338 Smart Boys Name that Start with F

Boys names start with F

Choosing the perfect name is like picking the coolest superhero alias—it has to sound good, feel right, and make an impact! When it comes to boy names, start with F; the options are full of charm, style, and flair.

Whether it’s a name as strong as Fergus, as adventurous as Fernando, or as unique as Flavius, there’s something for every personality.

Some names have deep meanings, like Felix, which means “lucky,” while others, like Fintan, sound straight out of a legendary tale.

There are fun, powerful, and even names inspired by history and mythology. No matter what kind of name is needed, this list of fantastic “F” names is packed with choices.

So get ready to find a name that fits like a superhero’s cape—perfectly!

English Names for Boys That Start with F


1. Finn

Meaning: “Fair” or “white”

Pronunciation: FIN

2. Felix

Meaning: “Happy” or “fortunate”

Pronunciation: FEE-liks

3. Flynn

Meaning: “Son of the red-haired one”

Pronunciation: FLIN

4. Frankie

Meaning: “Free man”

Pronunciation: FRANG-kee

5. Frederick

Meaning: “Peaceful ruler”

Pronunciation: FRED-rik

6. Finley

Meaning: “Fair-haired warrior”

Pronunciation: FIN-lee

7. Franklin

Meaning: “Free landholder”

Pronunciation: FRANK-lin

8. Fraser

Meaning: “Strawberry”

Pronunciation: FRAY-zer

9. Francis

Meaning: “Frenchman” or “free man”

Pronunciation: FRAN-sis

10. Ford

Meaning: “Dweller by the ford”

Pronunciation: FORD

11. Fergus

Meaning: “Man of force”

Pronunciation: FER-gus

12. Fletcher

Meaning: “Arrow maker”

Pronunciation: FLECH-er

13. Forrest

Meaning: “Dweller near the woods”

Pronunciation: FOR-ist

14. Fitzgerald

Meaning: “Son of Gerald”

Pronunciation: fits-JER-uhld

15. Fox

Meaning: “Fox-like” or “cunning”

Pronunciation: FOKS

16. Fintan

Meaning: “White fire” or “white bull”

Pronunciation: FIN-tan

17. Fabian

Meaning: “Bean grower”

Pronunciation: FAY-bee-uhn

18. Freddie

Meaning: “Peaceful ruler”

Pronunciation: FRED-ee

19. Flint

Meaning: “Born near outcrop of flint”

Pronunciation: FLINT

20. Fenton

Meaning: “Marsh town”

Pronunciation: FEN-tun

21. Floyd

Meaning: “Gray-haired”

Pronunciation: FLOYD

22. Fulton

Meaning: “Settlement by a field”

Pronunciation: FUHL-tun

23. Foster

Meaning: “Forest guardian”

Pronunciation: FOS-ter

24. Fergal

Meaning: “Brave” or “courageous”

Pronunciation: FER-gal

25. Fynn

Meaning: “Fair”

Pronunciation: FIN

26. Frank

Meaning: “Free man”

Pronunciation: FRANK

27. Fernando

Meaning: “Adventurous” or “bold journey”

Pronunciation: fer-NAN-doh

28. Fallon

Meaning: “Leader”

Pronunciation: FAL-uhn

29. Finnegan

Meaning: “Fair-haired”

Pronunciation: FIN-i-guhn

30. Farley

Meaning: “Fern meadow”

Pronunciation: FAR-lee

31. Freeman

Meaning: “Free man”

Pronunciation: FREE-muhn

32. Finnian

Meaning: “Fair”

Pronunciation: FIN-ee-uhn

33. Frost

Meaning: “Frost”

Pronunciation: FROST

34. Fionn

Meaning: “Fair” or “white”

Pronunciation: FIN

35. Finch

Meaning: “To swindle” or “bird name”

Pronunciation: FINCH

36. Fielding

Meaning: “Dweller in open country”

Pronunciation: FEEL-ding

37. Fritz

Meaning: “Peaceful ruler”

Pronunciation: FRITS

38. Fisher

Meaning: “Fisherman”

Pronunciation: FISH-er

39. Fabrizio

Meaning: “Craftsman”

Pronunciation: fah-BREET-syoh

40. Forest

Meaning: “Dweller near the woods”

Pronunciation: FOR-ist

Biblical Names for Boys That Start with F


41. Felix

Meaning: “Happy” or “fortunate”

Pronunciation: FEE-liks

42. Festus

Meaning: “Joyous” or “festive”

Pronunciation: FES-tuhs

43. Fortunatus

Meaning: “Fortunate” or “lucky”

Pronunciation: for-too-NAH-tuhs

44. Fares

Meaning: “Break through” or “breach”

Pronunciation: FAY-reez

45. Fenuel

Meaning: “Face of God”

Pronunciation: fen-YOO-el

46. Feroz

Meaning: “Victorious” or “successful”

Pronunciation: feh-ROHZ

47. Festus

Meaning: “Festival” or “joyous”

Pronunciation: FES-tuhs

48. Fortunatus

Meaning: “Fortunate” or “lucky”

Pronunciation: for-too-NAH-tuhs

Greek Names for Boys That Start with F


49. Fotios

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: FOH-tee-os

50. Filippos

Meaning: “Friend of horses”

Pronunciation: fi-LIP-pos

51. Fivos

Meaning: “Bright one”

Pronunciation: FEE-vos

52. Fokion

Meaning: “Seal”

Pronunciation: fo-KEE-on

53. Fokas

Meaning: “Seal”

Pronunciation: FO-kas

54. Filemon

Meaning: “Affectionate”

Pronunciation: fi-LE-mon

55. Fanis

Meaning: “Manifest”

Pronunciation: FA-nees

56. Fotis

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: FO-tis

57. Filon

Meaning: “Friend”

Pronunciation: FEE-lon

58. Feidias

Meaning: “Sparing”

Pronunciation: FEY-dee-as

Latin Names for Boys That Start with F


59. Fabian

Meaning: “Bean grower”

Pronunciation: FAY-bee-uhn

60. Fabio

Meaning: “Bean grower”

Pronunciation: FAH-bee-oh

61. Fabricio

Meaning: “Craftsman”

Pronunciation: fah-BREE-see-oh

62. Fausto

Meaning: “Lucky”

Pronunciation: FOW-stoh

63. Favian

Meaning: “Bean grower”

Pronunciation: FAY-vee-uhn

64. Feliciano

Meaning: “Happy, fortunate”

Pronunciation: feh-lee-see-AH-noh

65. Felix

Meaning: “Happy, fortunate”

Pronunciation: FEE-liks

66. Ferdinand

Meaning: “Bold voyager”

Pronunciation: FUR-di-nand

67. Fernand

Meaning: “Bold voyager”

Pronunciation: fur-NAHND

68. Fernando

Meaning: “Bold voyager”

Pronunciation: fur-NAN-doh

69. Fidel

Meaning: “Faithful”

Pronunciation: fi-DEL

70. Fidelis

Meaning: “Faithful”

Pronunciation: fi-DEH-lis

71. Filbert

Meaning: “Bright famous”

Pronunciation: FIL-burt

72. Filiberto

Meaning: “Bright famous”

Pronunciation: fee-lee-BER-toh

73. Finn

Meaning: “Fair or white”

Pronunciation: FIN

74. Flavio

Meaning: “Blond”

Pronunciation: FLAH-vee-oh

75. Flavius

Meaning: “Blond”

Pronunciation: FLAY-vee-uhs

76. Florentino

Meaning: “Flowering”

Pronunciation: flor-en-TEE-noh

77. Florian

Meaning: “Flowering”

Pronunciation: FLOR-ee-uhn

78. Fortunato

Meaning: “Fortunate, lucky”

Pronunciation: for-too-NAH-toh

79. Francesco

Meaning: “Frenchman or free man”

Pronunciation: fran-CHES-koh

80. Francis

Meaning: “Frenchman or free man”

Pronunciation: FRAN-sis

81. Francisco

Meaning: “Frenchman or free man”

Pronunciation: fran-SEES-koh

82. Franco

Meaning: “Free”

Pronunciation: FRAN-koh

83. Frank

Meaning: “Free man”

Pronunciation: FRANK

84. Franklin

Meaning: “Free landholder”

Pronunciation: FRANK-lin

85. Frederic

Meaning: “Peaceful ruler”

Pronunciation: FRED-rik

86. Frederick

Meaning: “Peaceful ruler”

Pronunciation: FRED-rik

87. Frederico

Meaning: “Peaceful ruler”

Pronunciation: fre-de-REE-koh

88. Fredo

Meaning: “Peace”

Pronunciation: FRAY-doh

89. Fulvio

Meaning: “Yellow, tawny”

Pronunciation: FOOL-vee-oh

90. Fulgencio

Meaning: “Shining”

Pronunciation: fool-HEN-see-oh

91. Furious

Meaning: “Full of fury”

Pronunciation: FYOOR-ee-uhs

92. Faustino

Meaning: “Lucky”

Pronunciation: fow-STEE-noh

93. Flavian

Meaning: “Yellow-haired”

Pronunciation: FLAY-vee-uhn

94. Felice

Meaning: “Happy, fortunate”

Pronunciation: feh-LEE-chay

95. Ferruccio

Meaning: “Iron”

Pronunciation: fer-ROO-choh

96. Fiorenzo

Meaning: “Flowering”

Pronunciation: fee-oh-REN-zoh

97. Flaminio

Meaning: “Flame-colored”

Pronunciation: flah-MEE-nee-oh

98. Florencio

Meaning: “Flowering, prosperous”

Pronunciation: floh-REN-see-oh

Irish Names for Boys That Start with F


99. Fachtna

Meaning: “Hostile”

Pronunciation: FAKH-nuh

100. Faolán

Meaning: “Little wolf”

Pronunciation: FAY-lawn

101. Farrell

Meaning: “Man of valor”

Pronunciation: FAR-uhl

102. Fearghal

Meaning: “Man of valor”

Pronunciation: FER-gal

103. Fearghas

Meaning: “Man of vigor”

Pronunciation: FER-gus

104. Feidhlim

Meaning: “Ever good”

Pronunciation: FAY-lim

105. Fergal

Meaning: “Brave”

Pronunciation: FER-gal

106. Fergus

Meaning: “Man of force”

Pronunciation: FER-gus

107. Fiachra

Meaning: “Raven”

Pronunciation: FEE-uh-kruh

108. Fiach

Meaning: “Raven”

Pronunciation: FEE-uhk

109. Finian

Meaning: “Fair-haired”

Pronunciation: FIN-ee-uhn

110. Fintan

Meaning: “White fire” or “white bull”

Pronunciation: FIN-tan

111. Fionn

Meaning: “Fair-haired”

Pronunciation: FIN

112. Finnian

Meaning: “Fair”

Pronunciation: FIN-ee-uhn

113. Finnegan

Meaning: “Fair-haired”

Pronunciation: FIN-i-guhn

114. Finbar

Meaning: “Fair-headed”

Pronunciation: FIN-bar

115. Flann

Meaning: “Red”

Pronunciation: FLAN

116. Flynn

Meaning: “Son of the red-haired one”

Pronunciation: FLIN

117. Fionnbharr

Meaning: “Fair-headed”

Pronunciation: FIN-var

118. Fionntan

Meaning: “White fire”

Pronunciation: FIN-tan

119. Fiach

Meaning: “Raven”

Pronunciation: FEE-uhk

120. Fiacre

Meaning: “Hawk”

Pronunciation: FEE-uh-kruh

121. Fionán

Meaning: “Fair”

Pronunciation: FIN-awn

122. Feidlimid

Meaning: “Ever good”

Pronunciation: FED-li-mid

123. Fionntán

Meaning: “Little fair one”

Pronunciation: FIN-tawn

124. Finlay

Meaning: “Fair-haired warrior”

Pronunciation: FIN-lay

125. Finn

Meaning: “Fair”

Pronunciation: FIN

126. Fionan

Meaning: “Vine”

Pronunciation: FIN-an

127. Fineen

Meaning: “Fair offspring”

Pronunciation: fi-NEEN

128. Fergus

Meaning: “Man of force”

Pronunciation: FER-gus

129. Fallon

Meaning: “Descendant of the ruler”

Pronunciation: FAL-uhn

130. Farrel

Meaning: “Hero”

Pronunciation: FAR-uhl

131. Feardorcha

Meaning: “Dark man”

Pronunciation: far-DOR-kha

132. Fenton

Meaning: “Marsh town”

Pronunciation: FEN-tuhn

133. Fiacc

Meaning: “Raven”

Pronunciation: FEE-ak

134. Fingal

Meaning: “Fair stranger”

Pronunciation: FIN-gal

135. Fintan

Meaning: “White fire”

Pronunciation: FIN-tan

136. Flannan

Meaning: “Red”

Pronunciation: FLAN-an

137. Flannery

Meaning: “Red eyebrows”

Pronunciation: FLAN-uh-ree

138. Foley

Meaning: “Plunderer”

Pronunciation: FOH-lee

Scottish Names for Boys That Start with F


139. Faelan

Meaning: “Little wolf”

Pronunciation: FAY-lan

140. Faolan

Meaning: “Little wolf”

Pronunciation: FAY-lan

141. Farlan

Meaning: “From the far land”

Pronunciation: FAR-lan

142. Farquhar

Meaning: “Dear one”

Pronunciation: FAR-kwar

143. Fearchar

Meaning: “Man of love”

Pronunciation: FER-kar

144. Fearghas

Meaning: “Man of vigor”

Pronunciation: FER-gus

145. Fergus

Meaning: “Man of force”

Pronunciation: FER-gus

146. Fergie

Meaning: “Man of strength”

Pronunciation: FER-gee

147. Ferguson

Meaning: “Son of Fergus”

Pronunciation: FER-guh-son

148. Ferrier

Meaning: “Iron worker”

Pronunciation: FER-ee-er

149. Fidach

Meaning: “Wood”

Pronunciation: FEE-dakh

150. Fife

Meaning: “From Fife” (place name)

Pronunciation: FYFE

151. Finbar

Meaning: “Fair-haired”

Pronunciation: FIN-bar

152. Findlay

Meaning: “Fair warrior”

Pronunciation: FIN-lee

153. Finlay

Meaning: “Fair-haired warrior”

Pronunciation: FIN-lee

154. Finn

Meaning: “Fair”

Pronunciation: FIN

155. Finnegan

Meaning: “Fair-haired”

Pronunciation: FIN-i-gan

156. Finnen

Meaning: “Fair”

Pronunciation: FIN-en

157. Finnian

Meaning: “Fair”

Pronunciation: FIN-ee-an

158. Fionnaghal

Meaning: “Fair shoulder”

Pronunciation: FYU-na-gal

159. Fionnlagh

Meaning: “Fair warrior”

Pronunciation: FIN-lay

160. Fionn

Meaning: “Fair-haired”

Pronunciation: FIN

161. Flannery

Meaning: “Red eyebrows”

Pronunciation: FLAN-uh-ree

162. Fleming

Meaning: “From Flanders”

Pronunciation: FLEM-ing

163. Fletcher

Meaning: “Arrow maker”

Pronunciation: FLECH-er

164. Forbes

Meaning: “Field”

Pronunciation: FORBZ

165. Ford

Meaning: “Dweller by the ford”

Pronunciation: FORD

166. Fordyce

Meaning: “By the sea ford”

Pronunciation: FOR-dys

167. Forsyth

Meaning: “Man of peace”

Pronunciation: for-SYTH

168. Fotheringham

Meaning: “From Fotheringham” (place name)

Pronunciation: FOTH-er-ing-ham

169. Fraser

Meaning: “Strawberry”

Pronunciation: FRAY-zer

170. Frazer

Meaning: “From the forest men”

Pronunciation: FRAY-zer

171. Frazier

Meaning: “From the forest men”

Pronunciation: FRAY-zher

172. Frederick

Meaning: “Peaceful ruler”

Pronunciation: FRED-rik

173. Fulton

Meaning: “From the foul town”

Pronunciation: FUL-ton

174. Fynley

Meaning: “Fair-haired warrior”

Pronunciation: FIN-lee

175. Fyodor

Meaning: “God’s gift”

Pronunciation: FYOH-dor

176. Fingal

Meaning: “White stranger”

Pronunciation: FIN-gal

177. Fintan

Meaning: “White fire” or “white bull”

Pronunciation: FIN-tan

178. Firth

Meaning: “Arm of the sea”

Pronunciation: FURTH

French Names for Boys That Start with F


179. François

Meaning: “Frenchman” or “free man”

Pronunciation: frahn-SWAH

180. Fabien

Meaning: “Bean grower”

Pronunciation: fa-BYAN

181. Félix

Meaning: “Happy” or “fortunate”

Pronunciation: fay-LEEKS

182. Florian

Meaning: “Flowering”

Pronunciation: flo-ree-AHN

183. Fabrice

Meaning: “Craftsman”

Pronunciation: fa-BREES

184. Flavien

Meaning: “Yellow” or “golden”

Pronunciation: fla-VYAN

185. Firmin

Meaning: “Firm”

Pronunciation: feer-MAN

186. Franck

Meaning: “Free” or “Frenchman”

Pronunciation: frahnk

187. Fernand

Meaning: “Bold voyager”

Pronunciation: fer-NAHN

188. Faustin

Meaning: “Lucky”

Pronunciation: fo-STAN

189. Florent

Meaning: “Flowering” or “blooming”

Pronunciation: flo-RAHN

190. Frédéric

Meaning: “Peaceful ruler”

Pronunciation: fray-day-REEK

191. Fleury

Meaning: “In bloom”

Pronunciation: fluh-REE

192. Flavian

Meaning: “Yellow” or “blond”

Pronunciation: fla-VYAN

193. Florimond

Meaning: “Flowery protection”

Pronunciation: flo-ree-MOHN

194. Fortuné

Meaning: “Fortunate” or “lucky”

Pronunciation: for-too-NAY

195. Fulbert

Meaning: “Bright people”


196. Ferdinand

Meaning: “Bold voyager”

Pronunciation: fer-dee-NAHN

197. Foulques

Meaning: “People”

Pronunciation: foolk

198. Freddy

Meaning: “Peaceful ruler”

Pronunciation: freh-DEE

199. Fabio

Meaning: “Bean grower”

Pronunciation: fa-BEE-oh

200. Florentin

Meaning: “Flowering”

Pronunciation: flo-rahn-TAN

201. Faustine

Meaning: “Lucky”

Pronunciation: fo-STEEN

202. Fiacre

Meaning: “Hawk”

Pronunciation: fyak-ruh

203. Fares

Meaning: “Knight” or “horseman”

Pronunciation: fa-RES

204. Faust

Meaning: “Lucky”

Pronunciation: fowst

205. Félicien

Meaning: “Happy” or “lucky”

Pronunciation: fay-lee-SYAN

206. Flavio

Meaning: “Blond”

Pronunciation: fla-VEE-oh

207. Fouad

Meaning: “Heart”

Pronunciation: foo-AD

208. Florestan

Meaning: “Flowering”

Pronunciation: flo-res-TAHN

209. Fantin

Meaning: “Child”

Pronunciation: fahn-TAN

210. Fulgence

Meaning: “Shining” or “brilliant”

Pronunciation: ful-ZHAHNS

211. Flavius

Meaning: “Golden” or “yellow-haired”

Pronunciation: fla-vee-UHS

212. Ferréol

Meaning: “Iron wolf”

Pronunciation: feh-ray-OL

213. Florian

Meaning: “Flowering”

Pronunciation: flo-ree-AHN

214. Farid

Meaning: “Unique” or “precious”

Pronunciation: fa-REED

215. Félicien

Meaning: “Happy” or “lucky”

Pronunciation: fay-lee-SYAN

216. Firmin

Meaning: “Firm”

Pronunciation: feer-MAN

217. Flavian

Meaning: “Yellow” or “blond”

Pronunciation: fla-VYAN

218. Florent

Meaning: “Flowering” or “blooming”

Pronunciation: flo-RAHN

German Names for Boys That Start with F


219. Fabian

Meaning: “Bean grower”

Pronunciation: FAH-bee-ahn

220. Falko

Meaning: “Falcon”

Pronunciation: FAL-koh

221. Felix

Meaning: “Happy, fortunate”

Pronunciation: FEE-liks

222. Ferdinand

Meaning: “Bold voyager”

Pronunciation: FER-di-nand

223. Finn

Meaning: “Fair-haired”

Pronunciation: FIN

224. Florian

Meaning: “Flowering”

Pronunciation: FLOR-ee-ahn

225. Franz

Meaning: “Frenchman” or “free man”

Pronunciation: FRAHNTS

226. Frederik

Meaning: “Peaceful ruler”

Pronunciation: FREY-duh-rik

227. Fridolin

Meaning: “Peace”

Pronunciation: FREE-doh-lin

228. Friedrich

Meaning: “Peaceful ruler”

Pronunciation: FREE-drikh

229. Fritz

Meaning: “Peaceful ruler”

Pronunciation: FRITS

230. Falk

Meaning: “Falcon”

Pronunciation: FALK

231. Fedor

Meaning: “Gift of God”

Pronunciation: FYO-dor

232. Ferdi

Meaning: “Bold voyager”

Pronunciation: FER-dee

233. Fiete

Meaning: “Peace ruler”

Pronunciation: FEE-tuh

234. Filip

Meaning: “Friend of horses”

Pronunciation: FI-lip

235. Finley

Meaning: “Fair-haired warrior”

Pronunciation: FIN-lee

236. Florentin

Meaning: “Flowering”

Pronunciation: floh-REN-tin

237. Folker

Meaning: “People’s guard”

Pronunciation: FOL-ker

238. Frank

Meaning: “Free man”

Pronunciation: FRANK

239. Frederic

Meaning: “Peaceful ruler”

Pronunciation: FRED-rik

240. Frieder

Meaning: “Peaceful ruler”

Pronunciation: FREE-der

241. Friedhelm

Meaning: “Peaceful protector”

Pronunciation: FREED-helm

242. Fritjof

Meaning: “Thief of peace”

Pronunciation: FREET-yof

243. Fabio

Meaning: “Bean grower”

Pronunciation: FAH-bee-oh

244. Falco

Meaning: “Falcon”

Pronunciation: FAL-koh

245. Faustus

Meaning: “Lucky”

Pronunciation: FOWS-tuhs

246. Ferdl

Meaning: “Bold voyager”

Pronunciation: FERD-l

247. Fidelius

Meaning: “Faithful”

Pronunciation: fi-DEH-lee-uhs

248. Florens

Meaning: “Flowering”

Pronunciation: FLOR-ens

249. Floyd

Meaning: “Gray-haired”

Pronunciation: FLOYD

250. Fokko

Meaning: “People’s protection”

Pronunciation: FOK-koh

251. Franko

Meaning: “Free”

Pronunciation: FRAN-koh

252. Freddy

Meaning: “Peaceful ruler”

Pronunciation: FRED-ee

253. Friedemann

Meaning: “Man of peace”

Pronunciation: FREE-duh-mahn

254. Friedhold

Meaning: “Peaceful ruler”

Pronunciation: FREED-holt

255. Frode

Meaning: “Wise”

Pronunciation: FRO-duh

256. Fridtjof

Meaning: “Peaceful thief”

Pronunciation: FREET-yof

257. Frieso

Meaning: “Frisian”

Pronunciation: FREE-zo

258. Friso

Meaning: “Frisian”

Pronunciation: FREE-so

Spanish Names for Boys That Start with F


259. Fernando

Meaning: “Bold voyager”

Pronunciation: fer-NAN-doh

260. Francisco

Meaning: “Frenchman” or “free man”

Pronunciation: fran-SEES-koh

261. Felipe

Meaning: “Friend of horses”

Pronunciation: feh-LEE-peh

262. Félix

Meaning: “Happy” or “fortunate”

Pronunciation: FEH-leeks

263. Federico

Meaning: “Peaceful ruler”

Pronunciation: feh-deh-REE-koh

264. Fabián

Meaning: “Bean grower”

Pronunciation: fah-BYAN

265. Fidel

Meaning: “Faithful”

Pronunciation: fee-DEL

266. Florencio

Meaning: “Flourishing”

Pronunciation: floh-REN-syoh

267. Fausto

Meaning: “Lucky”

Pronunciation: FOW-stoh

268. Fermín

Meaning: “Firm”

Pronunciation: fer-MEEN

269. Franco

Meaning: “Free”

Pronunciation: FRAN-koh

270. Facundo

Meaning: “Eloquent”

Pronunciation: fah-KOON-doh

271. Fulgencio

Meaning: “Shining”

Pronunciation: fool-HEN-syoh

272. Filiberto

Meaning: “Very bright”

Pronunciation: fee-lee-BER-toh

273. Faustino

Meaning: “Fortunate”

Pronunciation: fow-STEE-noh

274. Flavio

Meaning: “Blond”

Pronunciation: FLAH-vyoh

275. Froilán

Meaning: “Lord”

Pronunciation: froi-LAN

276. Feliciano

Meaning: “Happy”

Pronunciation: feh-lee-SYAH-noh

277. Fátimo

Meaning: “Captivating”

Pronunciation: FAH-tee-moh

278. Fito

Meaning: “Son of life”

Pronunciation: FEE-toh

279. Florentino

Meaning: “Flowering”

Pronunciation: floh-ren-TEE-noh

280. Fedor

Meaning: “God’s gift”

Pronunciation: FEH-dor

281. Fortunato

Meaning: “Lucky”

Pronunciation: for-too-NAH-toh

282. Fidencio

Meaning: “Faithful”

Pronunciation: fee-DEN-syoh

283. Fabio

Meaning: “Bean grower”

Pronunciation: FAH-byoh

284. Fran

Meaning: “Free”

Pronunciation: FRAN

285. Fiacro

Meaning: “Raven”

Pronunciation: FYAH-kroh

286. Falcón

Meaning: “Falcon”

Pronunciation: fal-KON

287. Felino

Meaning: “Feline”

Pronunciation: feh-LEE-noh

288. Fructuoso

Meaning: “Fruitful”

Pronunciation: frook-TWO-soh

289. Filomeno

Meaning: “Friend”

Pronunciation: fee-loh-MEH-noh

290. Florián

Meaning: “Flowering”

Pronunciation: floh-RYAN

291. Flaminio

Meaning: “Flame-colored”

Pronunciation: flah-MEE-nyoh

292. Fabrizio

Meaning: “Craftsman”

Pronunciation: fah-BREE-syoh

293. Filemón

Meaning: “Affectionate”

Pronunciation: fee-leh-MON

294. Florindo

Meaning: “Flowering”

Pronunciation: floh-REEN-doh

295. Faustitino

Meaning: “Fortunate”

Pronunciation: fow-stee-TEE-noh

296. Fridolino

Meaning: “Peaceful ruler”

Pronunciation: free-doh-LEE-noh

297. Fermín

Meaning: “Firm”

Pronunciation: fer-MEEN

298. Fulgencio

Meaning: “Shining”

Pronunciation: fool-HEN-syoh

Italian Names for Boys That Start with F


299. Fabio

Meaning: “Bean grower”

Pronunciation: FAH-bee-oh

300. Federico

Meaning: “Peaceful ruler”

Pronunciation: feh-deh-REE-koh

301. Filippo

Meaning: “Lover of horses”

Pronunciation: fee-LEEP-poh

302. Francesco

Meaning: “Frenchman” or “free man”

Pronunciation: fran-CHES-koh

303. Franco

Meaning: “Free”

Pronunciation: FRAN-koh

304. Fabrizio

Meaning: “Craftsman”

Pronunciation: fah-BREET-see-oh

305. Fausto

Meaning: “Lucky”

Pronunciation: FOW-stoh

306. Ferdinando

Meaning: “Bold voyager”

Pronunciation: fer-dee-NAN-doh

307. Flavio

Meaning: “Blond”

Pronunciation: FLAH-vee-oh

308. Fulvio

Meaning: “Yellow” or “tawny”

Pronunciation: FOOL-vee-oh

309. Felice

Meaning: “Happy” or “fortunate”

Pronunciation: feh-LEE-cheh

310. Ferruccio

Meaning: “Iron”

Pronunciation: fer-ROO-choh

311. Fiorenzo

Meaning: “Flowering”

Pronunciation: fyoh-REN-zoh

312. Fortunato

Meaning: “Fortunate” or “lucky”

Pronunciation: for-too-NAH-toh

313. Fosco

Meaning: “Dark”

Pronunciation: FOS-koh

314. Furio

Meaning: “Furious”

Pronunciation: FOO-ree-oh

315. Fidenzio

Meaning: “Faithful”

Pronunciation: fee-DEN-tsee-oh

316. Filiberto

Meaning: “Very bright”

Pronunciation: fee-lee-BER-toh

317. Flaviano

Meaning: “Yellow” or “blond”

Pronunciation: flah-vee-AH-noh

318. Firmino

Meaning: “Firm” or “strong”

Pronunciation: feer-MEE-noh

319. Fiorello

Meaning: “Little flower”

Pronunciation: fyoh-REL-loh

320. Flaminio

Meaning: “Flame-colored”

Pronunciation: flah-MEE-nee-oh

321. Floriano

Meaning: “Flowering”

Pronunciation: floh-ree-AH-noh

322. Fulgenzio

Meaning: “Shining”

Pronunciation: fool-JEN-tsee-oh

323. Faustino

Meaning: “Lucky”

Pronunciation: fow-STEE-noh

324. Fedele

Meaning: “Faithful”

Pronunciation: feh-DEH-leh

325. Fiorino

Meaning: “Little flower”

Pronunciation: fyoh-REE-noh

326. Folco

Meaning: “People” or “folk”

Pronunciation: FOL-koh

327. Fabiano

Meaning: “Bean grower”

Pronunciation: fah-bee-AH-noh

328. Fiorindo

Meaning: “Flowering”

Pronunciation: fyoh-REEN-doh

329. Folchetto

Meaning: “Little folk”

Pronunciation: fol-KET-toh

330. Fiore

Meaning: “Flower”

Pronunciation: FYOH-reh

331. Fermo

Meaning: “Firm” or “steady”

Pronunciation: FER-moh

332. Fedro

Meaning: “Bright”

Pronunciation: FEH-droh

333. Florestano

Meaning: “Blooming”

Pronunciation: floh-res-TAH-noh

334. Falco

Meaning: “Hawk”

Pronunciation: FAL-koh

335. Fiorino

Meaning: “Little flower”

Pronunciation: fyoh-REE-noh

336. Filandro

Meaning: “Friend of the Greeks”

Pronunciation: fee-LAN-droh

337. Fulberto

Meaning: “Bright people”

Pronunciation: fool-BER-toh

338. Febo

Meaning: “Bright” or “shining”

Pronunciation: FEH-boh

Wrapping Up

Finding the right name can feel like a big adventure, but with boys names start with F, the search just got a lot easier!

Whether it’s a name that sounds bold like Fergus, cool like Flynn, or classic like Frederick, there’s something for every taste.

Some names carry strong meanings, like Felix, which means “lucky,” while others, like Fabian, have a rich history.

From English and Irish to French and Italian, this list has names from all over the world, making it a treasure chest of choices.

Picking a name is more than just choosing letters—it’s choosing an identity, a personality, and a little piece of history.

So, whether it’s for a future legend, a tiny troublemaker, or a kind-hearted soul, the perfect boy’s name that starts with F is waiting to be discovered!

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