300 Girl’s Names Beginning with M: Origins and Meanings

Looking for the perfect “M” name for your baby girl? You’re in the right place!
Names that start with “M” have a special charm – they sound musical when spoken and look graceful when written.
The letter “M” begins with more girls’ names than almost any other letter in many languages.
This list includes 300 girls’ names beginning with “M” from different backgrounds around the world.
Each name comes with its place of origin and meaning, helping you pick one that connects to your family’s heritage or a culture you admire.
From classic options like Maria and Margaret to less common choices like Marisol and Malika, you’ll find names that feel just right for your daughter.
Some are short and sweet, others longer and lyrical – but each has its own story to tell.
English/American Girl’s Names Start with M
1. Madison
Meaning: “Son of Matthew” or “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: MAD-uh-suhn
2. Mia
Meaning: “Mine” or “Beloved”
Pronunciation: MEE-uh
3. Morgan
Meaning: “Sea-born” or “Sea circle”
Pronunciation: MOR-gun
4. Makayla
Meaning: “Who is like God”
Pronunciation: muh-KAY-luh
5. Megan
Meaning: “Pearl”
Pronunciation: MEH-gun
6. Mabel
Meaning: “Lovable” or “Dear”
Pronunciation: MAY-buhl
7. Melody
Meaning: “Song” or “Music”
Pronunciation: MEL-uh-dee
8. Molly
Meaning: “Wished-for child”
Pronunciation: MOL-ee
9. Madeline
Meaning: “High tower” or “Woman from Magdala”
Pronunciation: MAD-uh-line
10. Margot
Meaning: “Pearl”
Pronunciation: MAR-go
11. Miranda
Meaning: “Worthy of admiration”
Pronunciation: muh-RAN-duh
12. Mariah
Meaning: “The Lord is my teacher”
Pronunciation: muh-RY-uh
13. Meredith
Meaning: “Great ruler” or “Protector of the sea”
Pronunciation: MER-uh-dith
14. Maya
Meaning: “Illusion” or “Dream”
Pronunciation: MY-uh
15. Maisie
Meaning: “Pearl”
Pronunciation: MAY-zee
16. Millie
Meaning: “Gentle strength”
Pronunciation: MIL-ee
17. Marissa
Meaning: “Of the sea”
Pronunciation: muh-RISS-uh
18. Magnolia
Meaning: “Flower”
Pronunciation: mag-NO-lee-uh
19. Mila
Meaning: “Gracious” or “Dear”
Pronunciation: MEE-lah
20. Marley
Meaning: “Pleasant seaside meadow”
Pronunciation: MAR-lee
21. Miriam
Meaning: “Wished-for child”
Pronunciation: MIR-ee-uhm
22. McKenna
Meaning: “Son of the handsome one”
Pronunciation: muh-KEN-uh
23. Matilda
Meaning: “Mighty in battle”
Pronunciation: muh-TIL-duh
24. Monica
Meaning: “Advisor” or “Counselor”
Pronunciation: MAH-ni-kuh
25. Marina
Meaning: “From the sea”
Pronunciation: muh-REE-nuh
26. Madelyn
Meaning: “High tower” or “Woman from Magdala”
Pronunciation: MAD-uh-lin
27. Macy
Meaning: “Weapon”
Pronunciation: MAY-see
28. Myra
Meaning: “Admirable” or “Extraordinary”
Pronunciation: MY-ruh
29. Maeve
Meaning: “She who intoxicates”
Pronunciation: MAYV
30. Melina
Meaning: “Honey”
Pronunciation: muh-LEE-nuh
African Girl’s Names Start with M
31. Makenna
Meaning: “Happy one”
Pronunciation: mah-KEN-nah
32. Malaika
Meaning: “Angel”
Pronunciation: mah-LAI-kah
33. Mandisa
Meaning: “Sweet”
Pronunciation: man-DEE-sah
34. Mbalenhle
Meaning: “Beautiful flower”
Pronunciation: mm-bah-LEN-hleh
35. Mpho
Meaning: “Gift”
Pronunciation: mm-POH
36. Mosadi
Meaning: “Woman”
Pronunciation: moh-SAH-dee
37. Mahalia
Meaning: “Tenderness”
Pronunciation: mah-HAY-lee-ah
38. Marjani
Meaning: “Coral”
Pronunciation: mar-JAH-nee
39. Masego
Meaning: “Blessings”
Pronunciation: mah-SEH-goh
40. Matumaini
Meaning: “Hope”
Pronunciation: mah-too-mah-EE-nee
41. Mhambi
Meaning: “Traveler”
Pronunciation: mm-HAM-bee
42. Mbali
Meaning: “Flower”
Pronunciation: mm-BAH-lee
43. Mwende
Meaning: “Beloved”
Pronunciation: MWEHN-deh
44. Makena
Meaning: “The happy one”
Pronunciation: mah-KEH-nah
45. Mbali
Meaning: “Flower”
Pronunciation: mm-BAH-lee
46. Mukami
Meaning: “Milker of cows”
Pronunciation: moo-KAH-mee
47. Malika
Meaning: “Queen”
Pronunciation: mah-LEE-kah
48. Masika
Meaning: “Born during the rainy season”
Pronunciation: mah-SEE-kah
49. Makeda
Meaning: “Beautiful”
Pronunciation: mah-KAY-dah
50. Mirembe
Meaning: “Peace”
Pronunciation: mee-REM-bay
51. Mandisa
Meaning: “Sweet”
Pronunciation: man-DEE-sah
52. Malebo
Meaning: “Peace”
Pronunciation: mah-LEH-boh
53. Masego
Meaning: “Blessings”
Pronunciation: mah-SEH-goh
54. Mumbi
Meaning: “Creator”
Pronunciation: MOOM-bee
55. Makena
Meaning: “The happy one”
Pronunciation: mah-KEH-nah
56. Mchumba
Meaning: “Sweetheart”
Pronunciation: mm-CHOOM-bah
57. Masego
Meaning: “Blessings”
Pronunciation: mah-SEH-goh
58. Madzoka
Meaning: “One who returns”
Pronunciation: mah-DZOH-kah
59. Misrak
Meaning: “East”
Pronunciation: MEES-rak
60. Misozi
Meaning: “Tears”
Pronunciation: mee-SOH-zee
Arabic Girl’s Names Start with M
61. Mariam
Meaning: “Beloved” or “Wished-for child”
Pronunciation: MAH-ree-am
62. Malika
Meaning: “Queen”
Pronunciation: mah-LEE-kah
63. Maysa
Meaning: “Walking with pride”
Pronunciation: MAY-sah
64. Manal
Meaning: “Attainment” or “Achievement”
Pronunciation: mah-NAHL
65. Maheera
Meaning: “Skilled” or “Talented”
Pronunciation: mah-HEE-rah
66. Maha
Meaning: “Wild cow” (symbolizing beauty)
Pronunciation: MAH-hah
67. Marwa
Meaning: “Flint stone”
Pronunciation: MAR-wah
68. Muna
Meaning: “Desires” or “Wishes”
Pronunciation: MOO-nah
69. Maysa
Meaning: “Graceful”
Pronunciation: MAY-sah
70. Maisoon
Meaning: “Of beautiful face and body”
Pronunciation: MAY-soon
71. Mahira
Meaning: “Quick-witted”
Pronunciation: mah-HEE-rah
72. Majeeda
Meaning: “Glorious”
Pronunciation: mah-JEE-dah
73. Mahnoor
Meaning: “Light of the moon”
Pronunciation: mah-NOOR
74. Malak
Meaning: “Angel”
Pronunciation: MAH-lahk
75. Maira
Meaning: “Moon” or “Favorable”
Pronunciation: MY-rah
76. Mishael
Meaning: “Light” or “Radiance”
Pronunciation: mih-SHAH-el
77. Mahdiyya
Meaning: “Rightly guided”
Pronunciation: mah-DEE-yah
78. Mawadda
Meaning: “Affection” or “Love”
Pronunciation: mah-WAD-dah
79. Mudrika
Meaning: “Wise”
Pronunciation: moo-DREE-kah
80. Munira
Meaning: “Radiant” or “Bright”
Pronunciation: moo-NEE-rah
81. Meher
Meaning: “Benevolence” or “Kindness”
Pronunciation: MEH-her
82. Marjaan
Meaning: “Small pearls” or “Corals”
Pronunciation: mar-JAHN
83. Misk
Meaning: “Musk”
Pronunciation: MEE-sk
84. Miral
Meaning: “Gazelle”
Pronunciation: MEE-ral
85. Maiza
Meaning: “Discerning”
Pronunciation: MAY-zah
86. Mazna
Meaning: “Rain-bearing cloud”
Pronunciation: MAHZ-nah
87. Mahveen
Meaning: “Light of the moon”
Pronunciation: mah-VEEN
88. Masarra
Meaning: “Happiness” or “Delight”
Pronunciation: mah-SAH-rah
89. Mahdiya
Meaning: “Rightly guided”
Pronunciation: mah-DEE-yah
90. Mirvat
Meaning: “Gentle breeze”
Pronunciation: MIR-vaht
Chinese Girl’s Names Start with M
91. Mei
Meaning: “Beautiful”
Pronunciation: MAY
92. Ming
Meaning: “Bright” or “Radiant”
Pronunciation: MING
93. Meilin
Meaning: “Plum grove”
Pronunciation: MAY-lin
94. Min
Meaning: “Clever” or “Quick”
Pronunciation: MIN
95. Meifeng
Meaning: “Beautiful wind”
Pronunciation: MAY-fung
96. Mulan
Meaning: “Wood orchid” or “Magnolia”
Pronunciation: MOO-lahn
97. Meiying
Meaning: “Beautiful flower”
Pronunciation: MAY-ying
98. Minzhu
Meaning: “Democracy”
Pronunciation: MIN-joo
99. Mingxia
Meaning: “Bright glow of the sunrise”
Pronunciation: MING-shyah
100. Meihui
Meaning: “Beautiful wisdom”
Pronunciation: MAY-hway
101. Mengyao
Meaning: “Jade-like brilliance”
Pronunciation: MUNG-yow
102. Mingzhu
Meaning: “Bright pearl”
Pronunciation: MING-joo
103. Minna
Meaning: “Grace” or “Elegance”
Pronunciation: MIN-nah
104. Meiling
Meaning: “Beautiful and delicate”
Pronunciation: MAY-ling
105. Manli
Meaning: “Jasmine”
Pronunciation: MAHN-lee
106. Meixiu
Meaning: “Beautiful grace”
Pronunciation: MAY-shyoo
107. Minna
Meaning: “Delicate”
Pronunciation: MIN-nah
108. Mingzhen
Meaning: “Bright and precious”
Pronunciation: MING-jen
109. Miao
Meaning: “Clever” or “Wonderful”
Pronunciation: MEE-ow
110. Meifen
Meaning: “Plum fragrance”
Pronunciation: MAY-fen
111. Meiyun
Meaning: “Beautiful cloud”
Pronunciation: MAY-yoon
112. Minghua
Meaning: “Brilliant and talented”
Pronunciation: MING-hwah
113. Meijing
Meaning: “Beautiful scenery”
Pronunciation: MAY-jing
114. Minjing
Meaning: “Clever and quiet”
Pronunciation: MIN-jing
115. Meiqi
Meaning: “Beautiful and unusual”
Pronunciation: MAY-chee
116. Mengya
Meaning: “Sprouting buds”
Pronunciation: MUNG-yah
117. Mingshu
Meaning: “Bright scholar”
Pronunciation: MING-shoo
118. Meiya
Meaning: “Elegant”
Pronunciation: MAY-yah
119. Mianzhu
Meaning: “Tender bamboo”
Pronunciation: MYAN-joo
120. Meili
Meaning: “Beautiful”
Pronunciation: MAY-lee
French Girl’s Names Start with M
121. Madeleine
Meaning: “Woman from Magdala”
Pronunciation: MAD-uh-len
122. Margaux
Meaning: “Pearl”
Pronunciation: MAR-go
123. Mireille
Meaning: “Admirable”
Pronunciation: mee-RAY
124. Manon
Meaning: “Bitter” or “Beloved”
Pronunciation: mah-NOHN
125. Maëlle
Meaning: “Chief” or “Prince”
Pronunciation: mah-EL
126. Mélodie
Meaning: “Music” or “Song”
Pronunciation: may-loh-DEE
127. Mélisande
Meaning: “Strong in work”
Pronunciation: may-lee-SAHND
128. Mirabelle
Meaning: “Wondrous”
Pronunciation: mee-rah-BELL
129. Mathilde
Meaning: “Mighty in battle”
Pronunciation: mah-TEELD
130. Marguerite
Meaning: “Daisy” or “Pearl”
Pronunciation: mar-guh-REET
131. Monique
Meaning: “Advisor” or “Counselor”
Pronunciation: moh-NEEK
132. Maëlys
Meaning: “Chief” or “Prince”
Pronunciation: mah-EH-lees
133. Marcelline
Meaning: “Little warrior”
Pronunciation: mar-sel-LEEN
134. Mélina
Meaning: “Honey”
Pronunciation: may-LEE-nah
135. Mirette
Meaning: “Admired”
Pronunciation: mee-RET
136. Maud
Meaning: “Powerful battler”
Pronunciation: MOHD
137. Mignon
Meaning: “Delicate” or “Small”
Pronunciation: meen-YON
138. Maxine
Meaning: “Greatest”
Pronunciation: mak-SEEN
139. Mariette
Meaning: “Little Mary”
Pronunciation: mar-ee-ET
140. Marinette
Meaning: “Of the sea”
Pronunciation: mar-ee-NET
141. Mélodie
Meaning: “Melody” or “Song”
Pronunciation: may-loh-DEE
142. Mathéa
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: mah-TAY-ah
143. Marcelle
Meaning: “Little warrior”
Pronunciation: mar-SEL
144. Maurine
Meaning: “Dark-skinned”
Pronunciation: moh-REEN
145. Mélissa
Meaning: “Honey bee”
Pronunciation: may-LEE-sah
146. Mireya
Meaning: “Miracle”
Pronunciation: mee-RAY-ah
147. Maïa
Meaning: “Nurse” or “Mother”
Pronunciation: mah-YAH
148. Margot
Meaning: “Pearl”
Pronunciation: MAR-go
149. Marine
Meaning: “Of the sea”
Pronunciation: mah-REEN
150. Monique
Meaning: “Advisor” or “Counselor”
Pronunciation: moh-NEEK
Indian Girl’s Names Start with M
151. Madhuri
Meaning: “Sweetness”
Pronunciation: MAH-dhoo-ree
152. Meera
Meaning: “Prosperous” or “Ocean”
Pronunciation: MEE-rah
153. Manisha
Meaning: “Wisdom”
Pronunciation: mah-NEE-shah
154. Mala
Meaning: “Garland”
Pronunciation: MAH-lah
155. Meenal
Meaning: “Precious gem”
Pronunciation: MEE-nahl
156. Mansi
Meaning: “Womankind” or “Intelligent”
Pronunciation: MAHN-see
157. Mahima
Meaning: “Greatness” or “Splendor”
Pronunciation: MAH-hee-mah
158. Medha
Meaning: “Intellect”
Pronunciation: MAY-dhah
159. Madhavi
Meaning: “Goddess of springtime”
Pronunciation: MAH-dhah-vee
160. Malini
Meaning: “Fragrant” or “Garlanded”
Pronunciation: MAH-lee-nee
161. Mohini
Meaning: “Enchantress”
Pronunciation: MOH-hee-nee
162. Mehek
Meaning: “Fragrance”
Pronunciation: MEH-hek
163. Mandira
Meaning: “Temple”
Pronunciation: MAN-dee-rah
164. Mithila
Meaning: “Kingdom of Janaka”
Pronunciation: MEE-thee-lah
165. Manju
Meaning: “Pleasing” or “Sweet”
Pronunciation: MAHN-joo
166. Mridula
Meaning: “Soft” or “Gentle”
Pronunciation: MREE-doo-lah
167. Mallika
Meaning: “Jasmine”
Pronunciation: MAH-lee-kah
168. Madhubala
Meaning: “Sweet maiden”
Pronunciation: MAH-dhoo-bah-lah
169. Meenakshi
Meaning: “One with fish-shaped eyes”
Pronunciation: MEE-nahk-shee
170. Mahi
Meaning: “The Earth”
Pronunciation: MAH-hee
171. Manvi
Meaning: “Intelligent”
Pronunciation: MAHN-vee
172. Mayuri
Meaning: “Peahen”
Pronunciation: mah-YOO-ree
173. Mukta
Meaning: “Pearl”
Pronunciation: MOOK-tah
174. Maithili
Meaning: “Princess of Mithila”
Pronunciation: MYE-thee-lee
175. Manorama
Meaning: “Attractive”
Pronunciation: mah-noh-RAH-mah
176. Meher
Meaning: “Kindness” or “Benevolence”
Pronunciation: MEH-her
177. Madhulika
Meaning: “Nectar”
Pronunciation: MAH-dhoo-lee-kah
178. Manika
Meaning: “Jewel”
Pronunciation: MAH-nee-kah
179. Mohana
Meaning: “Attractive” or “Charming”
Pronunciation: MOH-hah-nah
180. Mandakini
Meaning: “A river”
Pronunciation: MAN-dah-kee-nee
Italian Girl’s Names Start with M
181. Maria
Meaning: “Bitter” or “Beloved”
Pronunciation: mah-REE-ah
182. Martina
Meaning: “Warlike”
Pronunciation: mar-TEE-nah
183. Margherita
Meaning: “Daisy” or “Pearl”
Pronunciation: mar-guh-REE-tah
184. Maddalena
Meaning: “Woman from Magdala”
Pronunciation: mah-dah-LAY-nah
185. Mirella
Meaning: “Admirable” or “Peaceful”
Pronunciation: mee-REHL-lah
186. Milena
Meaning: “Gracious” or “Dear”
Pronunciation: mee-LEH-nah
187. Mariella
Meaning: “Wished-for child”
Pronunciation: mah-ree-EH-lah
188. Marcella
Meaning: “Little warrior”
Pronunciation: mar-CHEL-lah
189. Mirella
Meaning: “Admirable”
Pronunciation: mee-REHL-lah
190. Monica
Meaning: “Advisor” or “Counselor”
Pronunciation: MOH-nee-kah
191. Mattea
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: mah-TAY-ah
192. Marianna
Meaning: “Combination of Maria and Anna”
Pronunciation: mah-ree-AHN-nah
193. Morena
Meaning: “Brown-haired”
Pronunciation: moh-REH-nah
194. Manuela
Meaning: “God is with us”
Pronunciation: mah-NWEH-lah
195. Melania
Meaning: “Black” or “Dark”
Pronunciation: meh-LAH-nyah
196. Marisa
Meaning: “Of the sea”
Pronunciation: mah-REE-sah
197. Mariangela
Meaning: “Combination of Maria and Angela”
Pronunciation: mah-ree-AHN-jeh-lah
198. Michelina
Meaning: “Who is like God”
Pronunciation: mee-keh-LEE-nah
199. Marcellina
Meaning: “Little warrior”
Pronunciation: mar-cheh-LEE-nah
200. Mariola
Meaning: “Little Mary”
Pronunciation: mah-ree-OH-lah
201. Mia
Meaning: “Mine” or “Beloved”
Pronunciation: MEE-ah
202. Melina
Meaning: “Little honey”
Pronunciation: meh-LEE-nah
203. Miretta
Meaning: “Admired”
Pronunciation: mee-RET-tah
204. Mariola
Meaning: “Little Mary”
Pronunciation: mah-ree-OH-lah
205. Michela
Meaning: “Who is like God”
Pronunciation: mee-KEH-lah
206. Marilena
Meaning: “Combination of Maria and Elena”
Pronunciation: mah-ree-LEH-nah
207. Mirabella
Meaning: “Wonderful”
Pronunciation: mee-rah-BELL-lah
208. Maddalena
Meaning: “Woman from Magdala”
Pronunciation: mah-dah-LAY-nah
209. Mariella
Meaning: “Wished-for child”
Pronunciation: mah-ree-EH-lah
210. Martina
Meaning: “Warlike”
Pronunciation: mar-TEE-nah
Japanese Girl’s Names Start with M
211. Mizuki
Meaning: “Beautiful moon” or “Water moon”
Pronunciation: mee-ZOO-kee
212. Mayumi
Meaning: “True bow” or “Beautiful truth”
Pronunciation: mah-YOO-mee
213. Midori
Meaning: “Green”
Pronunciation: mee-DOH-ree
214. Misaki
Meaning: “Beautiful blossom” or “Beautiful cape”
Pronunciation: mee-SAH-kee
215. Maiko
Meaning: “Dance child”
Pronunciation: MY-koh
216. Michiko
Meaning: “Beautiful wise child”
Pronunciation: MEE-chee-koh
217. Miku
Meaning: “Beautiful sky” or “Future”
Pronunciation: MEE-koo
218. Momoko
Meaning: “Peach child”
Pronunciation: MOH-moh-koh
219. Mieko
Meaning: “Blessed child”
Pronunciation: MEE-eh-koh
220. Megumi
Meaning: “Blessing” or “Grace”
Pronunciation: meh-GOO-mee
221. Michiru
Meaning: “To be full”
Pronunciation: mee-CHEE-roo
222. Misa
Meaning: “Beautiful bloom”
Pronunciation: MEE-sah
223. Minako
Meaning: “Beautiful child”
Pronunciation: MEE-nah-koh
224. Mika
Meaning: “Beautiful fragrance”
Pronunciation: MEE-kah
225. Misao
Meaning: “Chastity” or “Virtue”
Pronunciation: mee-SAH-oh
226. Machiko
Meaning: “Fortunate child”
Pronunciation: MAH-chee-koh
227. Maho
Meaning: “True sail”
Pronunciation: MAH-hoh
228. Mikoto
Meaning: “Beautiful spirit”
Pronunciation: MEE-koh-toh
229. Miya
Meaning: “Temple” or “Shrine”
Pronunciation: MEE-yah
230. Manami
Meaning: “Beautiful love”
Pronunciation: MAH-nah-mee
231. Mariko
Meaning: “True child”
Pronunciation: MAH-ree-koh
232. Mitsuki
Meaning: “Full moon”
Pronunciation: mee-TSOO-kee
233. Mikasa
Meaning: “Three bamboo hats”
Pronunciation: MEE-kah-sah
234. Masami
Meaning: “Become beautiful”
Pronunciation: MAH-sah-mee
235. Miyako
Meaning: “Beautiful night child”
Pronunciation: MEE-yah-koh
236. Misora
Meaning: “Beautiful sky”
Pronunciation: mee-SOH-rah
237. Minori
Meaning: “Truth”
Pronunciation: MEE-noh-ree
238. Mao
Meaning: “True center”
Pronunciation: MAH-oh
239. Miyuki
Meaning: “Beautiful snow”
Pronunciation: MEE-yoo-kee
240. Michiru
Meaning: “To be full”
Pronunciation: mee-CHEE-roo
Nordic Names Girl’s Names Start with M
241. Maja
Meaning: “Pearl”
Pronunciation: MAH-yah
242. Matilda
Meaning: “Mighty in battle”
Pronunciation: mah-TIL-dah
243. Malin
Meaning: “Little warrior”
Pronunciation: MAH-lin
244. Mette
Meaning: “Pearl”
Pronunciation: MEH-teh
245. Margit
Meaning: “Pearl”
Pronunciation: MAR-git
246. Marit
Meaning: “Pearl”
Pronunciation: MAH-rit
247. Magni
Meaning: “Mighty”
Pronunciation: MAG-nee
248. Malena
Meaning: “Woman from Magdala”
Pronunciation: mah-LEH-nah
249. Märta
Meaning: “Lady”
Pronunciation: MAHR-tah
250. Moa
Meaning: “Mother”
Pronunciation: MOH-ah
251. Mærsk
Meaning: “Sea”
Pronunciation: MAIRS-k
252. Magnhild
Meaning: “Mighty in battle”
Pronunciation: MAG-n-hild
253. Maren
Meaning: “Of the sea”
Pronunciation: MAH-ren
254. Malfrid
Meaning: “Peaceful”
Pronunciation: MAL-frid
255. Marnie
Meaning: “From the sea”
Pronunciation: MAHR-nee
256. Magnhilda
Meaning: “Mighty in battle”
Pronunciation: MAG-n-hil-dah
257. Märtha
Meaning: “Lady”
Pronunciation: MAHR-thah
258. Magda
Meaning: “Woman from Magdala”
Pronunciation: MAG-dah
259. Mette-Marit
Meaning: “Pearl” and “Bitter”
Pronunciation: MET-teh-MAH-rit
260. Milja
Meaning: “Gracious” or “Dear”
Pronunciation: MIL-yah
261. Minna
Meaning: “Love” or “Remembrance”
Pronunciation: MIN-nah
262. Myra
Meaning: “Swampy land”
Pronunciation: MEE-rah
263. Móna
Meaning: “Noble”
Pronunciation: MOH-nah
264. Milda
Meaning: “Gentle”
Pronunciation: MIL-dah
265. Magret
Meaning: “Pearl”
Pronunciation: MAH-gret
266. Margreta
Meaning: “Pearl”
Pronunciation: MAHR-greh-tah
267. Malla
Meaning: “Rebel”
Pronunciation: MAH-lah
268. Mikkeline
Meaning: “Who is like God”
Pronunciation: MIK-keh-lee-neh
269. Minerva
Meaning: “Wisdom”
Pronunciation: mi-NER-vah
270. Margaretha
Meaning: “Pearl”
Pronunciation: mar-gah-REH-tah
Slavic Names Girl’s Names Start with M
271. Milena
Meaning: “Gracious” or “Dear”
Pronunciation: mee-LEH-nah
272. Masha
Meaning: “Bitter” or “Of the sea”
Pronunciation: MAH-shah
273. Magdalena
Meaning: “Woman from Magdala”
Pronunciation: mag-dah-LEH-nah
274. Marija
Meaning: “Bitter” or “Beloved”
Pronunciation: MAH-ree-yah
275. Mira
Meaning: “Peace” or “World”
Pronunciation: MEE-rah
276. Miroslava
Meaning: “Peace and glory”
Pronunciation: mee-roh-SLAH-vah
277. Milica
Meaning: “Gracious” or “Dear”
Pronunciation: MEE-lee-tsah
278. Marina
Meaning: “Of the sea”
Pronunciation: mah-REE-nah
279. Miloslava
Meaning: “Gracious and glorious”
Pronunciation: mee-loh-SLAH-vah
280. Milena
Meaning: “Love” or “Warmth”
Pronunciation: mee-LEH-nah
281. Malina
Meaning: “Raspberry”
Pronunciation: mah-LEE-nah
282. Milica
Meaning: “Kind” or “Gracious”
Pronunciation: MEE-lee-tsah
283. Marta
Meaning: “Lady”
Pronunciation: MAHR-tah
284. Mihaela
Meaning: “Who is like God”
Pronunciation: mee-HAY-lah
285. Milica
Meaning: “Gracious” or “Dear”
Pronunciation: MEE-lee-tsah
286. Milada
Meaning: “Young”
Pronunciation: mee-LAH-dah
287. Misha
Meaning: “Who is like God”
Pronunciation: MEE-shah
288. Mirka
Meaning: “Peace”
Pronunciation: MEER-kah
289. Miloslava
Meaning: “Gracious and glorious”
Pronunciation: mee-loh-SLAH-vah
290. Mojca
Meaning: “Grace”
Pronunciation: MOY-tsah
291. Mariya
Meaning: “Bitter” or “Beloved”
Pronunciation: MAH-ree-yah
292. Melanija
Meaning: “Black” or “Dark”
Pronunciation: meh-LAH-nee-yah
293. Milijana
Meaning: “Gracious” or “Dear”
Pronunciation: mee-lee-YAH-nah
294. Milanka
Meaning: “Gracious” or “Dear”
Pronunciation: mee-LAHN-kah
295. Mira
Meaning: “Peace” or “World”
Pronunciation: MEE-rah
296. Mladena
Meaning: “Youthful”
Pronunciation: mlah-DEH-nah
297. Mojmira
Meaning: “My peace”
Pronunciation: MOY-meer-ah
298. Milunka
Meaning: “Gracious” or “Dear”
Pronunciation: mee-LOON-kah
299. Mirana
Meaning: “Peaceful”
Pronunciation: mee-RAH-nah
300. Miloslava
Meaning: “Gracious and glorious”
Pronunciation: mee-loh-SLAH-vah
Wrapping Up
We hope this collection of 300 girl’s names starting with “M” has given you plenty to think about. Picking a name is personal – it should feel right when you say it aloud and look good on paper too.
Remember that each name carries its own history and cultural roots. A name can connect your daughter to her family background or to a culture that speaks to your heart. Some parents choose names for their sounds, others for their meanings, and many for both reasons.
Have you spotted a name that feels like “the one” for your baby girl? Or perhaps you’ve narrowed it down to a few top choices?
Share your favorite “M” names in the comments below! If you’re still looking, check out our lists of names beginning with other letters. And don’t forget to save this page for future reference – sometimes, the perfect name clicks only after a few readings.