400 Boys names start with K: Meanings and Pronunciation

Boys names start with K

Looking for the perfect K name for your baby boy?

You’ve landed in the right place! The letter K carries a powerful punch—bringing strength, distinction, and character to any name it leads.

From classic choices like Kevin and Kenneth to different gems like Kieran and Kaiser, K names blend traditional appeal with a modern edge.

These names stand out on attendance sheets and resonate in boardrooms alike. They cross cultural boundaries, appearing in traditions worldwide with varied meanings and histories.

Each K name brings its own story and sound, offering something special for every family.

Ready to find the name that will follow your son through life? Dive into our carefully curated collection of boy names beginning with this commanding consonant!

English Names for Boys That Start with K


1. Kevin

Meaning: “Handsome” or “beloved”

Pronunciation: KEV-in

2. Kyle

Meaning: “Narrow” or “strait”

Pronunciation: KYAL

3. Keith

Meaning: “Wood” or “forest”

Pronunciation: KEETH

4. Kenneth

Meaning: “Born of fire” or “handsome”

Pronunciation: KEN-ith

5. Kai

Meaning: “Sea”

Pronunciation: KY

6. Keegan

Meaning: “Son of Egan” or “fiery”

Pronunciation: KEE-guhn

7. Kayden

Meaning: “Fighter”

Pronunciation: KAY-den

8. Kieran

Meaning: “Little dark one”

Pronunciation: KEER-uhn

9. Kane

Meaning: “Warrior”

Pronunciation: KAYN

10. Kelvin

Meaning: “Friend of ships”

Pronunciation: KEL-vin

11. Kian

Meaning: “Ancient” or “king”

Pronunciation: KEE-uhn

12. Kingston

Meaning: “King’s town”

Pronunciation: KING-stuhn

13. Kade

Meaning: “Round” or “barrel”

Pronunciation: KAYD

14. Kody

Meaning: “Helpful”

Pronunciation: KOH-dee

15. Kaiden

Meaning: “Companion”

Pronunciation: KAY-den

16. Kellen

Meaning: “Slender” or “fair”

Pronunciation: KEL-en

17. Kendrick

Meaning: “Royal ruler”

Pronunciation: KEN-drik

18. Knox

Meaning: “Round hill”

Pronunciation: NOKS

19. Keaton

Meaning: “Place of hawks”

Pronunciation: KEE-tuhn

20. Kace

Meaning: “Vigilant”

Pronunciation: KAYS

21. Kobe

Meaning: “God’s door”

Pronunciation: KOH-bee

22. Killian

Meaning: “Church” or “bright-headed”

Pronunciation: KIL-ee-uhn

23. Kellan

Meaning: “Slender” or “fair”

Pronunciation: KEL-uhn

24. Kyrie

Meaning: “Lord”

Pronunciation: KY-ree

25. Kaleb

Meaning: “Dog” or “faithful”

Pronunciation: KAY-leb

26. Karson

Meaning: “Son of Carr”

Pronunciation: KAR-suhn

27. Kash

Meaning: “Universe”

Pronunciation: KASH

28. Kohen

Meaning: “Priest”

Pronunciation: KOH-en

29. Kameron

Meaning: “Crooked nose”

Pronunciation: KAM-er-uhn

30. Kasen

Meaning: “Son of Cas”

Pronunciation: KAY-sen

31. Koa

Meaning: “Warrior”

Pronunciation: KOH-uh

32. Kye

Meaning: “Narrow”

Pronunciation: KY

33. Kyler

Meaning: “Archer”

Pronunciation: KY-ler

34. Kason

Meaning: “Pure”

Pronunciation: KAY-suhn

35. Kristopher

Meaning: “Christ-bearer”

Pronunciation: KRIS-tuh-fer

36. Keenan

Meaning: “Ancient”

Pronunciation: KEE-nuhn

37. Kolton

Meaning: “Coal town”

Pronunciation: KOHL-tuhn

38. Kairo

Meaning: “Victorious”

Pronunciation: KY-roh

39. Konnor

Meaning: “Lover of hounds”

Pronunciation: KON-er

40. Kyson

Meaning: “Son of Ky”

Pronunciation: KY-suhn

Biblical Names for Boys That Start with K

41. Kedar

Meaning: “Dark” or “powerful”

Pronunciation: KEE-dar

42. Kenan

Meaning: “Possession”

Pronunciation: KEE-nan

43. Kenaz

Meaning: “Hunter”

Pronunciation: KEE-naz

44. Kish

Meaning: “Bow” or “power”

Pronunciation: KISH

45. Korah

Meaning: “Bald” or “ice”

Pronunciation: KOR-uh

46. Kushaiah

Meaning: “Bow of the Lord”

Pronunciation: koo-SHAY-uh

47. Kelaiah

Meaning: “Swift for Jehovah”

Pronunciation: keh-LAY-uh

48. Kelita

Meaning: “Dwarf”

Pronunciation: keh-LY-tuh

49. Kemuel

Meaning: “Raised by God”

Pronunciation: KEM-yoo-el

50. Keren-happuch

Meaning: “Horn of beauty”

Pronunciation: KER-en-ha-POOK

51. Kerith

Meaning: “A cutting”

Pronunciation: KEE-rith

52. Keziah

Meaning: “Cassia tree”

Pronunciation: keh-ZY-uh

53. Kidon

Meaning: “Javelin”

Pronunciation: KY-don

54. Kinah

Meaning: “Dirge” or “lament”

Pronunciation: KY-nuh

55. Kir

Meaning: “Wall” or “fortress”

Pronunciation: KIR

56. Kiriath

Meaning: “City”

Pronunciation: KIR-ee-ath

57. Kirjath

Meaning: “City”

Pronunciation: KIR-jath

58. Kish

Meaning: “Bow” or “power”

Pronunciation: KISH

59. Kishon

Meaning: “Winding”

Pronunciation: KY-shon

60. Kitron

Meaning: “Incense”

Pronunciation: KIT-ron

61. Kittim

Meaning: “Bruisers”

Pronunciation: KIT-im

62. Koa

Meaning: “He-camel”

Pronunciation: KOH-uh

63. Kohath

Meaning: “Assembly”

Pronunciation: KOH-hath

64. Kolaiah

Meaning: “Voice of Jehovah”

Pronunciation: koh-LAY-uh

65. Kore

Meaning: “Crier” or “partridge”

Pronunciation: KOR-ee

66. Koz

Meaning: “Thorn”

Pronunciation: KOZ

67. Kun

Meaning: “Stand”

Pronunciation: KOON

68. Kish

Meaning: “Bow” or “power”

Pronunciation: KISH

69. Kishion

Meaning: “Hardness”

Pronunciation: KISH-ee-on

70. Kislev

Meaning: “His confidence”

Pronunciation: KIS-lev

71. Kithlish

Meaning: “Man’s wall”

Pronunciation: KITH-lish

72. Kitron

Meaning: “Incense”

Pronunciation: KIT-ron

73. Koa

Meaning: “He-camel”

Pronunciation: KOH-uh

74. Kohath

Meaning: “Assembly”

Pronunciation: KOH-hath

75. Kolaiah

Meaning: “Voice of Jehovah”

Pronunciation: koh-LAY-uh

76. Kore

Meaning: “Crier” or “partridge”

Pronunciation: KOR-ee

77. Koz

Meaning: “Thorn”

Pronunciation: KOZ

78. Kushaiah

Meaning: “Bow of the Lord”

Pronunciation: koo-SHAY-uh

79. Keren

Meaning: “Horn”

Pronunciation: KER-en

80. Kidron

Meaning: “Turbid”

Pronunciation: KID-ron

Greek Names for Boys That Start with K


81. Kostas

Meaning: “Constant, steadfast”

Pronunciation: KOS-tas

82. Kyriakos

Meaning: “Of the Lord”

Pronunciation: kee-ree-AH-kos

83. Konstantinos

Meaning: “Constant”

Pronunciation: kon-stan-TEE-nos

84. Kristos

Meaning: “Anointed”

Pronunciation: KREE-stos

85. Kleanthis

Meaning: “Glory flower”

Pronunciation: kle-AN-this

86. Kanelos

Meaning: “Cinnamon”

Pronunciation: ka-NE-los

87. Kimon

Meaning: “Where the grass grows”

Pronunciation: KEE-mon

88. Kyprianos

Meaning: “From Cyprus”

Pronunciation: kee-pree-A-nos

89. Kallistos

Meaning: “Most beautiful”

Pronunciation: ka-LEE-stos

90. Kastor

Meaning: “Beaver”

Pronunciation: KAS-tor

91. Kleitos

Meaning: “Famous”

Pronunciation: KLEE-tos

92. Karolos

Meaning: “Free man”

Pronunciation: KA-ro-los

93. Kriton

Meaning: “Judge”

Pronunciation: KREE-ton

94. Klearhos

Meaning: “Famous ruler”

Pronunciation: KLE-ar-hos

95. Kyros

Meaning: “Lord”

Pronunciation: KEE-ros

96. Kleon

Meaning: “Glory”

Pronunciation: KLE-on

97. Kornelius

Meaning: “Horn”

Pronunciation: kor-NE-lee-us

98. Krates

Meaning: “Power”

Pronunciation: KRA-tees

99. Kallias

Meaning: “Most beautiful”

Pronunciation: KA-lee-as

100. Kleomenes

Meaning: “Famous might”

Pronunciation: kle-O-me-nees

101. Kydros

Meaning: “Glorious”

Pronunciation: KEE-dros

102. Kallimachos

Meaning: “Beautiful fighter”

Pronunciation: ka-LEE-ma-hos

103. Kyrillos

Meaning: “Lordly”

Pronunciation: kee-REE-los

104. Konon

Meaning: “Cone”

Pronunciation: KO-non

105. Kleitomachos

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: klee-TO-ma-hos

106. Kephalos

Meaning: “Head”

Pronunciation: KE-fa-los

107. Kydros

Meaning: “Glorious”

Pronunciation: KEE-dros

108. Kalliphon

Meaning: “Beautiful voice”

Pronunciation: ka-LEE-fon

109. Kreon

Meaning: “Ruler”

Pronunciation: KRE-on

110. Kleobulos

Meaning: “Famous counsel”

Pronunciation: kle-O-bu-los

111. Kerkyon

Meaning: “Tail”

Pronunciation: KER-kee-on

112. Kleisthenes

Meaning: “Glory strength”

Pronunciation: KLICE-the-nees

113. Kydias

Meaning: “Glory”

Pronunciation: KEE-dee-as

114. Kleonikos

Meaning: “Glorious victory”

Pronunciation: kle-O-nee-kos

115. Kolakretis

Meaning: “Collector of rent”

Pronunciation: ko-la-KRE-tis

116. Kleidemos

Meaning: “Famous among the people”

Pronunciation: KLEE-de-mos

117. Koios

Meaning: “Question”

Pronunciation: KOY-os

118. Krateros

Meaning: “Strong”

Pronunciation: kra-TE-ros

119. Kallixeinos

Meaning: “Beautiful stranger”

Pronunciation: ka-leek-SEI-nos

120. Krokinos

Meaning: “Saffron-colored”

Pronunciation: KRO-kee-nos

Latin Names for Boys That Start with K


121. Kaius

Meaning: “Rejoice”

Pronunciation: KAY-us

122. Kaeso

Meaning: “Cut”

Pronunciation: KAY-so

123. Kalvin

Meaning: “Bald”

Pronunciation: KAL-vin

124. Kamillus

Meaning: “Attendant for religious services”

Pronunciation: kuh-MIL-us

125. Kanus

Meaning: “White-haired”

Pronunciation: KAY-nus

126. Karol

Meaning: “Man”

Pronunciation: KAR-ol

127. Kassius

Meaning: “Hollow”

Pronunciation: KASH-us

128. Kato

Meaning: “All-knowing”

Pronunciation: KAY-toh

129. Keanu

Meaning: “Cool breeze over the mountains”

Pronunciation: kee-AH-noo

130. Kelvin

Meaning: “From the narrow river”

Pronunciation: KEL-vin

131. Ken

Meaning: “Born of fire”

Pronunciation: KEN

132. Kendrick

Meaning: “Royal ruler”

Pronunciation: KEN-drik

133. Kennedy

Meaning: “Helmeted chief”

Pronunciation: KEN-uh-dee

134. Kenrick

Meaning: “Royal ruler”

Pronunciation: KEN-rik

135. Kent

Meaning: “Coastal dweller”

Pronunciation: KENT

136. Kenzie

Meaning: “Fair-skinned”

Pronunciation: KEN-zee

137. Kevan

Meaning: “Handsome”

Pronunciation: KEV-an

138. Kevin

Meaning: “Handsome”

Pronunciation: KEV-in

139. Kieran

Meaning: “Little dark one”

Pronunciation: KEER-an

140. Killian

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: KIL-ee-an

141. Kilian

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: KIL-ee-an

142. Kilo

Meaning: “Thousand”

Pronunciation: KEE-loh

143. Kingsley

Meaning: “King’s meadow”

Pronunciation: KINGZ-lee

144. Kingston

Meaning: “King’s town”

Pronunciation: KING-stun

145. Kirk

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: KURK

146. Kit

Meaning: “Bearer of Christ”

Pronunciation: KIT

147. Knox

Meaning: “Round hill”

Pronunciation: NOKS

148. Kobe

Meaning: “Tortoise” or “God’s door”

Pronunciation: KOH-bee

149. Kody

Meaning: “Helpful”

Pronunciation: KOH-dee

150. Kolby

Meaning: “Dark-haired”

Pronunciation: KOHL-bee

151. Konnor

Meaning: “Lover of hounds”

Pronunciation: KON-er

152. Koran

Meaning: “From Koran (holy book)”

Pronunciation: kuh-RAN

153. Korbin

Meaning: “Little raven” or “Little crow”

Pronunciation: KOR-bin

154. Kordell

Meaning: “From the corn valley”

Pronunciation: kor-DEL

155. Korey

Meaning: “From the hollow”

Pronunciation: KOR-ee

156. Kris

Meaning: “Bearer of Christ”

Pronunciation: KRIS

157. Krish

Meaning: “Drawing”

Pronunciation: KRISH

158. Kristian

Meaning: “Follower of Christ”

Pronunciation: KRIS-chun

159. Kristopher

Meaning: “Bearer of Christ”

Pronunciation: KRIS-tuh-fer

160. Kurt

Meaning: “Courteous”

Pronunciation: KURT

Irish Names for Boys That Start with K

161. Kade

Meaning: “Round, stout”

Pronunciation: KAYD

162. Kael

Meaning: “Mighty warrior”

Pronunciation: KAYL

163. Kaeleb

Meaning: “Dog”

Pronunciation: KAY-leb

164. Kaelan

Meaning: “Slender”

Pronunciation: KAY-lan

165. Kavan

Meaning: “Handsome”

Pronunciation: KAV-an

166. Keagan

Meaning: “Son of Egan”

Pronunciation: KEE-gan

167. Kean

Meaning: “Ancient”

Pronunciation: KEEN

168. Keane

Meaning: “Warrior”

Pronunciation: KEEN

169. Kearney

Meaning: “Warrior”

Pronunciation: KAR-nee

170. Keegan

Meaning: “Son of Egan”

Pronunciation: KEE-gan

171. Keenan

Meaning: “Ancient”

Pronunciation: KEE-nan

172. Keene

Meaning: “Sharp, wise”

Pronunciation: KEEN

173. Keith

Meaning: “Wood, forest”

Pronunciation: KEETH

174. Kellan

Meaning: “Slender”

Pronunciation: KEL-an

175. Kelley

Meaning: “Descendant of Ceallaigh”

Pronunciation: KEL-ee

176. Kelly

Meaning: “Bright-headed”

Pronunciation: KEL-ee

177. Kelvin

Meaning: “Narrow water”

Pronunciation: KEL-vin

178. Ken

Meaning: “Handsome”

Pronunciation: KEN

179. Kennan

Meaning: “Ancient”

Pronunciation: KEN-an

180. Kennedy

Meaning: “Helmeted chief”

Pronunciation: KEN-uh-dee

181. Kenneth

Meaning: “Handsome”

Pronunciation: KEN-eth

182. Keon

Meaning: “Ancient”

Pronunciation: KEE-on

183. Kerr

Meaning: “Dark”

Pronunciation: KUR

184. Kerry

Meaning: “Dark-haired”

Pronunciation: KER-ee

185. Kevin

Meaning: “Handsome”

Pronunciation: KEV-in

186. Kieran

Meaning: “Little dark one”

Pronunciation: KEER-an

187. Killian

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: KIL-ee-an

188. Killion

Meaning: “Strife”

Pronunciation: KIL-ee-on

189. Kip

Meaning: “From the pointed hill”

Pronunciation: KIP

190. Kirby

Meaning: “Church settlement”

Pronunciation: KUR-bee

191. Kirk

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: KURK

192. Kody

Meaning: “Helpful”

Pronunciation: KOH-dee

193. Kolby

Meaning: “Coal town”

Pronunciation: KOHL-bee

194. Konnor

Meaning: “Lover of hounds”

Pronunciation: KON-er

195. Koran

Meaning: “Descendant of Ciaran”

Pronunciation: KOR-an

196. Korbin

Meaning: “Little raven”

Pronunciation: KOR-bin

197. Kyle

Meaning: “Narrow, strait”

Pronunciation: KYL

198. Kyler

Meaning: “Church land”

Pronunciation: KY-ler

199. Kyran

Meaning: “Little dark one”

Pronunciation: KY-ran

200. Kylian

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: KIL-ee-an

Scottish Names for Boys That Start with K


201. Kaid

Meaning: “Wetland, bog”

Pronunciation: KAYD

202. Kale

Meaning: “Slender”

Pronunciation: KAYL

203. Kam

Meaning: “Crooked”

Pronunciation: KAM

204. Kane

Meaning: “Battle”

Pronunciation: KAYN

205. Kavan

Meaning: “Handsome”

Pronunciation: KAV-an

206. Kay

Meaning: “Fire”

Pronunciation: KAY

207. Keach

Meaning: “From the hollows”

Pronunciation: KEECH

208. Kean

Meaning: “Ancient”

Pronunciation: KEEN

209. Keane

Meaning: “Warrior”

Pronunciation: KEEN

210. Kearney

Meaning: “Warrior”

Pronunciation: KAR-nee

211. Keegan

Meaning: “Son of Aodhagáin”

Pronunciation: KEE-gan

212. Keenan

Meaning: “Ancient”

Pronunciation: KEE-nan

213. Keillor

Meaning: “Little wood”

Pronunciation: KEE-lor

214. Keith

Meaning: “Wood, forest”

Pronunciation: KEETH

215. Kellar

Meaning: “Cellar dweller”

Pronunciation: KEL-ar

216. Kelso

Meaning: “Chalk cliff”

Pronunciation: KEL-so

217. Kelvin

Meaning: “Narrow water”

Pronunciation: KEL-vin

218. Kendrick

Meaning: “Royal ruler”

Pronunciation: KEN-drik

219. Kenet

Meaning: “Born of fire”

Pronunciation: KEN-et

220. Kenley

Meaning: “Royal meadow”

Pronunciation: KEN-lee

221. Kenneth

Meaning: “Handsome”

Pronunciation: KEN-eth

222. Kennoway

Meaning: “Head of the ravine”

Pronunciation: KEN-o-way

223. Kenny

Meaning: “Born of fire”

Pronunciation: KEN-ee

224. Kenton

Meaning: “Royal settlement”

Pronunciation: KEN-ton

225. Kentigern

Meaning: “Chief lord”

Pronunciation: ken-TI-gern

226. Kenzie

Meaning: “Fair-skinned”

Pronunciation: KEN-zee

227. Kerr

Meaning: “Rough wet ground”

Pronunciation: KER

228. Kester

Meaning: “Christ-bearer”

Pronunciation: KES-ter

229. Kevin

Meaning: “Handsome”

Pronunciation: KEV-in

230. Kiaran

Meaning: “Little dark one”

Pronunciation: KEER-an

231. Kilby

Meaning: “Farm by a creek”

Pronunciation: KIL-bee

232. Kincaid

Meaning: “Chief’s son”

Pronunciation: kin-KAYD

233. Kinnon

Meaning: “Fair-headed”

Pronunciation: KIN-on

234. Kinsey

Meaning: “King’s victory”

Pronunciation: KIN-see

235. Kintyre

Meaning: “Headland”

Pronunciation: kin-TYRE

236. Kipling

Meaning: “One who cures salmon”

Pronunciation: KIP-ling

237. Kipp

Meaning: “From the pointed hill”

Pronunciation: KIP

238. Kirk

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: KURK

239. Kirkland

Meaning: “Church land”

Pronunciation: KIRK-land

240. Knox

Meaning: “Round hill”

Pronunciation: NOKS

French Names for Boys That Start with K


241. Kévin

Meaning: “Handsome”

Pronunciation: kay-VAN

242. Karl

Meaning: “Free man”

Pronunciation: karl

243. Killian

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: kee-lee-AN

244. Karim

Meaning: “Generous”

Pronunciation: ka-REEM

245. Kenzo

Meaning: “Strong and healthy”

Pronunciation: ken-ZO

246. Kylian

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: kee-lee-AN

247. Kamil

Meaning: “Perfect”

Pronunciation: ka-MEEL

248. Kurt

Meaning: “Courteous”

Pronunciation: kurt

249. Kénan

Meaning: “Ancient”

Pronunciation: kay-NAN

250. Kais

Meaning: “Measure”

Pronunciation: ka-EES

251. Kamel

Meaning: “Perfect”

Pronunciation: ka-MEL

252. Kévin

Meaning: “Handsome”

Pronunciation: kay-VAN

253. Kilian

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: kee-lee-AN

254. Khaled

Meaning: “Eternal”

Pronunciation: ka-LED

255. Kelvin

Meaning: “Friend of ships”

Pronunciation: kel-VAN

256. Kévin

Meaning: “Handsome”

Pronunciation: kay-VAN

257. Kader

Meaning: “Powerful”

Pronunciation: ka-DER

258. Kaïs

Meaning: “Leader”

Pronunciation: ka-EES

259. Kadër

Meaning: “Powerful”

Pronunciation: ka-DER

260. Kénan

Meaning: “Ancient”

Pronunciation: kay-NAN

261. Kenzo

Meaning: “Strong and healthy”

Pronunciation: ken-ZO

262. Kylian

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: kee-lee-AN

263. Kamal

Meaning: “Perfection”

Pronunciation: ka-MAL

264. Kévin

Meaning: “Handsome”

Pronunciation: kay-VAN

265. Kilian

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: kee-lee-AN

266. Kenji

Meaning: “Intelligent second son”

Pronunciation: ken-JEE

267. Khalil

Meaning: “Friend”

Pronunciation: ka-LEEL

268. Killian

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: kee-lee-AN

269. Kévin

Meaning: “Handsome”

Pronunciation: kay-VAN

270. Kaïs

Meaning: “Leader”

Pronunciation: ka-EES

271. Kylian

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: kee-lee-AN

272. Kenzo

Meaning: “Strong and healthy”

Pronunciation: ken-ZO

273. Karim

Meaning: “Generous”

Pronunciation: ka-REEM

274. Kilian

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: kee-lee-AN

275. Karel

Meaning: “Free man”

Pronunciation: ka-REL

276. Kévin

Meaning: “Handsome”

Pronunciation: kay-VAN

277. Kylian

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: kee-lee-AN

278. Kénan

Meaning: “Ancient”

Pronunciation: kay-NAN

279. Kenzo

Meaning: “Strong and healthy”

Pronunciation: ken-ZO

280. Killian

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: kee-lee-AN

German Names for Boys That Start with K

281. Karl

Meaning: “Free man”

Pronunciation: KARL

282. Klaus

Meaning: “Victory of the people”

Pronunciation: KLOWS

283. Konrad

Meaning: “Brave counsel”

Pronunciation: KON-rad

284. Kurt

Meaning: “Courteous”

Pronunciation: KURT

285. Kai

Meaning: “Sea”

Pronunciation: KYE

286. Kevin

Meaning: “Handsome”

Pronunciation: KEV-in

287. Kilian

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: KIL-ee-an

288. Karsten

Meaning: “Christian”

Pronunciation: KAR-sten

289. Kaspar

Meaning: “Treasurer”

Pronunciation: KAS-par

290. Kay

Meaning: “Rejoice”

Pronunciation: KYE

291. Knut

Meaning: “Knot”

Pronunciation: k-NOOT

292. Konstantin

Meaning: “Constant”

Pronunciation: kon-stan-TEEN

293. Kornelius

Meaning: “Horn”

Pronunciation: kor-NEE-lee-us

294. Kuno

Meaning: “Family”

Pronunciation: KOO-no

295. Kasimir

Meaning: “Destroyer of peace”

Pronunciation: KA-zi-meer

296. Karlheinz

Meaning: “Free man” + “Home ruler”

Pronunciation: KARL-hynes

297. Klemens

Meaning: “Merciful”

Pronunciation: KLEM-ens

298. Korbinian

Meaning: “Raven”

Pronunciation: kor-BIN-yan

299. Kasper

Meaning: “Treasurer”

Pronunciation: KAS-per

300. Kjell

Meaning: “Kettle, cauldron”

Pronunciation: CHEL

301. Karsten

Meaning: “Christian”

Pronunciation: KAR-sten

302. Klaas

Meaning: “Victory of the people”

Pronunciation: KLAHS

303. Kian

Meaning: “Ancient”

Pronunciation: KEE-an

304. Killian

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: KIL-ee-an

305. Kalle

Meaning: “Free man”

Pronunciation: KAL-luh

306. Karol

Meaning: “Free man”

Pronunciation: KA-rol

307. Kuno

Meaning: “Family”

Pronunciation: KOO-no

308. Karlo

Meaning: “Free man”

Pronunciation: KAR-lo

309. Korbinian

Meaning: “Raven”

Pronunciation: kor-BIN-yan

310. Kjeld

Meaning: “Kettle, cauldron”

Pronunciation: KYELD

311. Kuno

Meaning: “Family”

Pronunciation: KOO-no

312. Kord

Meaning: “Bold counsel”

Pronunciation: KORD

313. Kuno

Meaning: “Family”

Pronunciation: KOO-no

314. Kaspar

Meaning: “Treasurer”

Pronunciation: KAS-par

315. Kilian

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: KIL-ee-an

316. Karlmann

Meaning: “Free man”

Pronunciation: KARL-man

317. Kuno

Meaning: “Family”

Pronunciation: KOO-no

318. Kasimir

Meaning: “Destroyer of peace”

Pronunciation: KA-zi-meer

319. Karsten

Meaning: “Christian”

Pronunciation: KAR-sten

320. Kuno

Meaning: “Family”

Pronunciation: KOO-no

Spanish Names for Boys That Start with K


321. Kevin

Meaning: “Handsome”

Pronunciation: KEH-veen

322. Kiko

Meaning: “Ruler”

Pronunciation: KEE-ko

323. Kaleb

Meaning: “Dog”

Pronunciation: kah-LEB

324. Karim

Meaning: “Generous”

Pronunciation: kah-REEM

325. Kael

Meaning: “Mighty warrior”

Pronunciation: kah-EL

326. Kenzo

Meaning: “Strong and healthy”

Pronunciation: KEN-zo

327. Kai

Meaning: “Sea”

Pronunciation: KYE

328. Kilian

Meaning: “Little church”

Pronunciation: KEE-lee-ahn

329. Keanu

Meaning: “Cool breeze over the mountains”

Pronunciation: kee-AH-noo

330. Kian

Meaning: “Ancient”

Pronunciation: KEE-ahn

331. Koke

Meaning: “Victorious people”

Pronunciation: KO-keh

332. Kenneth

Meaning: “Handsome”

Pronunciation: KEN-eth

333. Karl

Meaning: “Free man”

Pronunciation: KARL

334. Karol

Meaning: “Man”

Pronunciation: kah-ROL

335. Kike

Meaning: “Ruler of the household”

Pronunciation: KEE-keh

336. Kaspar

Meaning: “Treasurer”

Pronunciation: KAHS-par

337. Kuno

Meaning: “Family”

Pronunciation: KOO-no

338. Kelvin

Meaning: “Friend of ships”

Pronunciation: KEL-veen

339. Kaled

Meaning: “Eternal”

Pronunciation: kah-LED

340. Kenzo

Meaning: “Strong and healthy”

Pronunciation: KEN-zo

341. Karim

Meaning: “Generous”

Pronunciation: kah-REEM

342. Kody

Meaning: “Helpful”

Pronunciation: KOH-dee

343. Klaus

Meaning: “Victory of the people”

Pronunciation: KLOWS

344. Kino

Meaning: “Cinema”

Pronunciation: KEE-no

345. Kaiden

Meaning: “Companion”

Pronunciation: KAY-den

346. Keaton

Meaning: “Place of hawks”

Pronunciation: KEE-ton

347. Koda

Meaning: “Friend”

Pronunciation: KOH-dah

348. Kade

Meaning: “Round”

Pronunciation: KAYD

349. Kendrick

Meaning: “Royal ruler”

Pronunciation: KEN-drik

350. Karam

Meaning: “Generosity”

Pronunciation: kah-RAM

351. Kato

Meaning: “All-knowing”

Pronunciation: KAH-toh

352. Kyrie

Meaning: “Lord”

Pronunciation: KEE-ree

353. Konnor

Meaning: “Wolf lover”

Pronunciation: KON-nor

354. Kasen

Meaning: “Pious”

Pronunciation: KAY-sen

355. Kobe

Meaning: “Tortoise”

Pronunciation: KOH-bee

356. Kavon

Meaning: “Educated”

Pronunciation: kah-VON

357. Khari

Meaning: “Kingly”

Pronunciation: kah-REE

358. Kellen

Meaning: “Slender”

Pronunciation: KEL-en

359. Kenji

Meaning: “Intelligent second son”

Pronunciation: KEN-jee

360. Kairo

Meaning: “Victorious one”

Pronunciation: KYE-ro

Italian Names for Boys That Start with K


361. Karlo

Meaning: “Free man”

Pronunciation: KAR-loh

362. Kevin

Meaning: “Handsome”

Pronunciation: KEH-veen

363. Kilian

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: KEE-lee-ahn

364. Karim

Meaning: “Generous”

Pronunciation: kah-REEM

365. Kristian

Meaning: “Follower of Christ”

Pronunciation: kree-STEE-ahn

366. Kai

Meaning: “Sea”

Pronunciation: KAI

367. Ken

Meaning: “Handsome”

Pronunciation: KEN

368. Klaus

Meaning: “Victory of the people”

Pronunciation: KLOWS

369. Keanu

Meaning: “Cool breeze over the mountains”

Pronunciation: kee-AH-noo

370. Kurt

Meaning: “Courteous”

Pronunciation: KURT

371. Karl

Meaning: “Free man”

Pronunciation: KARL

372. Kasper

Meaning: “Treasurer”

Pronunciation: KAS-per

373. Konrad

Meaning: “Brave counsel”

Pronunciation: KON-rad

374. Kenzo

Meaning: “Strong and healthy”

Pronunciation: KEN-zoh

375. Kieran

Meaning: “Little dark one”

Pronunciation: KEER-an

376. Kelvin

Meaning: “Friend of ships”

Pronunciation: KEL-vin

377. Kyrie

Meaning: “Lord”

Pronunciation: KEE-ree

378. Kian

Meaning: “Ancient”

Pronunciation: KEE-an

379. Kody

Meaning: “Helpful”

Pronunciation: KOH-dee

380. Killian

Meaning: “Church”

Pronunciation: KIL-ee-an

381. Keaton

Meaning: “Place of hawks”

Pronunciation: KEE-ton

382. Kade

Meaning: “Round”

Pronunciation: KAYD

383. Kaiden

Meaning: “Companion”

Pronunciation: KAY-den

384. Knox

Meaning: “Round hill”

Pronunciation: NOKS

385. Kason

Meaning: “Pure”

Pronunciation: KAY-son

386. Kael

Meaning: “Mighty warrior”

Pronunciation: KAYL

387. Kyler

Meaning: “Archer”

Pronunciation: KY-ler

388. Kamden

Meaning: “Enclosed valley”

Pronunciation: KAM-den

389. Keegan

Meaning: “Son of Aodhagain”

Pronunciation: KEE-gan

390. Konnor

Meaning: “Lover of hounds”

Pronunciation: KON-or

391. Kye

Meaning: “Narrow”

Pronunciation: KY

392. Kace

Meaning: “Vigilant”

Pronunciation: KAYS

393. Kasen

Meaning: “Pious”

Pronunciation: KAY-sen

394. Kole

Meaning: “Victory of the people”

Pronunciation: KOHL

395. Keon

Meaning: “Royal”

Pronunciation: KEE-on

396. Kurtis

Meaning: “Courteous”

Pronunciation: KUR-tis

397. Kash

Meaning: “Universe”

Pronunciation: KASH

398. Kyson

Meaning: “Son of Kyle”

Pronunciation: KY-son

399. Kabir

Meaning: “Great”

Pronunciation: ka-BEER

400. Keiran

Meaning: “Little dark one”

Pronunciation: KEER-an

Wrapping Up

Finding the ideal name that starts with K for your little boy involves more than just liking how it sounds—it’s about selecting a title that will carry him through life with confidence and character.

From timeless favorites to rising stars, K names offer remarkable versatility and appeal.

Consider how the name might age with him, how it pairs with your surname, and what nickname options it provides.

Trust your instincts—when you find that perfect K name, you’ll know it.

The right choice awaits among these strong, distinguished options.

Whatever K name you ultimately choose, it will become an integral part of your son’s identity and his incredible life story.

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