governing body – it’s also more defensive against inflation and rising econimic costs. Once owned, it is yours to do with as you please.

It offers you the ability to transfer, spend or invest at any time. You’re not waiting for banks to open or clerks to talk to; asking impersonal questions and delaying what you do with your money.

With a few clicks of a button from your mobile or computer and your digital money is sent to anyone, anywhere in the world. Perfect for those with family members abroad. If you can avoid a trip to the bank, especially with kids in tow, you should.

Advice and Plans

There’s actually quite a few strategies you can put in place to really maximise your investment. The most prominent one is dollar cost averaging. Instead of timing the market with larger one-time purchases, this approach involves making smaller purchases consistently over time. The benefits of this is that it can be automated, to keep you hands free to deal with mom life, and can also be more accomodating to the budget you have; which helps when Bitcoin becomes more volatile.

Bitcoin also offers the option for generating money passively. Staking your assets can yield impressive results – around 4 to 14% annually. There’s also the option to lock you assets into a savings account, with a very healthy 4 to 8% APR.

Whether you’re a newcomer or familiar with cryptocurrencies, it’s always best to start small and be overly cautious at every step (better safe, always). Familiarise yourself with the process of purchasing, investing and staking. This will usually involve a set period of time that your assets are being used, so limits the freedoms mentioned earlier.

Profit and Risk

Like many things, you must approach Bitcoin and crypto with a balanced head. While the benefits are many, there are still numerous hazards to avoid. For this reason, rather than seeing Bitcoin as a stand-alone solution, we highly advise you to including it in your larger financial plan. Another way of saying, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Never go into things emotionally and always plan two steps ahead.

It’s generally wise to keep your crypto investments between 1 and 5 percent of your whole portfolio. This helps you win the benefits of Bitcoin while reducing the effect of market fluctuations (which still occur). Ultimately, your path to financial independence is better seen as a marathon rather than a sprint.

Having mentioned the hazards, Bitcoin still has great power to empower working women. It presents the opportunity for you to take charge of your financial future and offers a degree of financial liberty that has never been as possible before. Bitcoin, therefore, is investing in your own financial literacy and freedom – as well as a literal asset.

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