400 Unique Boys’ Names That Start with I

Searching for that special “I” name for your baby boy?
The letter I bring a touch of distinction to a boy’s name. It sounds smooth and carries a certain charm. Names that start with I aren’t as common, which makes them stand out in the best way.
This collection features 400 boy names beginning with me from across the globe. Some are well-known favorites; Others are rare treasures. You’ll find short, punchy options and longer, flowing names too.
Each name I name has its own history and meaning. Some have ancient roots from different cultures, while others feel fresh and modern. Browse through familiar choices or explore something truly unique.
Take a moment with each name. Test how it sounds. The perfect I name for your little boy could be just a few scrolls away.
English Names for Boys That Start with I
1. Isaac
Meaning: “He will laugh”
Pronunciation: EYE-zuhk
2. Ian
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: EE-uhn
3. Isaiah
Meaning: “Yahweh is salvation”
Pronunciation: eye-ZAY-uh
4. Ivan
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: EYE-vuhn
5. Elijah
Meaning: “Yahweh is my God”
Pronunciation: ih-LY-juh
6. Ignatius
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: ig-NAY-shuhs
7. Iker
Meaning: “Visitation”
Pronunciation: EE-kur
8. Israel
Meaning: “He who struggles with God”
Pronunciation: IZ-ree-uhl
9. Irvin
Meaning: “Green river”
Pronunciation: UR-vin
10. Ibrahim
Meaning: “Father of many”
Pronunciation: ib-rah-HEEM
11. Ira
Meaning: “Watchful”
Pronunciation: EYE-ruh
12. Idris
Meaning: “Ardent lord”
Pronunciation: ID-ris
13. Imran
Meaning: “Prosperity”
Pronunciation: IM-ran
14. Ishmael
Meaning: “God will hear”
Pronunciation: ISH-may-el
15. Ibraheem
Meaning: “Father of many”
Pronunciation: ib-rah-HEEM
16. Iker
Meaning: “Visitation”
Pronunciation: EE-kur
17. Inigo
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: IN-i-goh
18. Ilan
Meaning: “Tree”
Pronunciation: ee-LAHN
19. Irving
Meaning: “Green water”
Pronunciation: UR-ving
20. Iago
Meaning: “Supplanter”
Pronunciation: ee-AH-goh
21. Isa
Meaning: “Salvation”
Pronunciation: EE-suh
22. Ivor
Meaning: “Archer”
Pronunciation: EYE-vor
23. Icarus
Meaning: “Follower”
Pronunciation: IK-uh-ruhs
24. Ike
Meaning: “He will laugh”
Pronunciation: EYK
25. Iain
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: EE-uhn
26. Immanuel
Meaning: “God is with us”
Pronunciation: ih-MAN-yoo-el
27. Isiah
Meaning: “Yahweh is salvation”
Pronunciation: eye-ZAY-uh
28. Isidore
Meaning: “Gift of Isis”
Pronunciation: IZ-i-dor
29. Irwin
Meaning: “Boar friend”
Pronunciation: UR-win
30. Iver
Meaning: “Archer”
Pronunciation: EYE-ver
31. Ishaan
Meaning: “Sun”
Pronunciation: ee-SHAHN
32. Ilyas
Meaning: “Yahweh is God”
Pronunciation: IL-yahs
33. Izaiah
Meaning: “Yahweh is salvation”
Pronunciation: eye-ZAY-uh
34. Iggy
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: IG-ee
35. Ivar
Meaning: “Archer”
Pronunciation: EYE-var
36. Idan
Meaning: “Era”
Pronunciation: ee-DAHN
37. Ivo
Meaning: “Yew wood”
Pronunciation: EE-voh
38. Ingram
Meaning: “Ing’s raven”
Pronunciation: ING-ruhm
39. Indiana
Meaning: “Land of the Indians”
Pronunciation: in-dee-AN-uh
40. Indy
Meaning: “Independent”
Pronunciation: IN-dee
Biblical Names for Boys That Start with I
41. Ibhar
Meaning: “God chooses”
Pronunciation: IB-har
42. Ibneiah
Meaning: “God builds”
Pronunciation: ib-NEE-uh
43. Ibri
Meaning: “Hebrew” or “from beyond”
Pronunciation: IB-ry
44. Ichabod
Meaning: “No glory” or “the glory has departed”
Pronunciation: IK-uh-bod
45. Idbash
Meaning: “Honey-like”
Pronunciation: ID-bash
46. Iddo
Meaning: “Timely” or “favorite”
Pronunciation: ID-oh
47. Igal
Meaning: “God redeems”
Pronunciation: EE-gal
48. Igdaliah
Meaning: “God is great”
Pronunciation: ig-duh-LY-uh
49. Ikkesh
Meaning: “Perverse”
Pronunciation: IK-kesh
50. Ilai
Meaning: “Exalted”
Pronunciation: EE-lay
51. Imla
Meaning: “Full” or “will fill”
Pronunciation: IM-luh
52. Immanuel
Meaning: “God is with us”
Pronunciation: ih-MAN-yoo-el
53. Immer
Meaning: “Talkative”
Pronunciation: IM-er
54. Imna
Meaning: “God will restrain”
Pronunciation: IM-nuh
55. Imrah
Meaning: “Stubborn”
Pronunciation: IM-ruh
56. Imri
Meaning: “Eloquent”
Pronunciation: IM-ry
57. Ira
Meaning: “Watchful”
Pronunciation: EYE-ruh
58. Irad
Meaning: “Wild donkey” or “fugitive”
Pronunciation: EYE-rad
59. Iram
Meaning: “Belonging to the city”
Pronunciation: EYE-ram
60. Iri
Meaning: “Watchful”
Pronunciation: EYE-ry
61. Irijah
Meaning: “God sees”
Pronunciation: eye-RY-juh
62. Isaac
Meaning: “Laughter”
Pronunciation: EYE-zuk
63. Isaiah
Meaning: “God is salvation”
Pronunciation: eye-ZAY-uh
64. Iscah
Meaning: “One who looks forth”
Pronunciation: IS-kuh
65. Ishmael
Meaning: “God hears”
Pronunciation: ISH-may-el
66. Ishmerai
Meaning: “God keeps”
Pronunciation: ish-MER-ay
67. Ishpan
Meaning: “He will hide”
Pronunciation: ISH-pan
68. Ishuah
Meaning: “He will resemble”
Pronunciation: ISH-oo-uh
69. Ishmaiah
Meaning: “God will hear”
Pronunciation: ish-MAY-uh
70. Israel
Meaning: “He struggles with God”
Pronunciation: IZ-ree-uhl
71. Issachar
Meaning: “Reward” or “he will bring a reward”
Pronunciation: IS-uh-kar
72. Ithai
Meaning: “With me”
Pronunciation: ITH-ay
73. Ithamar
Meaning: “Land of palm”
Pronunciation: ITH-uh-mar
74. Ithiel
Meaning: “God is with me”
Pronunciation: ITH-ee-el
75. Ithmah
Meaning: “Orphan”
Pronunciation: ITH-muh
76. Ithran
Meaning: “Advantage”
Pronunciation: ITH-ran
77. Ittai
Meaning: “With me”
Pronunciation: IT-ay
78. Ivah
Meaning: “Overturning”
Pronunciation: EYE-vuh
79. Izhar
Meaning: “Oil” or “anointing”
Pronunciation: IZ-har
80. Izrahiah
Meaning: “God will shine”
Pronunciation: iz-ruh-HY-uh
Greek Names for Boys That Start with I
81. Iason
Meaning: “Healer”
Pronunciation: ee-AH-son
82. Ignatios
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: ig-NAH-tee-os
83. Ilias
Meaning: “The Lord is my God”
Pronunciation: ee-LEE-as
84. Ioannis
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: yo-AH-nees
85. Iosif
Meaning: “God will increase”
Pronunciation: yo-SEEF
86. Iraklis
Meaning: “Glory of Hera”
Pronunciation: ee-ra-KLEES
87. Isidoros
Meaning: “Gift of Isis”
Pronunciation: ee-see-DO-ros
88. Iakovos
Meaning: “Supplanter”
Pronunciation: ya-KO-vos
89. Ieronymos
Meaning: “Sacred name”
Pronunciation: ye-RO-nee-mos
90. Ifigenios
Meaning: “Born strong”
Pronunciation: ee-fee-YE-nee-os
91. Ilarionas
Meaning: “Cheerful”
Pronunciation: ee-la-ree-O-nas
92. Ippokratis
Meaning: “Horse power”
Pronunciation: ee-po-KRA-tees
93. Irodion
Meaning: “Hero’s song”
Pronunciation: ee-ro-dee-ON
94. Isaak
Meaning: “Laughter”
Pronunciation: ee-sa-AK
95. Ioakim
Meaning: “God will establish”
Pronunciation: yo-a-KEEM
96. Iordanis
Meaning: “To flow down”
Pronunciation: yor-DA-nees
97. Ioulios
Meaning: “Youthful”
Pronunciation: YOU-lee-os
98. Iphitos
Meaning: “Strong”
Pronunciation: EE-fee-tos
99. Irenaios
Meaning: “Peaceful”
Pronunciation: ee-re-NE-os
100. Isaias
Meaning: “God is salvation”
Pronunciation: ee-sa-EE-as
101. Ikaros
Meaning: “Follower”
Pronunciation: EE-ka-ros
102. Ionas
Meaning: “Dove”
Pronunciation: yo-NAS
103. Iosias
Meaning: “God supports”
Pronunciation: yo-SEE-as
104. Ireneos
Meaning: “Peaceful”
Pronunciation: ee-re-NE-os
105. Isocrates
Meaning: “Equal power”
Pronunciation: eye-SOK-ra-teez
106. Ianis
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: YA-nees
107. Ieronim
Meaning: “Sacred name”
Pronunciation: ye-RO-neem
108. Ifestos
Meaning: “God of fire and metalworking”
Pronunciation: ee-FES-tos
109. Ilarios
Meaning: “Cheerful”
Pronunciation: ee-LA-ree-os
110. Iosipos
Meaning: “God will increase”
Pronunciation: yo-SEE-pos
111. Ippolytos
Meaning: “Freer of horses”
Pronunciation: ee-PO-lee-tos
112. Iros
Meaning: “Hero”
Pronunciation: EE-ros
113. Isokratis
Meaning: “Equal power”
Pronunciation: ee-so-KRA-tees
114. Iakobos
Meaning: “Supplanter”
Pronunciation: ya-KO-bos
115. Idomeneas
Meaning: “Mind counselor”
Pronunciation: ee-do-me-NE-as
116. Ioannikios
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: yo-a-NEE-kee-os
117. Ipatios
Meaning: “Supreme”
Pronunciation: ee-PA-tee-os
118. Irinaios
Meaning: “Peaceful”
Pronunciation: ee-ree-NE-os
119. Isochos
Meaning: “Equal”
Pronunciation: EE-so-khos
120. Ithakos
Meaning: “From Ithaca”
Pronunciation: EE-tha-kos
Latin Names for Boys That Start with I
121. Ignacio
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: ig-NAH-see-oh
122. Ignatius
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: ig-NAY-shus
123. Igor
Meaning: “Warrior of peace”
Pronunciation: EE-gor
124. Iker
Meaning: “Visitation”
Pronunciation: EE-ker
125. Ilario
Meaning: “Cheerful”
Pronunciation: ee-LAH-ree-oh
126. Ildefonso
Meaning: “Ready for battle”
Pronunciation: il-de-FON-so
127. Ilio
Meaning: “Sun”
Pronunciation: EE-lee-oh
128. Iñaki
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: ee-NYAH-kee
129. Innocent
Meaning: “Harmless”
Pronunciation: IN-uh-sunt
130. Inocencio
Meaning: “Innocent”
Pronunciation: ee-no-SEN-see-oh
131. Inigo
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: IN-i-go
132. Inti
Meaning: “Sun god”
Pronunciation: IN-tee
133. Ireneo
Meaning: “Peaceful”
Pronunciation: ee-re-NE-oh
134. Ireneus
Meaning: “Peaceful”
Pronunciation: eye-re-NEE-us
135. Irineu
Meaning: “Peaceful”
Pronunciation: ee-ree-NE-oo
136. Irving
Meaning: “Green water”
Pronunciation: UR-ving
137. Isaac
Meaning: “Laughter”
Pronunciation: EYE-zuk
138. Isaias
Meaning: “God is salvation”
Pronunciation: ee-sah-EE-as
139. Isidore
Meaning: “Gift of Isis”
Pronunciation: IZ-i-dor
140. Isidoro
Meaning: “Gift of Isis”
Pronunciation: ee-see-DOH-roh
141. Israel
Meaning: “He who struggles with God”
Pronunciation: IZ-ree-uhl
142. Italo
Meaning: “From Italy”
Pronunciation: EE-tah-lo
143. Ivan
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: EE-vahn
144. Ivar
Meaning: “Warrior with yew bow”
Pronunciation: EE-var
145. Iver
Meaning: “Archer”
Pronunciation: EYE-ver
146. Ivo
Meaning: “Yew wood”
Pronunciation: EE-voh
147. Ivon
Meaning: “Yew bow”
Pronunciation: EE-von
148. Ivor
Meaning: “Archer”
Pronunciation: EYE-vor
149. Ishmael
Meaning: “God will hear”
Pronunciation: ISH-may-el
150. Icarus
Meaning: “Follower”
Pronunciation: IK-uh-rus
151. Idris
Meaning: “Ardent lord”
Pronunciation: ID-ris
152. Ilias
Meaning: “Yahweh is God”
Pronunciation: IL-ee-as
153. Ilya
Meaning: “Yahweh is God”
Pronunciation: IL-yuh
154. Immanuel
Meaning: “God is with us”
Pronunciation: ih-MAN-yoo-el
155. Indigo
Meaning: “Indian dye”
Pronunciation: IN-di-go
156. Indy
Meaning: “Independent”
Pronunciation: IN-dee
157. Inge
Meaning: “Ing’s (a Norse god) descendant”
Pronunciation: ING-uh
158. Ingo
Meaning: “Protected by Ing”
Pronunciation: IN-go
159. Ingram
Meaning: “Ing’s raven”
Pronunciation: ING-ruhm
160. Inman
Meaning: “Dweller at the inn”
Pronunciation: IN-mun
Irish Names for Boys That Start with I
161. Iagan
Meaning: “Little fire”
Pronunciation: EE-gan
162. Iain
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: EE-an
163. Ian
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: EE-an
164. Iarfhlaith
Meaning: “Lord of the west”
Pronunciation: EER-lah
165. Iden
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: EYE-den
166. Ignatius
Meaning: “Fiery one”
Pronunciation: ig-NAY-shus
167. Ivor
Meaning: “Archer”
Pronunciation: EYE-vor
168. Iomhar
Meaning: “Archer”
Pronunciation: EE-var
169. Iollan
Meaning: “Island”
Pronunciation: IL-an
170. Ioan
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: YO-an
171. Ioannidis
Meaning: “Son of John”
Pronunciation: yo-an-EE-dis
172. Iokua
Meaning: “God is salvation”
Pronunciation: yo-KOO-ah
173. Ionatan
Meaning: “God has given”
Pronunciation: yo-NA-tan
174. Ioseph
Meaning: “God will increase”
Pronunciation: YO-sef
175. Ira
Meaning: “Watchful”
Pronunciation: EYE-ra
176. Isaac
Meaning: “Laughter”
Pronunciation: EYE-zak
177. Isidore
Meaning: “Gift of Isis”
Pronunciation: IZ-i-dor
178. Ivo
Meaning: “Yew wood”
Pronunciation: EE-vo
179. Iwan
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: EE-wan
180. Iarlaith
Meaning: “Lord of the west”
Pronunciation: EER-lah
181. Idris
Meaning: “Ardent lord”
Pronunciation: ID-ris
182. Iggy
Meaning: “Fiery one”
Pronunciation: IG-ee
183. Illtyd
Meaning: “Multitude”
Pronunciation: ILL-tid
184. Immanuel
Meaning: “God is with us”
Pronunciation: i-MAN-yoo-el
185. Inigo
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: IN-i-go
186. Iollan
Meaning: “Island”
Pronunciation: IL-an
187. Iolo
Meaning: “Youthful”
Pronunciation: YO-lo
188. Iorwerth
Meaning: “Handsome lord”
Pronunciation: yor-WERTH
189. Irving
Meaning: “Green water”
Pronunciation: ER-ving
190. Isaiah
Meaning: “Salvation of the Lord”
Pronunciation: eye-ZAY-uh
191. Ishmael
Meaning: “God will hear”
Pronunciation: ISH-may-el
192. Ivar
Meaning: “Archer”
Pronunciation: EE-var
193. Ives
Meaning: “Yew wood”
Pronunciation: EYEVZ
194. Ivon
Meaning: “Yew wood”
Pronunciation: EYE-von
195. Ifor
Meaning: “Lord”
Pronunciation: EE-vor
196. Ikechi
Meaning: “God’s power”
Pronunciation: ee-KEH-chee
197. Illtud
Meaning: “Many nations”
Pronunciation: ILL-tud
198. Innis
Meaning: “Island”
Pronunciation: IN-is
199. Iestyn
Meaning: “Just”
Pronunciation: YES-tin
200. Iarl
Meaning: “Earl”
Pronunciation: YARL
Scottish Names for Boys That Start with I
201. Iagan
Meaning: “Little fire”
Pronunciation: EE-gan
202. Iain
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: EE-an
203. Ian
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: EE-an
204. Iarlaith
Meaning: “Lord of the sea”
Pronunciation: EER-lah
205. Innes
Meaning: “From the island”
Pronunciation: IN-es
206. Iomhar
Meaning: “Bow warrior”
Pronunciation: EE-vor
207. Irvine
Meaning: “Green river”
Pronunciation: UR-vin
208. Isaac
Meaning: “He will laugh”
Pronunciation: EYE-zik
209. Islay
Meaning: “Island”
Pronunciation: EYE-luh
210. Ivar
Meaning: “Bow warrior”
Pronunciation: EYE-var
211. Ivatt
Meaning: “Archer”
Pronunciation: EYE-vat
212. Iver
Meaning: “Bow warrior”
Pronunciation: EYE-ver
213. Ivor
Meaning: “Bow warrior”
Pronunciation: EYE-vor
214. Iye
Meaning: “Yew tree”
Pronunciation: EYE
215. Iain
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: EE-an
216. Iarl
Meaning: “Earl, nobleman”
Pronunciation: YARL
217. Idris
Meaning: “Ardent lord”
Pronunciation: ID-ris
218. Imrie
Meaning: “Powerful”
Pronunciation: IM-ree
219. Inchcape
Meaning: “Island cape”
Pronunciation: INCH-kayp
220. Inglis
Meaning: “English”
Pronunciation: ING-glis
221. Ingram
Meaning: “Raven”
Pronunciation: ING-gram
222. Innes
Meaning: “From the island”
Pronunciation: IN-es
223. Iona
Meaning: “Blessed isle”
Pronunciation: eye-OH-na
224. Irving
Meaning: “Green water”
Pronunciation: UR-ving
225. Irvion
Meaning: “Green hill”
Pronunciation: UR-vee-on
226. Islay
Meaning: “Island”
Pronunciation: EYE-luh
227. Iver
Meaning: “Archer”
Pronunciation: EYE-ver
228. Ivor
Meaning: “Bow warrior”
Pronunciation: EYE-vor
229. Iagan
Meaning: “Little fire”
Pronunciation: EE-gan
230. Iainkiley
Meaning: “Gracious warrior”
Pronunciation: EE-an-KY-lee
231. Iarlath
Meaning: “Prince”
Pronunciation: EER-lath
232. Iomhair
Meaning: “Archer”
Pronunciation: EE-var
233. Irvyn
Meaning: “Green river”
Pronunciation: UR-vin
234. Isambard
Meaning: “Bright iron”
Pronunciation: IZ-am-bard
235. Ivar
Meaning: “Warrior with bow”
Pronunciation: EYE-var
236. Iye
Meaning: “Yew tree”
Pronunciation: EYE
237. Iainevan
Meaning: “God is gracious and young warrior”
Pronunciation: EE-an-EV-an
238. Iainroy
Meaning: “Gracious red-haired one”
Pronunciation: EE-an-ROY
239. Iarfhlaith
Meaning: “Lord of the west”
Pronunciation: EER-lah
240. Inchcolm
Meaning: “Columba’s island”
Pronunciation: INCH-kolm
French Names for Boys That Start with I
241. Ivan
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: ee-VAN
242. Igor
Meaning: “Warrior of peace”
Pronunciation: ee-GOR
243. Ignace
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: ee-NYAS
244. Isidore
Meaning: “Gift of Isis”
Pronunciation: ee-zee-DOR
245. Ilan
Meaning: “Tree”
Pronunciation: ee-LAN
246. Isaac
Meaning: “He will laugh”
Pronunciation: ee-ZAK
247. Irénée
Meaning: “Peaceful”
Pronunciation: ee-ray-NAY
248. Imran
Meaning: “Prosperity”
Pronunciation: eem-RAN
249. Ismaël
Meaning: “God will hear”
Pronunciation: ees-ma-EL
250. Ivory
Meaning: “Ivory”
Pronunciation: ee-vo-REE
251. Ibrahim
Meaning: “Father of many”
Pronunciation: ee-bra-EEM
252. Ives
Meaning: “Yew wood”
Pronunciation: eev
253. Idriss
Meaning: “Interpreter”
Pronunciation: ee-DREES
254. Ihab
Meaning: “Gift”
Pronunciation: ee-HAB
255. Ilyes
Meaning: “Yahweh is God”
Pronunciation: eel-YES
256. Issa
Meaning: “Jesus”
Pronunciation: ee-SA
257. Innocent
Meaning: “Harmless”
Pronunciation: ee-no-SAN
258. Irvin
Meaning: “Green river”
Pronunciation: eer-VAN
259. Isfrid
Meaning: “Ice peace”
Pronunciation: ees-FREE
260. Icare
Meaning: “Follower”
Pronunciation: ee-KAR
261. Ilann
Meaning: “Tree”
Pronunciation: ee-LAN
262. Imad
Meaning: “Support”
Pronunciation: ee-MAD
263. Irvine
Meaning: “Green river”
Pronunciation: eer-VEEN
264. Ismaïl
Meaning: “God will hear”
Pronunciation: ees-ma-EEL
265. Israël
Meaning: “He who struggles with God”
Pronunciation: ees-ra-EL
266. Isaiah
Meaning: “Salvation of the Lord”
Pronunciation: ee-za-YA
267. Ilias
Meaning: “Yahweh is God”
Pronunciation: ee-lee-AS
268. Ibert
Meaning: “Bright fame”
Pronunciation: ee-BEHR
269. Idris
Meaning: “Interpreter”
Pronunciation: ee-DREES
270. Izem
Meaning: “Lion”
Pronunciation: ee-ZEM
271. Iker
Meaning: “Visitation”
Pronunciation: ee-KER
272. Ilian
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: ee-lee-AN
273. Ilhan
Meaning: “Chief”
Pronunciation: eel-HAN
274. Iyad
Meaning: “Support”
Pronunciation: ee-YAD
275. Ilyès
Meaning: “Yahweh is God”
Pronunciation: eel-YES
276. Izaac
Meaning: “He will laugh”
Pronunciation: ee-ZAK
277. Ianis
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: ya-NEES
278. Ilan
Meaning: “Tree”
Pronunciation: ee-LAN
279. Idris
Meaning: “Interpreter”
Pronunciation: ee-DREES
280. Ismaïl
Meaning: “God will hear”
Pronunciation: ees-ma-EEL
German Names for Boys That Start with I
281. Ignaz
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: IG-nats
282. Ingo
Meaning: “Protected by Ing (Norse god)”
Pronunciation: IN-go
283. Ingolf
Meaning: “Ing’s wolf”
Pronunciation: IN-golf
284. Isidor
Meaning: “Gift of Isis”
Pronunciation: EE-zee-dor
285. Ivan
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: EE-vahn
286. Ivo
Meaning: “Yew wood”
Pronunciation: EE-vo
287. Immanuel
Meaning: “God is with us”
Pronunciation: ih-MAN-yoo-el
288. Ibrahim
Meaning: “Father of many”
Pronunciation: ee-bra-HEEM
289. Irvin
Meaning: “Friend of the sea”
Pronunciation: UR-vin
290. Imanuel
Meaning: “God is with us”
Pronunciation: ee-MAN-oo-el
291. Isaak
Meaning: “Laughter”
Pronunciation: EE-zahk
292. Iulius
Meaning: “Downy-bearded”
Pronunciation: YOO-lee-us
293. Ingbert
Meaning: “Bright Ing (Norse god)”
Pronunciation: ING-bert
294. Ingmar
Meaning: “Famous Ing (Norse god)”
Pronunciation: ING-mar
295. Ingemar
Meaning: “Famous Ing (Norse god)”
Pronunciation: IN-ge-mar
296. Ingvar
Meaning: “Protected warrior”
Pronunciation: ING-var
297. Ike
Meaning: “He laughs”
Pronunciation: IKE
298. Igor
Meaning: “Warrior of peace”
Pronunciation: EE-gor
299. Ilias
Meaning: “Yahweh is God”
Pronunciation: EE-lee-as
300. Ilya
Meaning: “The Lord is my God”
Pronunciation: IL-ya
301. Irenaeus
Meaning: “Peaceful”
Pronunciation: eye-ruh-NEE-us
302. Imre
Meaning: “Whole, universal”
Pronunciation: IM-reh
303. Ingo
Meaning: “Protected by Ing (Norse god)”
Pronunciation: IN-go
304. Ignatius
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: ig-NAY-shus
305. Izaak
Meaning: “Laughter”
Pronunciation: EE-zahk
306. Ishmael
Meaning: “God will hear”
Pronunciation: ISH-may-el
307. Iwo
Meaning: “Yew wood”
Pronunciation: EE-vo
308. Ingo
Meaning: “Protected by Ing (Norse god)”
Pronunciation: IN-go
309. Ingbert
Meaning: “Bright Ing (Norse god)”
Pronunciation: ING-bert
310. Ingram
Meaning: “Ing’s raven”
Pronunciation: IN-gram
311. Inigo
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: IN-i-go
312. Ioannes
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: yo-AN-nes
313. Irmo
Meaning: “War god”
Pronunciation: IR-mo
314. Israel
Meaning: “He who struggles with God”
Pronunciation: IZ-ree-uhl
315. Istvan
Meaning: “Crown”
Pronunciation: ISHT-vahn
316. Ivar
Meaning: “Archer”
Pronunciation: EE-var
317. Iwan
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: EE-van
318. Ihno
Meaning: “The eager one”
Pronunciation: EE-no
319. Ildefons
Meaning: “Battle ready”
Pronunciation: il-de-FONS
320. Ingo
Meaning: “Protected by Ing (Norse god)”
Pronunciation: IN-go
Spanish Names for Boys That Start with I
321. Ignacio
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: eeg-NAH-syoh
322. Iván
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: ee-VAN
323. Ismael
Meaning: “God hears”
Pronunciation: ees-mah-EL
324. Isaac
Meaning: “He will laugh”
Pronunciation: ee-SAHK
325. Israel
Meaning: “He who struggles with God”
Pronunciation: ees-rah-EL
326. Iker
Meaning: “Visit”
Pronunciation: EE-ker
327. Iago
Meaning: “Supplanter”
Pronunciation: YAH-go
328. Imanol
Meaning: “God is with us”
Pronunciation: ee-mah-NOL
329. Isidro
Meaning: “Gift of Isis”
Pronunciation: ee-SEE-droh
330. Isidoro
Meaning: “Gift of Isis”
Pronunciation: ee-see-DO-ro
331. Iñaki
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: ee-NYAH-kee
332. Isaías
Meaning: “Salvation of the Lord”
Pronunciation: ee-sah-EE-as
333. Ivo
Meaning: “Yew wood”
Pronunciation: EE-vo
334. Inocencio
Meaning: “Innocent”
Pronunciation: ee-no-SEN-syoh
335. Ilan
Meaning: “Tree”
Pronunciation: ee-LAN
336. Iñigo
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: ee-NYEE-go
337. Ibai
Meaning: “River”
Pronunciation: ee-BAH-ee
338. Inti
Meaning: “Sun” (Quechua origin)
Pronunciation: EEN-tee
339. Isandro
Meaning: “Liberator”
Pronunciation: ee-SAN-dro
340. Ildefonso
Meaning: “Ready for battle”
Pronunciation: eel-de-FON-so
341. Iker
Meaning: “Visit”
Pronunciation: EE-ker
342. Irvin
Meaning: “Green river”
Pronunciation: EER-veen
343. Italo
Meaning: “From Italy”
Pronunciation: EE-tah-lo
344. Ignazio
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: eeg-NAH-syoh
345. Iker
Meaning: “Visit”
Pronunciation: EE-ker
346. Irineo
Meaning: “Peaceful”
Pronunciation: ee-ree-NEH-oh
347. Inocente
Meaning: “Innocent”
Pronunciation: ee-no-SEN-teh
348. Idelfonso
Meaning: “Ready for battle”
Pronunciation: ee-del-FON-so
349. Isauro
Meaning: “From Isauria”
Pronunciation: ee-SAW-ro
350. Iginio
Meaning: “Healthy”
Pronunciation: ee-HEE-nyo
351. Irving
Meaning: “Green water”
Pronunciation: EER-ving
352. Inti
Meaning: “Sun” (Quechua origin)
Pronunciation: EEN-tee
353. Isidoro
Meaning: “Gift of Isis”
Pronunciation: ee-see-DO-ro
354. Ivo
Meaning: “Yew wood”
Pronunciation: EE-vo
355. Ilario
Meaning: “Cheerful”
Pronunciation: ee-LAH-ryo
356. Ibzan
Meaning: “Their whiteness”
Pronunciation: EEB-san
357. Isai
Meaning: “Salvation”
Pronunciation: ee-sah-EE
358. Iker
Meaning: “Visit”
Pronunciation: EE-ker
359. Ibrahím
Meaning: “Father of many”
Pronunciation: ee-brah-EEM
360. Iñaki
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: ee-NYAH-kee
Italian Names for Boys That Start with I
361. Ignazio
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: eeg-NAH-tsyoh
362. Iacopo
Meaning: “Supplanter”
Pronunciation: yah-KOH-poh
363. Ilario
Meaning: “Cheerful”
Pronunciation: ee-LAH-ryoh
364. Italo
Meaning: “From Italy”
Pronunciation: EE-tah-loh
365. Ivan
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: ee-VAHN
366. Ivo
Meaning: “Yew wood”
Pronunciation: EE-voh
367. Isidoro
Meaning: “Gift of Isis”
Pronunciation: ee-see-DOH-roh
368. Ippolito
Meaning: “Freer of horses”
Pronunciation: eep-POH-lee-toh
369. Iker
Meaning: “Visit”
Pronunciation: EE-ker
370. Ireneo
Meaning: “Peaceful”
Pronunciation: ee-reh-NEH-oh
371. Inti
Meaning: “Sun”
Pronunciation: EEN-tee
372. Icaro
Meaning: “Follower”
Pronunciation: EE-kah-roh
373. Ilio
Meaning: “From Troy”
Pronunciation: EE-lyoh
374. Igor
Meaning: “Warrior of peace”
Pronunciation: EE-gor
375. Innocenzo
Meaning: “Innocent”
Pronunciation: een-noh-CHEN-tsoh
376. Iarno
Meaning: “Iron”
Pronunciation: YAHR-noh
377. Iacopo
Meaning: “Supplanter”
Pronunciation: yah-KOH-poh
378. Ildebrando
Meaning: “Battle sword”
Pronunciation: eel-deh-BRAHN-doh
379. Ivano
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: ee-VAH-noh
380. Illuminato
Meaning: “Enlightened”
Pronunciation: eel-loo-mee-NAH-toh
381. Indro
Meaning: “Powerful”
Pronunciation: EEN-droh
382. Isacco
Meaning: “Laughter”
Pronunciation: ee-SAHK-koh
383. Ingmar
Meaning: “Famous Ing”
Pronunciation: EENG-mahr
384. Idilio
Meaning: “Idyllic”
Pronunciation: ee-DEE-lyoh
385. Iacopo
Meaning: “Supplanter”
Pronunciation: yah-KOH-poh
386. Iberio
Meaning: “From Iberia”
Pronunciation: ee-BEH-ryoh
387. Inigo
Meaning: “Fiery”
Pronunciation: ee-NEE-goh
388. Isaia
Meaning: “Salvation of the Lord”
Pronunciation: ee-zah-EE-ah
389. Iride
Meaning: “Rainbow”
Pronunciation: EE-ree-deh
390. Iorio
Meaning: “Farmer”
Pronunciation: yoh-REE-oh
391. Immanuel
Meaning: “God is with us”
Pronunciation: eem-mah-noo-EL
392. Ivanoe
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: ee-VAH-noh-eh
393. Ildefonso
Meaning: “Ready for battle”
Pronunciation: eel-deh-FON-soh
394. Ilario
Meaning: “Cheerful”
Pronunciation: ee-LAH-ryoh
395. Ismaele
Meaning: “God will hear”
Pronunciation: ees-mah-EH-leh
396. Ivone
Meaning: “Yew wood”
Pronunciation: ee-VOH-neh
397. Innocente
Meaning: “Innocent”
Pronunciation: een-noh-CHEN-teh
398. Iginio
Meaning: “Healthy”
Pronunciation: ee-JEE-nyoh
399. Irvin
Meaning: “Green water”
Pronunciation: EER-veen
400. Ivanoe
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: ee-VAH-noh-eh
Wrapping It Up!
After Looking at these I names, has one captured your heart?
Naming a child is one of the first gifts parents give. An I name offers something that will follow your son throughout his life. It’s worth taking time to find the right one.
Try saying your top choices aloud. Imagine calling these names across a playground. Think about how they pair with your last name. Consider nicknames that might form naturally.
Some families look for names with deep meanings, others seek names that honor heritage or family, and many simply fall in love with how a name sounds.
Listen to your heart in this decision. The name that keeps returning to your thoughts might be telling you something.
Whatever I name you select will become uniquely his. And that makes any name special when your little boy makes it his own.