155 Names For Boys & Girls Meaning Death or Demise

Some parents want names with positive meanings like Joy or Hope for their babies.
Others go for more somber name meanings related to death. If you fall in the second group, this list has name ideas for you.
We found 155 boy and girl names that mean things like death, to die, or the end of life.
Some come from mythology and folklore. A few refer to death deities from different cultures. And many just have definitions tied to mortality.
Expectant parents drawn to gothic style may like these death-related names.
History buffs might also appreciate the background behind the mythological ones.
This name list is not for everyone. But those with a dark streak who don’t mind an unconventional name choice will find some interesting options here.
We explain each name’s death-related meaning and origin.
Let’s look at these 155 names meaning demise or the end of life. They’re a far cry from typical happy baby names.
But they might be perfect for parents who aren’t afraid of a morbid name meaning.
Boys Names Meaning Death or Demise
1. Achlys
Meaning: Death mist clouding the eyes before death
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: AK-lis
2. Ankou
Meaning: The spirit of the last person who has died in a community
Origin: Breton
Pronunciation: AN-koo
3. Baladan
Meaning: Son of the grim reaper
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: bah-lah-DAN
4. Berodach
Meaning: Son of death
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: beh-ROH-dak
5. Claeg
Meaning: One who is subjected to death
Origin: Old English
Pronunciation: KLAYG
6. Erysichthon
Meaning: Someone cursed with insatiable hunger, leading to death
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: eh-rih-SIKH-thahn
7. Jela
Meaning: The father suffered during birth
Origin: Swahili
Pronunciation: JEH-lah
8. Kalma
Meaning: Finnish goddess of death and decay
Origin: Finnish
Pronunciation: KAHL-mah
9. Keres
Meaning: Death spirits
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: KEER-eez
10. Keresztúr
Meaning: Crossroads of death
Origin: Hungarian
Pronunciation: keh-RESH-toor
11. Lefu
Meaning: Death
Origin: African
Pronunciation: LEH-foo
12. Mara
Meaning: Death
Origin: Sanskrit
Pronunciation: MAH-rah
13. Morana
Meaning: Slavic goddess of death
Origin: Slavic
Pronunciation: moh-RAH-nah
14. Nefastus
Meaning: Deadly or ill-omened
Origin: Latin
Pronunciation: neh-FAHS-tus
15. Orcus
Meaning: God of the underworld and punisher of broken oaths
Origin: Roman
Pronunciation: OR-kus
16. Thanatos
Meaning: Death
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: tha-NAH-tos
17. Thana
Meaning: Death
Origin: Arabic
Pronunciation: THAH-nah
18. Vritra
Meaning: Hindu demon of drought and death
Origin: Hindu
Pronunciation: VREE-trah
19. Yama
Meaning: God of death
Origin: Hindu
Pronunciation: YAH-mah
20. Adramelech
Meaning: King of fire and death
Origin: Assyrian
Pronunciation: ah-drah-MEH-lek
21. Ahriman
Meaning: Evil spirit of destruction and death
Origin: Persian
Pronunciation: ah-REE-mahn
22. Ammit
Meaning: Devourer of the dead
Origin: Egyptian
Pronunciation: AH-mit
23. Angra Mainyu
Meaning: Destructive spirit of darkness and death
Origin: Persian
Pronunciation: AN-grah MY-noo
24. Apollyon
Meaning: Destroyer or angel of the abyss
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: ah-POL-yon
25. Azrael
Meaning: Angel of death
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: AZ-ree-el
26. Bael
Meaning: Demon associated with death and decay
Origin: Christian demonology
Pronunciation: BAYL
27. Belial
Meaning: Wicked one or worthless
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: BEE-lee-ul
28. Cethlenn
Meaning: Death in battle
Origin: Irish mythology
Pronunciation: KEHTH-len
29. Daimon
Meaning: Spirit or demon
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: DAY-mon
30. Drystan
Meaning: Tumult, riot, or death
Origin: Welsh
Pronunciation: DRIS-tan
31. Erebos
Meaning: Personification of darkness and shadow
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: EH-reh-bos
32. Gorgon
Meaning: Monster associated with death and petrification
Origin: Greek mythology
Pronunciation: GOR-gon
33. Hades
Meaning: God of the underworld and ruler of the dead
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: HAY-deez
34. Mors
Meaning: Latin personification of death
Origin: Latin
Pronunciation: MORSS
35. Nekros
Meaning: Greek word for death
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: NEK-ros
36. Nihil
Meaning: Nothingness or annihilation
Origin: Latin
Pronunciation: NEE-hil
37. Samael
Meaning: Angel of death and destruction
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: sah-MAY-el
38. Vesper
Meaning: Evening star associated with death and darkness
Origin: Latin
Pronunciation: VES-per
39. Abaddon
Meaning: Destruction or ruin
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: uh-BAD-un
40. Aeron
Meaning: Battle or slaughter
Origin: Welsh
Pronunciation: AIR-on
41. Anubis
Meaning: Egyptian god of death and mummification
Origin: Egyptian
Pronunciation: uh-NOO-bis
42. Balor
Meaning: One-eyed god of death and destruction
Origin: Irish mythology
Pronunciation: BAY-lor
43. Cernunnos
Meaning: Celtic god of death and fertility
Origin: Celtic
Pronunciation: ker-NOO-nos
44. Charon
Meaning: Ferryman of the dead
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: KAIR-on
45. Dagan
Meaning: God of crop fertility and death
Origin: Mesopotamian
Pronunciation: DAY-gan
46. Erebus
Meaning: Personification of darkness and shadow
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: EH-ree-bus
47. Hela
Meaning: Norse goddess of death and the underworld
Origin: Norse
Pronunciation: HEH-lah
48. Keket
Meaning: Egyptian goddess of darkness and death
Origin: Egyptian
Pronunciation: KEH-ket
49. Morpheus
Meaning: Greek god of dreams and death
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: MOR-fee-us
50. Styx
Meaning: Greek river of the underworld
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: STIKS
51. Cadaveris
Meaning: Corpse’s demise
Origin: Latin
Pronunciation: kuh-DAV-er-is
52. Acherontis
Meaning: Shadow of Acheron (river in the underworld)
Origin: Latin
Pronunciation: uh-keh-RON-tis
53. Macabrus
Meaning: Macabre life
Origin: Latin
Pronunciation: muh-KAH-brus
54. Exanimus
Meaning: Lifeless light
Origin: Latin
Pronunciation: egz-AN-ih-mus
55. Tenebris
Meaning: Darkness
Origin: Latin
Pronunciation: teh-NEH-bris
56. Morrigan
Meaning: Phantom queen of death and fate
Origin: Irish mythology
Pronunciation: MOR-rih-gan
57. Hecate
Meaning: Greek goddess of witchcraft, death, and the underworld
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: HEH-kuh-tee
58. Hel
Meaning: Norse goddess of death and the underworld
Origin: Norse
Pronunciation: HEL
59. Mot
Meaning: Canaanite god of death
Origin: Canaanite
Pronunciation: moht
60. Azrail
Meaning: Angel of death
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: AZ-ray-il
61. Bela
Meaning: Devouring or destruction
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: BEE-luh
62. Clay
Meaning: Mortal or someone subjected to death at any moment
Origin: English
Pronunciation: KLAY
63. Dearil
Meaning: Call of death or red-haired
Origin: Scottish and German
Pronunciation: DEER-il
64. Nidhogg
Meaning: Norse dragon of death and decay
Origin: Norse
Pronunciation: NID-hog
65. Thanar
Meaning: Death bringer
Origin: Scottish
Pronunciation: THA-nar
66. Cadaver
Meaning: Corpse
Origin: Latin
Pronunciation: kuh-DAV-er
67. Acheron
Meaning: River of woe in the underworld
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: uh-KEH-ron
68. Umbra
Meaning: Shadow or darkness
Origin: Latin
Pronunciation: UHM-bruh
69. Vitae
Meaning: Life
Origin: Latin
Pronunciation: VEE-tay
70. Adriel
Meaning: Follower of God who causes death
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: uh-DREE-ul
71. Azazel
Meaning: Demon of death and destruction
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: uh-ZAY-zuhl
72. Belial
Meaning: Wicked one or worthless
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: BEE-lee-ul
73. Cethlenn
Meaning: Death in battle
Origin: Irish mythology
Pronunciation: KEHTH-len
74. Gethin
Meaning: Dark or death
Origin: Welsh
Pronunciation: GEH-thin
75. Kali
Meaning: Hindu goddess of death and destruction
Origin: Hindu
Pronunciation: KAH-lee
76. Nergal
Meaning: Babylonian god of death and war
Origin: Babylonian
Pronunciation: NER-gal
77. Osiris
Meaning: Egyptian god of the afterlife and resurrection
Origin: Egyptian
Pronunciation: oh-SY-ris
78. Pluto
Meaning: Roman god of the underworld and wealth
Origin: Roman
Pronunciation: PLOO-toh
79. Tomoe
Meaning: Circle or completion of life and death
Origin: Japanese
Pronunciation: toh-MOH-eh
80. Yamaraja
Meaning: Hindu god of death and justice
Origin: Hindu
Pronunciation: yah-mah-RAH-jah
Girls Names Meaning Death or Demise
1. Abaddon
Meaning: Doom, destruction
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: ah-vah-DON
2. Agrona
Meaning: Goddess of strife and slaughter
Origin: Old English, Celtic, and Welsh
Pronunciation: ah-GROH-nah
3. Angerona
Meaning: Roman goddess of death, the winter solstice, and silence
Origin: Latin
Pronunciation: an-jeh-ROH-nah
4. Bela
Meaning: Devouring, destruction
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: BAY-lah
5. Claeg
Meaning: One who is subjected to death
Origin: Old English
Pronunciation: KLAYG
6. Deirdre
Meaning: Sad one
Origin: Celtic and Gaelic
Pronunciation: DEER-druh
7. Desdemona
Meaning: Ill-fated, doomed
Origin: English literature
Pronunciation: dez-deh-MOH-nah
8. Erysichthon
Meaning: Cursed with insatiable hunger, leading to death
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: eh-rih-SIKH-thahn
9. Hel
Meaning: Goddess of death
Origin: Norse mythology
Pronunciation: HEL
10. Jela
Meaning: The father suffered during birth
Origin: Swahili
Pronunciation: JEH-lah
11. Kalma
Meaning: Finnish goddess of death and decay
Origin: Finnish myths
Pronunciation: KAHL-mah
12. Kali
Meaning: Dark, black
Origin: Hindu
Pronunciation: KAH-lee
13. Lilith
Meaning: Night monster, demon figure
Origin: Hebrew mythology
Pronunciation: LIL-ith
14. Mallory
Meaning: Ill-omened, unfortunate
Origin: Old French
Pronunciation: MAL-uh-ree
15. Mara
Meaning: Bitterness, sorrow
Origin: Sanskrit
Pronunciation: MAH-ruh
16. Marama
Meaning: Death goddess
Origin: Polynesian
Pronunciation: mah-RAH-mah
17. Marzana
Meaning: Death
Origin: Polish
Pronunciation: mar-ZAH-nah
18. Morana
Meaning: Goddess of winter and extinction
Origin: Slavic
Pronunciation: moh-RAH-nah
19. Morella
Meaning: To die
Origin: Latin
Pronunciation: moh-REL-lah
20. Morrigan
Meaning: Goddess of suffering and war
Origin: Irish
Pronunciation: mor-RIH-gan
21. Naenia
Meaning: Roman goddess of funerals
Origin: Roman
Pronunciation: nee-NEE-ah
22. Nekane
Meaning: Sorrows
Origin: Basque
Pronunciation: neh-KAH-neh
23. Nephthys
Meaning: Egyptian goddess of the air, non-living, and mourning
Origin: Egyptian
Pronunciation: NEF-this
24. Omisha
Meaning: Spirit of birth and demise
Origin: Hindu
Pronunciation: oh-MEE-shah
25. Proserpina
Meaning: Roman goddess of the underworld
Origin: Roman
Pronunciation: proh-SER-pih-nah
26. Smierc
Meaning: Death
Origin: Polish
Pronunciation: SMYERCH
27. Tomoe
Meaning: Death, circle, or friend
Origin: Japanese
Pronunciation: toh-MOH-eh
28. Adaliah
Meaning: God is my refuge; or death
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: ah-DAY-lee-ah
29. Alastor
Meaning: Avenger
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: ah-LAS-tor
30. Amara
Meaning: Immortal
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: ah-MAH-rah
31. Angra
Meaning: Evil spirit
Origin: Persian
Pronunciation: ANG-rah
32. Aradia
Meaning: Italian goddess of witchcraft and the moon
Origin: Italian
Pronunciation: ah-RAH-dee-ah
33. Azrael
Meaning: Angel of death
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: AZ-ree-el
34. Balthazar
Meaning: God protects the king
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: BALTH-uh-zahr
35. Calantha
Meaning: Beautiful flower
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: kuh-LAN-thuh
36. Cynara
Meaning: Thistle
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: sih-NAH-ruh
37. Dabria
Meaning: Angel of death and sorrow
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: DAY-bree-uh
38. Darcy
Meaning: Dark one
Origin: Irish
Pronunciation: DAHR-see
39. Datura
Meaning: Poisonous plant
Origin: Hindi
Pronunciation: duh-TOO-ruh
40. Delilah
Meaning: Temptress
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: deh-LYE-lah
41. Demeter
Meaning: Greek goddess of the harvest and fertility
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: dih-MEE-ter
42. Drusilla
Meaning: Fruitful
Origin: Latin
Pronunciation: droo-SIL-uh
43. Eris
Meaning: Greek goddess of strife and discord
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: AIR-is
44. Gethsemane
Meaning: Place of suffering
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: geth-SEM-uh-nee
45. Hecate
Meaning: Greek goddess of witchcraft, magic, and ghosts
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: HEK-uh-tee
46. Isadora
Meaning: Gift of Isis (Egyptian goddess of fertility and motherhood)
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: iz-uh-DAWR-uh
47. Kaida
Meaning: Little dragon
Origin: Japanese
Pronunciation: KY-dah
48. Keres
Meaning: Greek goddesses of violent death
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: KEER-eez
49. Lilura
Meaning: Etruscan goddess of death and the underworld
Origin: Etruscan
Pronunciation: lih-LOO-ruh
50. Liriel
Meaning: Daughter of the sea
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: lih-ree-EL
51. Lysandra
Meaning: Liberator of man
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: ly-SAN-drah
52. Maura
Meaning: Dark, bitter
Origin: Irish
Pronunciation: MAWR-ah
53. Medusa
Meaning: Greek mythological creature with snakes for hair
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: muh-DOO-suh
54. Melantha
Meaning: Dark flower
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: meh-LAN-thuh
55. Morrighan
Meaning: Irish goddess of war and death
Origin: Irish
Pronunciation: mor-RIH-gan
56. Myrtle
Meaning: Evergreen shrub
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: MUR-tuhl
57. Niamh
Meaning: Bright, radiant
Origin: Irish
Pronunciation: NEE-iv
58. Nyx
Meaning: Greek goddess of the night
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: niks
59. Ophelia
Meaning: Help, aid
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: oh-FEEL-yuh
60. Pandora
Meaning: Greek mythological first woman, who opened a box releasing all evils into the world
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: pan-DOHR-uh
61. Persephone
Meaning: Greek goddess of the underworld
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: per-SEF-uh-nee
62. Raven
Meaning: Dark bird
Origin: English
Pronunciation: RAY-vuhn
63. Selene
Meaning: Greek goddess of the moon
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: suh-LEE-nee
64. Seraphina
Meaning: Fiery, ardent
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: ser-uh-FEE-nuh
65. Thalia
Meaning: Greek muse of comedy and pastoral poetry
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: thuh-LYE-uh
66. Thana
Meaning: Death
Origin: Arabic
Pronunciation: THAH-nuh
67. Thetis
Meaning: Greek goddess of the sea
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: THEE-tis
68. Ursula
Meaning: Little bear
Origin: Latin
Pronunciation: UR-suh-luh
69. Vespera
Meaning: Evening star
Origin: Latin
Pronunciation: ves-PAIR-uh
70. Xylia
Meaning: From the forest
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: ZY-lee-uh
71. Yara
Meaning: Small butterfly
Origin: Arabic
Pronunciation: YAH-rah
72. Zara
Meaning: Princess
Origin: Arabic
Pronunciation: ZAH-ruh
73. Zephyra
Meaning: West wind
Origin: Greek
Pronunciation: ZEF-uh-ruh
74. Zilla
Meaning: Shadow
Origin: Hebrew
Pronunciation: ZIL-uh
75. Zora
Meaning: Dawn
Origin: Slavic
Pronunciation: ZOR-uh
Wrapping Up
To sum up, this list had 155 boy and girl names with death-related meanings.
We covered names from mythology, folklore, and different cultures.
Some names directly meant “to die” while others referred to death deities or the end of life.
These names are not common picks for babies. Most parents prefer names with positive meanings.
But if you want an uncommon gothic name or one tied to death, you may like ideas on this list.
Naming a baby is a personal choice. Morbid meanings won’t appeal to everyone.
In the end, the right name for you is one that feels meaningful. For some, that could be a name signifying mortality.