List of 400 Boy’s Names That Start With G

Boys names start with G

Boys names start with “G” have a timeless appeal, offering a mix of classic, modern, and culturally rich options.

There’s something for every preference, from strong traditional names like George and Gregory to unique choices like Gael and Gaspard.

Many of these names have deep historical or biblical significance, such as Gabriel, meaning “God is my strength,” or Gideon, symbolizing a warrior.

This list includes names from various origins, including English, Greek, Latin, Irish, and more.

Whether you’re looking for a bold, powerful name like Gunnar or a soft, elegant one like Gilbert, each name is accompanied by its meaning and pronunciation for better understanding.

This collection provides plenty of inspiration for parents, writers, and name enthusiasts alike. Browse through and find the perfect name that fits your style and preference.

English Names for Boys that Start with G


1. Gabriel

Meaning: “God is my strength”

Pronunciation: GAY-bree-uhl

2. George

Meaning: “Farmer” or “earth worker”

Pronunciation: JORJ

3. Gavin

Meaning: “White hawk”

Pronunciation: GAV-in

4. Grayson

Meaning: “Son of the gray-haired one”

Pronunciation: GRAY-suhn

5. Graham

Meaning: “Gravelly homestead”

Pronunciation: GRAM

6. Grant

Meaning: “Great” or “large”

Pronunciation: GRANT

7. Gregory

Meaning: “Watchful” or “alert”

Pronunciation: GREG-uh-ree

8. Garrett

Meaning: “Spear strength”

Pronunciation: GAR-it

9. Greyson

Meaning: “Son of the gray-haired one”

Pronunciation: GRAY-suhn

10. Gideon

Meaning: “Feller” or “hewer”

Pronunciation: GID-ee-uhn

11. Gage

Meaning: “Pledge” or “oath”

Pronunciation: GAYJ

12. Gunner

Meaning: “Bold warrior”

Pronunciation: GUH-ner

13. Griffin

Meaning: “Strong lord”

Pronunciation: GRIF-in

14. Gael

Meaning: “Generous”

Pronunciation: GAYL

15. Glenn

Meaning: “Valley”

Pronunciation: GLEN

16. Grady

Meaning: “Noble” or “illustrious”

Pronunciation: GRAY-dee

17. Garrison

Meaning: “Son of Garry” or “fortification”

Pronunciation: GAR-i-suhn

18. Gary

Meaning: “Spear”

Pronunciation: GAIR-ee

19. Guillermo

Meaning: “Resolute protection”

Pronunciation: gee-YER-moh

20. Gordon

Meaning: “Great hill”

Pronunciation: GOR-duhn

21. Gus

Meaning: “Majestic” or “exalted”

Pronunciation: GUS

22. Gustavo

Meaning: “Staff of the Goths”

Pronunciation: goo-STAH-voh

23. Gabe

Meaning: “God is my strength”

Pronunciation: GAYB

24. Gentry

Meaning: “Noble” or “gentle birth”

Pronunciation: JEN-tree

25. Gerard

Meaning: “Brave spear”

Pronunciation: juh-RAHRD

26. Gilbert

Meaning: “Bright pledge”

Pronunciation: GIL-buhrt

27. Galen

Meaning: “Calm” or “healer”

Pronunciation: GAY-luhn

28. Gibson

Meaning: “Son of Gilbert”

Pronunciation: GIB-suhn

29. Gareth

Meaning: “Gentle”

Pronunciation: GAR-uhth

30. Gannon

Meaning: “Fair-skinned”

Pronunciation: GAN-uhn

31. Guillermo

Meaning: “Resolute protection”

Pronunciation: gee-YER-moh

32. Gregor

Meaning: “Watchful” or “alert”

Pronunciation: GREG-or

33. Graeme

Meaning: “Gravelly homestead”

Pronunciation: GRAYM

34. Graysen

Meaning: “Son of the gray-haired one”

Pronunciation: GRAY-sen

35. Gunnar

Meaning: “Bold warrior”

Pronunciation: GUN-nar

36. Guy

Meaning: “Guide” or “woods”

Pronunciation: GY

37. Gino

Meaning: “Well-born” or “noble”

Pronunciation: JEE-noh

38. Giles

Meaning: “Young goat”

Pronunciation: JYLZ

39. Granger

Meaning: “Farm bailiff”

Pronunciation: GRAIN-jer

40. Gaspard

Meaning: “Treasure guardian”

Pronunciation: gas-PAR

Biblical Names for Boys that Start with G


41. Gabriel

Meaning: “God is my strength”

Pronunciation: GAY-bree-uhl

42. Gad

Meaning: “Good fortune” or “troop”

Pronunciation: GAD

43. Gaius

Meaning: “Rejoice”

Pronunciation: GAY-uhs

44. Gamaliel

Meaning: “Reward of God”

Pronunciation: guh-MAY-lee-uhl

45. Geber

Meaning: “Strong man”

Pronunciation: GEE-ber

46. Gedaliah

Meaning: “God is great”

Pronunciation: ged-uh-LY-uh

47. Gehazi

Meaning: “Valley of vision”

Pronunciation: geh-HAY-zy

48. Gemariah

Meaning: “God has accomplished”

Pronunciation: gem-uh-RY-uh

49. Gera

Meaning: “A grain”

Pronunciation: GEE-ruh

50. Gershom

Meaning: “Exile” or “stranger there”

Pronunciation: GUR-shuhm

51. Gershon

Meaning: “Exile”

Pronunciation: GUR-shon

52. Gideon

Meaning: “Feller” or “hewer”

Pronunciation: GID-ee-uhn

53. Gilead

Meaning: “Hill of testimony”

Pronunciation: GIL-ee-ad

54. Ginath

Meaning: “Protection”

Pronunciation: GY-nath

55. Gog

Meaning: “Mountain”

Pronunciation: GOG

56. Goliath

Meaning: “Exile”

Pronunciation: guh-LY-uhth

57. Gomer

Meaning: “Complete”

Pronunciation: GOH-mer

58. Goshen

Meaning: “Drawing near” or “cultivated”

Pronunciation: GOH-shen

59. Gudgodah

Meaning: “Place of cutting” or “thundering”

Pronunciation: GUD-goh-duh

60. Guni

Meaning: “Protected”

Pronunciation: GOO-ny

61. Gur

Meaning: “Young lion” or “cub”

Pronunciation: GUR

62. Gatam

Meaning: “Burnt valley”

Pronunciation: GAY-tuhm

63. Gazez

Meaning: “Shearer”

Pronunciation: GAY-zez

64. Gera

Meaning: “A grain”

Pronunciation: GEE-ruh

65. Geuel

Meaning: “Majesty of God”

Pronunciation: GEH-yoo-el

66. Gibbethon

Meaning: “Hilly place”

Pronunciation: GIB-uh-thon

67. Gideoni

Meaning: “Mighty warrior”

Pronunciation: gid-ee-OH-ny

68. Gilalai

Meaning: “Dungy”

Pronunciation: GIL-uh-lay

69. Gilboa

Meaning: “Bubbling spring”

Pronunciation: gil-BOH-uh

70. Ginnetho

Meaning: “Gardener”

Pronunciation: GIN-uh-thoh

71. Gispa

Meaning: “Caress”

Pronunciation: GIS-puh

72. Gittaim

Meaning: “Two winepresses”

Pronunciation: GIT-ay-im

73. Gittite

Meaning: “Belonging to Gath”

Pronunciation: GIT-ite

74. Gizrites

Meaning: “Dwellers in a barren region”

Pronunciation: GIZ-rites

75. Goah

Meaning: “To bellow”

Pronunciation: GOH-uh

76. Golan

Meaning: “Their captivity” or “their rejoicing”

Pronunciation: GOH-lan

77. Guni

Meaning: “Protected”

Pronunciation: GOO-ny

78. Gunites

Meaning: “Descendants of Guni”

Pronunciation: GOO-nites

79. Gur-baal

Meaning: “Dwelling of Baal”

Pronunciation: gur-BAY-uhl

80. Gershon

Meaning: “Exile”

Pronunciation: GUR-shon

Greek Names for Boys that Start with G


81. Georgios

Meaning: “Farmer” or “earth-worker”

Pronunciation: yohr-YOS

82. Grigorios

Meaning: “Watchful” or “alert”

Pronunciation: gree-GO-ree-os

83. Gerasimos

Meaning: “Honored elder”

Pronunciation: ye-RA-see-mos

84. Giannis

Meaning: “God is gracious”

Pronunciation: YA-nees

85. Gavriil

Meaning: “God is my strength”

Pronunciation: ga-vree-EEL

86. Galaktion

Meaning: “Milky”

Pronunciation: ga-lak-tee-ON

87. Gennadios

Meaning: “Noble” or “generous”

Pronunciation: ye-NA-dee-os

88. Giorgos

Meaning: “Farmer” (variant of Georgios)

Pronunciation: YOHR-gos

89. Glykon

Meaning: “Sweet”

Pronunciation: GLEE-kon

90. Graikos

Meaning: “Greek”

Pronunciation: GRAI-kos

91. Galenos

Meaning: “Calm”

Pronunciation: ga-LE-nos

92. Gelasios

Meaning: “Laughing”

Pronunciation: ye-LA-see-os

93. Germanos

Meaning: “Brother”

Pronunciation: yer-ma-NOS

94. Gesthimani

Meaning: “Oil press” (from Gethsemane)

Pronunciation: ye-sthi-MA-nee

95. Glafkos

Meaning: “Owl”

Pronunciation: GLAF-kos

96. Grigoris

Meaning: “Watchful” (variant of Grigorios)

Pronunciation: gree-GO-rees

97. Gavril

Meaning: “God is my strength” (variant of Gavriil)

Pronunciation: ga-VREEL

98. Georginas

Meaning: “Little farmer”

Pronunciation: ye-or-YEE-nas

99. Gymnasios

Meaning: “Athletic”

Pronunciation: yim-NA-see-os

100. Gorgias

Meaning: “Terrible” or “fierce”

Pronunciation: GOR-yee-as

101. Gelon

Meaning: “Laughing”

Pronunciation: YE-lon

102. Gephyrios

Meaning: “Of the bridge”

Pronunciation: ye-FEE-ree-os

103. Gorgos

Meaning: “Swift”

Pronunciation: GOR-gos

104. Gylippos

Meaning: “Shield-bearer”

Pronunciation: YEE-li-pos

105. Gordios

Meaning: “From Gordium”

Pronunciation: GOR-dee-os

106. Georgakis

Meaning: “Little George”

Pronunciation: ye-or-GA-kis

107. Gerasimakis

Meaning: “Little Gerasimos”

Pronunciation: ye-ra-si-MA-kis

108. Giannakis

Meaning: “Little John”

Pronunciation: ya-NA-kis

109. Glaukias

Meaning: “Bluish-gray”

Pronunciation: GLAF-kee-as

110. Glycon

Meaning: “Sweet” (variant of Glykon)

Pronunciation: GLEE-kon

111. Gregoris

Meaning: “Watchful” (variant of Grigorios)

Pronunciation: gre-GO-ris

112. Galanis

Meaning: “Calm” or “tranquil”

Pronunciation: ga-LA-nis

113. Gikas

Meaning: “Little Gregory”

Pronunciation: YEE-kas

114. Gavalas

Meaning: “Drummer”

Pronunciation: ga-VA-las

115. Gouras

Meaning: “Swift”

Pronunciation: GOO-ras

116. Gavalas

Meaning: “Drummer”

Pronunciation: ga-VA-las

117. Grigorakis

Meaning: “Little Gregory”

Pronunciation: gree-go-RA-kis

118. Grivas

Meaning: “Gray-haired”

Pronunciation: GREE-vas

119. Gerontios

Meaning: “Old man”

Pronunciation: ye-RON-tee-os

120. Gaitanos

Meaning: “Cheerful”

Pronunciation: gai-TA-nos

Latin Names for Boys that Start with G


121. Gabriel

Meaning: “God is my strength”

Pronunciation: GAY-bree-el

122. Gaetano

Meaning: “From Gaeta” (an Italian town)

Pronunciation: guy-TAH-noh

123. Gage

Meaning: “Pledge” or “oath”

Pronunciation: GAYJ

124. Gaius

Meaning: “To rejoice”

Pronunciation: GUY-us

125. Gallus

Meaning: “From Gaul” or “rooster”

Pronunciation: GAL-us

126. Gareth

Meaning: “Gentle”

Pronunciation: GAR-eth

127. Garrick

Meaning: “Spear ruler”

Pronunciation: GAR-ik

128. Gaspar

Meaning: “Treasure bearer”

Pronunciation: GAS-par

129. Gaston

Meaning: “From Gascony” (a region in France)

Pronunciation: GAS-ton

130. Gavin

Meaning: “White hawk”

Pronunciation: GAV-in

131. Gellert

Meaning: “Brave with the spear”

Pronunciation: GEL-ert

132. Geminus

Meaning: “Twin”

Pronunciation: JEM-in-us

133. Gennaro

Meaning: “January”

Pronunciation: jen-NAH-roh

134. George

Meaning: “Farmer”

Pronunciation: JORJ

135. Gerald

Meaning: “Rule of the spear”

Pronunciation: JER-ald

136. Geraldo

Meaning: “Spear ruler”

Pronunciation: jer-AL-doh

137. Gerard

Meaning: “Brave spear”

Pronunciation: juh-RARD

138. Germain

Meaning: “German”

Pronunciation: jer-MAYN

139. Gian

Meaning: “God is gracious”

Pronunciation: JAHN

140. Giancarlo

Meaning: “God is gracious” + “manly”

Pronunciation: jahn-KAR-loh

141. Gianni

Meaning: “God is gracious”

Pronunciation: JAHN-nee

142. Gideon

Meaning: “Feller” or “hewer”

Pronunciation: GID-ee-un

143. Gilbert

Meaning: “Bright pledge”

Pronunciation: GIL-burt

144. Gilberto

Meaning: “Bright pledge”

Pronunciation: gil-BER-toh

145. Gino

Meaning: “Well-born” or “noble”

Pronunciation: JEE-noh

146. Giorgio

Meaning: “Farmer”

Pronunciation: JOR-joh

147. Giovanni

Meaning: “God is gracious”

Pronunciation: joh-VAH-nee

148. Giuliano

Meaning: “Youthful”

Pronunciation: joo-lee-AH-noh

149. Giulio

Meaning: “Youthful”

Pronunciation: JOO-lee-oh

150. Giuseppe

Meaning: “God will add”

Pronunciation: joo-SEP-pay

151. Gordian

Meaning: “From Gordia”

Pronunciation: GOR-dee-un

152. Graciano

Meaning: “Gracious”

Pronunciation: grah-see-AH-noh

153. Gratus

Meaning: “Agreeable” or “thankful”

Pronunciation: GRAH-tus

154. Gregorio

Meaning: “Watchful” or “alert”

Pronunciation: greh-GOR-ee-oh

155. Gregory

Meaning: “Watchful” or “alert”

Pronunciation: GREG-uh-ree

156. Guido

Meaning: “Guide”

Pronunciation: GWEE-doh

157. Guilherme

Meaning: “Resolute protection”

Pronunciation: geel-YER-mee

158. Guillermo

Meaning: “Resolute protection”

Pronunciation: gee-YER-moh

159. Gunther

Meaning: “Battle warrior”

Pronunciation: GUN-ther

160. Gustavo

Meaning: “Staff of the Goths”

Pronunciation: goo-STAH-voh

Irish Names for Boys that Start with G


161. Gael

Meaning: “Irish”

Pronunciation: GAYL

162. Gannon

Meaning: “Fair-skinned”

Pronunciation: GAN-un

163. Gareth

Meaning: “Gentle”

Pronunciation: GAR-eth

164. Garvan

Meaning: “Little rough one”

Pronunciation: GAR-van

165. Gearoid

Meaning: “Brave spearman”

Pronunciation: GER-ohd

166. Gerrard

Meaning: “Brave spear”

Pronunciation: juh-RAHRD

167. Gilroy

Meaning: “Son of the red-haired servant”

Pronunciation: GIL-roy

168. Glynn

Meaning: “From the valley”

Pronunciation: GLIN

169. Godfrey

Meaning: “God’s peace”

Pronunciation: GOD-free

170. Grady

Meaning: “Noble”

Pronunciation: GRAY-dee

171. Graham

Meaning: “Gravelly homestead”

Pronunciation: GRAY-um

172. Griffin

Meaning: “Strong lord”

Pronunciation: GRIF-in

173. Guaire

Meaning: “Noble”

Pronunciation: GOO-uh-ruh

174. Gallagher

Meaning: “Foreign helper”

Pronunciation: GAL-uh-her

175. Gavin

Meaning: “White hawk”

Pronunciation: GAV-in

176. Gearalt

Meaning: “Rule of the spear”

Pronunciation: GER-alt

177. Gerry

Meaning: “Spear ruler”

Pronunciation: GER-ee

178. Giolla

Meaning: “Servant”

Pronunciation: GIL-uh

179. Gorman

Meaning: “Little blue one”

Pronunciation: GOR-man

180. Gráinne

Meaning: “Grain” or “Corn”

Pronunciation: GRAWN-yuh

181. Griffen

Meaning: “Strong lord”

Pronunciation: GRIF-in

182. Gus

Meaning: “Strength”

Pronunciation: GUS

183. Guthrie

Meaning: “Windy place”

Pronunciation: GUTH-ree

184. Galvin

Meaning: “Sparrow”

Pronunciation: GAL-vin

185. Ger

Meaning: “Spear”

Pronunciation: GER

186. Giles

Meaning: “Shield”

Pronunciation: JYLZ

187. Glenn

Meaning: “Valley”

Pronunciation: GLEN

188. Gordy

Meaning: “Hero”

Pronunciation: GOR-dee

189. Grant

Meaning: “Great”

Pronunciation: GRANT

190. Greagoir

Meaning: “Watchful” or “Alert”

Pronunciation: GREG-or

191. Griogair

Meaning: “Vigilant”

Pronunciation: GRIG-er

192. Gull

Meaning: “Foreign”

Pronunciation: GUL

193. Garbhan

Meaning: “Little rough one”

Pronunciation: GAR-van

194. Gawain

Meaning: “White hawk of battle”

Pronunciation: GA-wain

195. Gearalt

Meaning: “Spear ruler”

Pronunciation: GER-alt

196. Gillebert

Meaning: “Bright pledge”

Pronunciation: GIL-uh-bert

197. Gillespie

Meaning: “Servant of the bishop”

Pronunciation: gi-LES-pee

198. Gillian

Meaning: “Servant of St. John”

Pronunciation: GIL-ee-an

199. Goban

Meaning: “Smith”

Pronunciation: GO-ban

200. Goran

Meaning: “Mountain man”

Pronunciation: GOR-an

Scottish Names for Boys that Start with G


201. Gabhan

Meaning: “Little pale one”

Pronunciation: GAV-an

202. Gael

Meaning: “Gaelic speaker”

Pronunciation: GAYL

203. Gair

Meaning: “Short”

Pronunciation: GAIR

204. Gairn

Meaning: “Cry, shout”

Pronunciation: GAIRN

205. Galan

Meaning: “Calm”

Pronunciation: GAL-an

206. Galbraith

Meaning: “Foreign Briton”

Pronunciation: gal-BRAYTH

207. Galloway

Meaning: “From Galloway” (place name)

Pronunciation: GAL-oh-way

208. Garaidh

Meaning: “Spear carrier”

Pronunciation: GAR-ee

209. Gareth

Meaning: “Gentle”

Pronunciation: GAR-eth

210. Garnet

Meaning: “Pomegranate”

Pronunciation: GAR-net

211. Garnock

Meaning: “Rough one”

Pronunciation: GAR-nok

212. Garrick

Meaning: “Spear ruler”

Pronunciation: GAR-ik

213. Garth

Meaning: “Garden enclosure”

Pronunciation: GARTH

214. Garvie

Meaning: “Rough”

Pronunciation: GAR-vee

215. Gavin

Meaning: “White hawk”

Pronunciation: GAV-in

216. Geddes

Meaning: “Pike”

Pronunciation: GED-es

217. Geordie

Meaning: “Farmer”

Pronunciation: JOR-dee

218. Ghillie

Meaning: “Servant”

Pronunciation: GIL-ee

219. Gibb

Meaning: “Bright pledge”

Pronunciation: GIB

220. Gibbon

Meaning: “Gilbert’s son”

Pronunciation: GIB-un

221. Gibson

Meaning: “Son of Gilbert”

Pronunciation: GIB-sun

222. Gilbert

Meaning: “Bright pledge”

Pronunciation: GIL-bert

223. Gilchrist

Meaning: “Servant of Christ”

Pronunciation: gil-KRIST

224. Giles

Meaning: “Shield”

Pronunciation: JYLZ

225. Gilleasbuig

Meaning: “Servant of the bishop”

Pronunciation: gil-ES-pig

226. Gillies

Meaning: “Servant of Jesus”

Pronunciation: GIL-eez

227. Gilroy

Meaning: “Son of the red-haired servant”

Pronunciation: gil-ROY

228. Glas

Meaning: “Grey”

Pronunciation: GLAS

229. Glasgow

Meaning: “Dear green place”

Pronunciation: GLAZ-goh

230. Glen

Meaning: “Valley”

Pronunciation: GLEN

231. Glennie

Meaning: “From the valley”

Pronunciation: GLEN-ee

232. Godfrey

Meaning: “God’s peace”

Pronunciation: GOD-free

233. Godwin

Meaning: “God friend”

Pronunciation: GOD-win

234. Gordon

Meaning: “Great hill”

Pronunciation: GOR-dun

235. Goraidh

Meaning: “Watchful”

Pronunciation: GOR-ee

236. Govan

Meaning: “Smith”

Pronunciation: GOV-an

237. Gow

Meaning: “Smith”

Pronunciation: GOW

238. Graham

Meaning: “Gravelly homestead”

Pronunciation: GRAY-um

239. Grant

Meaning: “Great”

Pronunciation: GRANT

240. Gregor

Meaning: “Watchful”

Pronunciation: GREG-or

French Names for Boys that Start with G


241. Gabriel

Meaning: “God is my strength”

Pronunciation: ga-bree-EL

242. Gaston

Meaning: “Guest” or “stranger”

Pronunciation: gas-TOHN

243. Gérard

Meaning: “Brave spearman”

Pronunciation: zhay-RAR

244. Guillaume

Meaning: “Resolute protection”

Pronunciation: gee-YOHM

245. Gustave

Meaning: “Staff of the Goths”

Pronunciation: goos-TAV

246. Gaël

Meaning: “Generous”

Pronunciation: ga-EL

247. Grégoire

Meaning: “Watchful” or “alert”

Pronunciation: grey-GWAR

248. Gaspard

Meaning: “Treasure bearer”

Pronunciation: gas-PAR

249. Guy

Meaning: “Guide” or “leader”

Pronunciation: gee

250. Gilles

Meaning: “Shield bearer”

Pronunciation: zheel

251. Gabin

Meaning: “Of the people of Gabii”

Pronunciation: ga-BAN

252. Georges

Meaning: “Farmer”

Pronunciation: zhorzh

253. Geoffroy

Meaning: “Peaceful territory”

Pronunciation: zhoh-FRWAH

254. Gervais

Meaning: “Spear servant”

Pronunciation: zher-VAY

255. Ghislain

Meaning: “Pledge”

Pronunciation: gees-LAN

256. Gilbert

Meaning: “Bright pledge”

Pronunciation: zheel-BEHR

257. Gontran

Meaning: “War raven”

Pronunciation: gohn-TRAHN

258. Gatien

Meaning: “From Gad”

Pronunciation: ga-TYAN

259. Gwenaël

Meaning: “Blessed and generous”

Pronunciation: gwen-ah-EL

260. Germain

Meaning: “Brother”

Pronunciation: zher-MAN

261. Gautier

Meaning: “Army ruler”

Pronunciation: go-TYAY

262. Guénolé

Meaning: “White” or “fair”

Pronunciation: gay-no-LAY

263. Guilhem

Meaning: “Resolute protection”

Pronunciation: gee-LEM

264. Gonzague

Meaning: “Battle”

Pronunciation: gohn-ZAG

265. Goulven

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: gool-VEN

266. Grégory

Meaning: “Watchful” or “alert”

Pronunciation: grey-go-REE

267. Guirec

Meaning: “Energetic”

Pronunciation: gee-REK

268. Godefroy

Meaning: “God’s peace”

Pronunciation: god-FRWAH

269. Gérald

Meaning: “Rule of the spear”

Pronunciation: zhay-RALD

270. Gildas

Meaning: “Servant of God”

Pronunciation: zheel-DAS

271. Gauthier

Meaning: “Army ruler”

Pronunciation: go-TYAY

272. Gwenaël

Meaning: “Blessed and generous”

Pronunciation: gwen-ah-EL

273. Guylain

Meaning: “Little pledge”

Pronunciation: gee-LAN

274. Geoffroi

Meaning: “Peaceful territory”

Pronunciation: zhoh-FRWAH

275. Guilhaume

Meaning: “Resolute protection”

Pronunciation: gee-YOHM

276. Gwendal

Meaning: “White” or “fair”

Pronunciation: gwen-DAL

277. Gédéon

Meaning: “Feller” or “hewer”

Pronunciation: zhay-day-OHN

278. Galaad

Meaning: “Witness heap”

Pronunciation: ga-LA-ad

279. Géraud

Meaning: “Rule of the spear”

Pronunciation: zhay-RO

280. Garance

Meaning: “Madder” (a plant used for red dye)

Pronunciation: ga-RAHNS

German Names for Boys that Start with G


281. Gabriel

Meaning: “God is my strength”

Pronunciation: GAH-bree-el

282. Georg

Meaning: “Farmer”

Pronunciation: GAY-ork

283. Gerhard

Meaning: “Brave spear”

Pronunciation: GAIR-hart

284. Gernot

Meaning: “Spear of strength”

Pronunciation: GAIR-noht

285. Gert

Meaning: “Bold spear”

Pronunciation: GAIRT

286. Gerwin

Meaning: “Spear friend”

Pronunciation: GAIR-vin

287. Gilbert

Meaning: “Bright pledge”

Pronunciation: GIL-bert

288. Gisbert

Meaning: “Bright pledge”

Pronunciation: GIS-bert

289. Gottfried

Meaning: “God’s peace”

Pronunciation: GOT-freed

290. Gotthard

Meaning: “God’s strength”

Pronunciation: GOT-hart

291. Gottlieb

Meaning: “God’s love”

Pronunciation: GOT-leeb

292. Gregor

Meaning: “Watchful, alert”

Pronunciation: GRAY-gor

293. Guido

Meaning: “Wood”

Pronunciation: GHEE-doh

294. Gunnar

Meaning: “Bold warrior”

Pronunciation: GUN-nar

295. Gunter

Meaning: “War of the Goths”

Pronunciation: GUN-ter

296. Gustav

Meaning: “Staff of the Goths”

Pronunciation: GUS-tahf

297. Götz

Meaning: “From Gotha”

Pronunciation: GERTS

298. Günther

Meaning: “War of the Goths”

Pronunciation: GUN-ter

299. Gaspard

Meaning: “Treasurer”

Pronunciation: gas-PAR

300. Gebhard

Meaning: “Generous”

Pronunciation: GEB-hart

301. Gero

Meaning: “Spear”

Pronunciation: GAY-roh

302. Gideon

Meaning: “Feller, hewer”

Pronunciation: GID-ee-uhn

303. Gisbert

Meaning: “Bright pledge”

Pronunciation: GIS-bert

304. Göran

Meaning: “Farmer”

Pronunciation: YUR-an

305. Goswin

Meaning: “God’s friend”

Pronunciation: GOS-vin

306. Gotthilf

Meaning: “God’s help”

Pronunciation: GOT-hilf

307. Gotthold

Meaning: “God’s rule”

Pronunciation: GOT-holt

308. Gottschalk

Meaning: “God’s servant”

Pronunciation: GOT-shalk

309. Guntram

Meaning: “War raven”

Pronunciation: GUN-tram

310. Gerd

Meaning: “Brave spear”

Pronunciation: GAIRT

311. Gerolf

Meaning: “Spear wolf”

Pronunciation: GAY-rolf

312. Gismund

Meaning: “Bright protection”

Pronunciation: GIS-mund

313. Giselher

Meaning: “Bright army”

Pronunciation: GEE-zel-hair

314. Gösta

Meaning: “Staff of the Goths”

Pronunciation: YUS-ta

315. Gottwald

Meaning: “God’s rule”

Pronunciation: GOT-valt

316. Gundobad

Meaning: “War battle”

Pronunciation: GUN-doh-bad

317. Gunthard

Meaning: “Strong in battle”

Pronunciation: GUNT-hart

318. Guntmar

Meaning: “War famous”

Pronunciation: GUNT-mar

319. Götz

Meaning: “From Gotha”

Pronunciation: GERTS

320. Günter

Meaning: “War of the Goths”

Pronunciation: GUN-ter

Spanish Names for Boys that Start with G


321. Gabriel

Meaning: “God is my strength”

Pronunciation: gah-bree-EL

322. Gustavo

Meaning: “Staff of the Goths”

Pronunciation: goos-TAH-voh

323. Gonzalo

Meaning: “Battle”

Pronunciation: gon-SAH-loh

324. Guillermo

Meaning: “Resolute protection”

Pronunciation: gee-YER-moh

325. Gerardo

Meaning: “Brave spear”

Pronunciation: heh-RAR-doh

326. Gregorio

Meaning: “Watchful, alert”

Pronunciation: greh-GO-ryoh

327. Genaro

Meaning: “January”

Pronunciation: heh-NA-roh

328. Gaspar

Meaning: “Treasurer”

Pronunciation: gas-PAR

329. Gilberto

Meaning: “Bright pledge”

Pronunciation: heel-BER-toh

330. Gael

Meaning: “Generous”

Pronunciation: gah-EL

331. Galo

Meaning: “Rooster”

Pronunciation: GAH-loh

332. Guido

Meaning: “Wood”

Pronunciation: GEE-doh

333. Germán

Meaning: “Brother”

Pronunciation: her-MAN

334. Gino

Meaning: “Well-born”

Pronunciation: HEE-noh

335. Galileo

Meaning: “From Galilee”

Pronunciation: gah-lee-LEH-oh

336. Graco

Meaning: “Greek”

Pronunciation: GRAH-koh

337. Gaudencio

Meaning: “Joyful”

Pronunciation: gow-DEN-syoh

338. Gianfranco

Meaning: “God is gracious and free”

Pronunciation: jahn-FRAN-koh

339. Graciano

Meaning: “Graceful”

Pronunciation: grah-SYAH-noh

340. Guadalupe

Meaning: “River of the wolf”

Pronunciation: gwah-dah-LOO-peh

341. Galeno

Meaning: “Healer”

Pronunciation: gah-LEH-noh

342. Gumersindo

Meaning: “Bold warrior”

Pronunciation: goo-mer-SEEN-doh

343. Godofredo

Meaning: “God’s peace”

Pronunciation: go-doh-FREH-doh

344. Gerónimo

Meaning: “Sacred name”

Pronunciation: heh-RO-nee-moh

345. Gelasio

Meaning: “Laughing”

Pronunciation: heh-LAH-syoh

346. Gabino

Meaning: “From Gabii”

Pronunciation: gah-BEE-noh

347. Gervacio

Meaning: “Spear servant”

Pronunciation: her-VAH-syoh

348. Giancarlo

Meaning: “God is gracious and manly”

Pronunciation: jahn-KAR-loh

349. Gualberto

Meaning: “Bright wall”

Pronunciation: gwal-BER-toh

350. Gildardo

Meaning: “Servant of the shield”

Pronunciation: heel-DAR-doh

351. Gaspar

Meaning: “Treasurer”

Pronunciation: gas-PAR

352. Germinal

Meaning: “Springtime”

Pronunciation: her-mee-NAL

353. Genio

Meaning: “Genius”

Pronunciation: HEH-nyoh

354. Glauco

Meaning: “Bluish-green”

Pronunciation: GLOW-koh

355. Graciliano

Meaning: “Slender”

Pronunciation: grah-see-lee-AH-noh

356. Gunther

Meaning: “Battle warrior”

Pronunciation: GOON-ter

357. Gaudioso

Meaning: “Joyful”

Pronunciation: gow-dyoh-SO

358. Galdino

Meaning: “From the forest”

Pronunciation: gal-DEE-noh

359. Gedeón

Meaning: “Feller, hewer”

Pronunciation: heh-deh-ON

360. Gaudencio

Meaning: “Rejoicing”

Pronunciation: gow-DEN-syoh

Italian Names for Boys that Start with G


361. Giovanni

Meaning: “God is gracious”

Pronunciation: joh-VAH-nee

362. Giuseppe

Meaning: “God will add”

Pronunciation: joo-ZEP-peh

363. Gabriele

Meaning: “God is my strength”

Pronunciation: gah-bree-EH-leh

364. Gianni

Meaning: “God is gracious”

Pronunciation: JAH-nee

365. Gino

Meaning: “Well-born”

Pronunciation: JEE-noh

366. Guido

Meaning: “Guide”

Pronunciation: GWEE-doh

367. Giacomo

Meaning: “Supplanter”

Pronunciation: JAH-koh-moh

368. Giancarlo

Meaning: “God is gracious” and “manly”

Pronunciation: jahn-KAR-loh

369. Gianfranco

Meaning: “God is gracious” and “free”

Pronunciation: jahn-FRAN-koh

370. Giulio

Meaning: “Youthful”

Pronunciation: JOO-lyoh

371. Giorgio

Meaning: “Farmer”

Pronunciation: JOR-joh

372. Giordano

Meaning: “Flowing down”

Pronunciation: jor-DAH-noh

373. Gianluigi

Meaning: “God is gracious” and “famous warrior”

Pronunciation: jahn-loo-EE-jee

374. Gennaro

Meaning: “January”

Pronunciation: jen-NAH-roh

375. Gaetano

Meaning: “From Gaeta”

Pronunciation: gah-eh-TAH-noh

376. Girolamo

Meaning: “Sacred name”

Pronunciation: jee-ROH-lah-moh

377. Gianluca

Meaning: “God is gracious” and “bringer of light”

Pronunciation: jahn-LOO-kah

378. Graziano

Meaning: “Graceful”

Pronunciation: grah-tsee-AH-noh

379. Gianmarco

Meaning: “God is gracious” and “warlike”

Pronunciation: jahn-MAR-koh

380. Gianpaolo

Meaning: “God is gracious” and “small”

Pronunciation: jahn-PAH-oh-loh

381. Guglielmo

Meaning: “Resolute protection”

Pronunciation: goo-LYEL-moh

382. Gerardo

Meaning: “Brave spear”

Pronunciation: jeh-RAR-doh

383. Gustavo

Meaning: “Staff of the Goths”

Pronunciation: goo-STAH-voh

384. Gioacchino

Meaning: “God has established”

Pronunciation: joh-ah-KEE-noh

385. Gianantonio

Meaning: “God is gracious” and “priceless”

Pronunciation: jahn-an-TOH-nyoh

386. Gaspare

Meaning: “Treasure bearer”

Pronunciation: GAH-spah-reh

387. Gregorio

Meaning: “Watchful” or “alert”

Pronunciation: greh-GOH-ryoh

388. Giosuè

Meaning: “Jehovah is salvation”

Pronunciation: joh-soo-EH

389. Gianmaria

Meaning: “God is gracious” and “bitter”

Pronunciation: jahn-mah-REE-ah

390. Gianpiero

Meaning: “God is gracious” and “rock”

Pronunciation: jahn-PYEH-roh

391. Gilberto

Meaning: “Bright pledge”

Pronunciation: jeel-BER-toh

392. Giuliano

Meaning: “Youthful”

Pronunciation: joo-LYAH-noh

393. Goffredo

Meaning: “God’s peace”

Pronunciation: goh-FREH-doh

394. Gianfrancesco

Meaning: “God is gracious” and “from France”

Pronunciation: jahn-fran-CHES-koh

395. Gaudenzio

Meaning: “Rejoicing”

Pronunciation: gow-DEN-tsyoh

396. Gianclaudio

Meaning: “God is gracious” and “lame”

Pronunciation: jahn-KLOW-dyoh

397. Gianfilippo

Meaning: “God is gracious” and “lover of horses”

Pronunciation: jahn-fee-LEEP-poh

398. Gesualdo

Meaning: “Brave ruler”

Pronunciation: jeh-soo-AL-doh

399. Gianmatteo

Meaning: “God is gracious” and “gift of God”

Pronunciation: jahn-mah-TEH-oh

400. Gianvito

Meaning: “God is gracious” and “life”

Pronunciation: jahn-VEE-toh

Wrapping Up

Boy names start with G come in all styles: strong, classic, unique, and even a little mysterious. From Gabriel to Gunner, each name has its own meaning and history.

Some names sound powerful, like Gideon, while others have a soft charm, like Gilbert.

Whether the goal is to find a name that stands out or one that feels timeless, this list offers plenty of choices.

With names from different cultures and backgrounds, there’s something for everyone. Some names have biblical roots, some are inspired by nature, and others have historical significance.

No matter the preference, these names all share one thing—they start with G and carry a sense of character.

Finding the perfect name can be exciting, and with so many great options, choosing the right one just got easier!

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