What Type of Personal Injuries Qualify for Compensation As a Parent?

What Type of Personal Injuries Qualify for Compensation As a Parent?

As a parent it can be hard to provide for your family when a personal injury occurs. Personal injuries can occur in many different locations and for many different reasons. However, not all personal injuries qualify for a lawyer and compensation.

In this article, we’ll provide the top types of personal injuries which may qualify parents to seek compensation for the injury they’ve incurred.

1. Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents can qualify for compensation when a parent seriously injures themselves from a fall in public. This can be from:

  • Slipping on a wet floor, stairs, or broken tiles
  • Tripping on uneven footpaths, floors, or cluttered walkways
  • Lack of supports like handrails.

Slip and fall accidents can be taken to court for compensation if:

  • There was an accident in a public location or on a private property that isn’t your own.
  • If you were severely injured to the point it impacted your life and how you care for your children.
  • If the fall resulted in medical bills.

The level of compensation will be determined on how badly the fall impacted your life. If you’re not sure whether your accident is worth taking to court, then it’s best to talk to a personal injury attorney in NJ or in your local area for advice on the best direction to take.

2. Workplace Injuries

Worldwide it’s estimated that over three million people worldwide die from workplace injuries. At Least half of these people could be parents. Workplace injuries generally occur from accidents or long term exposure to dangerous chemicals or materials.

Parents have the right to work in safe environments and when the workplace hasn’t got the right safety measures in place it may cause:

  • Physical injuries to your body like broken bones, stroke, heart attack or other serious health complications.
  • Psychological injuries such as high stress which results in PTSD and other psychological health conditions.
  • Pre-existing problems are made worse like asthma when inadequate PPE is given.
  • Diseases which could be life threatening. One of the most common workplace injuries is to do with asbestos. Asbestos can cause health related diseases such as lung cancer, Mesothelioma, Asbestosis, and Pleural plaques.

In many cases, a lawsuit for a workplace injury tries to cover medical expenses, loss of earning, loss of enjoyment and employment in life, and psychological or physical suffering.

3. Medical Negligence

Medical negligence occurs when a doctor or healthcare practitioner doesn’t provide the adequate level of care they’re supposed to under the health industry’s rules and regulations. Medical malpractice occurs when a health practitioner:

  • Fails to diagnose a medical condition before it becomes terminal
  • Misdiagnosing a medical condition
  • Doesn’t communicate with their patient about the procedure or the risks involved
  • Not getting consent to perform an action on the patient
  • The wrong administration of anesthesia

In the world according to the World Health Organization it’s estimated one in every 10 people are harmed in a healthcare setting. One in every 20 people who are harmed are said that the injury could have been prevented. Medical malpractice automatically qualifies someone for compensation if the practitioner is found at fault.

4. Vehicle Accidents

Vehicle accidents are another area where personal injuries occur for parents. They’re generally a result of a manufacturing fault or from someone else’s negligence. Some of the most common injuries which can occur in vehicle accidents can include:

  • Broken bones
  • Disfigurement
  • Paralysis
  • Back pain
  • Ongoing pain
  • Brain damage
  • Cuts and bruises

Vehicle accidents which are caused by others generally qualify for compensation especially when the injuries occur to parents or the children in their car seat which leave lasting effects.


When it comes to personal injuries that qualify for compensation, these are generally within the top four. If you’ve found yourself with a personal injury as a parent, and not sure whether it qualifies for compensation, it’s a good idea to seek help from a lawyer to get advice. This will help save time and money in the long run if it doesn’t qualify.

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