25 List of Weapons Used in Defense and Attack in Present Times

List of Weapons

Modern weapons come in many forms, from small guns to big machines used in war.

This list looks at 25 different types of weapons used today. Each one has a special job in fighting or keeping people safe.

As we talk about these weapons, it’s important to remember that they are serious tools with big effects on people’s lives.

We’ll learn what these weapons can do and how they’re used without saying whether they’re good or bad.

This information helps us understand the tools used in conflicts and defense today.

List of Modern Weapons Around the World

1. Assault Rifle (e.g., M4A1 Carbine)


The assault rifle, like the M4A1 Carbine, is a key gun for soldiers.

It can fire many bullets quickly and hit targets far away. Soldiers use these guns in close fights and when the enemy is farther away.

These rifles can be changed to fit different needs.

Soldiers can add scopes to see far away or lights for night fighting.

  • Bullet size: Usually 5.56×45mm NATO
  • How far it shoots: Up to about 500 meters
  • Ways to fire: One shot at a time or many shots quickly
  • What’s special: Light to carry, can be changed easily, shoots fast

2. Sniper Rifle (e.g., Barrett M82)


Sniper rifles, like the Barrett M82, are for shooting very far away.

They help hit targets that are hard to reach. These guns are big and need special training to use well.

Snipers use these rifles to hit important targets from safe places.

They often work with a teammate who helps them spot targets and judge distance.

  • Bullet size: Often very big, like .50 caliber
  • How far it shoots: It can be over 1,000 meters
  • Ways to fire: Usually one shot at a time
  • What’s special: Very accurate, powerful scope for seeing far

3. Submachine Gun (e.g., Heckler & Koch MP5)


Submachine guns, such as the MP5, are small guns that shoot pistol bullets very fast.

They’re good for close fighting, like inside buildings.

Police and special forces often use these guns.

They’re easy to carry and control when shooting.

  • Bullet size: Usually 9mm
  • How far it shoots: Best under 200 meters
  • Ways to fire: Can shoot one bullet or many quickly
  • What’s special: Small size, easy to use in tight spaces

4. Pistol (e.g., Glock 17)


Pistols, like the Glock 17, are small guns that people can carry easily.

Police, soldiers, and some people for protection use them.

These guns are good for close-up use.

They don’t shoot as far as bigger guns but are easy to carry and use quickly.

  • Bullet size: Often 9mm
  • How far it shoots: Best under 50 meters
  • Ways to fire: Usually one shot at a time
  • What’s special: Easy to carry, quick to use

5. Shotgun (e.g., Benelli M4)


Shotguns, such as the Benelli M4, shoot many small balls at once, making them very strong in close fights.

Soldiers, police, and some people for home defense use these guns.

They’re very powerful at close range but don’t shoot far.

  • Bullet size: Uses shells with many small balls
  • How far it shoots: Most effective under 50 meters
  • Ways to fire: Can shoot one or several times quickly
  • What’s special: Very powerful close-up, can hit moving targets easily

6. Grenade Launcher (e.g., M203)


Grenade launchers, like the M203, are weapons that shoot explosive rounds farther than a person can throw.

They’re often attached to rifles, giving soldiers extra firepower.

These launchers can shoot different grenades, including explosive, smoke, and flare rounds.

They’re useful for hitting enemies behind cover or in buildings.

  • Grenade size: Usually 40mm
  • How far it shoots: It can reach 150-400 meters
  • Ways to fire: One shot at a time, needs reloading after each shot
  • What’s special: Adds explosive power to a regular rifle, can use different types of grenades

7. Rocket-Propelled Grenade (e.G., Rpg-7)


Rocket-propelled grenades, like the RPG-7, are shoulder-fired weapons that shoot rocket-assisted projectiles.

They’re mainly used against vehicles and buildings.

These weapons are simple to use but very powerful.

They can destroy tanks and other armored vehicles.

Many groups use them because they’re easy to get and work well.

  • Rocket size: Varies, often around 40mm for the warhead
  • How far it shoots: Effective up to 200 meters, it can travel farther
  • Ways to fire: Single shot, reloaded after each use
  • What’s special: Very powerful against vehicles, easy to carry and use

8. Anti-Tank Guided Missile (e.g., Javelin)


Anti-tank-guided missiles like the Javelin are advanced weapons designed to destroy tanks and other armored vehicles.

They use guidance systems to hit their targets accurately.

One or two people can fire these missiles.

They’re very good at hitting moving targets and can attack from above, where tanks have less armor.

  • Missile size: Large, often over 1 meter long
  • How far it shoots: It can hit targets several kilometers away
  • Ways to fire: Guided to target after launch
  • What’s special: Can destroy most armored vehicles, very accurate

9. Hand Grenade (e.g., M67 Fragmentation Grenade)


Hand grenades, like the M67, are small explosive devices that soldiers throw by hand. They’re used to clear rooms, trenches, and other close areas.

These grenades explode and send out many small pieces of metal.

They’re also dangerous to the user, so soldiers must be careful and well-trained to use them.

  • Size: Small enough to hold in one hand
  • How far it’s thrown: Typically 30-40 meters
  • How it works: Pull pin, throw, explodes after a few seconds
  • What’s special: Can hurt enemies behind cover, useful in close fights

10. Machine Gun (e.g., M2 Browning)


Machine guns, such as the M2 Browning, are large guns that can fire many bullets very quickly for a long time.

They’re often mounted on vehicles or used from fixed positions.

These guns can keep firing for much longer than regular rifles.

They’re used to defend areas, support other soldiers, and attack large groups of enemies.

  • Bullet size: Often large, like .50 caliber for the M2
  • How far it shoots: Can be effective over 1,000 meters
  • Ways to fire: Fires very fast, can shoot hundreds of bullets per minute
  • What’s special: Can fire for a long time without stopping, very powerful

11. Howitzer (e.g., M777)


Howitzers, like the M777, are large artillery guns that shoot big shells over long distances.

They’re used to hit targets far away that soldiers can’t see directly.

These guns are often towed behind vehicles or fixed in position. They can fire different types of shells, including high-explosive and smoke rounds.

Howitzers support ground troops by hitting enemy positions and defenses from far away.

  • Shell size: Usually 155mm for modern howitzers
  • How far it shoots: Can hit targets over 20 kilometers away
  • Ways to fire: Can shoot quickly for short periods or slower for longer times
  • What’s special: Can hit targets behind hills or buildings, very powerful impact

12. Mortar (e.g., M252 Mortar)


Mortars, such as the M252, are simple but effective weapons that fire shells high into the air to drop on targets.

They’re lighter than howitzers and can be carried by soldiers.

These weapons are good for quick support in battle.

They can hit enemies hiding behind walls or in trenches.

Mortars are easy to set up and move, making them useful for troops that need to move often.

  • Shell size: Varies, often 60mm, 81mm, or 120mm
  • How far it shoots: It can reach several kilometers
  • Ways to fire: Drops shells into a tube, fires when shell hits bottom
  • What’s special: Can be set up quickly, good for hitting targets behind cover

13. Combat Drone (e.g., MQ-9 Reaper)


Combat drones, like the MQ-9 Reaper, are flying machines that don’t need a pilot inside.

They can be controlled from far away and stay in the air for long.

These drones can carry cameras to watch areas and weapons to attack targets.

They’re used to find enemies, watch important places, and sometimes attack without risking a pilot’s life.

  • Size: Often as big as a small plane
  • How long it flies: Can stay in the air for over 24 hours
  • What it carries: Cameras, sensors, and sometimes missiles or bombs
  • What’s special: Can watch or attack without putting pilots in danger

14. Attack Helicopter (e.g., AH-64 Apache)


Attack helicopters, such as the AH-64 Apache, are flying weapons designed to support ground troops and destroy enemy vehicles.

They can fly low and slow, making them good at finding and attacking targets.

These helicopters carry many weapons, including guns, rockets, and missiles.

They’re fast, can hide behind hills, and use advanced systems to find targets day or night.

  • Weapons: Usually a main gun, rockets, and anti-tank missiles
  • How it’s used: Supports ground troops, attacks enemy vehicles and positions
  • Special features: Night vision, radar systems, armored against small arms fire
  • What’s special: Can attack quickly and leave, very effective against ground targets

15. Fighter Jet (e.g., F-35 Lightning II)


Fighter jets, like the F-35 Lightning II, are fast, agile planes used for air-to-air combat and attacking ground targets.

They’re a key part of any modern air force.

These planes use advanced technology to fly fast, avoid being seen by radar, and hit targets accurately.

They can carry different weapons for different jobs, from shooting down other planes to bombing ground targets.

  • Speed: Can fly faster than the speed of sound
  • Weapons: Carries guns, missiles, and bombs
  • Special features: Radar systems, stealth technology to avoid detection
  • What’s special: Can perform many different types of missions, very fast and hard to shoot down

16. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)


Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, or UAVs, are a broad category of flying machines that don’t have a pilot inside.

They range from small, hand-launched devices to large aircraft.

UAVs are used for many jobs, including watching areas, gathering information, and sometimes carrying weapons.

They can fly for a long time and go to dangerous places without risking human lives.

  • Size: Ranges from as small as a bird to as large as a small plane
  • How they’re used: Surveillance, reconnaissance, sometimes combat
  • Control: Flown remotely by operators on the ground
  • What’s special: Can do dangerous jobs without risking pilot lives, often cheaper than manned aircraft

17. Cruise Missile (e.g., Tomahawk)


Cruise missiles, such as the Tomahawk, are self-guided weapons that fly like small planes.

They can travel long distances to hit specific targets.

These missiles can be launched from ships, submarines, or aircraft. They fly low to avoid being detected and use guidance systems to find their targets.

Cruise missiles are often used to attack important buildings or military sites from far away.

  • Range: Can fly hundreds or thousands of kilometers
  • Guidance: Uses maps, GPS, and sometimes cameras to find targets
  • Warhead: Carries explosives to destroy the target
  • What’s special: Can hit targets very far away with high accuracy

18. Torpedo (e.g., MK 48)


Torpedoes, like the MK 48, are underwater missiles that attack ships and submarines. They are the main weapon for submarines and some surface ships.

These weapons swim through the water using propellers or jet engines.

They can follow ships, listen for engine noise, or use sonar to find targets. Modern torpedoes are very hard for boats to avoid.

  • Size: Often several meters long
  • How it works: Swims underwater, explodes when it hits a ship
  • Guidance: Can follow targets that try to escape
  • What’s special: A main weapon for underwater warfare, very dangerous to ships

19. Naval Gun System (e.g., Phalanx CIWS)


Naval gun systems, such as the Phalanx CIWS (Close-In Weapon System), are automatic guns used on ships for defense.

They’re designed to shoot down missiles or aircraft that get too close.

These systems use radar to find targets and can shoot very fast. They’re the last line of defense for a ship against incoming threats.

Some newer systems use lasers instead of guns.

  • Speed: Can fire thousands of rounds per minute
  • How it works: Automatically detects and shoots at incoming threats
  • Range: Effective at short ranges, usually a few kilometers
  • What’s special: Provides last-minute defense for ships, works automatically

20. Electronic Warfare Systems


Electronic Warfare Systems are devices used to detect, jam, or fool enemy electronic equipment.

They don’t shoot bullets or explosives but attack using radio waves and other signals.

These systems can prevent enemy radios from working, make radars see things that aren’t there or protect friendly forces from detection.

They’re becoming more important as more military equipment relies on electronics.

  • Types: Includes jammers, decoys, and signal detectors
  • How they’re used: To confuse enemy sensors, protect friendly communications
  • Range: Can affect electronic systems from far away
  • What’s special: Can win battles without firing a shot, which is very important in modern warfare

21. Laser Weapon Systems


Laser Weapon Systems are new weapons that use powerful light beams to damage targets.

They’re still being developed but are starting to be used on some ships and vehicles.

These weapons can hit targets at the speed of light and don’t need ammunition like guns.

They can burn holes in drones, boats, or missiles. However, they need a lot of power and can be affected by bad weather.

  • Speed: Beam travels at the speed of light
  • Power source: Needs lots of electricity to work
  • Targets: Good against drones, small boats, and some missiles
  • What’s special: Very accurate, doesn’t need ammunition, can hit targets instantly

22. Cyber Warfare Tools


Cyber Warfare Tools are computer programs and systems that attack or defend digital networks and information.

They’re becoming more important as militaries and countries rely more on computers and the Internet.

These tools can steal information, shut enemy systems, or protect friendly networks.

They don’t cause physical damage like traditional weapons but can affect things like power grids, communication systems, and military equipment.

  • Types: Includes viruses, hacking tools, and defensive software
  • Targets: Computer networks, databases, and digital infrastructure
  • Range: Can affect systems anywhere in the world through the internet
  • What’s special: Can cause major disruptions without physical weapons

23. Taser Gun


Taser guns are less-lethal weapons that use electricity to stop a person temporarily.

Police often use them to subdue suspects without causing lasting harm.

When fired, a Taser shoots two small darts connected to wires.

These darts stick to a person’s skin or clothes, delivering an electric shock that causes muscles to lock up.

This makes it hard for the person to move for a short time.

  • Range: Typically effective up to about 5-10 meters
  • Effect: Causes temporary muscle paralysis
  • Duration: Effects usually last for a few seconds to minutes
  • What’s special: Allows for stopping someone without permanent injury in many cases

24. Tactical Knife


Tactical knives are strong, versatile knives designed for military and police use.

They’re tools first and can also be used as weapons if needed.

These knives are made to be tough and reliable.

They often have features like serrated edges for cutting rope, strong points for piercing, and handles designed for a firm grip.

Soldiers and police officers carry them for various tasks, from cutting through materials to self-defense.

  • Size: Usually have blades between 3 to 7 inches long
  • Materials: Often made from high-quality, durable steels
  • Features: May include glass-breakers, wire-cutters, or other tools
  • What’s special: Versatile tool for many situations, last-resort defensive weapon

25. Ballistic Shield


Ballistic shields are portable, bulletproof barriers used by police and military units for protection.

They’re especially useful in dangerous situations where officers must approach a threat while staying protected.

These shields are made from tough materials that can stop bullets. They often have a small window so the user can see through them.

Some advanced shields include lights or even less-lethal weapon systems built into them.

  • Weight: Can range from 10 to 40 pounds
  • Protection: Can stop handgun and some rifle bullets
  • Size: Usually large enough to protect most of a person’s body
  • What’s special: Provides mobile cover in dangerous situations


Each weapon has a specific purpose and capability, from simple knives to complex laser systems.

Some, like firearms and explosives, are designed to cause direct damage. Others, like electronic warfare systems and cyber tools, work in less visible but equally important ways.

As technology advances, weapons continue to change. New materials, computers, and scientific discoveries produce more powerful and precise weapons.

At the same time, work is ongoing to create weapons that can stop threats with less risk of killing people.

It’s important to remember that while these weapons are designed for protection and military use, they can cause great harm.

The development and use of firearms raise serious ethical questions.

As we learn about these tools, we should consider their impact on people and society.

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