300 Truth or Dare Questions to Ask Over Text Messages

In today’s world, staying connected with friends and having fun can be a bit tricky, especially when we can’t meet up in person.
One classic game that adapts well to our digital communication is Truth or Dare, offering a blend of laughs, surprises, and honest exchanges, no matter the distance.
The game starts with players sitting in a circle, and then they take turns choosing either “truth” or “dare.”
If a player chooses “truth,” they must answer a question honestly. If they choose “dare,” they must perform some action as dictated by the other players.
This blog brings you a whopping list of 300 Truth or Dare questions perfectly suited for texting.
Personal Truth-Or-Dare Questions
- What’s your most embarrassing moment?
- Have you ever cheated on a test?
- Do you have a crush on anyone right now?
- What is your biggest fear?
- Have you ever stolen anything?
- What’s the most childish thing you still do?
- What’s your guilty pleasure?
- Have you ever lied to your best friend?
- Do you talk to yourself?
- What is your worst habit?
- What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said about someone else?
- What’s something you’re bad at but wish you were good at?
- Have you ever lied on your resume?
- What’s a rumor you’ve spread?
- Do you have a diary?
- Have you ever cheated in a relationship?
- What’s the most useless talent you have?
- What’s the most awkward experience you’ve had with a crush?
- Have you ever been dumped?
- What’s something you’re ashamed of?
- What’s your biggest insecurity?
- Have you ever broken something at a friend’s house and not told them?
- What’s the longest you’ve gone without showering?
- Do you believe in love at first sight?
- What’s the most illegal thing you’ve done?
- Call your crush and say “I like you.”
- Do your best impression of a celebrity of your choice.
- Text your ex and say “I miss you.”
- Wear socks on your hands for the next three rounds.
- Take a silly selfie and post it on your social media account.
- Show the last five pictures on your phone.
- Try to do the splits.
- Imitate another player in the room until your next turn.
- Put ice cubes down your shirt.
- Do ten push-ups.
- Call a random number and sing “Happy Birthday.”
- Do a silly dance for one minute.
- Sniff another player’s shoe.
- Say the alphabet backward.
- Wear your pants backward for the next three rounds.
- Write a Facebook post only using song titles.
- Do your best catwalk across the room.
- Act like a monkey until your next turn.
- Switch clothes with someone of the opposite gender.
- Tickle the person to your left.
- Serenade the person to your right.
- Make a funny face and keep it that way until the next round.
- Lick your elbow.
- Post a video of you doing a cartwheel.
- Run around the room pretending to be an airplane.
Funny Truth or Dare Questions
- What’s the silliest thing you’ve ever done on a dare?
- If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
- What’s the last lie you told?
- Have you ever had an imaginary friend?
- What’s the funniest joke you know?
- What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
- Have you ever made a prank call?
- What’s a common thing you’re afraid of?
- Have you ever fallen asleep in a movie theater?
- What’s a funny nickname you’ve had?
- What’s the most childish thing you still do?
- What’s your go-to dance move?
- What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve searched on Google?
- What’s your cheesiest pickup line?
- What’s the most embarrassing fashion trend you used to follow?
- Have you ever laughed so hard you peed your pants?
- What’s a meme that describes your life?
- What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done when you were bored?
- Have you ever tried to impress someone and failed?
- Have you ever been caught picking your nose?
- What’s your guilty pleasure show?
- What’s the dumbest way you’ve been injured?
- What’s something you can’t do no matter how hard you try?
- Have you ever tried to set up two friends for a date?
- What’s the most awkward gift you’ve received?
- Wear underwear on your head for the next two rounds.
- Talk in a made-up language for the next five minutes.
- Do the chicken dance.
- Pretend you’re a stand-up comedian for two minutes.
- Spin around 10 times and try to walk in a straight line.
- Tell a joke until someone laughs.
- Dance like a ballerina.
- Yell out the first word that comes to your mind right now.
- Make up a silly song and sing it.
- Imitate a chicken laying an egg.
- Try to catch three small items someone throws at you.
- Say “banana” after everything you say until your next turn.
- Do a handstand.
- Wear socks on your hands for three turns.
- Talk like a cowboy.
- Mime being stuck in a box until your next turn.
- Pretend to be a T-Rex.
- Make up a short rap song.
- Act like a dog and fetch something.
- Draw a mustache on your face with a marker.
- Pretend to be a baby until your next turn.
- Balance a spoon on your nose for 10 seconds.
- Talk with your tongue out.
- Try to lick your nose.
- Sing the ABCs backward.
Relationship Truth or Dare Questions
- What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done?
- Have you ever been in love?
- What is your ideal date?
- Have you ever had a one-night stand?
- What’s your biggest relationship deal-breaker?
- What’s something you’re reluctant to tell even your close friends about your love life?
- Have you ever dated more than one person at the same time?
- What’s the biggest age difference between you and someone you dated?
- What’s a deal-breaker for you on a date?
- What’s the most shallow reason you’ve broken up with someone?
- What’s your biggest turn-on?
- What’s your biggest turn-off?
- Have you ever been cheated on?
- Have you ever cheated on someone?
- Have you ever been friend-zoned?
- What’s your worst breakup story?
- Have you ever made a dating profile and never used it?
- What’s your most irrational fear in a relationship?
- What’s the quickest you’ve said “I love you”?
- Have you ever practiced a kiss in the mirror?
- What’s a romantic deal-breaker for you?
- Have you ever rehearsed a breakup speech?
- What’s the worst reason you’ve stayed in a bad relationship?
- Have you ever “ghosted” someone?
- What’s your most embarrassing date story?
- Serenade someone in the room.
- Write a love poem and recite it aloud.
- Kiss the person to your right on the cheek.
- Text a romantic message to someone you like.
- Hug everyone in the room.
- Pretend you’re on a romantic dinner date with the person to your left.
- Call an ex and apologize for something you did wrong.
- Do a sexy dance.
- Create a love potion by mixing different edible items you find and drink it.
- Post a romantic quote on social media and tag the person it’s about.
- Write someone’s name on your chest and keep it there for three rounds.
- Hold hands with the person next to you for five turns.
- Confess your feelings to someone in the room.
- Flirt with the person to your right for one minute.
- Text your crush asking them on a date.
- Dance with a broom or mop as if it’s your partner.
- Give a foot massage to someone in the room.
- Draw a heart on your wrist in permanent marker.
- Play footsie with the person across from you.
- Act out a proposal, choosing someone in the room as your partner.
- Say something deeply romantic to the person on your left.
- Recite a romantic movie quote.
- Write a flirty text message and send it to your crush.
- Reenact a scene from a romantic movie with another player.
- Call a random contact and confess your “love” for them.
Awkward Truth or Dare Questions
- Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else?
- What’s your most awkward dating experience?
- What’s the most embarrassing song you like?
- Have you ever walked in on someone in the bathroom?
- Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction?
- What’s the most awkward situation you’ve been caught in?
- Have you ever said “I love you” without meaning it?
- What’s your go-to karaoke song?
- Have you ever been caught in a lie?
- What’s the worst thing you’ve ever said to someone?
- What’s the most embarrassing thing your parents caught you doing?
- Have you ever accidentally texted the wrong person?
- What’s your most awkward public speaking moment?
- Have you ever sent an embarrassing email to the wrong person?
- What’s the most cringeworthy thing you’ve done to try to be cool?
- What’s the most embarrassing TV show you watch?
- What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done when you were alone?
- What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done on social media?
- Have you ever regretted something you posted online?
- Have you ever been caught checking someone out?
- What’s the most embarrassing thing in your browser history?
- What’s the most awkward romantic encounter you’ve had?
- Have you ever failed impressing your crush?
- What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done at work?
- Have you ever had toilet paper stuck to your shoe?
- Imitate the way someone in the room walks.
- Pretend to be someone’s shadow for the next three minutes.
- Say the alphabet backward as fast as you can.
- Speak without using any vowels.
- Do your best impression of a robot for one minute.
- Talk like a Shakespearean character for five minutes.
- Make a prank call.
- Snort while laughing for the next three rounds.
- Talk without closing your mouth.
- Perform an embarrassing dance.
- Wear toilet paper as a scarf.
- Hold your nose while talking.
- Call a random contact and pretend you’re a TV show host.
- Eat a spoonful of a condiment of your choice.
- Balance a book on your head for a minute.
- Blindfold yourself and walk around the room for two minutes without bumping into anything.
- Act out a funny commercial.
- Wear a pillow as a hat for the next three rounds.
- Give yourself a silly hairstyle.
- Speak in rhymes for the next five minutes.
- Try to sell a pen to someone in the room.
- Talk like a news reporter.
- Pretend you’re an opera singer.
- Draw an embarrassing picture and show it to the group.
- Speak like Yoda for the next four rounds.
- Adventure Questions
- What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
- If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you go?
- Have you ever been camping?
- What’s the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
- Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
- Have you ever hitchhiked?
- What’s the wildest party you’ve ever been to?
- Have you ever snuck out of your house?
- What’s the most extreme sport you’ve tried?
- Have you ever been lost in the wilderness?
- What’s the most interesting place you’ve been to?
- What’s your dream adventure?
- Have you ever been on a road trip?
- What’s the most rebellious thing you’ve done?
- Have you ever broken a world record?
- What’s the most exotic food you’ve tried?
- What’s the most daring thing on your bucket list?
- What’s the most terrifying thing you’ve done for fun?
- Have you ever done something illegal for the thrill?
- What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been?
- Have you ever been bungee jumping or skydiving?
- What’s the most physically challenging thing you’ve done?
- Have you ever gone surfing?
- What’s the most dangerous animal you’ve encountered?
- What’s the most difficult thing you’ve ever climbed?
- Do a cartwheel.
- Pretend you’re swimming underwater for the next three minutes.
- Build a human pyramid with other players.
- Climb a tree or scale the highest point in the room.
- Do a headstand.
- Jump as high as you can five times.
- Act like a ninja for the next three minutes.
- Create a treasure map and explain it to the group.
- Pretend you’re on a deserted island and perform a distress call.
- Do a barrel roll.
- Spin a basketball on your finger.
- Pretend you’re in a canoe for the next two rounds.
- Act like a tour guide for a made-up place.
- Mimic a tightrope walker.
- Do your best pirate impression.
- Pretend to be an archaeologist and describe a fake artifact.
- Walk like an Egyptian for the next two rounds.
- Pretend you’re a superhero and describe your powers.
- Walk on your hands or do a handstand walk.
- Create a secret handshake with someone.
- Pretend you’re snorkeling.
- Act out a scene from an adventure movie.
- Act like a spy for the next two rounds.
- Give someone a piggyback ride.
- Act like an astronaut who just landed on the moon.
Random Truth or Dare Questions
- What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
- If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
- What’s your go-to karaoke song?
- What’s the weirdest talent you have?
- Have you ever been hypnotized?
- What’s the one thing you would do if you were the opposite sex for a day?
- If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
- What’s the most interesting fact you know?
- Have you ever sleepwalked?
- What would you do with a million dollars?
- What’s the most unusual job you can think of?
- What’s the weirdest food combination you enjoy?
- What’s the last thing you Googled?
- If you could be any fictional character, who would you be?
- What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done while drunk?
- What’s the strangest thing you’ve done for money?
- What’s the one thing you would never eat?
- What’s the most useless talent you have?
- What’s the most bizarre thing you’ve ever found attractive in someone?
- What’s the oddest thing you’ve ever collected?
- What’s the weirdest habit you have?
- What’s the most unusual fear you have?
- If you had to marry a fictional character, who would it be?
- What’s the most useless piece of knowledge you know?
- What’s the most unusual place you’ve ever visited?
- Draw a face around your belly button.
- Invent a new dance move and perform it.
- Speak like a robot for the next three rounds.
- Do your best celebrity impression.
- Invent a new word and define it.
- Say a tongue twister five times fast.
- Hold an ice cube in your hand until it melts.
- Write a short poem or haiku on the spot and recite it.
- Try to do a magic trick.
- Attempt to stand on your toes for at least 30 seconds.
- Sing “Happy Birthday” in a different language.
- Close your eyes and let someone draw on you for 30 seconds.
- Pretend you’re in a zombie apocalypse and act out your survival strategy.
- Dance without music for one minute.
- Create a new handshake with someone in the room.
- Pretend to be a runway model and walk across the room.
- Draw a self-portrait without looking at the paper.
- Walk like you’re on the moon.
- Pretend you’re in a silent film for the next two rounds.
- Speak in third person for the rest of the game.
- Try to lick your elbow.
- Juggle three items of the group’s choosing.
- Call a random contact and sing “Happy Birthday” to them, regardless of their actual birth date.
- Invent a short rap about another player.
- Wear socks on your hands for the next three rounds.
How to Play Truth or Dare over Text:
Starting the Game: Decide who goes first. You could do this randomly or by agreement.
Choosing Truth or Dare: The person whose turn it is texts “Truth” or “Dare” to the group or individual.
Assigning the Task: The other person or people then send a truth question or a daring task in return.
Completion: Once the task is completed or the question answered, the person who just finished gets to ask the next person, “Truth or Dare?”
Documentation: Since dares can’t always be verified over text, players often send a photo or video as proof. For dares that can’t be captured this way, you’ll have to rely on the honor system.
Taking Turns: Continue taking turns until everyone has had enough or you reach a pre-determined ending point.
Tips for Playing over Text:
Pre-set Rules: It’s a good idea to set some boundaries before starting the game, given that text can be a limited medium for understanding nuance and context.
Creative Dares: Since you’re not in the same physical location, dares may have to be more creative. They could involve sending a funny picture, recording a funny voice message, or even pranking another friend (as long as it’s all in good fun and not harmful).
Timely Responses: Given that people may be multitasking, it’s good to set an expectation for how quickly someone should respond when it’s their turn.
Safe Word: As with any version of Truth or Dare, it’s a good idea to have a “safe word” or rule where someone can decline a dare or question without repercussions to ensure everyone stays comfortable.
Wrapping Up
These 300 truth-or-dare questions are a fun way to keep your text chats exciting.
They help you discover more about the people you’re talking to and build stronger friendships.
Just remember to respect everyone’s limits and make sure they’re okay with playing along.
So, go ahead and start a round of truth or dare the next time you’re texting someone.
You could learn some surprising things and have a great time too!
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