4 Months Pregnant Belly: Baby Development and Symptoms

4 months of pregnancy is a successful journey already. You made it happen by crossing the first trimester with great effort. And now maybe you are settled with your routine with less stress. Stay by that way, as this is the best out of the three trimesters, as your baby bump will pop out with more exciting milestones here.
Hearty Welcome to a Tremendous Second Trimester!
In the comfortable journey, this phase has an enormous part as everything takes up speed in this phase. Meanwhile, this is the babymoon period, where you can plan your second honeymoon more safely and with the actual looking of a pregnant woman with your tiny baby bump.
You might be wondering what might be going on inside your tummy. Do not worry, and we will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the changes occurring in your body, as well as the growth and development of your baby. Sit back and chill out with this article!
What Can You Expect as Your Symptoms?
Gone are the morning sickness and the tiredness you feel continuously. You will be at your most energy every day and start preparing for the week before it starts. Get ready with our whole house to welcome the baby. You may notice that you have more energy than usual and are able to stay up for longer periods of time. Feel Best with the level of enthusiasm you can put in the second trimester in your 4 months pregnancy belly.
Cravings With Pregnancy
You are carrying this symptom from your first trimester to the second and continue it. Cravings are nothing to be worried about unless it involves your balanced diet. The diet should be in a proper chart to gain both you and your baby’s development. But look for the clues, like if you crave rock or coals, it is more likely because of iron deficiency. So have a clear consultation with your doctor about the cravings.
Start Seeing the Baby Bump
Baby bump starts to show very mildly at the beginning of your 4 months of pregnancy. In case you are blessed with twins or more babies, you can clearly see the showing of your baby bump and have some stretch marks too.
1. Heartburn in 4 Months of Pregnancy
As your uterus grows and starts crowding the stomach in your second trimester, you will have the constant problem of heartburn. The reason behind this is the increased level of progesterone which is because the pregnancy is relaxing the valve between the esophagus and stomach. Due to this, your stomach acids flow back to the esophagus, which causes heartburn.
Here are a few tips to manage your heartburn in the 4 th month.
- Plan your meal into small and frequent intakes as in this way, you can avoid filling your stomach.
- Avoid triggering foods like fatty foods, citrus fruits, chocolate, caffeine, carbonated drinks, and acidic food items. Keep a close eye on your diet and avoid the food items which are triggering heartburn.
- Chew your food thoroughly and slowly. This will help in eating less and easy digestion.
- Strictly avoid going to bed after a meal and stay upright for 1-2 hours at least.
- Extra pillows support you with a raised upper body to flow the stomach acids backward.
- Avoid putting pressure on your stomach by wearing a tight dress.
- At last, if all your lifestyle modifications are not helpful, you can go for the antacids with your doctor’s advice.
2. Round Ligament Pain
This is a common issue you can face in the second trimester. While growing, the uterus is getting more length and thickness to support the baby. So it goes and hits the round ligaments in the pelvis, which causes the pain occasionally. This pain only occurs by changing your position or sitting up quickly and, more likely, getting out of the bed or chair or any height level of bathtubs to the floor. You might feel a sudden shot of pain on the right side of your abdomen. The remedies to get over it are warm baths with any mild stretching exercises.
3. Breast Changes
You may start buying the larger size bra now. Your breasts will become bigger and more sensitive around the areola, and you may feel soreness all over your breasts. These breast changes are common when you enter the second trimester. But don’t worry if you don’t have any breast pain or enlargement during this period.
4. Constipation
that involves more with your suggestions. You might feel a little bit of constipation because the progesterone hormone relaxes your intestinal muscles. This makes the food pass in a slo-mo through the lower digestive system. In some cases, iron supplements are also causing constipation. So, in both cases, you can take an additional supply of water to make it easy.
5. Increased Sensitivities
Pregnancy causes increased blood flow to all your body tissues. This results in more sensitive body parts like Milky discharge in your vagina, your gums become more sensitive, and occasional bleeding is normal. But if it persists, you may consult your gynecologists for advice.
6. Pregnancy Mood Swings
After getting past the first trimester, your newfound energy can make you more enthusiastic about building the nursery and having more arrangements for the third trimester. You may find yourself more cautious and protective of your health and your babies. This is where the nurturing and nesting start because of the palpable feel of your baby in your belly. Having the feel of your baby makes your mother’s instincts to be more alert.
Development of The Baby During 4 Months of Pregnancy
Every minute is counted here. Yes, the baby is always growing with more energy and more busy growing. The average size of a 4 months pregnant baby is five inches in length and five ounces in weight. Let’s see how the growth is happening during this period.
This is the precious month in which your baby’s eyes develop rapidly. The eyebrows, eyelids, eyelashes, everything is formed during this month. Even though they close their eyes all the time during this period, they can get the light with their closed eyes.
Gender Reveal
The reproductive organs start to develop in this stage, so if you are lucky, you can see their genitals in the ultrasound. Wanted to throw a party for your gender reveal. Your time starts now; you can easily identify and share the happiest moments with your family and friends.
More Active
Four months are pretty early, but you can start to feel your baby’s first mild kick at this time because your tiny little one has started growing more and more muscles and trying them on your tummy. If it doesn’t happen, don’t worry, it will happen soon.
Development Of The Face And Body
The cutest things start here; your baby starts to yawn, stretch, suck their thumb, and start to make faces. The baby’s skin is so translucent, yet the hair starts to grow on the face.
The tiny hands are getting developed with defined thumbs and structured fingers. The toes also get more defined with fingernails growing in them. Additionally, your baby’s teeth and bones are getting stronger and dense.
The developing ears are letting your voice to your baby. You can start singing lullabies and read to your baby. Along with the ears development, they have their vocal development this month.
What Should Be Done at 4 Months Pregnancy?
Getting into the second trimester is not that easy, especially if you had more effective morning sickness in your first trimester. After crossing it you can’t sit back and relax for a long time as this needs your more attention and efforts for the future. So let’s list out a few important checklists to start the action with,
- You might need more comfortable clothing than a snug-fit dress in your closet. Start buying your maternity dress.
- Have a great time with your new energy and safe to fly zone on a perfect babymoon.
- Plan your birth-giving place according to your preferences, like choosing either a home birth or hospital or any underwater birth-giving in a bathtub. Have a clear consultation with your doctor regarding the ideas you have in your mind.
- As you may be aware of your baby’s gender, it’s time to pick the perfect name for your baby.
Kick Start Your Second Trimester!
In your journey of pregnancy, you are entering the next level, the second trimester, by entering into the 4th month of your pregnancy. You may experience a variety of changes not only in your belly but also in your whole body is getting changed differently.
You may experience, Pregnancy cravings, heartburns, and ligament pains; additionally, you need to cope with breast sensitivities and mood swings. Nothing is a burden when you start feeling your baby move inside as their muscle and bone are getting developed during the 4 months of pregnancy. And you have more responsibility now as your little one can hear your voice.
Enjoy this golden period of pregnancy and try our simple tips for your bodily changes and let us know your experience!
Frequently Asked Questions
Will My Morning Sickness Reduce in 4th Month of Pregnancy?
You can be relaxed, as you are going to get out of your morning sickness and puking. This is because of the increasing HCG levels in your blood, which makes you feel all the morning sickness. While entering the second trimester, your body gets adapted to the hormone levels, and you will feel more comfortable.
How Can I Manage Constipation in My 4th Month of Pregnancy?
Maintain a healthy lifestyle by doing regular physical activities. Eat plenty of fibrous food like fruits and vegetables. This helps with your constipation a lot.
Is There Any Way to Manage My Pregnancy Mood Swings?
Eat, sleep, and spend more time with your loved ones. This solves 99% of reducing your stress. Along with it maintain a regular schedule for physical activities, which helps you both physically and mentally.