300 Beautiful Girl Names Starting with D

Looking for the perfect name for your baby girl? If you’re drawn to names that begin with D, you’re in luck! This letter starts with many wonderful options that might be just right for your little one.
Picking a name is one of the most important parts of getting ready for your baby’s arrival. With so many choices, it can sometimes feel like a big task.
In this list of baby girl names starting with D, you’ll find options sorted by their origins.
From familiar choices like Diana and Daisy to less common options like Demi and Della, this organized list has something for every parent’s taste.
Let’s look at these beautiful options together!
English/American Girl’s Names Start with D
1. Daisy
Meaning: “Day’s eye”
Pronunciation: DAY-zee
2. Delilah
Meaning: “Delicate”
Pronunciation: deh-LIE-lah
3. Diana
Meaning: “Divine”
Pronunciation: dye-AN-uh
4. Daphne
Meaning: “Laurel tree”
Pronunciation: DAF-nee
5. Danielle
Meaning: “God is my judge”
Pronunciation: dan-YELL
6. Dakota
Meaning: “Friend, ally”
Pronunciation: dah-KOH-tah
7. Denise
Meaning: “Follower of Dionysius”
Pronunciation: duh-NEES
8. Destiny
Meaning: “Fate, fortune”
Pronunciation: DES-tih-nee
9. Desiree
Meaning: “Desired”
Pronunciation: DEZ-uh-ray
10. Deborah
Meaning: “Bee”
Pronunciation: DEB-or-ah
11. Dora
Meaning: “Gift”
Pronunciation: DOR-ah
12. Dawn
Meaning: “The first appearance of light”
Pronunciation: DAWN
13. Darcy
Meaning: “Dark”
Pronunciation: DAR-see
14. Delaney
Meaning: “From the alder grove”
Pronunciation: duh-LAY-nee
15. Daphne
Meaning: “Laurel tree”
Pronunciation: DAF-nee
16. Dina
Meaning: “Judged”
Pronunciation: DEE-nah
17. Dolores
Meaning: “Sorrows”
Pronunciation: doh-LOHR-es
18. Diamond
Meaning: “Precious gemstone”
Pronunciation: DIE-mund
19. Dora
Meaning: “Gift”
Pronunciation: DOHR-uh
20. Drew
Meaning: “Strong and manly”
Pronunciation: DROO
21. Darcy
Meaning: “Dark”
Pronunciation: DAR-see
22. Daniella
Meaning: “God is my judge”
Pronunciation: dan-YELL-ah
23. Della
Meaning: “Noble”
Pronunciation: DEL-ah
24. Daphne
Meaning: “Laurel tree”
Pronunciation: DAF-nee
25. Dana
Meaning: “From Denmark”
Pronunciation: DAY-nah
26. Darcy
Meaning: “Dark”
Pronunciation: DAR-see
27. Demi
Meaning: “Half, small”
Pronunciation: DEH-mee
28. Dara
Meaning: “Compassionate”
Pronunciation: DAH-rah
29. Damaris
Meaning: “Calf, gentle”
Pronunciation: duh-MAR-is
30. Dottie
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: DAW-tee
African Girl’s Names Start with D
31. Dalia
Meaning: “Gentle, tender”
Pronunciation: DAH-lee-ah
32. Dalila
Meaning: “Sweet”
Pronunciation: dah-LEE-lah
33. Damisi
Meaning: “Cheerful”
Pronunciation: dah-MEE-see
34. Danai
Meaning: “Loving”
Pronunciation: dah-NAY
35. Dara
Meaning: “Wisdom”
Pronunciation: DAH-rah
36. Deka
Meaning: “Pleasing”
Pronunciation: DEH-kah
37. Delu
Meaning: “The only girl”
Pronunciation: DEH-loo
38. Dembe
Meaning: “Peace”
Pronunciation: DEM-bay
39. Desta
Meaning: “Joy”
Pronunciation: DES-tah
40. Deka
Meaning: “Pleasing”
Pronunciation: DEH-kah
41. Diallo
Meaning: “Bold”
Pronunciation: dee-AH-loh
42. Dilys
Meaning: “Genuine, steadfast”
Pronunciation: DIH-lis
43. Dumi
Meaning: “The inspirer”
Pronunciation: DOO-mee
44. Dalila
Meaning: “Sweet”
Pronunciation: dah-LEE-lah
45. Duma
Meaning: “Lightning”
Pronunciation: DOO-mah
46. Daba
Meaning: “Morning”
Pronunciation: DAH-bah
47. Dofi
Meaning: “The moon”
Pronunciation: DOH-fee
48. Dahab
Meaning: “Gold”
Pronunciation: DAH-hab
49. Dada
Meaning: “Curly-haired”
Pronunciation: DAH-dah
50. Dimka
Meaning: “Dawn”
Pronunciation: DEEM-kah
51. Dudu
Meaning: “Sweetness”
Pronunciation: DOO-doo
52. Duba
Meaning: “Rising”
Pronunciation: DOO-bah
53. Dalika
Meaning: “Calm and steady”
Pronunciation: dah-LEE-kah
54. Duma
Meaning: “Lightning”
Pronunciation: DOO-mah
55. Dakiya
Meaning: “The wise one”
Pronunciation: dah-KEE-yah
56. Deka
Meaning: “Pleasing”
Pronunciation: DEH-kah
57. Daba
Meaning: “Morning”
Pronunciation: DAH-bah
58. Delu
Meaning: “The only girl”
Pronunciation: DEH-loo
59. Dimka
Meaning: “Dawn”
Pronunciation: DEEM-kah
60. Duma
Meaning: “Lightning”
Pronunciation: DOO-mah
Arabic Girl’s Names Start with D
61. Dina
Meaning: “Love”
Pronunciation: DEE-nah
62. Dania
Meaning: “Close, near”
Pronunciation: DAH-nee-ah
63. Dalia
Meaning: “Grape vine”
Pronunciation: DAH-lee-ah
64. Dalal
Meaning: “Coquetry, flirtation”
Pronunciation: dah-LAHL
65. Durrah
Meaning: “Pearl”
Pronunciation: DOO-rah
66. Dina
Meaning: “Love”
Pronunciation: DEE-nah
67. Darine
Meaning: “Small, gift”
Pronunciation: dah-REEN
68. Dahlia
Meaning: “Flower”
Pronunciation: DAH-lee-ah
69. Damira
Meaning: “Heart”
Pronunciation: dah-MEE-rah
70. Dawlat
Meaning: “Wealth, power”
Pronunciation: DAW-lat
71. Darija
Meaning: “Fluent, eloquent”
Pronunciation: DAH-ree-jah
72. Dawna
Meaning: “The first appearance of light”
Pronunciation: DAW-nah
73. Dura
Meaning: “Pearl”
Pronunciation: DOO-rah
74. Dima
Meaning: “Downpour”
Pronunciation: DEE-mah
75. Dhakiyah
Meaning: “Bright, intelligent”
Pronunciation: dah-KEE-yah
76. Durrah
Meaning: “Pearl”
Pronunciation: DOO-rah
77. Duaa
Meaning: “Prayer, supplication”
Pronunciation: DOO-ah
78. Daliya
Meaning: “Grape vine”
Pronunciation: DAH-lee-yah
79. Dina
Meaning: “Love”
Pronunciation: DEE-nah
80. Daliah
Meaning: “Grape vine”
Pronunciation: DAH-lee-ah
81. Dima
Meaning: “Rain cloud”
Pronunciation: DEE-mah
82. Dawlah
Meaning: “Wealth, power”
Pronunciation: DAW-lah
83. Durrah
Meaning: “Pearl”
Pronunciation: DOO-rah
84. Dhara
Meaning: “Wealthy”
Pronunciation: DHAH-rah
85. Dalya
Meaning: “Grape vine”
Pronunciation: DAH-lee-yah
86. Dhabia
Meaning: “Golden”
Pronunciation: DHAH-bee-ah
87. Dema
Meaning: “Rain cloud”
Pronunciation: DEE-mah
88. Dania
Meaning: “Close, near”
Pronunciation: DAH-nee-ah
89. Duha
Meaning: “Morning light”
Pronunciation: DOO-hah
90. Dina
Meaning: “Love”
Pronunciation: DEE-nah
Chinese Girl’s Names Start with D
91. Daiyu
Meaning: “Black jade”
Pronunciation: DYE-yoo
92. Dandan
Meaning: “Cinnabar, red”
Pronunciation: DAHN-dahn
93. Duanli
Meaning: “Independent and upright”
Pronunciation: DWAN-lee
94. Dailan
Meaning: “A kind of flower”
Pronunciation: DYE-lahn
95. Dongmei
Meaning: “Winter plum”
Pronunciation: DONG-may
96. Dixin
Meaning: “Virtuous and trustworthy”
Pronunciation: DEE-sheen
97. Dandan
Meaning: “Cinnabar, red”
Pronunciation: DAHN-dahn
98. Dujuan
Meaning: “Azalea”
Pronunciation: DOO-jwahn
99. Dailin
Meaning: “Respected”
Pronunciation: DYE-leen
100. Dongmei
Meaning: “Winter plum”
Pronunciation: DONG-may
101. Daiyu
Meaning: “Black jade”
Pronunciation: DYE-yoo
102. Dandan
Meaning: “Cinnabar, red”
Pronunciation: DAHN-dahn
103. Dujuan
Meaning: “Azalea”
Pronunciation: DOO-jwahn
104. Dailin
Meaning: “Respected”
Pronunciation: DYE-leen
105. Dongmei
Meaning: “Winter plum”
Pronunciation: DONG-may
106. Daiyu
Meaning: “Black jade”
Pronunciation: DYE-yoo
107. Dandan
Meaning: “Cinnabar, red”
Pronunciation: DAHN-dahn
108. Dujuan
Meaning: “Azalea”
Pronunciation: DOO-jwahn
109. Dailin
Meaning: “Respected”
Pronunciation: DYE-leen
110. Dongmei
Meaning: “Winter plum”
Pronunciation: DONG-may
111. Dixin
Meaning: “Virtuous and trustworthy”
Pronunciation: DEE-sheen
112. Dailan
Meaning: “A kind of flower”
Pronunciation: DYE-lahn
113. Dujuan
Meaning: “Azalea”
Pronunciation: DOO-jwahn
114. Dandan
Meaning: “Cinnabar, red”
Pronunciation: DAHN-dahn
115. Daiyu
Meaning: “Black jade”
Pronunciation: DYE-yoo
116. Dujuan
Meaning: “Azalea”
Pronunciation: DOO-jwahn
117. Dongmei
Meaning: “Winter plum”
Pronunciation: DONG-may
118. Dailin
Meaning: “Respected”
Pronunciation: DYE-leen
119. Dixin
Meaning: “Virtuous and trustworthy”
Pronunciation: DEE-sheen
120. Dailan
Meaning: “A kind of flower”
Pronunciation: DYE-lahn
French Girl’s Names Start with D
121. Danielle
Meaning: “God is my judge”
Pronunciation: dah-NYELL
122. Delphine
Meaning: “Dolphin”
Pronunciation: del-FEEN
123. Desiree
Meaning: “Desired”
Pronunciation: deh-zee-RAY
124. Dominique
Meaning: “Of the Lord”
Pronunciation: doh-mee-NEEK
125. Denise
Meaning: “Follower of Dionysius”
Pronunciation: deh-NEES
126. Dianne
Meaning: “Divine”
Pronunciation: dee-ANN
127. Dorothee
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: doh-roh-TAY
128. Delia
Meaning: “From Delos”
Pronunciation: DAY-lee-ah
129. Damiane
Meaning: “Subdue”
Pronunciation: dah-MYAN
130. Drucilla
Meaning: “Strong”
Pronunciation: drew-SIL-ah
131. Daphne
Meaning: “Laurel tree”
Pronunciation: daf-NEE
132. Dalila
Meaning: “Gentle”
Pronunciation: dah-LEE-lah
133. Donatienne
Meaning: “Gift”
Pronunciation: doh-nah-TYAN
134. Davina
Meaning: “Beloved”
Pronunciation: dah-VEE-nah
135. Doralice
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: doh-rah-LEES
136. Damaris
Meaning: “Gentle”
Pronunciation: dah-MAR-is
137. Delphina
Meaning: “Dolphin”
Pronunciation: del-FEE-nah
138. Denise
Meaning: “Follower of Dionysius”
Pronunciation: deh-NEES
139. Doriane
Meaning: “From Doris”
Pronunciation: doh-ree-AN
140. Danelle
Meaning: “God is my judge”
Pronunciation: dah-NELL
141. Desirée
Meaning: “Desired”
Pronunciation: deh-zee-RAY
142. Dulcinea
Meaning: “Sweet”
Pronunciation: dul-sin-AY-ah
143. Dory
Meaning: “Gift”
Pronunciation: doh-REE
144. Drusilla
Meaning: “Strong”
Pronunciation: drew-SIL-ah
145. Diora
Meaning: “Golden”
Pronunciation: dee-OH-rah
146. Davida
Meaning: “Beloved”
Pronunciation: dah-VEE-dah
147. Dulcie
Meaning: “Sweet”
Pronunciation: dul-SEE
148. Désirée
Meaning: “Desired”
Pronunciation: deh-zee-RAY
149. Dominique
Meaning: “Of the Lord”
Pronunciation: doh-mee-NEEK
150. Delphine
Meaning: “Dolphin”
Pronunciation: del-FEEN
Indian Girl’s Names Start with D
151. Deepika
Meaning: “Little lamp”
Pronunciation: dee-PEE-kah
152. Divya
Meaning: “Divine, heavenly”
Pronunciation: DIV-yah
153. Durga
Meaning: “Invincible, goddess”
Pronunciation: DOOR-gah
154. Devika
Meaning: “Little goddess”
Pronunciation: deh-VEE-kah
155. Daksha
Meaning: “Capable, talented”
Pronunciation: DAK-shah
156. Dhara
Meaning: “Earth”
Pronunciation: DHAH-rah
157. Diya
Meaning: “Lamp, light”
Pronunciation: DEE-yah
158. Dipti
Meaning: “Brightness, flame”
Pronunciation: DIP-tee
159. Darshana
Meaning: “Vision, sight”
Pronunciation: DAR-shah-nah
160. Dhanvi
Meaning: “Wealthy”
Pronunciation: DHAN-vee
161. Damini
Meaning: “Lightning”
Pronunciation: DAH-mee-nee
162. Devanshi
Meaning: “Divine”
Pronunciation: deh-VAN-shee
163. Disha
Meaning: “Direction”
Pronunciation: DIH-shah
164. Driti
Meaning: “Patience, courage”
Pronunciation: DREE-tee
165. Dipali
Meaning: “Row of lamps”
Pronunciation: dee-PAH-lee
166. Darika
Meaning: “Maiden”
Pronunciation: DAH-ree-kah
167. Dhanya
Meaning: “Blessed, thankful”
Pronunciation: DHAN-yah
168. Darpana
Meaning: “Mirror”
Pronunciation: DAR-pah-nah
169. Devina
Meaning: “Resembling a goddess”
Pronunciation: deh-VEE-nah
170. Dipasha
Meaning: “Possessing light”
Pronunciation: dee-PAH-shah
171. Dyuti
Meaning: “Light, luster”
Pronunciation: DYOO-tee
172. Deeksha
Meaning: “Initiation, consecration”
Pronunciation: DEEK-shah
173. Dviti
Meaning: “Second, dual”
Pronunciation: DVEE-tee
174. Divyanshi
Meaning: “Part of the divine”
Pronunciation: div-YAHN-shee
175. Devanshi
Meaning: “Divine”
Pronunciation: deh-VAN-shee
176. Dharini
Meaning: “Earth, support”
Pronunciation: DHAH-ree-nee
177. Dipika
Meaning: “Little lamp”
Pronunciation: dee-PEE-kah
178. Dakshita
Meaning: “Skillful, able”
Pronunciation: DAK-shih-tah
179. Durva
Meaning: “Sacred grass”
Pronunciation: DOOR-vah
180. Dyuthi
Meaning: “Light, luster”
Pronunciation: DYOO-thee
Italian Girl’s Names Start with D
181. Donatella
Meaning: “Gift”
Pronunciation: doh-nah-TEL-lah
182. Domenica
Meaning: “Belonging to the Lord”
Pronunciation: doh-MEN-ee-kah
183. Daniela
Meaning: “God is my judge”
Pronunciation: dah-NYEL-ah
184. Diana
Meaning: “Divine”
Pronunciation: dee-AH-nah
185. Delfina
Meaning: “Dolphin”
Pronunciation: del-FEE-nah
186. Donata
Meaning: “Given”
Pronunciation: doh-NAH-tah
187. Dorotea
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: doh-roh-TAY-ah
188. Diletta
Meaning: “Delight, pleasure”
Pronunciation: dee-LET-tah
189. Desideria
Meaning: “Desire”
Pronunciation: deh-see-DER-yah
190. Damiana
Meaning: “To tame, subdue”
Pronunciation: dah-MYAH-nah
191. Daria
Meaning: “Wealthy”
Pronunciation: DAH-ree-ah
192. Dea
Meaning: “Goddess”
Pronunciation: DEH-ah
193. Donella
Meaning: “World ruler”
Pronunciation: doh-NEL-lah
194. Doretta
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: doh-RET-tah
195. Drusilla
Meaning: “Strong”
Pronunciation: drew-SIL-ah
196. Diamante
Meaning: “Diamond”
Pronunciation: dee-ah-MAHN-teh
197. Donatila
Meaning: “Given”
Pronunciation: doh-nah-TEE-lah
198. Doriana
Meaning: “Golden”
Pronunciation: doh-ree-AH-nah
199. Desiderata
Meaning: “Desired”
Pronunciation: deh-see-deh-RAH-tah
200. Diamanta
Meaning: “Diamond”
Pronunciation: dee-ah-MAN-tah
201. Daria
Meaning: “Wealthy”
Pronunciation: DAH-ree-ah
202. Donella
Meaning: “World ruler”
Pronunciation: doh-NEL-lah
203. Delfina
Meaning: “Dolphin”
Pronunciation: del-FEE-nah
204. Diletta
Meaning: “Delight, pleasure”
Pronunciation: dee-LET-tah
205. Dorotea
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: doh-roh-TAY-ah
206. Donatella
Meaning: “Gift”
Pronunciation: doh-nah-TEL-lah
207. Diamante
Meaning: “Diamond”
Pronunciation: dee-ah-MAHN-teh
208. Diana
Meaning: “Divine”
Pronunciation: dee-AH-nah
209. Doretta
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: doh-RET-tah
210. Desiderata
Meaning: “Desired”
Pronunciation: deh-see-deh-RAH-tah
Japanese Girl’s Names Start with D
211. Dai
Meaning: “Great, large”
Pronunciation: DYE
212. Daisuke
Meaning: “Great help”
Pronunciation: DYE-soo-keh
213. Daiki
Meaning: “Big and shining”
Pronunciation: DYE-kee
214. Daiza
Meaning: “Great seat”
Pronunciation: DYE-zah
215. Daitoku
Meaning: “Great virtue”
Pronunciation: DYE-toh-koo
216. Daishin
Meaning: “Great truth”
Pronunciation: DYE-sheen
217. Daigo
Meaning: “Great enlightenment”
Pronunciation: DYE-goh
218. Daishi
Meaning: “Great teacher”
Pronunciation: DYE-shee
219. Daichi
Meaning: “Great wisdom”
Pronunciation: DYE-chee
220. Daitetsu
Meaning: “Great wisdom”
Pronunciation: DYE-teh-tsoo
221. Daishi
Meaning: “Great teacher”
Pronunciation: DYE-shee
222. Daitoku
Meaning: “Great virtue”
Pronunciation: DYE-toh-koo
223. Daiki
Meaning: “Big and shining”
Pronunciation: DYE-kee
224. Daishin
Meaning: “Great truth”
Pronunciation: DYE-sheen
225. Daigo
Meaning: “Great enlightenment”
Pronunciation: DYE-goh
226. Daiza
Meaning: “Great seat”
Pronunciation: DYE-zah
227. Daichi
Meaning: “Great wisdom”
Pronunciation: DYE-chee
228. Daiya
Meaning: “Great arrow”
Pronunciation: DYE-yah
229. Daichi
Meaning: “Great wisdom”
Pronunciation: DYE-chee
230. Daiki
Meaning: “Big and shining”
Pronunciation: DYE-kee
231. Daisuke
Meaning: “Great help”
Pronunciation: DYE-soo-keh
232. Daiya
Meaning: “Great arrow”
Pronunciation: DYE-yah
233. Daigo
Meaning: “Great enlightenment”
Pronunciation: DYE-goh
234. Daishi
Meaning: “Great teacher”
Pronunciation: DYE-shee
235. Daitetsu
Meaning: “Great wisdom”
Pronunciation: DYE-teh-tsoo
236. Daiwa
Meaning: “Great harmony”
Pronunciation: DYE-wah
237. Daishin
Meaning: “Great truth”
Pronunciation: DYE-sheen
238. Daiko
Meaning: “Great incense”
Pronunciation: DYE-koh
239. Daiga
Meaning: “Great picture”
Pronunciation: DYE-gah
240. Daichi
Meaning: “Great wisdom”
Pronunciation: DYE-chee
Nordic Names Girl’s Names Start with D
241. Dagmar
Meaning: “Day maiden”
Pronunciation: DAHG-mar
242. Disa
Meaning: “Active goddess”
Pronunciation: DEE-sah
243. Dagny
Meaning: “New day”
Pronunciation: DAHG-nee
244. Dorthe
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: DOOR-teh
245. Dorte
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: DOOR-teh
246. Dagna
Meaning: “New day”
Pronunciation: DAG-nah
247. Dortea
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: DOOR-teh-ah
248. Dagrun
Meaning: “Day secret”
Pronunciation: DAG-roon
249. Dalla
Meaning: “Delicate, lovely”
Pronunciation: DAH-lah
250. Drifa
Meaning: “Snowdrift”
Pronunciation: DREE-fah
251. Dofri
Meaning: “Strength”
Pronunciation: DOH-free
252. Dagny
Meaning: “New day”
Pronunciation: DAHG-nee
253. Disa
Meaning: “Active goddess”
Pronunciation: DEE-sah
254. Dagrun
Meaning: “Day secret”
Pronunciation: DAG-roon
255. Dorthea
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: DOOR-teh-ah
256. Dina
Meaning: “Judged, vindicated”
Pronunciation: DEE-nah
257. Dalla
Meaning: “Delicate, lovely”
Pronunciation: DAH-lah
258. Drifa
Meaning: “Snowdrift”
Pronunciation: DREE-fah
259. Dagna
Meaning: “New day”
Pronunciation: DAG-nah
260. Dagrun
Meaning: “Day secret”
Pronunciation: DAG-roon
261. Dagne
Meaning: “New day”
Pronunciation: DAG-neh
262. Disa
Meaning: “Active goddess”
Pronunciation: DEE-sah
263. Dagmar
Meaning: “Day maiden”
Pronunciation: DAHG-mar
264. Dorthe
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: DOOR-teh
265. Dorthea
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: DOOR-teh-ah
266. Dagny
Meaning: “New day”
Pronunciation: DAHG-nee
267. Dofri
Meaning: “Strength”
Pronunciation: DOH-free
268. Drifa
Meaning: “Snowdrift”
Pronunciation: DREE-fah
269. Dagrun
Meaning: “Day secret”
Pronunciation: DAG-roon
270. Dagna
Meaning: “New day”
Pronunciation: DAG-nah
Slavic Names Girl’s Names Start with D
271. Daria
Meaning: “Possessing goodness”
Pronunciation: DAH-ree-ah
272. Danica
Meaning: “Morning star”
Pronunciation: DAH-nee-tsah
273. Duska
Meaning: “Soul, spirit”
Pronunciation: DOOSH-kah
274. Dragana
Meaning: “Precious, dear”
Pronunciation: DRAH-gah-nah
275. Darina
Meaning: “Gift”
Pronunciation: dah-REE-nah
276. Dobrila
Meaning: “Kind, good”
Pronunciation: doh-BREE-lah
277. Desislava
Meaning: “To find glory”
Pronunciation: deh-see-SLAH-vah
278. Dobroslava
Meaning: “Good glory”
Pronunciation: doh-broh-SLAH-vah
279. Danka
Meaning: “Gift”
Pronunciation: DAHN-kah
280. Danuta
Meaning: “God is my judge”
Pronunciation: dah-NOO-tah
281. Dusana
Meaning: “Soul, spirit”
Pronunciation: doo-SHAH-nah
282. Dobrinka
Meaning: “Good, kind”
Pronunciation: doh-BREEN-kah
283. Dominika
Meaning: “Belonging to the Lord”
Pronunciation: doh-MEE-nee-kah
284. Dasha
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: DAH-shah
285. Dorota
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: doh-ROH-tah
286. Draga
Meaning: “Dear, beloved”
Pronunciation: DRAH-gah
287. Danica
Meaning: “Morning star”
Pronunciation: DAH-nee-tsah
288. Dobra
Meaning: “Good, kind”
Pronunciation: DOH-brah
289. Dobroslava
Meaning: “Good glory”
Pronunciation: doh-broh-SLAH-vah
290. Dragica
Meaning: “Precious, dear”
Pronunciation: DRAH-gee-tsah
291. Danka
Meaning: “Gift”
Pronunciation: DAHN-kah
292. Darina
Meaning: “Gift”
Pronunciation: dah-REE-nah
293. Desislava
Meaning: “To find glory”
Pronunciation: deh-see-SLAH-vah
294. Danuta
Meaning: “God is my judge”
Pronunciation: dah-NOO-tah
295. Dragana
Meaning: “Precious, dear”
Pronunciation: DRAH-gah-nah
296. Dobrinka
Meaning: “Good, kind”
Pronunciation: doh-BREEN-kah
297. Dominika
Meaning: “Belonging to the Lord”
Pronunciation: doh-MEE-nee-kah
298. Dusana
Meaning: “Soul, spirit”
Pronunciation: doo-SHAH-nah
299. Dasha
Meaning: “Gift of God”
Pronunciation: DAH-shah
300. Draga
Meaning: “Dear, beloved”
Pronunciation: DRAH-gah
Wrapping Up
Choosing from these “D” names feels like finding hidden treasures. Each name whispers its own story—from ancient myths to family tales waiting to be told through your little girl.
Remember when that perfect name jumped out at you? Trust that feeling! The right name often feels like it was waiting just for your daughter all along.
Some parents keep a short list and wait until they meet their baby face-to-face. Others know their choice right away.
Which names made your shortlist? Save your favorites, test them out loud, and imagine calling your daughter in for dinner or cheering her on at future soccer games.
Want more inspiration? Browse our other name collections by letter or origin—your daughter’s perfect name might be just a click away!