75 Popular Flowers That Start with D

Did you know some of the world’s most beautiful flowers hide behind the letter D?
Flowers that start with D are like nature’s alphabet book, filled with surprises at every turn.
Picture this: daisies tell love fortunes (“she loves me, she loves me not”), daffodils signal spring’s arrival, and desert roses grow in the toughest places on Earth.
Just like you’re learning the ABCs of science and math, these flowers teach us amazing lessons about life.
From the one-day wonders of daylilies to the year-round beauty of dahlias, get ready to explore these incredible blooms that make our world more colorful and interesting.
Most Common Flowers Start with D
1. Daisy
Daisy’s are cheerful, bright flowers that often symbolize purity and innocence.
Scientific Name: Bellis perennis
Origin: Native to Europe but now found worldwide.
Fun Fact: Daisies are often associated with the phrase “he loves me, he loves me not,” where the petals are plucked to determine affection.
2. Dahlia
Dahlias are vibrant flowers with a variety of shapes and colors, known for their bold appearance.
Scientific Name: Dahlia pinnata
Origin: Native to Mexico.
Fun Fact: The dahlia is the national flower of Mexico and symbolizes strength and dignity.
3. Daffodil
Daffodils are trumpet-shaped flowers that signal the arrival of spring.
Scientific Name: Narcissus
Origin: Native to Europe and North Africa.
Fun Fact: Daffodils are often used in the celebration of the first day of spring.
4. Daylily
Daylilies are hardy, vibrant flowers that bloom for only one day.
Scientific Name: Hemerocallis
Origin: Native to Asia, Europe, and North America.
Fun Fact: Despite their name, daylilies can bloom multiple times in a season, but each flower lasts just a day.
5. Dutch Iris
Dutch Irises have tall stems and large, showy flowers that come in a variety of colors.
Scientific Name: Iris x hollandica
Origin: Native to the Netherlands.
Fun Fact: These flowers are popular for cut flower arrangements due to their long-lasting blooms.
6. Desert Rose
A succulent plant is known for its striking, colorful flowers and thick, swollen trunk.
Scientific Name: Adenium obesum
Origin: Native to the Arabian Peninsula and tropical Africa.
Fun Fact: The desert rose thrives in arid conditions and requires little water.
7. Dogwood
Dogwood trees produce beautiful blossoms, often seen in shades of white, pink, or red.
Scientific Name: Cornus
Origin: Native to North America, Europe, and Asia.
Fun Fact: Dogwood trees are also known for their ornamental bark and colorful fall foliage.
8. Dusty Miller
Dusty Miller is a silvery, soft-leaved plant often used for decorative purposes in gardens.
Scientific Name: Senecio cineraria
Origin: Native to the Mediterranean region.
Fun Fact: The plant’s unique silvery-gray leaves are what give it its name and make it popular in landscaping.
9. Dianthus
Dianthus flowers come in a variety of colors, often with a clove-like scent, and are popular in gardens.
Scientific Name: Dianthus caryophyllus
Origin: Native to Europe and Asia.
Fun Fact: Dianthus is also known as “carnation” and symbolizes love and fascination.
10. Delphinium
Delphinium flowers are tall and vibrant, coming in shades of blue, purple, and white.
Scientific Name: Delphinium spp.
Origin: Native to the Northern Hemisphere, particularly in North America and Europe.
Fun Fact: Delphiniums are known to attract pollinators like bees and butterflies.
11. Dayflower
Dayflowers are small, delicate flowers known for their striking blue petals.
Scientific Name: Commelina communis
Origin: Native to Asia, now also found in North America.
Fun Fact: The flowers of dayflower bloom for only a single day, hence their name.
12. Dandelion
Dandelions are often considered weeds but are admired for their bright yellow flowers and ability to spread quickly.
Scientific Name: Taraxacum
Origin: Native to Eurasia but found worldwide.
Fun Fact: Dandelions are edible, and their roots are used in herbal medicine.
13. Desert Lily
Desert lilies bloom in the desert, producing tall, white flowers.
Scientific Name: Hemerocallis undulata
Origin: Native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico.
Fun Fact: These lilies are adapted to desert conditions and bloom after rainfalls.
14. Dogbane
Dogbane plants have clusters of small flowers and are known for their toughness and medicinal properties.
Scientific Name: Apocynum cannabinum
Origin: Native to North America.
Fun Fact: Historically, the fibers of dogbane were used by Native Americans to make ropes.
15. Desert Marigold
Desert marigolds are bright yellow flowers that thrive in hot, dry climates.
Scientific Name: Baileya multiradiata
Origin: Native to the southwestern United States.
Fun Fact: The desert marigold is an essential plant for many desert pollinators, especially bees.
16. Dancing Lady Orchid
This orchid is known for its distinctive shape, resembling a dancer’s figure.
Scientific Name: Oncidium
Origin: Native to tropical regions of Central and South America.
Fun Fact: Dancing lady orchids are a symbol of beauty and grace.
17. Double Impatiens
Double impatiens are bushy plants with colorful, full blooms.
Scientific Name: Impatiens walleriana
Origin: Native to East Africa.
Fun Fact: These flowers bloom in a variety of colors, including pink, red, and white.
18. Dutchman’s Breeches
Dutchman’s Breeches are unique, white and yellow flowers that resemble old-fashioned pantaloons.
Scientific Name: Dicentra cucullaria
Origin: Native to North America.
Fun Fact: These flowers are named after their resemblance to 17th-century Dutch clothing.
19. Desert Buttercup
Desert buttercups bloom in the wild desert with yellow, cup-shaped flowers.
Scientific Name: Ranunculus desertorum
Origin: Native to North America.
Fun Fact: They are a sight to see when the desert is in bloom after spring rains.
20. Dwarf Cineraria
Dwarf cinerarias are small, vibrant flowers with daisy-like petals.
Scientific Name: Pericallis hybrida
Origin: Native to the Canary Islands.
Fun Fact: They are often grown as indoor plants and are highly admired for their vivid blooms.
21. Dragonhead
Dragonhead flowers are known for their unique, dragon-shaped blooms.
Scientific Name: Dracocephalum spp.
Origin: Native to temperate regions of Asia and Europe.
Fun Fact: The dragonhead plant has medicinal uses and is believed to aid in digestive health.
22. Double Peony
Double peonies are large, lush flowers with layers of petals.
Scientific Name: Paeonia
Origin: Native to Europe, Asia, and North America.
Fun Fact: Peonies are a symbol of wealth and good fortune in some cultures.
23. Dierama
Dierama flowers are bell-shaped and hang gracefully from tall stems.
Scientific Name: Dierama pulcherrimum
Origin: Native to South Africa.
Fun Fact: Dierama flowers are also known as “angels’ fishing rods” due to their delicate appearance.
24. Double Begonia
Double begonias have a thick, double layer of petals, making them appear fuller.
Scientific Name: Begonia spp.
Origin: Native to tropical and subtropical regions of the world.
Fun Fact: Begonias are often grown indoors or in shaded gardens.
25. Dipladenia
Dipladenia flowers are tubular and brightly colored, often used as ornamental plants.
Scientific Name: Mandevilla spp.
Origin: Native to Central and South America.
Fun Fact: Dipladenia is known for attracting hummingbirds with its sweet nectar.
26. Dropwort
Dropwort flowers have delicate, lace-like petals and are often used in ornamental gardens.
Scientific Name: Filipendula vulgaris
Origin: Native to Europe and Asia.
Fun Fact: The plant’s name comes from the droplet-shaped appearance of its blooms.
27. Dutch Crocus
Dutch crocuses bloom early in spring and come in a variety of bright colors.
Scientific Name: Crocus vernus
Origin: Native to the Mediterranean region.
Fun Fact: Crocuses are often among the first flowers to bloom in spring, signalling the end of winter.
28. Dragonfly Orchid
Dragonfly orchids are small but striking flowers that resemble a dragonfly in flight.
Scientific Name: Epidendrum radicans
Origin: Native to the tropical Americas.
Fun Fact: These orchids attract pollinators like bees and moths due to their sweet scent.
29. Dwarf Calla Lily
Dwarf calla lilies are smaller versions of the traditional calla lily, with elegant, funnel-shaped blooms.
Scientific Name: Zantedeschia spp.
Origin: Native to southern Africa.
Fun Fact: Despite being smaller, dwarf calla lilies have the same beautiful appearance as their larger relatives.
30. Dwarf Poppy
Dwarf poppies are smaller but colorful flowers that bloom in vibrant hues.
Scientific Name: Papaver spp.
Origin: Native to Europe and Asia.
Fun Fact: Poppies are often symbols of remembrance and peace.
Rare Flowers Start with D
31. Desert Snapdragon
Desert snapdragons have unique, tubular flowers that bloom in desert environments.
Scientific Name: Antirrhinum
Origin: Native to North America and parts of the southwestern United States.
Fun Fact: These flowers are adapted to thrive in arid conditions and are known for their resilience.
32. Deer Tongue
Deer tongue is a small, perennial herb with fragrant flowers.
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium clandestinum
Origin: Native to North America.
Fun Fact: Its name comes from the shape of its leaves, which resemble a deer’s tongue.
33. Deutzia
Deutzia is a shrub that produces clusters of small, fragrant flowers in the spring.
Scientific Name: Deutzia spp.
Origin: Native to East Asia.
Fun Fact: Deutzia flowers come in shades of white and pink, making them a popular choice for ornamental gardens.
34. Decorum Begonia
Decorum begonias are known for their large, vibrant flowers and unique leaf patterns.
Scientific Name: Begonia spp.
Origin: Native to tropical regions of Africa and Asia.
Fun Fact: These begonias are often grown indoors due to their beautiful, decorative appearance.
35. Duckweed
Duckweed is a tiny aquatic plant that forms dense mats on the surface of ponds and lakes.
Scientific Name: Lemna
Origin: Native to freshwater bodies worldwide.
Fun Fact: Duckweed is the smallest flowering plant and is often used as a bioindicator in water studies.
36. Dactylorhiza
Dactylorhiza is a genus of orchids with striking, colorful flowers.
Scientific Name: Dactylorhiza spp.
Origin: Native to Eurasia and North Africa.
Fun Fact: Dactylorhiza orchids are known for their vibrant purple and pink flowers.
37. Dipsacus
Dipsacus is a genus of flowering plants known for their spiky flowers and tall, sturdy stems.
Scientific Name: Dipsacus fullonum
Origin: Native to Europe and Asia.
Fun Fact: The plant is also known as Teasel and was historically used in textile manufacturing.
38. Dandelion Vine
The dandelion vine is a flowering plant with bright yellow flowers resembling dandelions.
Scientific Name: Taraxacum officinale
Origin: Native to Europe and Asia, now found worldwide.
Fun Fact: Despite its resemblance to a dandelion, this vine is often used as a ground cover.
39. Dianthus Barbatus
Dianthus barbatus, or sweet William, produces fragrant, multicolored flowers.
Scientific Name: Dianthus barbatus
Origin: Native to Europe and Asia.
Fun Fact: Sweet William is often associated with carnation and is a symbol of love.
40. Desert Penstemon
Desert penstemon is a hardy, colorful flower that thrives in dry desert conditions.
Scientific Name: Penstemon
Origin: Native to the southwestern United States.
Fun Fact: Desert penstemons are popular in xeriscaping due to their drought tolerance.
41. Dwarf Red Columbine
Dwarf red columbine is a small, delicate flower with red and yellow blooms.
Scientific Name: Aquilegia canadensis
Origin: Native to North America.
Fun Fact: This flower is attractive to hummingbirds and pollinators.
42. Devil’s Backbone
Devil’s Backbone is a plant with striking red or orange flowers and a zigzag stem.
Scientific Name: Pedilanthus tithymaloides
Origin: Native to tropical regions of the Americas.
Fun Fact: The plant’s unusual zigzag shape of its stem gives it its unique name.
43. Douglas Fir Flowers
These flowers are small and inconspicuous, found on the Douglas Fir tree.
Scientific Name: Pseudotsuga menziesii
Origin: Native to western North America.
Fun Fact: While not often noticed, the flowers of Douglas Fir trees are crucial in their reproduction process.
44. Darling Hollyhock
Darling hollyhocks are tall, showy flowers with large, colorful blooms.
Scientific Name: Alcea rosea
Origin: Native to Europe and Asia.
Fun Fact: Hollyhocks are considered symbols of femininity and beauty in various cultures.
45. Daisybush
Daisy bushes produce small, daisy-like flowers that bloom in clusters.
Scientific Name: Euryops pectinatus
Origin: Native to South Africa.
Fun Fact: These flowers are often grown as ornamental shrubs due to their vibrant yellow blooms.
46. Desert Orchid
Desert orchids are rare, stunning flowers that grow in arid desert regions.
Scientific Name: Dendrobium spp.
Origin: Native to tropical Asia and the Australian deserts.
Fun Fact: Desert orchids have adapted to survive extreme heat and dryness.
47. Double Anemone
Double anemones have multiple layers of petals, creating a full and textured flower.
Scientific Name: Anemone spp.
Origin: Native to temperate regions of Europe and Asia.
Fun Fact: Anemones are known for their bright colors and delicate blooms, often associated with spring.
48. Dutch Gardenia
Dutch gardenias are fragrant, white flowers that grow on evergreen shrubs.
Scientific Name: Gardenia jasminoides
Origin: Native to tropical and subtropical regions of Africa and Asia.
Fun Fact: Known for their sweet, strong fragrance, Dutch gardenias are often used in perfumes.
49. Dead Nettle
A dead nettle is a flowering plant that resembles nettles but does not sting.
Scientific Name: Lamium spp.
Origin: Native to Europe and Asia.
Fun Fact: Despite its name, dead nettle is safe to touch and often used as ground cover in gardens.
50. Downy Verbena
Downy verbena is a hardy plant with clusters of small, colorful flowers.
Scientific Name: Verbena stricta
Origin: Native to North America.
Fun Fact: This plant is known for attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies.
51. Dauben’s Rose
Dauben’s rose is a rare and fragrant variety of roses known for its deep color.
Scientific Name: Rosa spp.
Origin: Originating from hybrid breeding.
Fun Fact: The rose is valued for its strong fragrance and vibrant petals.
52. Dwarf Cyclamen
Dwarf cyclamens are small, tuberous plants with pink, white, or purple flowers.
Scientific Name: Cyclamen spp.
Origin: Native to Europe and Asia.
Fun Fact: Dwarf cyclamens are often grown indoors due to their compact size and beautiful blooms.
53. Dakota Gold
Dakota gold is a vibrant, yellow-flowering plant.
Scientific Name: Heliopsis helianthoides
Origin: Native to North America.
Fun Fact: This hardy flower is known for brightening up gardens during the summer months.
54. Drummond’s Phlox
Drummond’s phlox is a vibrant flower with multi-colored blooms, often used in ornamental gardens.
Scientific Name: Phlox drummondii
Origin: Native to Texas and the surrounding areas.
Fun Fact: Drummond’s phlox is highly resistant to drought and heat, making it perfect for dry climates.
55. Datura
Datura flowers have large, trumpet-shaped blooms and are known for their fragrant scent.
Scientific Name: Datura spp.
Origin: Native to tropical and subtropical regions of the world.
Fun Fact: Datura flowers are sometimes associated with night-blooming due to their strong fragrance at dusk.
56. Desert Lavender
Desert lavender is a fragrant shrub that blooms with purple flowers in desert environments.
Scientific Name: Hyptis emoryi
Origin: Native to the southwestern United States.
Fun Fact: The plant is highly valued for its fragrant leaves and flowers, which are used in herbal remedies.
57. Desert Plume
Desert plume flowers have long, spiky blooms that resemble feathers or plumes.
Scientific Name: Stanleya pinnata
Origin: Native to the western United States.
Fun Fact: Desert plume flowers are known for attracting bees and butterflies despite the arid environment.
58. Dyer’s Woad
Dyer’s woad is a plant that produces blue flowers traditionally used to make dye.
Scientific Name: Isatis tinctoria
Origin: Native to Europe and Asia.
Fun Fact: Historically, this plant was used to create a blue dye for clothing.
59. Drift Rose
Drift roses are compact, low-growing roses with colorful blooms.
Scientific Name: Rosa spp.
Origin: Hybrid rose from breeding.
Fun Fact: These roses are perfect for container gardening or as ground cover.
60. Daisy Fleabane
Daisy fleabane is a wildflower with small, daisy-like flowers.
Scientific Name: Erigeron annuus
Origin: Native to North America.
Fun Fact: This flower is often found growing in wild meadows and open fields.
61. Double Scented Geranium
These geraniums have a strong, pleasant fragrance and vibrant blooms.
Scientific Name: Pelargonium spp.
Origin: Native to South Africa.
Fun Fact: Double-scented geraniums are often used in essential oils and perfumes.
62. Double Balsam
Double balsams are known for their double-layered, bright, and colorful flowers.
Scientific Name: Impatiens balsamina
Origin: Native to Asia and Africa.
Fun Fact: These flowers bloom in a variety of bright colors, making them popular for decorative gardens.
63. Desert Bluebell
Desert bluebells are striking, blue-colored flowers found in desert climates.
Scientific Name: Phacelia campanularia
Origin: Native to the southwestern United States.
Fun Fact: These flowers bloom in spring and provide a stunning contrast to the desert landscape.
64. Dwarf Jasmine
Dwarf jasmine is a compact shrub with fragrant white or yellow flowers.
Scientific Name: Jasminum nudiflorum
Origin: Native to China.
Fun Fact: This jasmine is often used in bonsai due to its small size and fragrant blossoms.
65. Dwarf Forsythia
Dwarf forsythia is a small shrub known for its bright yellow spring flowers.
Scientific Name: Forsythia x intermedia
Origin: Native to Eastern Europe and Asia.
Fun Fact: Dwarf forsythia is a popular ornamental shrub for early spring gardens.
66. Dragon Fruit Flower
The dragon fruit flower blooms at night and is known for its large, white, fragrant petals.
Scientific Name: Hylocereus undatus
Origin: Native to Central America.
Fun Fact: The flowers only bloom at night and last for a very short time, making them rare to see.
67. Dryas
Dryas is a small shrub that produces white or yellow flowers.
Scientific Name: Dryas spp.
Origin: Native to cold regions in the Northern Hemisphere.
Fun Fact: Dryas is often found in alpine environments, growing in rocky, well-drained soils.
68. Desert Windflower
Desert windflowers are delicate flowers that bloom in desert landscapes.
Scientific Name: Anemone spp.
Origin: Native to desert regions of North America.
Fun Fact: These flowers are adapted to survive harsh desert conditions.
69. Dwarf Violet
Dwarf violets are small, fragrant flowers that come in shades of purple and white.
Scientific Name: Viola spp.
Origin: Native to Europe and North America.
Fun Fact: These flowers are often found in woodland areas and are popular in wildflower gardens.
70. Desert Heliotrope
Desert heliotropes are aromatic flowers that bloom in desert climates.
Scientific Name: Heliotropium spp.
Origin: Native to North and South America.
Fun Fact: These flowers are known for following the sun, similar to sunflowers.
71. Damask Rose
Damask roses are known for their fragrance and soft, pink petals.
Scientific Name: Rosa damascena
Origin: Native to the Middle East.
Fun Fact: Damask roses are used to make rose water and essential oils due to their sweet fragrance.
72. Dandelion Puff
Dandelion puffs are the fluffy, seed-filled heads of the dandelion flower.
Scientific Name: Taraxacum officinale
Origin: Native to Eurasia, now found worldwide.
Fun Fact: People often blow on dandelion puffs to make a wish.
73. Darling Clementine
Darling Clementine is a variety of flowers known for its bright, orange petals.
Scientific Name: Clementina spp.
Origin: Native to parts of South America.
Fun Fact: These flowers are named after the vibrant orange citrus fruit, Clementine.
74. Dewdrop
Dewdrop flowers have small, delicate petals that often resemble drops of water.
Scientific Name: Oenothera spp.
Origin: Native to North America.
Fun Fact: These flowers are often seen in the early morning when dew is present on their petals.
75. Dragon Lily
Dragon lilies have large, dramatic flowers, often featuring dark red or purple petals.
Scientific Name: Dracunculus vulgaris
Origin: Native to the Mediterranean region.
Fun Fact: Known for their striking appearance, these lilies have a strong, distinctive odor.
Now you have a complete guide to flowers starting with D, each with its own special features and growth needs.
From common favorites like daisies and daffodils to rare finds like desert snapdragon and Dauben’s rose, you’ve learned about their origins, scientific names, and what makes them special.
Remember, every flower on this list adds its own magic to gardens and landscapes.
Whether you’re a student studying plant life, a gardener planning your next project, or simply someone who loves flowers.
You now have the knowledge to identify, grow, and appreciate these beautiful D-named blooms.